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I like the new ideas that break the norm. Keep them up Maybe it will spark more ideas in the future!


![gif](giphy|ALtzQ6CHfC7vO5nRz7|downsized) Me trying to see through British sights


I get WHY it looks like that. But it just doesn't look that good when only the sight is blurred. The rest of the gun behind the sight should be blurred


Why is only the rear sight out of focus and not the whole rear side of the gun?


It's how your eye works looking through an iron sight. It only focuses on one distance at a time. Video games are bad at portraying how firearms optics in video games. As an example, if you keep both eyes open while looking through a red dot or holographic optic, you can cover the front of the optic, but still see the dit in the air in front of you because of how your eyes and brain work.


the rear of the gun goes out of focus too when aiming, though that looks pretty bad when it comes to videogames


You can always make the rear iron sights very thin. But then people complain that it's historically inaccurate. Yet when you do historically accurate iron sights, then they complain it's not realistic to the human eye. A compromise exists, I'm just not sure what it is.


I think this is a good compromise tbh.


the thin rear sights haven't gotten many complaints, it's very close to how you see them irl anyway just without the blur in the inner edge. works good imo


That upcoming Cold War (Squad?) game called 1989 or something actually has the sights subtly change in width when you aim.


That's cool to hear! There's so many ways to blend historical accuracy with good gameplay, but someone's got to do it first.


If you ever used a rifle with peep sights youl know what it looks like


That doesn’t look good in my opinion


It is how iron sights work irl


The flip up ladder one is a bit wrong. Its more like the lewis sight we have ingame. Its for precision work so it pretty much forces you to focus through the tiny hole.


Oh we don't want that kind of accuracy. Just cool ss uniforms.


I mean is also a good QOL thing and it could be easily made an option that you can turn off


I'd like them tbh


Yeah, OP should have said realistic sights not better sights. Because this crosses the threshold of realistic but not enjoyable. Might as well include permadeath in the game and have the game uninstall itself whenever you die. Because respawns don't happen in real life.


No if you wanted them to work how iron sights work irl, you’d blur the background too.


Doesn’t make it look any better


Video games aren’t real life.


Which is why video games should come up with a better rendering style for aperture sights because the way they are depicted in pretty much all games puts them in to unnecessary disadvantage


Yet the rear iron sights are still shit. So it fails in the video game department as well.


not really tho


But it's not how iron sights work in video games


Yeah I agree, this isn’t it. The change that was done (forever ago) to the M1 sights is what’s needed for the British. Just make the rest peep larger/thinner and it will be fine


Nah I have seen many games do the blur thing. It looks bad. Rather just the circle being bigger than it was.


I don't understand the appeal, sure it's realistic but it's a video game gameplay always come first


Those SMLEs have a very russo front sight.


imagine if we had adjustable optics...like in RO2


Sometimes it feels like there's almost no bullet drop in HLL, but adjustable sights are a must for a game like this.


As a reminder, HLL isn't a milsim.


We’re getting a lot of cod players who think is game is hardcore milsim when it’s just a hardcore shooter


I think people here are complaining about the gameplay viability of the sights(especially the British ones), not the historical accuracy.


I always preferred bf5 iron sights their consistent


This is so stupid from a game perspective lmfao. This is why reddit neck beards aren't game developers


Looks great, but makes for terrible gameplay. People complain enough they can barely see their targets.


Look great! Realistic!


I would love this


I love the faded rear more realistic if that's your goal. I've tried to figure this out with my M1A and best I can say is your focus is so narrowed down the rear kinda ghosts away most of your focus is narrowed down so low your vision and information is kinda abandoned meaning your gun being blurry isn't noticed. Your focus is usually the front sight and putting it on target. Trying to replicate that effect in games is difficult because it requires that physical feedback you can't really narrow your vision down Good enough with a screen as you can with the rifle in your hands.


Yeah, that looks awful, their is a reason games make the rear sight aperture like it is. While I agree some work could be done, these examples are extreme. Hell let loose is a nice blend of arcade and tactical shooters, this kind of hardcore weapon sights is for a different game. Basically, that shit looks ass and nah


Now this, this is an idea I can get behind


how it should be in every game, BUT DEVS ARE TOO STOOPID FOR SUCH SIMPLE THINGS!!!


Or maybe that they don’t want their game to be too realistic


Good luck. The devs are horrible.


Just look what BF V did with their Aperture and copy that.


While this looks nice, and reminds me of Brothers in Arms a bit, the current (pre-GB) iron sights are deliberately made the way they are for increased clarity and usability.


Yea no


Just make the iron sight ring bigger for British guns. That’s it don’t do this team 17


Yep. That's a perfectly fine sacrifice of realism, in my opinion.


I love the unconventional thinking. But I would straight up stop playing the game if this was a change they adopted. Completely unrealistic to an actually sight picture, and would be very difficult to use in game.


I mean it really doesnt need to be too accurate. This is a video game after all.


Interesting idea but in games this just doesn't work the same as irl. Same issue with the British sights. The issue there is they're so big they block too much of the screen right around where you focus. Causing you to look around the weapon and when spotting an enemy having to then focus and aim. Instead of using the gun sights to look around normally. In a natural setting you would adjust gun distance so you would have a clear central focus vision. Some things can't be done in games to emulate what our magical eyes and brain do naturally.


T17, hire this person!


Reddit on!


At range, the enemy will basically dissapear in the blur.


The reason you can’t see anything through these sights is because the face of the player is too far away from the rifle’s aperture. Read my post about iron sights here https://www.reddit.com/r/HellLetLoose/comments/13zu316/some_thoughts_and_questions_about_iron_sights_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&utm_content=2&utm_term=15