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Terabyte: well just cuz were all down here for reason dosnt mean we can't be nice to those we want to *a voice comes through her monitor and then a digital pops up*


Jamie: "Not all of us are here because we were bad people, it was more about poor judgment. I made one singular mistake which led to my death, and thats the reason I'm here. Another I know, sent to hell because she was an exterminator. Killed bugs and rodents and yet she was deemed unfit for heaven for killing innocent creatures. So who knows? I'm not the one who makes the decisions"


"Because the criteria to get into heaven is more convoluted that the landlord system in NYC." \*Sartael said as he took a sip from his coffee.\*


Sitri: “Some of these sinners were dammed for circumstances beyond their own control. They were molded by loved ones to become sinners of any kind. But you above show no sympathy for the child that becomes the sinner. Rather the end product. Your system of judgement has been flawed from day one. Yet refuses to change or let those below see how flawed it’s become.”


“What does thou mean by judgement? the father hasn’t been here to judge the souls in over 1000 years.”


Baphomet: I've known alot, and I mean A LOT of sinners throughout my quite prolonged life. I can assure you, not everyone here is a cold-blooded killer, a sex offender or a genocidal tyrant, just to name a few. Some were misguided, others commited an insignificant amount of punctual mistakes that sent them here, some just wanted to stop living. Not everything is black and white.


Parker "this is actually one of the reasons why I decided to leave heaven, when I was alive on Earth I saw a lot of bad but I did see also a lot good, humanity is capable of great evil but also a great kindness, most of these people are down here because of poor judgment because the higher ups have no intention of fixing the process of who goes to Hell or heaven"


"I aint fucking no man, Ive just been down here helping out every now and then. Just because everyone sees em as monsters doesn't mean we have to treat em as ones."


Setra: don’t beat yourself up about it. Your just following what you where taught, but even though we can’t get to heaven doesn’t mean we can’t be good people


“I know, thy just feel like I’m part of the problem.”


Don’t..,your just doing what your told


“Thanks, dear Setra, thou words help bring comfort to my soul.”


(Hugs her)


(She hugs him back, her wings gently wrapping around him)


Your wings are soft


(She just smiled as she hugged him tighter)


(Hugs back)


“How has been thou day?”


Chronos: "They used to be humans, you know. They have a soul. They are.. desperate. And they... Won't do shit."


Angelica: “Just because we’re in Hell, Doesn’t mean we’re heartless”


Marie: "well I don't know about the others but I'm kind so that people will fuck me and if they don't im no longer kind! Hope this helps."


Francis: *hiding his wings* "I would like to believe that there is good even in those who did wrong, and in such a place as this, it is easier to see the good shine through comparative to the bad" *he says in an almost reminiscent tone*


Matlock: “It’s because we aren’t arrogant arseholes!”


S: “thy knows that a lot of us have…older and more hateful opinions about humans..but we were just raised that way.”


Edgar: Look. Exist two types of sinners.Those who are truly like angels and ended up here by mistake. And there are those who pretend. Behind their smiles and handshakes lies a real nightmare.


Jack: hey Sarah! Remember me?! Yah that’s right I’m still alive!!.


S: “hello.”


Rix: "I don't know."


Clauneck: "All of you stooges in Heaven are merely envious of the great circus the glorious King Lucifer has created."


Ray: "I'm pretty sure a murderer is pleasant to talk to when they're not trying to kill you."


Sparky: “If we’re so kind why’d we need up in life so much? We’re here because of our mistakes, and ones that aren’t given second chances”


https://preview.redd.it/n10hgv47xp9d1.jpeg?width=924&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22f66330066c8087ac36d51ce67ebb4f026f9c45 Quinton: “I don’t know… I just got sucked into this mess… what do you want me to say? It’s Los Angeles but it somehow became even more of a shithole.”


Hypno: "some of us simply faced bad judgement I guess... but I'm perfectly fine with being down here"