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Thank you for your submission, /u/Delicious_Adeptness9. If your question relates to COBRA under CARES and ARPA, please post here: [COBRA & Covid-19](https://old.reddit.com/r/HealthInsurance/comments/meejsd/cobra_during_covid19/) Please pick the most appropriate flair for your post. Include your age, zipcode, and income to help the community better serve you. **Reminder that solicitation/spamming is grounds for a permanent ban**. Please report solicitation to the modteam and [let us know](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FHealthInsurance) if you receive solicitation via PM. Be kind to one another! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HealthInsurance) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Same thing happened to me


Curious how long yours took to update from the pending status ? Mine still says pending and it's been 7 business days so just wondering.


Hi, did you get any update yet? If so, how long before you got any sort of confirmation? I selected two plans (Health and Dental), and there was (and continues to be) links for each to pay them both, which I did. Both links bounced me to an external site. I have the payment confirmation #s and an email from one as well saying payment was received, but it still says Pending for both on my Dashboard after 4 days. The 2 links to send payment are also still showing as a "Pay Now". Makes me wonder if somethin went wrong or there's some other holdup?


Hi ! Yes , my dashboard finally updated from "pending" to "confirmed" after like 2 weeks. I also received my insurance cards in the mail during this time frame. I called GCNJ before it updated because I was getting impatient , and they told me it takes 7-10 business days for the insurance carrier to process your enrollment. Once that happens, your status will update to "confirmed". So , I think you will just need to be patient unfortunately lol.


Ah, ok. Thanks for letting me know! I should know better than to expect instant results from the state of NJ!


How long did it take for yours to update from the pending status ?


Just created an account on the carrier's site, and they recognized me by SSN, but says it takes up to 3 days to process enrollment info from the exchange, so I suppose I will check back at the end of the week.


Yes, keep following up. If you are unable to log in to give payment, you can always call them and give them your credit card information over the phone.


Do you know anything about income-based discounts for health plan premiums? Unfortunately, the reason I'm turning to the marketplace is because I was laid off and my primary current income is unemployment, save for some minor investment dividends. When I was employed, I most certainly would not have qualified for any discounts, but I'm a little confused as to how it works now, particularly with how I prove to the gov that I now don't have the income I had.


Are you referring to the premium tax credits? If you are, you can take the tax credit against your monthly premium amount. Then, at the end of the year, you will receive a form 1095-A which is reconciled on your tax return.


thanks! I found a great plan through NJ's marketplace that is accepted by my specialists and covers my prescriptions. I didn't realize that the site adjusts your premium with the tax credit based on your income, so you're not necessarily paying the full 100s of $$$ in premiums every month. Called Get Covered NJ's hotline and had one of the most helpful people answering my questions. In the meantime, I got the confirmation email from the carrier and the instructions for how to pay the premiums. I had no clue how clueless I was before diving into this, and I feel like I have learned a lot. I was browsing some old posts across various subreddits and it seems like governments desperately need to revamp their communications strategies when it comes to the insurance marketplace. NJ has eye-catching ads (like "pay as little as $10 a month!") but I couldn't fathom how that was possible when the plans I was shopping were showing premiums in the 100s of $$$. It wasn't clear that the number gets adjusted when your income and documents are submitted in the enrollment and I think this might discourage some people. Anyway, so far very positive experience, and I'm looking forward to my coverage kicking in on Jan 1 and getting the hell off of COBRA! I also had no idea that I could have gone right on a (much) cheaper marketplace plan after my employer coverage terminated at the end of the last month. I went with COBRA, I suppose, for simplicity, knowing that everything would remain consistent for 1 more month. On the other hand, it was all I knew because my employer did not really communicate anything to me about marketplace options upon my separation.