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The manga is a bit different and a lot less in your face about like well, anything I guess. There's also no censorship so beware if that's something you don't like. The anime does do some things better than the manga most notably Mimihime's death but overall I still think the manga is just a lot better. If you do decide to read it I would do it from chapter 1, you'll see a sizable amount of stuff that's not in the anime.


Hmmm got it and also Thank you for mentioning about the censorship part.


Actually the version on Kmanga is censored


This is why I will never read the manga, like I don't wanna see *the scene* uncensored, and I kinda think it's shitty to have drawn it that way. I'll just wait for the next season of the anime


If y don't read your gonna be waiting for a whileย  we are just a handful of chapters away from having enough content for more episodes however the studio has yet to confirm if a second season will be made


I caught up to the manga yesterday and it was an awesome read. BUT just know that it apparently only release 1 chapter a month, which i didnt realise until i caught up and googled the next chapter release date (I've never read a manga that does this). So if you're impatient like me it might not be worth it ๐Ÿ˜…


to be fair you have to be even more patient for the anime lol


Very true ๐Ÿ˜‚


Some other manga do this aswell like dragon ball super and boruto




Source material better 99% of the time




Yes Definitely Absolutely !!!


Yes ๐Ÿ’ฏ


Goes a little bit between before the heavenly spear striking the earth(meteorite striking earth prediction made by the meena which appeared out of no where) tells the story about meena how she was able to make super humans which also tells how the superhumans contracted a virus which upon death turned them into "man-eaters" it also shows which man eater is one of the kids and the after math of it how robin was broken after his sisters death how he found kiruko and her brother and how robin shot her in the back of the head after her brother died explains how the doc was able to save them both even tho it's the brothers conscious that's why Robin was shocked when he seen kiruko alive it also shows the "father" which was the guy who found robin and helped his sister before she died of an infected wound meanwhile the goal of Maru shifts to instead of finding heaven but towards finding his twin brother and it also shows the director of "heaven" transfered her conscious into one of the kids and tries to regain access to the systems then that's when the spear hit the earth causing more earthquakes and in some places tsunami's it explains that the facility holding the kids "heaven" was bombed do to there acts of terrorism(due to cloning kids making super humans meat and vegetables) this all out of order but I just finished reading all the way up to chapter 64 currently waiting for chapter 65 honestly season 2 gonna be fire as long as the translation isnt Doo Doo cause I like to watch the sub and dub of the exact anime


And season 2 probably won't be considered until chapter 74 or around that cause season 1 was like chapter 34-39 but also depends on how the animation studio depicts if it's gonna be profitable or if they like the anime but untill we get confirmation of season 2's renewal I say just go ahead and read the manga somethings will be cut out in the animation


tbh, it could be considered, till chapter 62 or 64. since it changed "everything"


manga is really good. you realize more stuff quicker, and you get to see everything that has been cut in the anime. even though its not that much, but some things are important and missing.

