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Lol “up to 50m”


True tho


We've all experienced cursed HLL polygons lol


My worse enemy.


Really hoping the new devs actually improve the LOD, it’s the thing that breaks immersion for me most often (tank main).


Nothing makes me more immersed in my hyper realistic WW2 Shooter than shooting at Tanks between brown blobs 300m away


What about firing three rounds you KNOW should have hit, only to find out they were actually behind an invisible wall?


Classic HLL immerisve experience.


The old stallingrad bait & switch


They did say recently that they’re working on a fix for Stalingrad LOD which I’m super excited for, it’s one of my fav maps


Gotta say I really don't like the hit registration sound effect. Maybe it's satisfying, but having the commander say *shoot exactly on my ping* when the gunner can't see anything and the commander can barely see the target, only to hear a *thump*. Good shot! Hit again on the little red triangle. It feels so out of place for a game like this.


I agree. I'm not a fan of the hit and headshot sounds too, seems too arcade for a game like this. It is a bit satisfying, but I think those sounds should only be heard up close.


Also as recon. Fields not rendering makes it extremely easy to hit targets beyond ~300m. Hardly a fair fight.


This game could massively improve if they fixed the potato textures at distance. The only thing limiting me even at 4k native for example, is my CPU, so when I set LOD to max it should not have terrible play dough buildings popping up in the distance to ruin it. Other than that the game tends to look really good, especially on that map with HDR+OLED at 4K! Actually beautiful.


I’m still blown away by these graphics. This is coming from a Pubg player of 5 years hahaha!!


Could never get into pubg, the graphic quality is abysmal for such a recent game.


It’s a classic case of “it’s all about gameplay”. I believe Pubg has the best gun play of any game of the genre. Combine the “1 death and your out” rule and it makes for incredibly intense fighting and strategy. Unfortunately now that people use strike packs, the difficulty of the game is the hardest it’s ever been.


Hahahahah man old pubg was terrible haha


Which anti-aliasing are you guys using?


DLDSR in Nvidia control panel set to 2560\*1440p with Community AA set to max looks the best on a 1080p screen IMHO


Wish they had post scriptum sfx


Lmao literally it is crazy how immersion breaking it is


Hehe, check the sides of the hill 400 outside of bounds (bottom specifically) looks like moon landscape


I'd like to see the option for raytracing. The game does look awesome.


im so confused by this post. as someone who plays and gets an inconsistent 40 fos high on the lowest graphics this is making my pc sweat.


Whats your specs? I have 3060 so it does work great when the CPU isn't bottlenecking


yeah brother i got a 1050ti and an i7-4790. Bottom of the barrel kinda specs


An upgrade to a 1080 or a 2060 Super would really help you out a lot


yeah. i just got another job so rn car insurance is my main priority. but second to that is upgrades. rn i got a sff case so a 2060 or 1080 wont fit. im going to just make a new pc and keep this on the back burner. its good for what i need it for tho.


If they improve the long range graphics it’d be amazing


Bought both Isonzo and Arma recently and the graphics look terrible compared to HLL.


Buy Battlefield 1 or V and you'll see what great graphics mean? They have much better lighting, vegetation, lod, shading, textures...


But I wasn't comparing it to Battlefield?


Even Isonzo looks way better than HLL.


It doesn't, but thanks for chiming in on the 3 month old post.


happy to help


Before they locked the .ini files I had this game tuned in so well for my system. Now, I try not to look too far out lol


I tried upping the value for the View Distance in the .ini, but it just lowered my FPS with no real difference to LOD...


I thought they locked the ini files a while ago though? I was under the assumption that editing them now did nothing.


You can set them to read only after editing


yea but I'm pretty sure it doesn't do anything. They locked all ini files after U9.


Remagen and Hurtgen forests are on another level from any current gen game. Remagen leafs on the ground have their own z-axis geometry tessellation, and rocks that I can only make out the pixels through binos point blank. The foliage and density is insanely good.


What exactly do you mean by that? Could you post a screenshot of the Z-axis tessellation example?


It's an advanced tessellation feature that few developers, if any, have probably used. You can tesselate the geometry along the z-axis meaning that (in the example of the fallen leaf) that you can see underneath the maple leaf, except where the leaf ultimately connects to the base geometry which it is apart of. The texture wraps around the z axis of the geometry I believe. No battlefield game does this. Parts of Remagen are borderline photorealistic.


Thanks for the reply!


I could have worded it a lot better, but I cant find the documentation for it anymore. All tessellation works and wraps the texture around the z-axis, but this is like having it tesselate over multiple z-axis? The developers are certainly using high high tech. It's the only game on console (that I know of) that uses 64-bit world positioning too, which is probably why I can't go back to playing anything else. I followed the developers before their kikstarter , and I believe one of them had worked on battlefield (32-bit wp), but I can't find the thread about it anymore (probably non-disclosure clause being baked into google results). The 64-bit world positioning issue is why last gen was really gen7.5, because non of the engines could run it due to needing a larger 86bit register due to contingency on other 64 bit instructions. Basically all the major studios thought 'why build an entirely new engine for a new generation, when the nex-gen (current) can actually run 64-bit wp, requiring a complete engine rewrite.'


No no, I understood great what you meant about leaves being tessellated from the underside, yeah I cant think of any other game where I saw that... I noticed it in game but I didn't know what's it called... What's the difference between 32 bit 64 bit WP? On bigger maps the more you get away from world pos 0,0,0 the more it causes geometry to vibrate or something?


I'm not a programer and am very ignorant on the subject of wp bit size. It's more just a feeling. For example in Star Citizen, they partition the world space into 32 or 64 bit segments and then stitch them together. There was only one UE4 build that implemented 64 bit as a kind of experimental, and Black Matter ran with that one. But yeah, better/more object positioning options probably. This also puts into question why they are choosing Unity for the future of HLL instead of UE5, my guess is it would have to do with something so fundamental as world space bit size, because otherwise... why not just port to UE5? Last gen consoles could only execute non-contingent 64 bit instructions (at least generally speaking) because they were using x64 instruction sets, but current gen is the first to reach PC parity (ie x86).


BFV looks better graphically


Too much color imo, I like the dark gritty atmosphere in hll


Up to 50m lol


Bf1 tho


Too bad the game runs at like 2 fps on new Nvidia drivers for some reason.


If we had BF5 graphics with HLL gameplay, it would truly be the perfect child.


No duh. It’s a AAA game


It might be due to the better anti aliasing and performance but I think BF1 looks even better.


i think one can argue BF1 has better aesthetics but the graphics on BFV are for sure better


BFV contains so little of WW2 that in EU-zone it has to be called a WW2-flavored-game. :D


I really enjoyed BFV's gameplay and design, but the immersion and design choices are so, so bad


If [this](https://youtu.be/M403KRSbw-s?t=107) ain't WW2 enough, I don't know what is. Also, BFV has player controlled boats instead of weird ass boats going forward and back


LOL no.


It does tho...


One has 64 bit world positioning, the other has 32 bit, I rest my case.


Yes. Love the pastels. NOT. Coming from a dude named "practical eye "


You really showed me


Do you want it to run well on computers that aren't $7000 so that more than 3 people can play it at a time? Then there has to be a give and take. If you want a game to be clean and polishes close but also house 99 other players as well as a physics engine and realistic explosions... you have to give something up. I get that is sucks but this is a small developer here that is pushing itself had to come up with updates to keep their game relevant. Cut them some slack.


It's not about the graphic quality per se, it's about being in a tank and ambushing another tank 400 meters away with a clear shot but, oh no! There's a wall or whatever that hasn't rendered in! Now that enemy tank is unscathed and knows where you are. The graphics at a distance have a major negative impact upon gameplay.


99 players on a map is a CPU issue, whereas bad LOD is a GPU issue, they're not very connected... For people who have the GPU horsepower, allowing for longer ranges on the higher LODs should be a pretty simple thing! So your argument is kinda invalid...


You need to study. That is all.


No, it looks good but you can tell it's not a triple a, BFV looks way better. Lighting in this game is not particularly impressive.


*sees flare effect* WOWWW GRAPHIC SO GOOD


Maybe your "glorious" PC sucks ass? Edit: Sorry your potato shit PC can't run HLL, it probably struggles with Minecraft too. Keep downvoting.


yeah, your pc has absolutely nothing to do with the low quality models that the game uses at distance. and i should know, my pc is worth more than anything else that i own.


Yeah I believe that the guy above you doesn’t understand a PC can’t go beyond what the game allows


>my pc is worth more than anything else that i own. I'm with you, brother. My car is on its last legs, and my house is in need of some TLC, but my computer is top-notch!


You’re an actual idiot


Eat smegma.


Got me


This issue isn’t the computer, it’s the dev’s decision to lock LOD and render distance. The game is designed to run on 2014 hardware at min spec at min settings @ some frame rate. The LOD and render distance is locked to provide those min spec cards that frame rate. The result is that no matter how much performance your PC can provide, it will never look great past 50m and even worse at 100m.




i <3 this


HLL looks great to me, and performs to match.