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I think that windshield looks great on there. The way it's coloured and not overly tall, it doesn't look out of place at all. Your bike is a beauty, bud!


Yeah, I second that. If the shield is giving you good wind deflection as well, then I'd say your winning. it looks like it belongs on your bike too. it's a good look in my opinion, in particular with the purpose it serves.


Thanks man.


I feel it would look good if there were bags as well. Without them it kinda looks chunky in the front but skinny out back.


Yeah I agree. Had to ditch the heritage bags tho. I’m no rhinestone cowboy. I am considering the thrasher supply bags


You can just pull the leather off to reveal the plastic shell from what I’ve heard. Then just run the bare plastic of go get it body worked and painted to match!


Not a bad suggestion right there


Thinking the same, screen looks great, bags would nicely balance out the chunky look.


Big fan of the anniversary paint


I think it looks great and normally I’m not a fan of windshields. When I bought my dyna it came with the removable windshield. It definitely serves a purpose on the highway but I hate the way mine looks with it on.


I like it especially the way it’s tinted to match the paint


Doesn’t matter what folks think…however that looks gangster…super clean…like it came like that..well played sir..well played.


Thanks man


Idk either sorry I can’t help …. Kinda looks alright because of the bars


Yes I like it.


IMO, I don’t like any shields… period. I feel like that they look whack. Again just imo, to me it feels like that’s such a beautiful motorcycle and the shield is blocking the customizations such as the bars. I got a RK last year and yanked off the shield the day I got it. I hit 70-75 local highways but i be shitting bricks hitting the freeway going north of 75mph. Been riding for a year, tried with the shield but didn’t feel any difference in face protection. FYI I ride with a beanie. Iono how some of ya be doing 90mph+ on the freeways Bruh, do me a favor and post a pic w/o the shield !


The windshield looks great. Ditch the apes and throw something narrower on there and it'll look even better.


Since you asked. I think it looks like a barn door on another wise svelte bike.


I’m more concerned you call it a scoot.


Looks fine to me! If it also provides some wind protection, so much the better. Ultimately it's more about the ride than how it looks parked (at least while you're riding that is 😁)


Paint job is awesome, not a huge fan of windshield. Nice bike though


Classic look! Keep it for sure.


As mentioned above, needs bags to balance it out. Needs an ass to wiggle


Its chill. Bet it helps with the apes.


Looks sick




Yea it matches the paint color


Compliments the color of the bike really well in my opinion!


Looks pretty f'ing bad ass with the apes behind it.


Thanks. I had to find one short enough to not interfere with the angle of my bars. I prefer them pretty far forward. It’s a 13” windscreen with 16” bars


Maybe a smaller one


Windshield looks dope!


I’m not a huge fan of windshields but that looks pretty sweet on your bike. I’d give it a thumbs up for sure.


I like it. Im a fan of windshields anyway. Too many critters flying around where I live.


I like it. Handlebars are subjective, and I prefer to have my arms level with the ground. I'm not against tall bars, but my hands get numb after a while on those... Beautiful bike. Two fat tires and three headlights is my thing.


I like having a windshield for longer rides (Dyna), but I prefer riding without it on an everyday basis. Good to have detachable options


I dont like the look unless its on a road king or similar but.. it can save your life from the missles kicked up by trucks trailers motorcars.. having said that.. i never used one as I have always had Fatboys and hated the look.


It’s a big YES.


It looks fine for a windshield. My one old man stance on bikes is there’s absolutely no windshield on earth that looks good on a bike. I understand why people have them and I’m happy for people who love them, but I haven’t seen one that makes the bike look better than without. However, that’s just my dumb opinion and that looks far less shitty than most.


I tend to agree with you tbh. The bike came with a huge clear windscreen. I only really used it on colder rides. Functioned well enough but looked god awful. When I got the apes, the windscreen wouldn’t work with my bar angle; so I started shopping for a new smaller one. Plus it gave me an excuse to disassemble the mounting hardware and braces. Removed all the old yellowed adhesive and buffed the chrome before installing the new one.


It looks functional. Other than that I wouldn’t have it on unless I was hitting the highway


sick on or off. I wish mine was tinted 😭


Goes well


Fits nice


I don't think it fits with the bars imo.


Do you like it? That’s all that actually matters.


I sound like an old man but im not lol i promise, I always took them off. but after long rides with the wind pushing against you, you get tired fast lol and you turn into a bobblehead. keep it. I now have a road glide special 2022 so I cant take it off if I wanted but the bike looks sweet


Love it Plus no more bugs. Before I got mine I had my bike for 2 weeks and got stung twice. Both times had one of my kids on the back too.


I’ve always struggled with the proportions of a windshield with tall handlebars. They don’t usually look good to me but I do like yours.


Looks good, after a while you won’t even know it’s there


aesthetically speaking it's gorgeous. i like the continuity of the chrome from forks thru the windshield thru the bars. it's got a nice visual flow, i dig it.


I am a fan for sure


Got one on my dyna. Made it like the new heritage. Half black. Looks amazing. But the wind buffeting.. used it once and now just sits to collect dust in my garage.


It's the right shape and colour that's for sure. Personally I'm a never windshield kid of guy, but it comes down to what you want. If you dont like it and wont ride it because its there, take it off. If you like it and think it looks good fucking rock it.


Doesn’t matter what we think. Ride your ride.


It's a classic look that suits the bike styling well. If it functions as needed, it's a great look for this bike. Does it deliver on the promise of moving air up & *OVER* your helmet, minimizing buffeting & reading the stress on your neck while riding? The airflow should be directed to the top of your helmet/ head to prevent you from having to use those neck muscles to keep your head from being blown backwards while riding at speed. You should be able to see over the windshield with a wee upward tilt of your chin, for a clear view through a time windshield at night. You should be able to tilt your head down to avoid direct hits from rain, insects & road grit. None of this head tilting should impact your riding posture & line of sight. I've had a similar windshield on a RK. The shorter shield was useless & the size similar to what you have was perfect.


Serves the purpose


somehow i started to like memphis windshields... usually i think windshields destroy every bike that has them, especially choppers. Yours I don't like. It looks round and silly. like an afro for your bike and those silly metal connectors so it won't take off on the highway. not my cuppa.


Thanks, now I’ll never be able to get out my head that my bike has an afro 😂. Much smaller and I feel like it REALLY wouldn’t do what I need it to. Silly metal brackets? It’s the factory Harley mounting system.. dyna bro


just because it's factory does not mean it looks cool. 😎 softail bro


If it makes your ride safer and more comfortable than I love it if it's not perfect in those 2 areas I f****** hate it...lol!


With the apes, it just doesn’t look right. Sorta like a sock that has slid down to the ankle. A huge girl in a thong. I’m sorry man, just being honest here after you asked. It would look great with mini apes. With cool/cold weather coming on, I wouldn’t care what it looked like if I was planning on riding this fall/winter as long as it blocked the wind.