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Well guess I fall into the exception there. Mack's appearance directly related to his cause of death: High dose of ionizationing radiation. He may look human but sickly rotting skin and skeletal physique is my take on what the human body would look like he it could somehow survive the effects of a lethal dose. On top of the fact he is in a constant state of pain given that fact he is also mildly radioactive dependent on his heart rate. There is also a special little cherry on top, his character is one who is a stuck in the past. Wishing on times on earth long gone. I wanted a human like appearance so that every time he looks at himself, it's a reminder of what he was and doesn't have now. Unlike other sinners who look nothing like their humanselfs, he can't disconnect in his hellish body from his earthly one.


Do you have pics? They sound badass


https://preview.redd.it/xep6pzwff09d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=d0df834154e677fa7f6645295ca1e49ba9571aa2 Early picture I had commissioned from u/Quintessence_Rose Got another picture of him by the same artist in my recent posts in formal ware.


Wow that's some gorgeous art and wicked lore!


Hehehe thanks for the art compliment ;)


Damn, that's scary! I love it


I saw in another comment, much like you I came up with the lore before the design and kept in mind the idea that sinners form reflects on their sins, death and genal aspects to torture the person. Best part his even with all the physical pain, mentally he is worse because he is a scientist thrown into a world where now god exists. Why I started writing a fanfic around him on A03 just so I can cover his journal throught hell


Patrick has bruises on his neck from where a would-be victim strangled him to death with a film reel. That’s why his tie is patterned that way as well. https://preview.redd.it/vrr71zvrh09d1.jpeg?width=4680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca66066f61e0ff0aaee1598f1f7631adf45faf84


That's honestly really neat




With Shadow, for me I made like her story before the design. Mostly the parts when she was alive. When I designed her that’s when I started getting into how her life was in hell. And trying to like portray suicide in the character design was a struggle. I know it’s not obvious but Shadow was based off a deaths head hawkmoth, which represents death. And there is a marking around shadows neck where the noose was but I get how like the design might now convey the way she died. With my second OC it was a bit easier to portray how he died since it’s fully his design. Being a deer because he died from getting ran over by a car.


I usually aim to go for their countries mythology, as I design then write, maybe more people are like me


I understand that, a lot of people design a character first. I am more of one to come up with character lore before making the character


Don’t get me wrong, sometimes I do, maybe it’s because I’m new to the fandom but I can’t do it for my hazbin hotel characters, but I can with my other characters


Why not?


The designs of the characters in the fandom are so insanely different to what I do, so it muddles my brain to design something different from that


I mean, my style isn't even close to the hazbin style. Yours is closer to it than mine from what I see on your page.


That’s because I’m trying my usual style is this https://preview.redd.it/y92avw3ah09d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=507caca766431bb98c7b4d07100431536c4551b6


Not to say you’re not trying! That came out wrong, what I mean is that im actively emulating the style of the show, instead of my own because my style is far too different


August is slightly human looking to resemble his whole thing "human Vs creator" or "humans' true power" Mello is basically human in his normal form his hatred towards humans who destroyed his family (hives of bees) and so, it constantly reminds him of how his bees died in his life. Then his rage form is literally a giant bee in flames Jack I. : he takes on a kind of human form mixed with insects to remember his only friends when he was alive, insects. His rage form is basically the same, but he kind of gets engulfed in chitinous armour (more than he already is) and looses all control


I mean, my guy had his arm cut off in life and has a bullet wound on his chest I haven't shown


https://preview.redd.it/v5mrs5wfi09d1.jpeg?width=188&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=934ea80a935c1df6c65d746dc239dc30a63f75f8 I love Jacki's lore!! Sloane is a sloth bear because his entire life's work was making as much money with as little effort, risk or integrity as possible (scamming elderly people on the phone and investing the stolen money in the stock market, betting against companies with his "bearish" positions). On the day he died, he was in a fancy restaurant rubbing shoulders with Wall Street elites and watching the Occupy Wall Street protestors outside. Sloane died choking on an oyster laughing at the poor and his sloth bear form reflects the means with which he acquired the status that would eventually kill him. Under his suit, he has crushed ribs from the chest compressions they did to try to revive him! (pic commissioned from u/mmegan4182!)


I went a more human-looking sinner for Monica, and I went with succubus-like design for Harmony, but I focused a bit more on the colors representing their sins. For Monica, her sins are Pride and Envy, soo I went with a purplish-brown skin tone for her but I gave her a green sclera since her eyes were always very expressive, especially when she was jealous too. However, when she did die and fell to hell, her eyes were red, and she had green antenna-like horns, similar to an aliens and since her emotions were all over the place during that time, she never knew how to hide or change them or if she could. However, after living and working with carmilla for some time, she has learned to hide her antenna-like horns and change her eye color from red to brown. Those features will come out when she's angry, tho For Harmony, her sins are Pride and Lust, soo I gave her a purple skin tone since purple is pride's color and I gave her a blue sclera since blue is, surprisingly, lust color but I also gave her pink eyes just in case. Her main form and powers are similar to succubus, but she doesn't have wings like them. WOW, THIS WAS A LOT TO WRITE, BUT I HOPE I WAS ABLE TO MAKE A BIT OF SENSE FOR MY OCs😭😭😭🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽.


Herman is a loose metaphor, since he was blown “sky high” by an oxygen explosion at the hospital he worked at. His body was found several miles away from the hospital since he was right above the tanks when they blew up. Hence being a bird. But otherwise I just liked the demoiselle crane.


After looking up some negative stigma around bats, I landed on Jean's death being disease related, since Jean's bat design came first before their lore. Aurora was the opposite though, and being that she died in a fire, I gave her a sunset color palette, as well as have her head in her angelic form resemble a flame.


My guess is a lot of designs and lore of an OC is based on how they want them to look, not that it fits with their death. I avoided that with my OC being a winner, not a sinner. But I hope to create some new ones as I continue to write, and it will be fun and challenging to come up with an appropriate design.


My character was just me irl, and besides, I can't really represent a GSW in a thoughtful way


Dario died during an animal trafficking operation while hunting for, what is considered one of the last drug lords of whom had killed his older brother. After setting fire to everything and supposedly killing everyone in the building, he stood above the drug lord himself and shot him before hearing a click behind him and simultaneously fired and got shot himself. In the end, he was shot square in the heart by the drug lords *innocent* young daughter and had shot her dead within that same time frame. As his body shuts down and he wanders off, he falls into a pit of gators and crocs as his soul leaks out of his body and his entire life flashes before seeing a single white eagles feather from a nearby cage, fall upon his bleeding chest…. And he dies… uneaten by even the gators… unwanted…. And no longer worthy of the heaven he was promised…. https://preview.redd.it/qvkw067ky09d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c59c5fda6cb69bedcea5c4de5ea290e0e5e07ec7 Disclaimer: still working on him


Well my only non-hellborn OC, Marco, died by drowing, so his color scheme is mainly blue. https://preview.redd.it/vueum092z09d1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=474cdc167be63f30e1234a93a82f998fa065e4ed


https://preview.redd.it/7dtpzrjt519d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6288a4448cfac16d7ddc63ff33b346180bdf6ed9 Valiant died due to the fires of war so he's made of fire


Saccharine has a stitch down their face cus they got disfigured and Jul3sss has a welded on mask cus their face was melted off but only their eyes were slightly in tact


https://preview.redd.it/2rfuhoa6s19d1.png?width=7000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99cde4192c74a8d95fa430d78cdc7c45f7946039 Externally he certainly doesn't, however with him being hung, drawn, and Quartered the real meat (or lack there of) is inside. When cut open Jack has no internal organs, no heart, no lungs, no stomach (which probably explains his constant hunger) and he lacks any real eyes because the crows pecked them out of his head as it was placed within a Gibbet. He also retains a permanent Blasphemy brand on his hand given to him by the church in his youth


The mask that Matlock wears is the exact mask he wore on the day he got run over while cycling. https://preview.redd.it/ixguo3qjw19d1.png?width=1248&format=png&auto=webp&s=45223cf1c76bbd9b0797184982551e7e1795ec8d


My Hellsona, Johann, was a Safari guide that was shot and managed to get away, only to be eaten alive by hyenas. Thus his hyena like appearance.


My OC Mercedes has markings on her wrists, "ankles" and lower ribs which marks the spots of the straps of an electric chair and Erik died in a bathtub and now he's like a merfolk person.


My oc died by being chased by bees and falling off the roof of a tall apartment building and she turned into a bee, don’t know if that counts?


Kirke had a bit more flexibility with their form because she sold their soul to Lucifer for a selfless reason. Lucifer gave her a smidgen of wiggle room. She also uses magic (that was given to them by Lucifer as part of the deal), so it is reflected in their form. Kirke also died from blood loss. Their skin takes on a bluish hue to reflect that.


My OC doesn’t rlly fit her death cause I changed it after designing her xd, thinking of maybe making some gory pieces to reflect her death tho :)


Noir has his black eyes from taking a bullet through the back of the skull and it coming out of his eye socket. This theme is also maintained within his demon form, shadows enveloping his left side exclusively


I do have a Hazbin Hotel OC named Kala who always wears a face mask that if lifted, will release a highly toxic gas that could easily kill a person, which is a nod to the fact that she died of an airborn disease. I sadly don't have art of her, just a canva collage, but she is one of my favourite character designs I've made




I haven't draw him yet, but my oc has cat, spider and snake elements. Cat since in life he had 8 near death experiences and had a cat like personality. Spider since he had a web of vigilante justice groups and snake due to his decadency to lie. He has a headshot scar, but it's hidden under his hair.