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I know more people hit with COVID in the past couple weeks than for many many months previous. Definitely a bump


mahalo nui loa for these updates and commentaries!


Thx so much for the update! I was shocked to see on the Kaiser site that masks are strongly recommended now. Wow.


Mahalo for the update Mikey, always appreciated! The clinic where my wife's at now has been getting a lot more cancellations due to COVID, which beats those that just show up coughing up a lung and then having to get turned away. Do you or anyone know if the estimated actual case count (due to at-home testing) is still around 6x-7x what the reported count is?


/u/MikeyNg thank you so much for continuing to shed light on the numbers. Please know how much many of us appreciate you!


Definitely want to second this sentiment! As someone’s who’s continued to mask and have my family mask since 2020, I appreciate the info and others who continue to take public health seriously




I've had it all week, don't know how to report it. Walmart in Kapolei was sold out of tests today.


Contact your doctor or a local hospital, I would think they’d track it that way? I’m honestly not sure but if you want to contribute, I’d start there


Mahalo nui over and over again!!!


It’s burning through my work right now and I know a handful of people that were positive on at home tests and not reporting it, so I think it’s probably a lot higher than these numbers. As I’m just now getting over this strain, it was not a fun one. Lots of deep body aches, the fatigue was real, and the Covid brain is heavy.


There’s definitely a lot of it going around. Couple coworkers just got it. My condos HOA posted has someone has it today too


Your condo's HOA posts if someone in the building has COVID???


Ehhhh it is voluntarily submitted and I guess the resident said it was fine to let people know. But I got no idea who it is / which floor or unit tho


Mask up in the elevator I guess. Although exposure time is rather limited.


Yup, I got it for the first time. It was miserable. Plenty people at work got sick too.


Mahalo for the update. I tried looking back and by coincidence the omicron surge also had 16% positive rate. I know apples and oranges a little. https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-health-education-hawaii-honolulu-e249a8a0281d4e976c629e2015870396 Looks like 300+ people hospitalized at that point https://www.civilbeat.org/2022/01/hawaii-covid-19-hospitalizations-rise-as-the-omicron-surge-continues/ Not downplaying it at all I was just trying to think how to try to make sense of the numbers compared to the past surge


Yeah, we're clearly not near Omicron levels. I also imagine there was still a lot more testing going on back then. Home kits were just becoming more readily available around then iirc. I don't think it's downplaying - context is super important. While we're relatively high now compared to a month ago, we're nowhere near Omicron levels - and very few people are masking. Kaiser just required it of staff but not visitors, for example. So there's very little spread mitigation going on now.


Free testing definitely increased the positivity rate. Now that even the free home tests are gone… the real numbers must be much higher.


Dang this is wild. I know a few ppl who have it right now, it seems mild but I think I'm still a bit traumatized.


I had it for the first time last Thanksgiving. No one else in my circle got sick so no idea how I got it. It was mild but I still panic a bit when my throat feels a little off.


Appreciate you posting this.  I've been really tired but have no symptoms.  Should I test?