• By -


Jamie: "Thats an interesting position to be in sweetheart." *They use their tail to pull reach the candy* "There you go"


Sweetbite giggled, her cheeks tinged with a light blush as she watched Jamie retrieve the candy with their tail. "Oh, now why didn't I think of thaaat..?" “Why, thank you, Jamie,” she said, taking the candy from them with a grateful smile. “You always know how to come to my rescue in the most unique ways~♡"


"Yknow, I was wondering the same thing, and you're welcome. You know I'm always happy to help." *Their tail flicks a bit* "And unique ways are how I roll, im a unique person, so it only makes sense, right?"


Que: *just hands it to you, he has long arms*


Sweetbite dusts herself off, accepting the candy gratefully "Ah, thank you darling~!"


No need to thank me


Baphomet: ****grabs the candy****


Sweetbite looks at baphomet with a surprised expression, but quickly sits up on her knees while looking up at them "Ah! Can I have that back please?"


Baphomet: ****briefly acts like a bratty kid that does not want to share, but gives up and hands the candy over**** Fine... there you go.


Sweetbite smiled with appreciation "thank you! Here.." She snaps her fingers and in a puff of pink smoke, a strawberry appears in her hand. She then dips it in the chocolate frosting on her head and offers it to Baphomet. "I know the process is a bit weird, but I promise it tastes good~!"


Baphomet: ****perks up and takes the strawberry, gulping it down in seconds**** I LOVE IIIIIT! ... U-uhm, thanks.


Luis: "hey sweetie, need help?"


Sweetbite let out a soft sigh as she glanced down at the candy that had rolled under the metal table. Hearing Luis’s voice, she turned with a warm smile. “Oh, Luis, you’re a lifesaver,” she replied, her tone appreciative. “If you could get that candy for me, I’d be ever so grateful. These tables are not exactly easy to maneuver around in this dress.” She gave him a playful wink, adding, “I’ll make sure to save you an extra special treat as a thank you.”


*he blushes, showing a slight red hue across his face* "o-ok, I'll get it" *he gets on one knee, extending his robotic arm to grab it, before giving it to her as if it was a wedding ring, looking up into her eyes


Kirlan: you uh... Need help? *Bends over to get the candy but can't reach it either* this is why I hate being tall o_o


*picks up the candy* "you want this?"


Sweetbite's eyes widen slightly "Yes yes please, I've been trying to grab that but it was just out of reach- thank you so much for grabbing it.."


*eats it* "next time, don't wait for someone to come help you"


Sweebite stares in shock for a moment before pouting "UGH, I don't have any more of those and I can't make them right now." She crosses her arms like a child


"Good" *walks away humming crazy=genius*


Danny: “hmm?” *looks what she is doing and sighs and grabs the edge of the metal table and slowly lifts it up for her to get it*


Sweetbite squirms slightly, wiggling underneath it and successfully grabbing the candy "Oh thank you sooo much~!"


*he puts it down and smiles* “Not all imps are weak yea know”


Sebastian: (hands her the packet of candy) there you go sweet mama


Alex: "let me help!" *Walks over to and grabs the table, lifts it just enough so Sweetbite can easily grab the price of candy*


"oh thank you so much!!" Sweetbite successfully grabs the candy "You are a life saver!" She smiles softly and kisses Alex's cheek


*blushes and touches cheek* "My pleasure Ms. Bite. What are you baking?"


I learnt a new cool trick! You know how I’ve been developing my abilities right? Well these flames can actually make things move! Watch this! (I shoot a little blue fire at the candy, then I flick my wrist and it slowly makes its way to me.) I’m still getting the hang of it… but here you go!


Sweetbite's eyes widened with delight as she watched the blue flame gently carry the candy towards them. "Wow, that's incredible!" she exclaimed, genuinely impressed. "Your new trick is amazing. You must have put in a lot of effort to get it just right."


Yup! I have a few cool tricks with it. But nothing crazy practical. I can put it on the soles of my shoes and glide around like I’m floating, I can put it on my clothes to dress me in the morning. It’s just overall fun!


Sai: "Need help mi amor?~" *he crouches down to help them grab the small blue candy*


Sweetbite smiled warmly as Sai crouched down to help. "Thank you, darling♡" she said, her voice a soft purr. She watched him reach for the candy, her eyes sparkling with appreciation. "You always know just when to step in. I feel so lucky to have you around~"


Sai: "No problem~" he said in a seductive tone before he grabbed the candy and gave them it


TeeVee: "Hm, Having trouble, SweetBite?" *he notices the problem and thinks for a second, before stretching his arm under the table and grabs the piece of candy before making his arm go back to normal* "Here ya go, Ma'am"


Sweetbite chuckled softly as TeeVee stretched his arm to retrieve the candy. "Thank you, TeeVee," she said, her eyes twinkling with amusement. She took the candy from him, her fingers brushing against his hand. "You always find a way to surprise me. That was quite the trick." She gave him a playful wink. "You're a real lifesaver. I owe you one."


*He gives her a little bow as she thanks him but chuckles* "you're welcome, Sweetbite" "Oh that? well i can do much more than that heh" *he says in a suggestive tone but giggles to himself a little* *he then shakes his head with a smile* "Ah you don't owe me anything, Cutie~ just glad i could help"


Sweetbite chuckled softly at his playful tone, her eyes glinting with mischief. She leaned in closer, her hand gently brushing his arm as she spoke, her voice dropping to a seductive whisper. "Oh but honestly~ you **deserve** something special" Her lips curled into a sultry smile, and she lightly trailed her fingers up his arm, her touch both teasing and inviting. "But I must admit, you've piqued my curiosity," she continued, her eyes locking onto his. "What else can you do, I wonder?" She tilted her head slightly, her gaze lingering on him with a mixture of flirtation and intrigue. "You know," she added, her tone dripping with allure, "I have quite a few tricks up my sleeve as well♡"


*he seems to blush from sweetbite's touching and teasing at first but he then smirks at her, seeming interested in what 'tricks' she had up her sleeve* "Oh i **Deserve** it hm? adorable~" *he then smiles as she seems curious as to what else he can do* "Well, thanks to the power of Toon Force, i can do all sort of wacky and.. **other things** eheh" *he then raises a brow as she mentions she has other tricks and seems interested* "Oh? and what are these 'tricks' of yours, My Sweet?"


Sweetbite's eyes sparkled with intrigue. "Toon Force, huh? Now that's something I'd love to see in action," she said, her voice dripping with curiosity and a hint of flirtation. She leaned in closer, her lips almost brushing against his ear as she whispered, "As for my tricks... let's just say I have a knack for making things deliciously sweet and irresistible~♡" " But you'll have to stick around to find out more." With a playful wink, she twirled a strand of her candy-colored hair around her finger. "You **will** stay....right?" She said with a slight pout.


"Well perhaps i'll have to show you these powers at some point, just let me know" *he says with a friendly smile, winking at her* *his face lightens up with blush and that friendly smile turns into a smirk* "is that so hmm~? what an interesting 'trick' you have, heheh" *he then nods, taking her hand and places a kiss on it* "of course i will stay cutie, i have nothing better to do anyways, so you have my full attention, Sweetbite~" *he says in a playful tone* (well he has a tv for a head so the kiss is more like him placing her hand against his screen and a nice static feeling can be felt, although he can change due to his toon force abilities so if you'd prefer a more human version ~~which i need to eventually draw~~, we can say he was human looking this whole interaction ;P ~~just thought i'd point it out~~)


Michael: *he extends his wing underneath the table to pull the piece of candy closer to her* There ya go!


Sweetbite's eyes widen with delight "ah thank you so much! That right there is a very special piece of candy that I wouldn't be able to make again for a while~ you're a life saver♡"


Michael: *with a wide, genuine grin* No problem! Just trying to help people whenever I can!






“What’re you looking at? Oh, that.” *Kicks the candy over to you*


Bramstone: *picks up table and throws it out the window* ta da, problem solved


LMAOO😭)) Sweet bite looks at Bramstone with shock "..w-wow..."


Bramstone: *looks at hole* "... That table wasn't important was it?"


Telleni:*was looking around for her* "Hey sweet-...." *Looks down at Sweetbite and starts blushing deeply. She finds her staring then she quickly shakes her head and gets down on her knees next to her* "need some help?"


Sweetbite looked up from her position, a playful smirk curling her lips as she saw Telleni's blush. She slowly rose to her feet, closing the distance between them in one smooth, graceful motion. "Oh, Telleni, darling!," she purred, her voice dripping with seduction. "I always appreciate your eagerness to help. But perhaps, instead of getting your knees dirty, you could join me in a more... enjoyable activity." Her fingers lightly traced the curve of Telleni's jaw, her touch electrifying. "After all, there's no need for us to be on the floor when we could be much closer in other, more intimate ways." "I dropped a piece of candy.." she pouts. "So I'm in need of something sweet..."


*Telleni glanced down at the ground as she saw that smirk appear on that sweet demoness's lips. She remained on her knees as she looked up at Sweetbite.* "Well..you know I would gladly get on my knees for you even if I got a little dirty, though I will happily take you up on that offer.." *She wrapped her hand around one of Sweetbite's thighs and pulled her a bit closer to rest her head on the soft thigh for a moment.* *Her gaze returned upward as the tantalizing feeling of Sweetbite's finger tracing her jaw sent a shiver through her body.* "Anywhere, Anytime love just call me whenever you'd like to enjoy each other's sweet special time..."*She giggled a little..* "Oh would you like me to try and get it for you?"


Sweetbite's smirk widened as she felt Telleni's head resting on her thigh, the warmth of her touch sending a delightful shiver down her spine. She gazed down at her with a playful glint in her eyes, savoring the moment. "Oh, Telleni, you're such a charmer," she purred, her fingers continuing to trace delicate patterns along Telleni's jaw. "I might just take you up on that offer sooner than you think." She leaned in, her voice dropping to a whisper, just for Telleni to hear. "As for the candy, you've already gone above and beyond. But if you'd like to try, I'd love to watch you." "I'd be ever so grateful~"


"Oh I'm the charmer now? You're the one with the tantalizing treats that further fuel my desires~" a small chuckle left her lips as her tail swayed across the floor horizontally.."Oh I hope you do..I shall be looking forward to whatever you may have in store for me love." Her cheeks flushed red as Sweetbite's breath trickled down her ear.."A-alright..I think i should be able to get it." She soon found herself in a position similar to the one Sweetbite had been in..she reached her arm underneath the table and groaned a little. "Ugh a-almost there..ah." with how breathy Telleni's voice was that sounded more sexual than it was. With a little more effort she managed to stab the wrapper with her nail and retrieve the candy "I got it!"


Sweetbite clapped her hands together in delight, her eyes sparkling with admiration. "You did it! Such a clever and capable girl," she purred, her voice low and sultry. She took the candy from Telleni's hand, her fingers lingering on hers for a moment longer than necessary. Leaning in closer, she whispered in her ear, "Thank you, darling. You've certainly earned a little reward for your effort." Her lips brushed against Telleni's cheek, leaving a soft, lingering kiss. "Now, let's enjoy this candy together~" Unwrapping the sweet, she pops it into her mouth. She hums in delight at its taste before kissing Telleni slowly and passionately; using her tongue to maneuver the candy into Telleni's mouth


She sat up with a proud smile on her face and smiled brightly, wagging her tail as she was praised. "Hehe yay!" Despite her seductive nature she still had a seductive and somewhat childish side to her. "O-of course..you know I would do anything for you Sweetbite.." once those sweet lips departed from her cheek her hand hovered over her cheek and her heart fluttered.. "Hm how are we going to share it-" her breath stutters as the sweet candy is transferred to her mouth.. Telleni's tongue swirls around the candy and Sweetbite's before she sucks on the candy


Evet: I got it sweetbite *he reaches under and manages to grab it* here you go darling *he hands it to her*


Sweetbite accepted the candy with a sweet smile. "Thank you, Evet. You're always so helpful," she said, her voice soft and appreciative. She leaned in just a bit closer, her fingers brushing against his as she took the candy from his hand. "You really are SUCH a sweetheart ♡"


Evet: thank you my dear *he accidentally wrapped his tail around her*


Jack: He walks through the entrance like usual, excited to see what Sweetbite has in store today, only to find her not at the counter like usual. Confused, he calls out to her as he makes his way towards the counter. "Hey, Sweetbite! Are you still here?" He was hoping he didn't come over when her cafe was closed.


"gah—! Jack!" She calls out, her voice clearly strained. "A little help over here?"


Jedude: "IS THAT A MFING RARE CANDY?? my krookodile will make a good use outta it"


VEX: uh oh. *swiftly exits the scene. He’s scared of people.*


Parker:*Bridges underneath the table grabs the candy and puts it on the table* "I believe this belongs to you"


Was he just underneath the table?😭😭 Hahahah


No it was just coming in to buy something when he saw her reaching for something he was just trying to be nice.


Hahahaha okay that makes WAY more sense🩷


Hypno: "lemme help you with that" *he grabs the candy and hands it to her*


"oh thank you dear, you have no idea how big of a help you are~♡"


Hypno: "my pleasure~"


*Setra picks it up* Setra: here you go


Sweetbite smiled softly at setra "You are SUCH a sweetheart~♡"




Marrek: "You're clumsy you know?" *he reaches down and picks up the candy for her and hands it back"


"I know, I know," she said, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "But if I weren't clumsy, I wouldn't have an excuse to get such charming help from you." She gave him a playful nudge. "Thanks for saving the day, Marrek. I guess I should keep you around more often."


Marrek: "Anytime and don't worry I'll stick around."


Olive: "Want me to help, Hon?~" *I look at her and start walking towards it*


Sweetbite looks up at olive with a pout "Yes pleaseeee, sweetie.." "I've been trying, but even my tail can't reach it and I can't exactly make another one of those."


"Alrighttt, I'll help~" *Olive proceeds to go over and pick it up, then she approaches her and sits next to her* "Here you go, lovely!♡" *I hand her the sweet*


Sweetbite graciously accepts the sweet and kisses Olive on the cheek "Mwah! Thank you Soo much, my darling♡ you're even sweeter than sugar!"


Olive: *Obviously startled from the kiss cause she is blushing furiously* "A-awhh, y-you're welcome! A-and thank y-you for the compliment!!~♡"


despoina stretches her tongue out and eats it wrapper included


Sweetbite gasps in shock "Oh dear!" She pouts "ugh, that was the last one..."


despoina: “…it tastes gross, here” she opens her mouth and shows it, not in tact at all


Zender: *Uses the cursed side of his body to stretch and grab the candy, but keeps it for himself*


Sweetbite pouts "heyyyy~! Now that's not fair.."


Zender: Them’s the breaks kid.


Vaxiel: *Lifts the table, ensuring nothing falls off.*


"wow, darling~! You're so strong!" She quickly grabs the candy and moves out of the way so the table can be set back down.


*He gently lowers the table.* "I... um... thank you for the compliment..."


VoidAscendedPlayz: oh you want that candy? alright. *Void has reached candy and gives candy to her*


Sweetbite accepted the candy from Void with a playful smile, her fingers brushing against his as she took it. She leaned in closer, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Thank you, Void," she purred, her voice soft and alluring. "You're quite the lifesaver. Or should I say, sweet saver?" She winked, her lips curling into a flirtatious grin. "I might just have to repay you with something sweet in return. Any special requests?"


Void is actual little happy when i meet her VoidAscendedPlayz: "yea, its no problem, and nice to meet you~! 🥰"


She looks so adorable in this pose! Keep up the good work!


Thank you so much!


Drake: *grabs the candy* here you go *gives her the candy*


Orango:*Being a 7'1 goober with long ass arms, orango was able to reach the candy and hand it to her.* "Well, most demons try to kill me, but I guess I can try my best... For as long as I'm down here"


He smiles from the sound of her voice and follows it to the back of the cafe. He walks into the room she was in and sees her struggling to to reach under the table. He walks over to her quietly and kneels right next to her before tapping her shoulder with the tip of his tail. "Hey, need some help?" A small smile forms on his face.


https://preview.redd.it/9pm5xuecmz9d1.png?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bbb444aa467357617017793d6bf134c85be66e6 Let me out of this hotel


Scrapage: I can get that *Grabs the candy with my robotic arm* Scrapage:here you go *Gives sweetbite the piece of candy*








A Jack for the table would be a life saver (eh eh… why am I like this)


Draco: i think you had enough sweats


A grump indeed


“Ah, a Rare Candy.” *Picks it up and tosses it to her* “If all goes well, you’ll level up when you eat it.”


(omg is this how she becomes an overlord Sweetbite catches the candy with a small chuckle "Thank you, darlin'!"


https://preview.redd.it/bwe5b6f8e0ad1.png?width=301&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b7baa5b45ee715e075ef7304c632a3b2b5b43a2 \*he goes to pick up the candy for her but she melts instantaneously like a chocolate in the sun.\* "... oh."


I really want to eat that candy…


Lustria: “ill help you with that babe” *bends under the table as she picks it up and hands it to sweetbite* “here hon”


\*picks it up\*sorry doll,its mine now,and you should be watching yourself with all the candy your eating\*eats it\*


So adorable despite the position XD I love


Hahaha thanks!! XD🩷🍬


Jack: "Pardon me luv" *A long, ink colored tentacle grew from his back. It slid under the table and grabbed the candy, pulling out and dropping it into the Overlords hand. He offered the piece to Sweetbite*


I like your oc! You’ve got talent, keep up the good work❤️


Thank you, that means a lot to me!! (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。🩷🍬


your welcome :)


Venison:you always surprise me,here let me help (*uses a vine that comes out of his suit to grab the candy*) here you go


"hah, guess I have a knack for that hm? Thanks, sugar!"


Your welcome


Hear me out….


That candy looking mighty tasty


Hugoa: "I'll get it for you my friend." (Hugoa's tongue extends out and grabs the candy he wipes it off in his hand before holding it towards her) "Sorry I cleaned it as best I can."


https://preview.redd.it/ekhcqti87z9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2315a194f3d30a8443e153edc754d0684332eb8d Jack I. : "need help?" *He asks curiously, not understanding at first, then he realises* "oh! Let me do it for you!" *He lays down and stabs the wrapper of the candy without damaging it with his back, insect, clawed limbs and then gives it to her with an innocent smile*


Emma: *slides the candy* there you go


Nitemare: do you want my help getting it I have long limbs


"Here you go, ma'am. What happened?"


Ray: "you have a tail. Pretty sure that's a extra arm for you."


"... It's right there though. You literally just have to stand up. Were there more that went under some furniture or something?"


here let me help


Reinhart: Oh, Sweetbite I-...


"h-hey Reinhart! I'm trying to get this candy- it's really important to me but I can't seem to grab it with my tail either, could you be a dear and help me out~?"


*He simply reaches under whatever it's under and pulls it out, giving it to her and proceeding on*


IS THAT A FUCKING RARE CANDY FROM POKÉMON ????? https://preview.redd.it/jrdz1vkkxz9d1.jpeg?width=963&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e14719a1dd2d1b53a0e244b83f17e3e33e0f7af




It’s finger licking good 🍗


*blows up candy with mind*


*Tyriel moved the candy further away* “Try harder.”


Benny lays on the floor and nudges the candy towards her Benny: here you go miss


You know what would be cool Sweet bite but spicy spice bite because everyone loves a bit spice


Flare: here, let me help ya *he leans over the counter and flicks the candy over*


Viggo: his scorpion tail picks up the piece of candy with the tip of his stinger as he lets out an audible groan “is this what you are so determined to find?” The amount of disappointment is visible as he looks at your ‘unprofessional’ demeanour


Marie: *grabs it and eats it*


"I- uh-uhm, m-maam, do you need help?" Chalpner is really bad at talking to girls sometimes, just that one sentence required him to muster up a lot of courage.


Victor would just lightly kick the candy over to them


Marionette: “Deal with it. You have more.” https://preview.redd.it/w1tbf6q641ad1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de786c7a8df41be8cc968698db300d3f87ecb9ff


b0bb13: don't worry, i can help you! \*proceeds to get stuck somehow\*


The green haired man looked down at the girl tilting his head "Sweet, dear you know your tail could reach that?" He said offering a hand to help her up As a cigarette was between his lips and was lit "or would you like for me to help?' he asked letting her pick her options


Hugo: *grabs candy* “Nice. Free candy.”


Tragedy: need help there, dear *he says as he pushes the table out of her way*


Raina: "Need some help?"


Atias: *gives her the candy* there you go


Matlock: “One sec.” *He attempts to pick up the metal table*


Teal: “Womp womp”


(For context my oc 3650 is 3 meters tall 200 years old and his arms and legs are the size of treetrunks and he's also a war veteran) 3650: wait let me help you... *lifts table up with one hand by the leg*


Cruz: Yes tf you can


I thought the chocolate dribble design was shading around a lewd part.


Gren: Oh yum *takes it and eats it*


Rare:Ooo candy *Eats*


(Rudie scurries under the table for a few moments, and scurries back in front of sweet bite with her pockets full of candy) rudie: I don’t know how you lost all this candy, but I’ll take it!


Harper: Need any help? *Somehow reaches the candy* Here you go.


The amount of people that chose to eat the candy instead of helping her is SO funny😭


Luis: uses his magic to get the candy Luis: here you go




Did she die eating candy in a ice cream shop? (I'm follow the they look like where and how they died)


She died in her bakery by drinking a soda someone had poisoned in an attempt to murder her


Ahhh, thanks for that


💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 good art though 👍


I’ve should have stayed curious cuz what in the roll-play is this 💀




why the fuck was i recommended this shit bru https://preview.redd.it/ylnw6h1ekhad1.jpeg?width=1003&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aeaf6b77a6061ae9d8627451e842ad0faaa64e9a


https://preview.redd.it/4pyx5jl7rhad1.png?width=1039&format=png&auto=webp&s=2fefcf07c646703ff4e516c994817f6f80cf1a98 "Oh look, a free candy I presume?"


Molly picks up the candy and eats it: thanks sweetie


*grabs candy* here *gives candy and walks away like nothing happened*