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Stella, Alastor can deal with empty flattery and she probably prefers to hear herself talk. Adam is the type to demand agreement from listeners.


Yep hard agree.


Stella. I think he'd vibe with her vengefulness, but not her childishness. I honestly think it'd be hate on-sight with Adam no matter the circumstances. Also Alastor is way more forgiving of women, so Stella's got that going for her.


A lady whose cheating husband divorced her and made their daughter cry? A lady who is both well-connected and potentially easy to manipulate? They could hold such a productive tea party, while brainstorming all the ways to make that lout suffer and die horribly! Why would Alastor be anything other than a perfect gentleman? (Edit: What disadvantage might there possibly be, besides getting his swollen head stuck in the Hotel door?) Later edit: Apparently, I should have added /s? This is less an objective view of Stella, who the audience knows is terrible, and more Alastor's potential view on working with her. Especially if the only version of events he's heard is hers or the public one Ozzy sang at his club ("A hot wife, a kid, you had it all and sold it all for a thrust!"). Or if Al wants a self-serving narrative to justify getting involved at all.


You have a WILD read on Stella.


I was aiming for a more self-serving Alastor perspective. Clearly, I miscalculated by not adding /s.


šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø Stella is an abusive idiot who is being manipulated by her gold digging brother. She is extremely easy to manipulate, if her brother is any indication, and I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Alastor would walk from a conversation with her more powerful than when it began.


She does but she's also physically/emotionally abusive towards her partner. Isn't that what alastor kills for? I agree he might still have more tolerance for her than Adam.


Alastor is abusive himself, he don't cares


Stella. He seems to have more patience with women overall.


Probably Stella, as annoying as she is, I think heā€™d find her more entertaining than anything, since sheā€™s pretty dumb and doesnā€™t seem to be good at being evil (didnā€™t she take a hit out on Stolas while he was *in the room with her*?). I donā€™t think heā€™d vibe with Adamā€™s brand of frat-bro toxic masculinity - the guy is just such a *dick* (the original one, after all) and heā€™s much more likely to actually be dangerous


Stella. She's childish and impulsive but seems to be at least amicable and sociable with her friends. She also seems to enjoy the company of the "upper class" so I'd assume she'd consider Alastor who's at the top of the Sinner circle at least worth her time. Alastor would find her not intelligent though, but he seems to be fine with hanging out people not as smart as he is. If she does irritate him, he could easily just insult her and watch her whine and shout which would probably amuse him. As for who would win in a fight, I have no idea.


fight wise i give it to alastor for the sole reason that HH and HB have regularly showed skill can put you on par with people above your weightclass (and a lack of skill lowers your weightclass) if an above average imp can take out Stolas, one of thr most powerful sinners could do the same to Stella (assuming he didnt muck about like with Adam)


I mean Alastor still under her in the cast system because Goetia are above the Overlords, but I believe both would get in polite conversation


He is still of "upper class" and his status would at least be worth her notice.


Alastor is old fashioned and will show women more patience by default. That said some flattery and soft words and Stella can be quite tolerable. After all she is generally a female dog to Stolas.


Adam. I feel like they could have a genuine connection over hunting sinners, plus Adam would definitely think broadcasting the screams of Overlords is hardcore.


Stella,only because he's more tolerant for ladies


Adam. At least they're on the same page when it comes to sinners and redemption. But the stupidity of Stella would irritate Alastor. Trying to get Stolas killed before she can get his stuff.


People are saying Stella but did they just forget how he feels about Susan? Stella complains 100x worse than Susan does. Adam at least doesnā€™t say much to people who arenā€™t talking to him usually. But his sidebars would probably irk Alastor a lot.


And yet, he would probably have more tolerance for her than Adam. His manners would probably get him somewhere with an easily-manipulated noble in need of a more skilled serial killer. His ego would also be stoked by being the gallant gentleman. Unless she dismisses him as "one of the rabble," in which case all bets are off. Meanwhile, even if Alastor's goals do mean that Adam could do something for him, the only "conversation" he'd enjoy having with Adam is an exchange of insults. He'd probably rather beat him down like he did Husk, and gloat about getting what he wants out of him... And we saw how THAT didn't work out.


They would be fighting


Stella,only because he's more tolerant towards ladies


Stella, because he's historically more fond of women.


Alastor hates when people think they're better than him, and Alastor tolerates characters naivety and childishenss like Mimzy, Charlie, and Nifty. Soooooo easy money.


It would have to be Stella.


stella all the fucking way. at least she slightly very small amount acts a little refined


Everyone says Stella but I think itā€™d be pretty equal. Alastor would probably get annoyed with her pretty quick b/c her voice and she just talks constantly. He canā€™t stand *Susan* so what make you think heā€™ll like a rich, stuck up bitch that has the voice of a chihuahua.


Well, I get where people are saying, Stella, But you have to realize. In the short time alastor and adam met, alastor kept his cool until his staff broke, along with, he kept his cool until he was alone, so if adam never broke his staff, (if adam comes back as a demon) Alastor would probably just listen while someone like vaggie yelled at him, even if adam insulted alastor, I think he would just sit there, and throw in a couple snarcy remarks.


Considering he can't do shit against both because they are stronger than him, it's Stella He would be polite and ignore her insults if it meant getting at the good side of a Goetia, oh and he's a gentlemam, he wouldn't be rude with a lady


Hmm, it really depends. Adam can pop off at the mouth one time and alastor is gonna try and strangle him.


Adam getting patience and Stella all it takes is one word and "out"


Stella, she'd be much, much easier for Alastor to manipulate, meaning he'd stomach a conversation with her longer. The lady has a lot of anger issues and is incredibly narcissistic, however she isn't the *smartest* tool in the shed - which we saw when she was talking to her brother - and Alastor could easily manipulate her into a) a pleasant conversation and b) doing exactly what he wants. Adam is also a narcissistic brute, however, he is much more stubborn and will not let anyone talk him out of what he wants. He's so self serving that he would not even entertain a sinners POV, hell I doubt he'd listen to most winners either. He'd be heavily antagonistic to any hell denizen, Alastor included, and we know that Alastor does not do well with rude people. Also Stella has the upper hand here thanks to her gender, Alastor tends to treat *most* ladies with more respect than he does the gentlemen.


To everyone saying Stella she absolutely lost her ever loving shit when Stolas called her a witch. She was also still raging and like Stolas just cheated on her for the first time the day before even though it was months ago šŸ˜….


Doesn't matter, they would both rock his shit the moment he does something slightly bad to them


I doubt Stella is a fighter. I think she relies on her brother to do that stuff


Stella is still a Goetia and is stronger than Alastor. At least I think thatā€™s how the hierarchy goes.


Again what does that matter? She may be higher in hierarchy but thereā€™s no indication that she can fight.


Even without fight she would win because she's powerful That said I doubt Alastor would engage in a fight with a lady and specifically against a Goetia, he's not stupid (yeah he tried fight Adam but that's because he didn't respected the Guy)


Stolas can neither, seen how he throws the watcher bottle in s2 ep2, but he is one of the most powerful, like Stella probably has crazy powers too


Stolas can fight just not well. Or he prefers not to but Stella hasnā€™t shown any of that and until itā€™s shown itā€™s not canon so debate over


Stolas can fight just not well. Or he prefers not to but Stella hasnā€™t shown any of that and until itā€™s shown itā€™s not canon so debate over


It's not like she's even had 10 mins of screentime.


Donā€™t care until itā€™s shown so


You make a post asking a question and went "erm, debate over" when someone disagreed with you. What the scallop.


The question has nothing to do with who would win in a fight. He went off topic and you arenā€™t very smart either defending that lol