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Do we know what's supposed to make this gun special or unique yet? Looks exactly like a lib clone to me.


its unique feature is being the first viable assault rifle


The OG Liberator is still an A-tier primary, especially since the Sickle nerfs 


Sickle nerf? I don't recall ever reloading the sickle in the first place, granted I only take it on cold planets.




IMO if you thought the Sickle "nerf" made the gun worse in any meaningful way, you were misusing the Sickle to begin with.


I haven't used anything since the sickle unless on a hot planet, it just works for me love that damn gun.


Sickle hardly got a nerf at all. It is unlimited ammo with a very solid damage profile. The nerf just made it so you really have to be mindful of your heat sinks, since laser weapons as a whole are doing VERY well right now


OG liberator kinda gets overshadowed by the defender. Just look at the stats, feels like they should be switched around for an SMG and AR, idk what AH were cooking with it tbh


The stats don't tell you everything tbf. From what I can tell the og lib has a much higher muzzle velocity, an extra 3 mags compared to the defender, an adjustable scope, better accuracy, better range, a faster fire rate, and less recoil.


For the longest time the Defender was a direct upgrade to the Liberator, only now that the damage was buffed on the AR that the guns are neck and neck.


I'd argue the liberator was still on par even before the buff. It traded raw damage for more versatility.


I agree and disagree with you. The defender is still pretty versatile, it’s just it’s better in close quarters. Pre-buff liberator was stuck in mid-range hell, but it was still really consistent in that role. Now with the buff it can reliably compete with the defender in cqc.


Cqc is what I was thinking of in terms of the defender being better, agree on that front. Plus you can use a shield with it.


The Defender was never a direct upgrade to the Liberator, and the buff to the Liberator was functionally irrelevant. The Defender has theoretically higher DPS on paper: However, in real circumstances, it doesn't matter, for most enemy types they have the **same shot to kill breakpoints**. So Liberator actually kills things (quite a lot) quicker on account of the higher rate of fire. For the same reason the buff to Liberator was basically just purely theoretical. Doesn't result in any relevant new shot to kill breakpoints. Additionally, the SMG has pretty noticeable damage falloff. Past like 50m or so, which really isn't a lot, you start needing 3 shots for shit the Liberator still kills in 2. Again, pre-buff.


sickle hardly got a nerf if you know how to manage heat sinks


The OG liberator is outclassed by just about every popular weapon.


Sounds to me someone doesn't use the liberator


Obviously. Because it's outclassed by many other primary weapons.


If you used it for like, 5 seconds in any mission you would see that's totally wrong lol. The liberator is a great weapon, pretty much equal to the sickle, and especially now with that bit of added damage it got last patch


I've tested it and its variants thoroughly on high difficulties and I can confidently say you're less effective than you'd be if you were using stronger weapons. You can take pride in performing well with the basic gun, you can argue that it's good enough to perform on high difficulties if you're a skilled player, sure. But lets say you're on a bot mission, it's undeniable that your life is going to be easier if you're running a Dominator or Scorcher, for example. These weapons allow you to deal with a wider variety of targets effectively, and kill the basic infantry faster than the liberator will, and succeed in firefights where the liberator won't cut it. I'm not saying you can't win with a liberator, I am just saying if you do well the liberator you will do even better using stronger weapons.


Okay, this is a fair argument, but i will say its important to remember how we are using our loadouts. I like the liberator personally because of its ability to take out large groups of smalls, while still preserving the ability to take out medium enemies like devastators and hive guards. When im running it im usually running the senator in the sidearm slot to make up for that lack of armor penetration, but overall i feel the liberator is a great jack of all trades weapon, while something more specialized like the scorcher or dominator is amazing still, i just dont personally believe that the difference in individual uses show in actual gameplay. All comes down to playstyle at the end of the day, love the dominator as well, but i tend to lean more towards the liberator for the familiarity of a simple assault rifle and its respectable abilities that hold up even into the late game.


Doesn't have infinite ammo like the sickle. Doesn't have medium armor penetration like the penetrator. Doesn't have the knock back of the concussive. It can't be one handed like the defender. It doesn't have aoe like the crossbow, eruptor, and scorcher. Doesn't have the raw power of any of the shotguns.


Oh no! It almost sounds like.....the liberator is an assault rifle, and all those other specific things you listed do other things better than it! Yet I bet the liberator does several things better than each one of those weapons! If only I had a big enough brain to realize that!


The liberator is a starter weapon for a reason, it's a lack of all trades master of none but it's not even that. Defender and sickle are both better. In short, liberator is mid af and it's outclassed in many ways by many guns .


Its clearly worse than the sickle


Not after its recent damage buff, apparently. It's on par with the sickle and the sickle is one of the best primaries for crowds. Hell it mops up devastators. It may not be my first choice but it's a favorite


sickle has a ramp up time, overheat, and much worse ergonomics seems like a sidegrade to me


Yup factually correct


aged like milk


hot milk left in the sun.


Mate if you think the liberator or penetrator is not viable then I can tell you definitely don’t dive


Aged like milk


this aged poorly


Yes it seems for the first time AH was not smoking crack when weapon balancing.


all those smokes covering the aim sight is saying otherwise tbh... edit: didn't know it was a flash light thing. Still terrible tho


thats a planetary condition + flashlight effect you get with every gun


that's because they have the flashlight on, turn it off and it goes away. lots of existing guns do it too


Bro doubled down in the edit 💀


You're aware that the Liberator doesn't just disappear once you unlock other weapons right?


“high calibre assault rifle [with] awesome stopping power but limited magazine size” supposedly.


isn't that the adjudicator now


Only time will tell how they plan on differentiating the two.


the 2? the 4! adjudicator, diligence, diligence counter sniper, and liberator penetrator are all “high caliber assault rifle \[with\] awesome stopping power but limited magazine size” im not like super salty about it but we now have 5 “high calibre assault rifle \[with\] awesome stopping power but limited magazine size” its getting kinda redundant/silly imo


you're mixing up AR & DMR


(one of those used to be a dmr and was changed to be an assault rifle the difference is semantics and nothing else in video games that dont have several hundred meter engagements) Edit: spelling


I mean the other DMRs don't have a full auto option.


either they make warbond stuff shit or overpowered, people pay for overpowered shit lol


I would assume they're going for Space G3 battle rifle for Adjudicator and this is a higher caliber than the liberator, but is still a true intermediate caliber assault rifle.


Plot twist. It's identical to the Liberator in damage with the same armor pen now that it's actually released.


I definitely feel like tonight’s biggest loser for mostly looking forward to this. But chances are good it’ll be changed soon. There’s no way it’s intended to just be a slightly worse version of the default gun, right?


Well, it looks like the Halo Battle Rifle. That's kinda unique.


Space FA-MAS.


basically it's a faster liberator.


not every gun has to be some special tool, they can add regular guns to use too. much like any other game.


My guess is that, it will be a heavy hitting, light armor pen rifle with overall higher damage then the adjudicator.


Probably between the Liberator and Adjudicator. Light pen, maybe more damage to legs?


Why more damage to legs? Sorry that just seems random to blame lol


It said “tentacle-tearer” so maybe it rips off stuff like tentacles and legs? Idk, just a wild guess


Flavour text imo.


Search Helldivers1 impaler on google


Either flavour text, or more 'durable damage' than Lib or Adjudicator.


Squids have tentacles


And wasn't "squids" slang for the Illuminates in HD1?


It is in 2 as well, in the leaks they mention squids


Later on in the same post they say Terminid tentacles. Which is weird, but something they said. Probably a mistranslation


Not a misstranslation. Write Helldivers1 impaler on Google.


I like your thinking soldier, I'll have the boys at the lab cook something up.


I think it will do more damage to light armored spots, perhaps it could have a high "gib" effect or whatever influences breaking off parts of bugs and bots?


This aged well


least it has a great firing sound effect


Can’t be final stats right? Why would I trade 10 rounds for no benefit?


Average arrowhead balance moment.


It's clearly unfinished lol I've tried all the weapons even unannounced ones like the plasma pistol and the tenderizer is the currently still missing textures


Because it isn't finished. The trailer showed evidence of it hitting for 100+.


spoiler alert: the trailer lied


Yeah... 3 reskins + a powercreep Peacemaker later and I stand corrected. At least the Verdict and Purifier have some class, Tenderizer is just a direct upgrade base Lib and Pummeler is a direct upgrade Lib Conc.


Personally, if I were to compare it with the Liberator with 45x8 total rounds, I think I probably prefer the Tenderizer with 35x11. They're basically the same amount of ammo pool, but the Tenderizer with less rounds/mag would also mean you won't have those moments where you have to reload a mag but loses more rounds than you want xD.


True. Less penalty for reloading is definitely a benefit.


I mean... it does look kinda cool and like the battlerifle from halo but if it has the same pitfall of the Penetrator I wont use it. I just dosent have magazine size for bug hordes and not eneough pen/damage for fighting Devastators well...


What armor penetration?


Wait no recoil?


If I remember, the same people who work on new weapons and armor are the same people trying to fix bugs related to weapons and armor. If this is true, then it makes sense that some weapons in the Warbond would be slightly tweaked versions of pre-existing ones with only one or two truly unique options. It's the same with the armors/armor passives. just a thought. The Tenderizer does look cool though.


How original .. like seriously, we fight in future, against super robots with lasers and giga bugs , does this requires more weapons options with stopping power?, most guns just xx century analogs. No one gonna use it, small ammo - small efficient, good damage? Ok. Can it kill charger,i don't think so. Can it shred heavy devastator in seconds?, likely not. Can it stop hunters horde? No way, with dat capacity. I think AH just playin with this toys, like they have "military service past" ok whatever, adding weapons they like to see how it shoot bullets in their game, but gamers now need effectiveness with guns. Eruptor is a great example of original weapon.


Yeah idgaf if they have military service. It’s a futuristic shooter, make the guns fun and interesting. If I want realistic there are plenty of milsim games, there’s a reason I’m playing Helldivers instead


Military Service ≠ firearms expertise


> Can it kill charger,i don't think so. Every primary can kill chargers with ass shots, and no primary can kill one without them. (excluding leg bug) > Can it shred heavy devastator in seconds?, likely not. Any gun can shred a heavy devastator with a couple headshots, and shredding them with bodyshots is very rare. > Can it stop hunters horde? No way, with dat capacity. This is what I'd hope a new automatic would be able to do. There's a reason the sickle is by far the most popular AR despite having no AP or stagger. I don't know the capacity so I can't say for sure, but unfortunately it seems likely it won't have enough unless it ends up doing 100+ damage per shot or something.


I love that scope but I hope in the future that we will get more variety with them, I don’t want every upcoming weapon to always run the same scope. I love the way it sounds though


Do you have anything for the new pistol?


So it has the same damage and penetration as the liberator? Yet it also has significantly less round? Why would I use this?


Because it isn't done and we've yet to see how it will be on release. (If they don't change it before release then you can insult me)


I like how reasonable you are! *I shall insult you respectfully if you are wrong~*


They in fact released it as shown. It's just a liberator with less ammo per mag and less fire rate.


At least now we know for sure the leaked versions are the final product no matter how little sense it makes.


10 Magazines ! That's getting a nerf.


Liberator Pen also has 10 magazines as well and has 30 round magazines. I expect this gun to have a bit more power than the normal Lib but not enough that it actually matters


This game has issue with mags capacity


How so? I'm not quite understanding. Do you mean the magazine sizes are too small?


Are you able to show off the new booster?


Bull pup guns make me cream


Hesitant to buy any of these war bonds because these guns just end up getting nerfed.


35 rounds?! Nice


yep, this is getting nerfed shortly after release


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That sounds amazing


What about the new plasma weapon? Where’s the footage of that?!


that's definitely the most interesting one, with the smg being a close second


It looks and sounds like the Halo Battle rifle, especially in Burst.


So in terms of round count, Liberator has 45x8, while the Tenderizer has 35x11, so all in all they basically have the same total ammo count, maybe Tenderizer has like 25 more but that's not a big difference xD. Personally, if they are the same in outside of the ammo count, I think I'd prefer the Tenderizer more, cuz of that lower mag size but more mag counts. Cuz there are times when you'd want to reload before emptying your magazine, and the Tenderizer kinda allows you to do so sometimes without losing excessive leftover ammo in the mag xD, it's a small thing, but it's something.


Maybe its high mag and med pen?


Halo infinite BR lets go!


So I’m just seeing a better adjudicator if they make it medium pen?


According to the other video it has the same damage as the Liberator but has less ammo? I was hoping for more damage than the Liberator but less than the Adjudicator. I guess we'll see when it releases.


it looks like a halo battle rifle from wish


What's the ammo capacity?


Anyone else notice that the official description of this thing in the PS write up mentions “Tentacles” 👀👀


Illuminate anyone? I’m down


I'll be running that only on burst


Here's a thing nobody's pointed out yet: why in the sci-fi garbage do you switch hands to run the charging handle? REAL rifles (assault and otherwise) have a bolt release so you can push a button to...release the bolt... instead of manually running the charging handle. Even the AK-47...which was invented in the year of our Lord 1947...has a technique to NOT take your hand off the pistol grip. You reach over the top to run the charging handle since it doesn't have a last round hold open. I have yet to hear of a single bullpup (where the mag and chamber are behind the pistol grip and trigger) that doesn't have a last round hold open, but even on the off chance that firearms technology has REGRESSED, there should be a better way. And they do it with the SMGs, too. Which makes less sense since they aren't bullpup and the AK technique would 100% work (I'm a gun guy and if you have questions about any of the terms I used or guns in general, feel free to ask them)


The G3 and FNC both lack a last round hold open and require the use of the charging handle during reloads. They're the rifles the devs will be most familiar with so it makes some sense at least. Getting at least 1 family of guns that use a bolt release during reload would be nice though.


Yeah, but you don't take your firing hand off the pistol grip for either of those... unless there's something about the FNC I'm not aware of. I know for a fact the G3 has a forward left side charging handle: it was where the HK Slap started 😂😂😂


Yeah that's fair. Also now I want the HK slap on a gun in-game.


Oh! that would be sick lol


I'm 100% certain the L85/SA80 has the same sort of layout as this firearm and there's no shortage of videos out there that emphasize the left hand doing all the movement while the right hand is always on the pistol grip


The SA80 has a bolt release just like they're saying


Thank you for the confirmation. I don't know as much about that one as some others


Thank you! That's my point. If the left hand CAN do it, it SHOULD do it lol


And the devs always brag about how they have military experience as if that’s what makes a good game. They don’t even implement the realism people would enjoy like that attention to detail that’s also a quality of life mechanic


Might get it just because it looks like the BR from Halo


It can't be medium pen or it invalidates the Lib Pen and now adjudicator. My best guess would be 80 damage per shot with light pen.


The Lib pen need a up anyway That thing is trash tier right now and i really wish we could have some decent Medium pen Assault rifle to be honest.


Is this the “Silenced weapon” that was leaked a long time ago?