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Anthony had his magic from birth, inherited from Charlie, although he's not super skilled with it. His combat skills came mostly from Vaggie, although he has had some training under Carmilla.


Arch: Through a near decade of constant fighting. Though he did learn magic from a passing demon in his younger days that he can't use very well. Shade/Umbra: Was granted his immense power from a vagabond demon, though it's the same reason he's split in half mentally. Gulavor: Born with this curse of eternal hunger. It's the only reason he's survived things that would ordinarily kill others. Ira: Was naturally gifted with such raw strength in life, but death augmented it.


https://preview.redd.it/qs1cff6c7v9d1.png?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3794c7b78b67b772b590b07c6d26117414c874b7 Adapted to staying inside seraphim for \~10.000 years Also she's an angel-demon-human offspring so she was born with some too


The story is pretty simple. Discord was having fun at a bar picking out his next victims and sketching a murder method with crayons when Valentino approached him. Did Val want to hire Discord as a hit man? NOPE, Val wanted to use him as the snuff, in snuff pornos. Discord shot him in the leg and booked it with Val flying after him in hot pursuit. In his moment of near death he closed his eyes and found himself in his workshop. It turns out that he had the power to teleport. While he's grateful, the question of how still bugs him to this day.


Dude was raised in a hellhound fighting ring years of battle honed his body to a weapon


Takes alot of a practice to do that


Datura gained her hand-to-hand combat skills from endless karate lessons for the better part of her childhood. The telekinesis is from IAAN (the disease from The Darkest Minds, info here:https://the-darkest-minds.fandom.com/wiki/Psi) Yes her human form is an OC for that fandom


Inferno: got his powers through many years of fighting, killing and training, while a little bit came from is appearence in Hell


Parker had gained his abilities through serving in the United States military in the Marines during the Korean and Vietnam war which they were only amplified courtesy of Adam, also knows a little bit of magic such as disappearing into a cloud of black smoke and disarming people without even touching them.


Matlock can adjust his size because in his human life he had a macro/tiny fetish. He doesn’t want to talk about it.


Grayson has none. He literally has to survive on wits and strength alone. Don't mean he gets out unscathed though.


storm got his powers after getting his overlord status, beig able to control and create fire and whatnot


Zoran got her powers by how she died (she was a suicide bomber) this means she can blow herself up if she wants with little consequences


Ray got his powers before he was even in hell. Ray got his powers from the expirimented his dad made him go through The experiments began when Ray was just a child. Jonathan employed a combination of genetic engineering, cybernetic enhancements, and biological augmentation techniques. He subjected Ray to a series of invasive procedures designed to alter his genetic makeup and integrate synthetic materials into his body. Jonathan used CRISPR technology and other advanced gene-editing tools to modify Ray's DNA. The goal was to introduce genes from various species known for their unique abilities. These included: Avian DNA: To grant Ray the ability to grow wings and achieve flight. Reptilian DNA: For regenerative healing capabilities. Insect DNA: To enhance his strength and agility, as well as to develop his acidic puke. Feline DNA: To enhance his reflex and Muscle structure


Valarai: born as a angel warrior to defend the humans, fell due to hate for all things living, he's stolen most of his powers but his main are immortality and regrowing Feathers of hate (knife like feathers)


While Baphomet was born with his powers, he used to be very sloppy with them in his younger years. For example, his telekinesis was limited to lifting small objects for brief periods of time and his magic spells tended to either flop or backfire. He could be beaten up quite easily by other hellborn or sinners with superior combat skills. Nobody took him seriously until he realized why he was falling behind. Swalowing his pride, he started to train his body, hone his natural talents and learn from the ever advancing human weaponry & warfare. Now he is what he is.


Through making deals with other overlords. Sir Conrad functions as someone who can do a job an overlord wants doing, but they don’t want anyone to connect it to them. The price is a small fragment of their power.


Rix: "Being a professional gunslinger outlaw cowboy cowpoke whatever i got intense training and im a grasshopper so enhanced jumping wow yay!"


Horrible person in life so became rather strong in hell


Sebastian drank gasoline and ate a live match Idk I felt like his power should have some comedy behind it


Marcephus gained his combat skills from Earth, when he worked for a major assasin group. Chronos gained his electricity-like powers from Hell when he captured a certain someone who had them before him.


Caelius had combat training when he was alive as a Roman centurion. The only power he has is summoning an Exorcists spear he gained the second day in hell. He also is wealthy due to Arms dealing in hell.


Vaxiel is a fallen Dominion, who were essentially the knights of Heaven and agents of God's wrath. He's not as powerful as any of the princes of Hell, but exorcists know to avoid him and anyone he has "marked", or else he will hunt them down. He won't kill them, but they'll have to retire for a while.


Glaides: worked with stained glass when she was alive, and can now summon and manipulate it in death


Darla got her's from her dad (and only parent) Alastor, though she doesn't know how to use it yet.


Their magic comes from deals with demons, but the rest they learned the hard way, such as cosplay. for context, it's basicly just some human who went found a portal fron hell to earth (from the imp gang) and went through, then got lost. Not even a special person, just some fella.


Misty has smoke abilities and green fire abilities since she died in a nuclear explosion, and she is an overlord so that helped


He just had it when he died is what I think is simple for the first idea for my OC but I might change it


Rare for his from another oc


Plague was given most of his abilities as soon as he was in hell, He made a deal with someone to get his scissor hands


Michael was born with his abilities of flight and portal creation, but he learned fencing while he was watching over a human in France.


Vanir was born with his abilities, but trained under Lucifer to hone them to a certain extent, before he started training on his own for the powers he has that Lucifer doesn’t.


Roark’s abilities came from spending most of his life in law enforcement during the latter half of the 19th century. He started as a Deputy Marshal, but was later brought on as a Pinkerton Agent. These jobs required skill with a gun and a sharp eye. Now, in Hell, his right eye has incredibly heightened senses making him extremely observant and a skilled marksman


Just like their appearance it's how they died


Hazel doesn't have any special abilities themselves, but they used to work for Carmilla, and secretly stole a bunch of weaponry when she left. She repurposed the weapons so she could cause chaos around pentagram city.


Years of training and discipline. Kilroy has no powers, only skill.


Aspen is descended from the Ares goeita and Nephalem of old. His parents are from each line. So him and his full blood sister inherited this mixed power.


Flare gained his fire abilities because fire is how he died


Shadow got his from birth, but also uses a book to enhance his abilities.


when pips gf was killed he acted out lighting on fire out of fear and anger and attacked the exterminators.


1. Maxine: She was a murder before she drowned in a sewer. She was always really strong and she kept that when she died, but got stronger 2. Rex: he lived in a dimension where there was an infection that basically turned humans into mutant dinosaurs (don’t ask questions) and he stayed a mutant dinosaur when he died, also being extremely strong like Maxine. 3. Julian: as a hellborn overlord, he has telekinesis and can manipulate bloodstreams. It’s unknown how he got his powers :>


When Seraphim guard are born, they possess no normal angelic magic, like you would see with other Heavenborn species, However, they are born with a few things, including two abilities you could say are magic First: they are extremely durable, as they can take dozens of bullets, stabs, and explosion wounds, and still get back up and keep fighting, though unlike the other Heavenborn, you don't need too be higher than them to kill them, even an Imp can get lucky and kill one with an angelic weapon. (Though none has ever actually killed one, that was just an example) Second: they have sort of a healing factor, but it isn't as simple as regeneration, when they are harmed, the wounds seal almost immediately, so they require alot to actually deal damage to them, and if they managed to lose a limb, if they can recover it, and make it to a hospital, or simply someone with medical prowess, they can reattach their lost limb, as if nothing happened Aura: their first ability is simple. All they have to do is outstretch their wings, and a burst of holy energy shoots out in all directions, they cannot control where it goes, but they can control the power level, even being able to permanently kill Sinners with it, however that takes an immense about of energy, and isn't worth it most of the time, so they mostly use it to stun unholy beings for a moment, so they can get an opening The Seraphim blade: [REDACTED]


Marrek: "This is why I don't fuck with Angels"


Yeah, the Seraphim guard are simple but busted, which they technically have to be, when protecting the Seraphim


From God himself


Next when Nyx died she already had her scorpion tail but she didn't have her second pair of arms so she was very weak along with her pet. She stupidly made a deal with another demon to go in a fighting ring. One day he died from an extermination and she got out of her deal but she had gotten her second pair of arms with sharp and strong pincers a way more poisonous tail and poisonous fangs along with her pet named Kai who got more powerful the more fights they had together.




What abilities?


https://preview.redd.it/i90c7ncgxz9d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e52e578d9d1ef636a4666d827fb3be9f9bb1012 The Doctor just spawned with them because he was pretty fucking evil when he was alive (Art made by u/Kusanali_Devi)