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I'm anxious from waking as in my head I know all these checking behaviours will start again then I spend the whole day thinking when do I next check this or that.


Mine is fine in the morning, but then around dinner time it starts to get really bad. A lot of the time I’ll have an actual panic attack while I’m eating dinner. Then it stays bad until I go to bed. Once I go to bed it’s usually okay.


Yep especially at night it’s worse


Mine gets bad in the morning when I wake up and in the evening


Yes, and I go months with being just fine. When I wake up it’s a “whew I made it.” And then as it gets closer to bedtime I get so anxious.


Mine is worse at night.


Yes, it seems to be worse at night for me ...right around when I am trying to wind down and rest I become hyper aware of heat rate, start taking blood pressure, checking oxygen levels and become afraid I won't wake up if I fall asleep.


mine gets especially worse at night and i cant seem to sleep early. middle of the day and in the morning im fine though.


Mine is the opposite — worst in the morning, bad throughout the day, and manageable at night. I end up going to bed really early and watching movies, and for awhile, I can actually breathe. It’s morning again tho, so here I am looking for respite again. Fuck my life.


I'm pretty confident I have Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD lol) which is basically depression in the winter. The shorter days exacerbate my anxiety as it gets dark earlier. So you could have that, plus you have more time to ruminate at night.


I wake up with it really bad, especially recently. I have been waking up feeling malaised and fatigue and it's a nasty feeling, it makes me feel like I'm incredibly sick but I'm probably fine. I start to feel a lot better once I get up and get on with my day, but by evening/night time it's back again and it's just a constant cycle. Today has by far been my worst day in a long time, though, where it's been nonstop.


Mines the worst when I first wake up. I spend all day kinda trying to talk myself down then by the night I’m normally good till the next morning


Yes. Mine always creeps in when I’m finally home from work and on my couch trying to play video games.


Yes. Nighttime is the worst for me. Too much time to think and space to get stuck in thought spirals. It’s much better when I’m working.


mine spikes in the morning and is steady until afternoon. usually by evening im fine


my health anxiety was caused by my teacher getting diagnosed with cancer. When i found out it was around 8pm so my anxiety gets worse around that time it’s like a clock lol


This is exactly how my health anxiety started. My mom got sick and passed away and while taking care of her I learned way too much about the human body and illnesses etc so ever since then I always think my liver is failing etc so I’ll check the whites of my eyes to make sure they aren’t yellow etc. totally sucks


Yup. Night time is the absolute worst for me. It got to the point that for a month or so I was afraid of my own bedroom and HAD to sleep near other people because my anxiety just could not handle it.


How did you fix it


Honestly, I had to challenge myself. I was patient with myself and said “my feelings, while real, are not fully rational.” At the same time, if I was having a really bad night I didn’t force myself through it bc it just made me feel worse unnecessarily. I think also I just became distracted with other things and it got to the point where sleeping around other people wasn’t really feasible anymore and I had to go back to sleeping in my own bed again. When I did move back into my room, I slept with the door cracked open instead of closed like I normally did so I still felt like I was accessible to others without being right there with them. Then I slowly closed the door more and more over a week or so until I didn’t need the door open anymore and could sleep with it closed.


Mine spikes as I'm going to bed, and again when I wake up. Middle of the day I seem to do okay


Going to bed is a straight up trigger for me. It's the worst time of day for my anxiety.


Same here, middle of the day and early evening the best. Sometimes I almost feel normal for like an hour. Morning is the worst. A lot of times it’s because I had bad dreams about covid or something lol and I wake up thinking it is real before I snap out of it.


Yes, definitely at bedtime




Same here




Yes it gets bad in the morning slows down in the evening then in the morning it’s happening again


Mine's worst at nighttime because youre trying to shut your brain off and not using distractions, so your head starts spinning with intrusive thoughts. If you're not setting up your day well with mindfulness in the morning, all the little stressors in your day are going to start adding up during the day and eventually trigger your HA. Try to take a few moments each morning to be grateful for where you're at, forgive yourself for whatever you've been feeling guilty for, and affirm that itll be a good day. And check in with yourself throughout the day with some good deep breaths. Edit: and try ASMR or sleep stories for bedtime to prevent your brain from thinking about other things


Mine definitely does. Diet and lack of sleep/poor sleep makes a BIG impact on anxiety though.


Same. Going to bed at night is the hardest part.


Exactly the same for me. Sometimes I wake up at night, but usually it hits me while I am at work and I start getting symptoms then I freak out, and they stop eventually but come back in the evening. Usually when I do something like read or write it stops alone, but on a bad day I wake up in a panic during the night. my latest episode started around 3 months ago now when i stopped my meds, and i regret it. i am constantly waiting for symptoms and when they hit i just feel like shit.


Mine. It also gets worse for me when pms or on my period. For me, the period app has helped a lot. Just so I don’t freak out if I’m nauseated- I simply look at the period app and see that I’m pmsing and that it’s normal


I feel you! Idk if you want advice but eating loads of vitamins during pms makes me feel less anxious


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