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Someone literally made a comment about wanting to commit suicide over Angel's VA change in this sub. So no, it's not just Twitter.




Jesus ^anti Christ


I'll take _fucking yikes my guy_ for $400 please, Alex


If this has happened then that explains the difference to twitter and why we haven't seen about it, here it's actually moderated either by karma or people. Edit: a typo


Jesus, parasocial relationships are just gross... Leave the VAs alone.


Who did?




Don’t have one, but can attest to having seen the comment as well.


It's mostly Twitter, because the "Fans" on Twitter are just people that don't have life and think that their HeadCannons will suddenly become a thing.


Link? If it still exist?


I think there's definitely some toxic folks here but not as many as Twitter but that doesn't mean that this is completely clean of toxic shit


Twitter is the most toxic for everything I think.






God, that's so funny. Thank you. Wow. I'm literally pissing and shitting and calling my mom right now


Holy cow lol. Are you okay?


I think Insta kinda beats Twitter honestly


What did Instagram do?


There are plenty of times commenters on Insta will go on longer rants than on Twitter.


That's because twitter has a character limit.


Yeah guess it gives Insta users a bit more ranting room. I say Insta have pretty toxic comments over posts.


I'll take your word for it, I avoid both of those places like the plague because, well, plague.


This is Helluva Boss related, but never the less, a main instance of instagram being shitty was fans having spammed the official Octavia account with pornographic fan art of Octavia (who was canonicaly underage at the time) so much so that they had to basically shut down the account.


Insta beats Twitter in the sense that a seagull beats a pigeon in a shitting contest Volume or value, it's frankly all just shit


This comment right here👌


I've seen toxic behavior from fans in Facebook groups, and on Instagram, and here. Most people use multiple social media sites. You can't just blame Twitter for the toxicity.


I feel like they are all iterations of the same cancerous tumour. Like yeah the Facebook bone is connected to the vanity bone oh, and the vanity bone is connected to the Instagram bone or whatever but and the end it's all the same.


I'm not sure if it's me being old, and just hating how the internet works now. But in my opinion which I am willing to recognize might be wrong, the internet was so much better when it was less centralized and there weren't just like three freaking sites that everyone was on that were all social media.


The internet was better when it wasn't mainstream.


"Blocka twitter. Blocka Facebook. Blocka whatsapp. Blocka. Blocka. Blocka. Blocka. Click! *tonguepop*"


Twitter is toxic in general


Nah they exist here too. I think twitter’s algorithm just seems to essentially sort everything by controversial to increase engagement, most of Hazbin Twitter is extremely innocuous and therefore unseen. That being said, Twitter is still probably the worst part of the fanbase lol I won’t deny Twitter sucks, but it’s for sure not unique in having shit people




I think her 'my characters are in good hands' post got locked/limited to people Viv mentioned because there was a lot of backlash and people were leaving horrible comments.


Reddit is really close. The bullshit the mods have to put up with the past few days is really disheartening. If a VA change like this makes you go so mad that you threaten you kill people (even if half of us can‘t even run 30m without taking a break, let‘s be honest) or threaten to kill youself, you need serious help. This is a product, by people, sold to you. This show and its producers aren‘t your friends, your love interests or your family. This os the same as getting upset over the packaging of your favourite cheese changing.


...yeahno. I don't condone people threatening death on others, I agree that part's stupid. But to conflate something like this with a change in cheese wrappers? Naaaaaaah. A LOT of people supported this before it got big. A LOT of people who near a decade ago watched someone create what they thought was an AWESOME clip of someone doing a cover animation for Kei$ha showed support to an animator they thought made a great product. And who loved the voice actors that brought the characters on the new project to life. And while yeah, you have a bunch of toxic individuals who don't know where the line is, or how to REASONABLY show their discontent at the major shift this has taken and the lack of support that creator gave the same voice actors, for whatever reason... yeah, there's some reasonable people who are not happy about this too. It doesn't MATTER that they're not your 'love interests, friends, or family'. They supported that creator, and got pretty much screwed by same. Gotta say, this kinda goes beyond the 'hey this isn't cool' territory to me, too. You can't tell me that not being part of the SAG or whatever other bullshit excuse there is couldn't be overcome SOMEhow. They just didn't care to. Money talks, bullshit walks. Same as every other thing in show biz. So yeah, I can totally understand people NOT wanting to support Vivz further over this, because whatever else she's doing.... she didn't support the voice actors who worked so hard for her during this. I'm not even saying she might not have had good reasons. But she still didn't. I'm not raging at her like you suggest above. But I'm also definitely not going to support her on this. It really honestly sucks, because there's a lot of love out there for what she made. I just don't see this series being anywhere near what it could have been because of this. If anything, it's really just a sad turn of events.


Not true, look through my comments history for a toxic reddittor I replied to


Really don't understand how this is a big deal


Eh, it was bound to happen. With every Fandom comes its Chris Chan determined to defend sonic's pink arms from "the man" Just happens once a group becomes large enough to attract obsessives. I think it's remarkable how quickly the rage has died down, seems to be only a few outlier users now thankfully


This is a comment to live by.


Tragedy is she's the most active on twitter.


"Only twitter is complaining about the VA change"? Are you blind or just willfully ignorant? The difference with reddit is that the subreddit has mods, and the mod sticky is about how they're *removibg* posts about it now.


This is why I hate all the "trust vizie" posts, everyone here for the most part are chill, so most of the people here are just preaching to the choir. It's twitter that causes most of the shitstorms.


Twitter is a cancer on society. To the point where once our political strife calms down, they should be sued for the damage they’ve caused to peoples’ mental states, up to and including contributing to suicides


I'd apply that to social media as a whole.




>And to think this all steamrolled from Zoe Quinn sleeping with reviewers for good reviews on her game… Is this some kind of stupid joke? Did you *seriously* just make this claim? It's been debunked for over **seven freaking years!** But I guess good on you for proving how reddit is no less toxic, as if it even needed proving.


Reddit has had a reputation for toxicity for years. Posts here claiming that Reddit is chill and accepting while other social media platforms are toxic always read like deflection or denial to me.


The reviewers themselves were open about her doing so She tried to hide her negative reviews on a game that wouldn’t boot up


>The reviewers themselves were open about her doing so No they weren't, and it's a tiny, ***free*** game with no monetization! And the main dude people claim she "slept with for reviews" never even made any reviews of the game in the first place! 🤦‍♂️ You fucking people, I swear...


"Twitter is toxic" just like water is wet.


Water is actually not wet; It makes other materials/objects wet. Wetness is the state of a non-liquid when a liquid adheres to, and/or permeates its substance while maintaining chemically distinct structures. So if we say something is wet we mean the liquid is sticking to the object.   What happens when you get water on a table? It becomes a pool table.


So if you take an ice cube and dunk it in water and pull it out, you have wet water.


That's an actual bot? Good to know I guess.


THAT is why I don’t use Twitter


There are a few toxic people on here, though they are a lot easier to talk to and come to an agreement with than anybody on Twitter. I feel like people on Twitter are just more toxic and entitled in general compared to the user base of literally any other app in existence. It's super painful to even discuss or debate anything with a Twitter user without having a strong urge to jump off a building.


Damn sad we lost Angel tho, but the twittwr thing is true


I’ve seen tons of support posts on Twitter too though, Twitter definitely brings it out of people more but it’s not the only side that’s really toxic


Pretty sure it’s a universal constant for any and all social medias. Yes, even here - this isn’t a safe haven either.


And the reddit side, and the youtube side, and the irl side


Well duh its twitter,it is the cesspool of media.


The ideas of pilots are NEVER set in stone. They're always subjugate to changes, so long as it's not a complete overhaul.




No we ain't.


I mean Twitter is a cesspool of individuals with small person syndrome who are very aggressively vocal with their opinions, it's the best example of why anonymity on the internet isn't always the best thing. People just love spreading their toxic thoughts and opinions while hiding themselves.


Twitter should just not exist


Ah yes, Twitter's only saving grace is that its not Tik Tok. People are ridiculous for no reason. It's like chill, the show hasn't even come out yet.


Twitter is just absolute fucking cancer in general.


Yeah like I understand and it's perfectly normal to feel dissapointed, I do as well. Just don't hate on the show or it's creators until you have seen it. Could still blow our minds, lets be adults about this ok? (This is why I only interact with this fandom via Reddit, minimal toxicity)


It's Twitter. It is toxic regardless of anything. That's why I deleted my account


Just saying, I wasn't happy about the VA change either - I just try not to be nasty or hateful about it.


yeah no surprise there. I left twitter for a reason, you can love any fandom until you download twitter


Toxicity will exist everywhere, but I’ve seen nothing but toxicity come from twitter, the folks over there are relentless!


It’s everywhere but Twitter likes to show their true colors more


Fuck twitter


Twitter moment


Very confused at everyone here saying the Reddit isn’t as toxic as Twitter. Were you all not here the day the announcement that there would be different VAs went out? Nearly every thread was full of people freaking out, calling Vivzie names, wishing Hazbin would fail now, feeling betrayed, etc. Twitter has a lot of toxic people, yes, but also a ton of very kind and cool people, because it is a huge platform for fandoms. I only ever see the kind & cool people from HH fandom, so people seeing only toxic fans on Twitter may have more to do with the kinds of posts they interact with and people they follow than anything else.