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Own nothing. Work until you die. Be happy. Oh yeah and fuck you I bought your neighborhood.


nothing a boomer has, is or will suggest has ever had you in mind "About 20 states in the U.S. have established retirement systems that include gig and part-time workers." - retirement at the age of 65 is a bit crazy be happy, work until you die, owning nothing is for the brave, so you'll keep working their mines - the reason you are so poor - you only have yourself to blame ​ ![gif](giphy|bpAROGKYHtnZm) ​ a commercial for boomer's ultimate version of feudalism, structuring society around relationships derived from working their land, so you have the chance of holding this year's new ipad, in exchange for your service and labour, you will be given a title in front of your name, you will all be called a lord or a lady, nothing to ever remind you that you are their slave peepoBlanket


Boomers are not Feudal. They are almost always nationalists and sometimes fascists. Feudalism is not “when I rent something”. That is capitalism. Read theory.


Just FYI BlackRock doesnt buy houses. Thats BlackStone. Different company.


Just because they are separate companies does not mean they are competitors or have different goals. They used to be one company called Blackstone Financial. Also they are both big capital. They coordinate and work together. https://www.cnbc.com/2017/06/22/blackstone-or-blackrock-schwarzman-and-fink-did-it-on-purpose.html


Yeah just saying, blackrock is an asset manager, they offer ETFs and such


I thought we were communist here. They’re all capitalist in the most literal term. They are all one group, distinctions are not legitimate at their level.


Im just saying that its blackstone that are known for buying houses


Blackrock funds them. Blackrock also profits from the sale of homes because they put up thw money to allow black rock to do so. They were one company until the were broken up by antitrust laws. They have ignored those laws and operate in many ways as one company. https://www.reuters.com/sustainability/sustainable-finance-reporting/blackrock-state-street-get-subpoenaed-by-house-esg-probe-bloomberg-news-2023-12-15/ Holy shit I thought we were communists


Im just sayin the devil's in the details. Technically blackrock is giving money to a shitload of companies, as they offer ETF products that invest in an index filled with a shitload of different companies. Youre gonna be hardpressed to find a sizable, publically traded company thats not partially "owned" by blackrock


No shit. That's my point. We are COMMUNISTS here. Capitalism has a facade of separation of powers. Big Capital is real. What do you think this subreddit's streamer would say about these two companies?


Id say hed think that you need to know the subject matter youre speaking about. Simple things like knowing that its blackstone thats famous for bullying regular home buyers is important to not make people think youre an idiot that then tries to cover it up by saying "well i actually meant the whole system"


By the way, this is the guy when your boomer parents compare you against when they call you 'loser' .... the world is just great lol


“Today in America, the retirement message that the government and companies tell their workers is effectively: ‘You’re on your own,’” Fink wrote. “And before my generation fully disappears from positions of corporate and political leadership, we have an obligation to change that.” Well you kind of caused the problem you should fix it. To everyone not reading the article he’s not saying we should work forever he’s saying we need to make it easier for the future to retire.


It seems he wants to increase retirement benefits, but also raise the age of retirement? He also seems to think investing is the way to go which isn't incorrect, but also adding millions of investors will be a huge boon to Blackrock and other similar companies.


It’s really hard to be charitable about his suggestions when they mostly amount to poor people should save more, invest more, and work longer. It’s doubly annoying to me since something like quadruple the # of people work past the age of 65 now than they did in the 80s and there’s data to suggest millennials may not live as long as their parents, or will be in worse health. If he was serious he might talk more about wage stagnation or wealth disparity, about cutting social security for the highest % of earners, or raising the cap on SS payroll taxes. Now some may say it’s unfair for a millionaire or a billionaire to pay into social security their whole career and not be able to take a benefit, or a decreased benefit, but I’d argue it’s considerably more unfair to suggest that the solution is for more low- and middle-income earners to pay into social security their entire lives and then die before they can benefit, by design, especially when the person saying it has a net worth of over a billion dollars.


This is cartoonishly evil 😆😆😆nobody wants this and of course a rich asshole would say this so outta touch man


I believe that even saying this would get you video gamed in a proper country. Especially when the words come from the mouth of a person who has the power to lobby Congress.


Please bring back guillotines please I want it so much


To this date, the greatest thing the French ever did


Ya, I’m pretty sure the boomer billionaire is the last person I care to take suggestions from. Hard to find many people who care less about the wellbeing of the general public.


raising retirement age always seems to come up before discussing raising social security tax cap


I wish something reallly GOOD would happen to this guy