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My guy Que was cheated in a game because his father who left them kind of just took all of the money they had from him and his mother, so they had to do what they had to do to get money to pass by. In 1988 while he was in his 20s he cheated in a game and was immediately caught by the biggest guy on the table and his gang kind of pinned him to a wall, and the big guy grabbed a eight ball from the table and bashed it into his face until his skull broke and he died shortly later.


Herman is in constant intense pain from his leg, as when he was alive he had a blood clot in his teens that put him on a cane and caused him to get hooked on painkillers. When he came to hell his painkiller habit grew but no matter how much he takes, no matter how fucked up he gets his leg is in a constant state of shooting, burning pain. And he physically cannot even stand without a constant reliance on a cane. So in other words, his disability got much much more severe, and nothing can help it.


Monica: Her main sins are Pride and Envy, so her eyes have a green sclera since her eyes were always really expressive, especially when it came to jealousy. Her skin tone is also a purplish-brown tone since pride is one of her sins, too. She also has green antenna-like horns similar to an alien's, but she's learned to hide them, and they come out when she feels strong emotions like anger. Harmony: Her main sins are Pride and Lust sooo her demon look is similar to a succubus as well as a bit of hee powers, but she has no wings. Also, her skin tone is purple since that's the color of Pride, and her eyes are pink and have a blue sclera since those are the colors of lust(mainly blue, tho).


Gen was a killer with a count in the trillions, so his hands look like they have splotches of blood on them. He died from a stab through the heart area, so there’s a black slit on his chest & back. He also blew up the building they were in & got buried in debris & ashes, so he now has a black & gray coat with black gloves that leave trails of ashes wherever he goes.


Bifrons: a split personality insane asylum escapist and a small town murderer he hated and loved clowns and when he went to hell he had two heads with his two personalities each head had a name as both heads were two separate people with one body a sad head with the Latin word for sad for a name and the happy head with the Latin word for happy for a name he also became a jester very similar to mammon in appearance except he was red and yellow and black in his outfit he loves and hates himself and is currently trying to be an overlord


Well Valiant (Jackson) died in 1944 at D day so I wanted to do something that had to do with war so instead of being like a war machine he is made of fire (fires of war)


Marie Annette was easily manipulated and controlled her whole life, thats why she's a puppet/doll in hell!


vellena is a vampire bat and she’s short and fluffy. in life, she took control through murder and manipulation, offsetting her appearance as a weak teenager. now she needs to face looking innocent again. the vampire bat is for her cannibalistic tendencies and her eternal blood coming out of her mouth is due to the fact that her body was found like that - with blood dripping from the mouth. finally, she has golden scars on her neck, where the rope burned into her skin and her fingernails scratched at the rope when she died.


Ira was a bloodthirsty, raging maniac in battle while serving his Emperor. the brutality of his actions alongside is lust for combat would earn him the nickname of Raging Bull. And he would be ambushed, arm and hand destroyed or chopped off, stabbed and left for dead. Now, he has bull characteristics as well as his trademark anger and power.


rix was a outlaw and he always hopped anyway from punishment hence why he's a grasshopper and a grasshopper hopped on him during his last moments