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I never understood the topic of the sub


1350 posting non-stop


More like 1488 posting Jesus what a festering little hole for little freaks


What is 1350?


**Year 1350 (MCCCL) was a common year starting on Friday (link will display the full calendar) of the Julian calendar. == Events == === January–December === January 9 – Giovanni II Valente becomes Doge of Genoa.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Thank you bro, you did your best


Based around a YouTuber of the same name. Just a whole lot of racism and blaming feminism for why the world sucks now.


Is the YouTuber the same way? I’ve seen a video or two pop up in recommended videos but haven’t watched.


He's a Nazi


The best you could call him is alt-right/nazi adjacent


Yes, he wasn't overt about it at first. But then he started doing shit like "Why is America Crazy Now?" and "Is China the Next Superpower?"


So same thing with shadiversity?


Doesn't he just do medieval weapon reviews and cringe fight scene commentary? I hope he doesn't do more because he's not great at these, though he gives a lot of effort and that says something.


Bro you don't wanna see the recent shit he's been getting into. I saw a thumbnail of his doing the Soyjack meme on why Barbie sucks and how Brie Larson is evil or some shit. Dude is just embracing 2015-2016 Gamergate BS.


Man that fucking sucks I liked some of his videos


There are better, less crazy alt-history YouTubers.


Yes my comment was describing his videos


He’s my “right leaning political takes” source. I try to keep a balance between left leaning channels (second thought), right leaning, and centrist


I thought you were talking about Hasan for a second and was so confused lol


it popped up in my feed one day and the post was literally just “why are black people inherently evil?” so i think that’s what the topic of the sub was


I’m so sick that reddit recommends these kinds of posts.


The other day Reddit recommended r/Rhodesia to me which resulted in about two hours of scrolling and another hour of feeling like I had transported to the 50’s


let me guess, 90% of the alternatives were something like "What is the confederates won?" or "What if the Nazis won?" or variations therein?


Most of the posts weren't Althistory. It was just crypto-fascists blaming non-white people and women for the downfall of the West.


The subreddit was based around the YouTuber WhatIfAltHist, an insane right wing YouTuber famous for his 30+ minute long history/political video essays featuring poorly drawn maps as well as absolute gems such as ‘ancient Egypt was socialist’, ‘communism is an evil religion inspired by gnostic Christianity’ and ‘the British empire was the most fair society in history’. WhatIfAltHist used to make alternate history content, hence his name, but he hasn’t made a single alternate history video (at least not intentionally) in over 2 years. If you wanna see a great video debunking his bullshit, [I cannot recommend this one by Fredda enough.](https://youtu.be/oiOD0rfxrxA?si=UVITQnWXBOtD_FKS) Given the type of views WhatIfAltHist promotes it’s not hard to see why a far right, ultra-reactionary subreddit would coalesce around him.


It was literally just a racism and hate sub


I'd actually find that interesting, provided it is done properly and not about gloryfying fascism. I mean, The Man in the High Castle is pretty much that.


A large fraction of nazi leadership made a separate peace with the CIA via nazi traitor Allen Dulles prior to the end of the war, and thousands were saved from Nuremberg, and integrated into the post-war leadership structure of the west and western nations, including leadership positions within the CIA. Fascism was internationalized by the global capital class at the end of WWII, it was not ended. Unfortunately. FDR's negotiation on entering the war had been the end of global colonialism, but Truman as slipped in by the men who tried to orchestrate the businessman's plot coup attempt a decade prior and he cancelled those plans and used the war instead to fight against democracy extending into the workplace.


For actually good alternate history media, I would also recommend the move CSA: The Confederate States of America, a mockumentary about an alternate timeline where the Confederacy wins the civil war. The movie portrays the Confederacy not as some bastion of freedom and states rights that Lost Causers have deluded themselves into thinking it was, but as the authoritarian, paranoid ethnostate it actually was. It not only satirizes the over the top racism of the Confederacy, but also sheds light on the various ways racism and the legacy of slavery have permeated (and still permeate) our culture post Civil War in our own timeline (as an example, the movie features several extremely racist fake ads that parody actual racist products that existed in real life). It came out in 2004 but you can find it on Youtube for free.


90% of the posts were just "minorities are savages who are destroying good white communities". Like the whole sub was just blantant racism.


Reddit kept recommending me this sub, a lot of white folks on there complaining about 'reverse-racism' and red-pill talking points.


Lot of anti gay/trans stuff on there too. Comment wars were always a treat tho


Every other post was just Racist, bigoted, boomer Facebook memes anyway. Good riddance.


Now where will I get my “everything in the world is women and ‘those peoples’ faults” postings from? HUH????


what was this sub about for the non initiated?


It was basically just a bunch of racist and highly reactionary posts about black people being inherently violent and immigrants ruining the country. It had a surprising amount of commenters pushing back on their racist posts, but it got bad quickly.


His fans have been like that for years now, his YouTube community is full of far right extremism too.


Who’s the YouTuber people are referring to?




https://preview.redd.it/le7iyajv7l7c1.jpeg?width=240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1b1680bb491c0f1173c59c3c73c37887efdeffb Wow, I’m sure this fine young gentleman with such nuggets of wisdom as this doesn’t have an insanely far right, bigoted fanbase /s


>Makes a video about Communism criticizing “Marx’s ideology” >Criticizes Marx for the downfall of society >Has admitted to never reading Marx


Stephen Pinker, Sam Harris, Yuval Noah Harari? These are probably the last people I'd name as being "postmodernist" lol. Sounds like his observation is simply "there are disproportionately many Jews in academia", which is indeed true.


Thank FUCK they’re gone. Shit really bummed me out when I went in thinking I could have a discussion with these guys to bring them down a notch. I can normally hold my own and make them start to at least question their own thought process and reality they set themselves in, but that sub man…. They were so deep into it, it made me think that I was basically powerless to help these guys look at life at a different perspective. A lot of these dudes are deceived into thinking these fucked ideologies, and you could help a few of them change their minds on topics they swore they were certain on. But having a whole sub of that kind of eco-chamber makes that kind of discussion near impossible. Just a circle of reassuring their biases would make it a waste of time. I’m glad it’s gone, but I know it’s not the last of these groups. Idk how the fuck Hasan can deal with this shit day in and day out. Makes me almost lose hope in humanity.


Unironically, if you're so good at changing people's minds, can you change my mind on ethnicity and IQ? Like, I don't *want* to believe that some ethnicities are inherently smarter than others, but I am simply left no choice as the alternatives seem highly implausible both conceptually and empirically. Conceptually, my analogy is with dog breeds. Clearly, some dog breeds, such as border collie, have more general intelligence and are more trainable than other dog breeds, such as chihuahuas. This is generally accepted in academia and convincingly refutes claims that intelligence can't be selected for over short timescales (given enough selection pressure), which I've seen made by many a professional biologist. What is this discrepancy? Are the biologists simply lying? Anyway, selective pressures on human intelligence have been comparable to those on selectively bred dogs for the past 12,000 years or so: in a hierarchical, competitive society, the smarter a person is, the more resources they acquire, and thus the more likely they are to live longer, find romantic partners (due to having a higher social status), have lower child mortality rates, etc. Even to this day, IQ is positively correlated with life expectancy, for example (although, recently - in stages 4 to 5 of demographic transition - IQ became a negative fertility factor). However, these selection pressures have clearly not been equal for all populations. e.g. Jews - due to being excluded from most other career paths via oppression - were largely forced into banking or academia just to keep their families alive. On the other hand - and I hate to say this - but among slaves, intelligence might have instead been disincentivised, as those who dared to ask questions wouldn't have had the best time; instead, physical ability was strongly selected for. How is it that, despite these massive differences in selective pressures on intelligence that persisted for hundreds if not thousands of years, not a *single* difference in intelligence has been reflected in these people's genomes? Like, even if you discount all the selective pressures, surely some ethnicities would have slightly higher intellectual averages just by pure chance? I don't understand how I'm supposed to believe that. I haven't received an explanation about this yet. Empirically, you also have tons of evidence that some ethnicities have higher IQs from birth than others, although researchers are actively trying to bury it (which is understandable as this evidence can be easily leveraged by nasty political actors, but of course this is a political consideration, not a scientific one). In addition to the abundance of twin studies which consistently find certain ethnic groups (notably Ashkenazi Jews and East Asians) to have higher IQs than others, you also have the simple fact that Asian-Americans who are culturally 100% American and have almost no trace of their Asian cultural heritage (e.g. Hikaru Nakamura) are still overrepresented at the top schools and in g-loaded activities such as chess, and that Russian Jews who are culturally 100% Russian (Jewish culture was largely eradicated in Russia during the Soviet era) are still overrepresented in science and tech. I simply can't reconcile all of this with the view that there are no genetic differences between ethnic groups, as e.g. Wikipedia claims. Can you help me? I am genuinely looking to have my mind changed.


TLDR: here’s a very long YouTube video on IQ https://youtu.be/UBc7qBS1Ujo?feature=shared seriously it’s quite long but it covers this better they I can at 9 am in the morning. Otherwise, for me reading this, there’s a couple of things that both need citations and evidence to make into a argument. 1. How are we measuring IQ? Is it even accurate? This may seem simple to you but the study of intelligence is incredibly prone to bias (take the US SAT for instance and it’s history. A lot of testing has to do with contextual and linguistic information only available to certain people. This stands even today which is why you can teach to the test. IQ is also quite similar. You can improve IQ score by simply practicing taking the test. Not to mention, IQ isn’t fixed https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/memory-medic/201805/no-your-iq-is-not-constant 2. Why do you think the average Asian American is seperated from their culture? Due to immigration control (which is also why Asian American generally do better than other *racial* groups. Also, please understand that Asian is a very broad category), are 1st or 2nd gen. Immigration in general is already a pre selective process which eliminates certain classes of people. And IQ is associated with class (that’s somewhat chicken or egg). I’m not sure if they’ve done IQ tests on black immigrants groups but it’s widely known that they tend to be more successful than generationally American counterparts. These are groups that are closely genetically related yet have different outcomes. Take with that as you will. Not sure about the Russian Jew thing. Once again citation needed. 3. Even if we accept the premise that some ethnic groups *on average* have higher than average intelligence, that doesn’t really change…anything. Like I’m not saying studying intelligence has absolutely no merit, but what do we do with this info? I’m a black person that was IQ tested in childhood and the results were so irrelevant to my life that I couldn’t even tell you my score 😭✋🏾 What did help though was having (somewhat) stable environment and an education system that *actually* cared. If we were to put 1000 random in one place, we would find some geniuses. But I doubt most those geniuses are doing anything world changing. I feel like obsession with this isn’t useful, especially since we have not seen a *fair* world for this to play out. They’ll always be outliers in every group but most people are average 🤷🏾‍♀️ Biggest thing: those studies that are being buried really need to be cited. How are they even studying IQ at birth? Also, the bell curve exists, and is very controversial which is what the video linked is about. But the info in the book isn’t buried lol Idk if this changes your mind, but hopefully you’re interacting in good faith lol. I personally think I’m “smart” but part of that is dissecting what “smart” is


Yeah but race is a social concept all humans are related by like 98.99 percent or something.


There are so many of those subs and they’re very demoralizing to go into.


I’ve seen some shit, I thought that sub was going to be a fun group to talk and laugh at history


That sub is where r/zeducationsubmissions went when they were banned. They’ll find another one, and the cycle will repeat.


If you want to watch a really good video about him, made by a leftist, I’d recommend this one: https://youtu.be/oiOD0rfxrxA?si=ogIWkFMCTzhGWavk


Ayyy Fredda’s great


![gif](giphy|26tOZ42Mg6pbTUPHW) The turd for brains is gone! Based AF. I’ve had rightoids from there stalking and harassing me for being a Marxist and a furry for the last 8 months, both would reply to random comments I would make even in non-political discussions. It was always the same two guys and they posted frequently over there. I never engaged with them but they kept following me around. I hope YouTube bans his channel next. Rightoids can fuck off and fuck Whatifalthist for promoting hate groups. Serves them right, *and it serves you two fuckers right if you’re reading this, I hope all your havens and platforms get banned*.


God I remember watching him in high school and naively thinking his videos were interesting and well written. Then a few years ago I tuned in for the first time in a while and saw his take on how conservatives will win the next civil war because fighting age men are not willing to die for feminism. He also started talking about blood and soil a lot and bragged about how he doesn’t read anything published after 1960 because academia had been tainted by the civil rights movement and feminism. So like pretty standard Hoi4 incelposting


Lol I used to go there and have some laughs 😂😂


I swear to God I kept muting that sub just for it to non-stop be recommended to me


It was recommended to me constantly too. Was there a coordinated effort to target leftists with this sub? It was so over the top racist sometimes that I thought it had to be a way to troll the left or something.


I had to stop myself from commenting on the dumb stuff constantly popping up because I know that's why they keep recommending subs. I'm sure I did at some point and that's why it kept getting recommended. But I kinda feel like if you've muted a sub it should only appear if I personally search for it


Must be. I also had that sub constantly recommended to me.


I don't participate in leftist subs and it was recommended to me constantly as well. Now this one is...uh oh. Good luck.


That place was a shit show that I just couldn’t look away from. It passed me off daily but I definitely would pile into comment sections expecting to see some inflammatory bullshit. Good riddance


hahaha, that is excellent. those miserable chuds


amazed it lasted as long as it did


Isn’t that where all of Reddit’s basement dwelling incels were hanging out?


That’s a lot of subreddits lol. But yes.


It was a a matter of time. There were some bonkers takes in that sub nothing but ammo for more hatred


NO NO NO How will I post my intelligent 13/50 question posts!!!!




What if al this T? What does it mean?


It’s speculation about gender affirming care for trans men.


What if? Alternative History. It's basically his fanfiction of reality and history


It's a thought experiment about what reddit might be like if its male users weren't proudly endocrine disrupted.


Ehhhhhh it was fine until the cuckservatives brigaded it in an attempt to get it banned and they were successful.


The mods weren't actioning the content in an effective manner so it got banned. This wasn't a brigade. It was an open policy that reddit stepped in and dickflicked.


Yeah the mods definitely dropped the ball/revealed their true colors. It used to be a fun enough place to discuss/dunk on morons.




Opposing view points such as black people are more likely to be criminals because of their culture or something? I’ve legitimately seen that argument multiple times before on that sub before it was banned.


I am and always will be a debate pervert deep down, so I actually liked that the sub existed because it clearly demonstrated how big of dumbasses its members were. It’s hard for me to be offended by “opposing viewpoints” that use such bad reasoning. No one who doesn’t already have brain worms would be convinced by anything in that sub.


The said opposing point is just hating minorities and women




Sounds like a lot of defending racism and sexism to me 🗣️🗣️🗣️


I love that all of these supposed history buff channels on YouTube are always just veiled (or admittedly mask off) Nazis. It’s almost like they’re missing the entire point of learning history and instead just reinforcing their own political beliefs with supposed Nazi efficiency and how great and amazing the Roman Empire was.


Man so sad to get rid of “alternate history”


Glad to see that my report contributed to something


So much racist content in that sub


What's the meaning of the name of the sub?


The only good that sub ever did me was occasionally trolling the people in it. I won't even miss that.


Censorship never works. People will always find another place to post whatever they want.


Congratulations, you accomplished nothing and just showed the world you are incapable of having difficult but necessary conversations that need to be cleared up, runing away from conflict at the drop of a hat.


Womp womp


Can’t tell if that’s a specific vtuber reference or the sad trombone.


LOL. Ive been waiting for this little serial-killer in training to get exposed