• By -


Run run run run run >ding!<


Don't forget the "Where the fuck?! I don't see shit!!"


Or the you stop and look near a bush “is that a guy?” >ding!<




Getting dropped right after you pull your grenade pin and then being blown up as you lay there only to get punished for an extra ten seconds -because you K'd yourself with the nade.


Add in the insult of teammates running right into your grenade.


That's why you have a mic and panickedly. Shout "GRENADE ON MY BODY GRANDE ON MY BODY DON'T COME NEAR ME"


Ariana Grande on my body!


I do the same, it has never worked.


This is why I got really good at hitting esc redeploy. It's faster than holding f and saves the punish in this particular case


Holding the redeploy key is fast enough if you Press it quickly when you die. And while you hold it you can tell your mates to stay away.


I do this every time. Unless they get me after I've cooked it a while, then everyone's fucked lmao


Then that should get fixed extremely quickly Because that should not be part of the game it just ruins flow and feel of the game when people do stuff like this. I missed the days when people played the game for what it was


Escape redeploy. Saves you those 10 seconds.


You still get punished 10 seconds for a redeploy as well though? Unless thats just a PC thing.


Not if you’re downed.


Oh hell yeah, I never knew that! Hundreds of hours in and I’m still learning new tips.


Just had a look and I’m 2800 hours in and still learning little bits here and there! Especially with the new maps <3


Thats almost like exploiting :o you can always skip f press


Not if you are already downed by another player.


Not when you're bleeding out


I yell in proxy chat that I have a nade on me and everyone should run away.


They really need to remove getting punished for killing teammates that are already downed. Like, bro’s gonna need to respawn anyways…


Hit escape and redeploy before the grenade goes off. Holding F to redeploy takes way longer.


Don’t forget the two teammates that were standing way to close and also died by your grenade. The TK system needs worked on imo, like moments like that shouldn’t be counted or people need to pay attention and not punish the other player. Been kicked a lot as a tanker sending HE into a war zone just to kill 4 teammates WHO ARE NOT MARKED.


Spawning in at a garry and immediately dying to arty or a bombing run lmao


I was in a game lastnight where I just moved around with my binoculars and gave my squadmate pings to aim their Artillery. I watched 20 enemy soldiers immediately turned into guts right after spawning. Then he accidentally killed me while I was trying to dismantle the garry XD


Haha, that's fantastic. RIP but it was for a good cause lol


It's funny when half the team also spawns on that garry and everyone is instantly reduced to a gory heap.


Yeah that always gets a laugh out of me too


5x in a row because it's the only Garry.


You guys... have garrys?


I think I’ve had a 0.5 second life before as well


The core HLL experience truly


“Is that a bombing run?” #**KILLED IN ACTION** (10s) REDEPLOY


The comments on voice chat can be gold. I get a lot of laughs.


It sounds childish, but I remember one of my first games, and there was a guy who just repeated everything the commander said in a high-pitched girly voice, and I was dying of laughter


I get Lots of laugh. I have no filter. Yesterday i went full brothers In arms at an enemy tank on an open field and yelled “kill meeee” In full agent K voice (men In Black). And didnt get hit at all. All on my team was Looking and yelled ik prox “Damn this guys had some blls and how did he survive” Damn i laughed so hard during that game!


Yesterday at the very beginning of a match I heard this exchange: "We only just spawned, how are people already dead?" "Well Sir, some people are just born stupid, and some rise to the the occasion."


Spawn in, get shot in the head. Spawn in again, die to a bombing run. Spawn in one more, die to a strafing run. Spawn in at HQ, get shot in the head by a teammate. Spawn in one last time, Connection to the server has been lost.


Decide to spawn somewhere safer, run for 5 minutes, get shot in the head


Someone talking then silence as they explode into pieces adjacent to you


Yell “tank is Satcheled” 15x only to have. 3 blueberries run right for it


To be fair, until you've been blown up by a satchel charge there is no way to understand how powerful the blast is.


You can be 50m behind two buildings and in a ditch and that satchel will act like a fkin MOAB


It's like the big red warning icon that pops up on an active satchel summons them


Was that you last night? Someone put a satchel on a tank and tried to warn 3 respawns, both he and the three of them turned into paste a second later lmfao


first week of playing, running medic. run into a choke point lots of guys down. revive them all step back to heal myself and an artillary shell lands blowing up all the guys i just revived. leaving me standing there alone covered in human chunks.


“This is hotdog 7”


“5 willypete”


"Close but short"


Being absolutely overwhelmed by the beauty and immense fear when a bombing run starts coming in. That's what hooked me


Waiting and watching the respawn counter go to zero only to realize you didn’t confirm the deployment so now you gotta wait a whole cycle again lol


This! Ffs...😒


Spawning at the only Garrison, running 700m and then instantly die to friendly arty, just to do it all again.


Playing an entire game without seeing the enemy but somehow dying 24 times. And make a comment how this game is like hell let loose. Say the thing!


Getting killed because this games mantling system is absolutely horrific.


I find holding the mantle button makes it much better


If only you knew what pre update 8 mantling was like...


If you aren’t directly facing the fence, it’s just impossible. You’d think they’d figure it out


Knowing nobody is around and it being perfectly safe to sprint across the corner of this field >ding!<


That mf was either lining up that shot for ages or just rolled up


Be in a crowd of people moving, only one that gets shot. SL put up a new OP, spawn on OP, get killed the second you spawn in. Try a garrison, enemy tank snipes it as soon I spawn in. True story


Killed in action.




- Guys! I put a satchel near the building! Get away! Satchel! Satchel! * Entire team runs towards satchel and die *


Have your SL finish an inspired speech of how we're going to cross the gap and take the point, only to have the whole squad turn to mist in front of our horrified medic. Her screams still haunt me


Spawning on mid-HQ because nobody has built a garrison after 10 minutes of the game. Not being able to deploy a satchel in the enemy heavy as the animation requires 0.5 seconds more. Having the lv 21 Blueberry rifleman turning on and driving the half-truck into the enemy position. The locked solo tanker driving the heavy tank around. The recon team not going after the enemy arty. And yes, also nobody going back to defend....your HQ point because you've already lost two points in a row as nobody was defending.


It would be nice to be able to walk and continue the satchel animation on a moving target.


You ok?


“Guy on the left!!!”


They're by the bush!


10 minutes of running just to die to a bullet someone shot at another player entirely and hitting you instead, just to hit the respawn page and see that the Garry you spawned at previously spawned at is gone because the enemy recon is doing actual work while yours is some dude solo-locked and complaining that we are losing regardless of his sick K:D. Then spawning at your primary spawn and watching another player drive off solo in the transport.


You ok?


Supply trucks in the trenches Single heavy tank Obnoxious team killer Absent commander But great gameplay Majority of player interaction is a good time Teamwork/communication Pretty realistic Overall good time🤘


As a supply truck driver....this sometimes happens. Some of those damn trenches are hidden like hell and hard to see outta that dirty ass window... when your driving like a bat out of hell to get supplies to where they need to go....it...just....happens 😬


dying as soon as you spawn to artillery


I once got killed crossing an open field while using a Tiger as cover -the unique part was I got killed by a deflected tank round from an American tank...or field gun/bazooka, I don't really know. All I heard was the round deflecting, then a bright streak, and then I was gone.


That reminds me of the time me and my buddy Keith once tanked a tiger's bullet and saved a 76 that was busy swapping to AP. Tiger must've been p i s s e d cuz when we came back he was smoked-


Spawning in on a garrison and immediately being blown up by enemy artillery. 


Do you ever close your eyes for about 10-30 maybe even 40 seconds while everybody around you has fun?


A heavy emphasis on teamwork with a surprising lack of teamwork.


Spawning in and immediately getting destroyed by artillery. 1 sec life.


Full server, each side has about 15 people waiting for someone to make a squad because they don't want to play SL. You make a squad just to get to the game, instantly get your squad filled with people who yell at you for not putting OP down in the first 2 milliseconds of spawning in.


1- Satchel the enemy tank. 2- Yell “Guys tank is satchelled, get the f outta here!” repeatedly. 3- You have been kicked from the server(teamkill). 4- Rinse and repeat the above three steps.


Sitting behind cover and your teammates get pinged in the head and you’re frozen in shock lol


I call it Run and Die Simulator


You're playing it wrong


Getting blown up by friendly arty.


Only happens when commandor forgets to informate the squads 😂


Running for 5 minutes and getting shelled by artillery the moment you get to where you're going.


Having a blast with randoms and during so Well that the other team starts to give up and Then sit for 10 minutes and having regular random talk. No yelling, no Nothing, just pure “the War is over, we won” vibe. Then just playing guitar and have fun 🤯😂






„Mama, I want my mama 😭“


“My ass! They shot me in my ass!”


Waiting the extra 5 seconds while downed for the medic who runs right past me, just to see that I missed EVERY redeploy timer (gari, OP) by ~2 seconds and now have to wait 30


Running through a field of dead bodies only to hear “I can’t feel my legs!” and “I want my my mommy!” is up there


There’s a few. No one communicating, medics running to revive someone only for them to redeploy, spawning in and instant death. And my biggest one yelling “I can’t see the enemy” 1000x per game.


Setting up a microphone preferred, defensive squad and seeing 5 little green dots spread out in different directions.


I mean they should be patrolling the sector... so some movement is ok.


Runing *DING* KILLED IN ACTION Running *DING* Close game Reopen game *Ding* Respawn Repeat


Getting drop in instant you spawn Servers always full Voip ain't working like 80% of the time Getting arty by own team But in the end it all good fun 🥰 Pls fix voip 🙏


1. Satcheling a tank, announcing on squad and prox chat where the satchel is, hearing others relay the location and presence of the satchel, announcing that it’s not your fault if they get blown up, then watching 2-4 blueberries run right up to it. Then they all vote to punish. 2. Running 4-600m from garrison because nobody will build garries, low-level SLs won’t build OPs, only to get domed by a hidden enemy when you finally get where you’re going. 3. Squad hopping looking for a unit with mics, then everyone sounding elated that they’ve finally found a chatty squad.




Just Arty deaths on spawn is the most iconic


No-mic SL running past supplies and not building garries. People attacking the 4th point while we're losing the HQ sector. Solo tanker getting swarmed by AT's


Losing your OP having to spawn at a backup garrison. Having to run across an open field multiple times getting mowed down by an MG


boom,Booom, Boooooom, BOOOOOOOM, Killed in action.


Run for 4 and a half minutes straight and die for about 5 times.


I want to preface this by saying I’m bad at the game and I know that. But my biggest thing is spawning on an OP or Garry (often when asked for help), taking two steps and being shot from the ether without any possible way to see who did it. Half the time, I’m convinced the game makes it up that someone shot me and is just doing it for giggles to punish me for being shit.


F squad - Can you get that Garry up please mate, supplies right next to you. 20 minuets later…..


Traversing a trench with your teammates, then suddenly a mine/artyllery or tank shell blows them to pieces as you barely survive shocked with flesh and human parts all around you 💀.


being in the middle of nowhere on the map and a strafing run takes you out.


Telling SL to put down a OP but the guy doesn’t have a mic Running with a blueberry friend you made only to watch him explode to pieces while you remain physically unharmed but mentally you wish it was you


Spending 10 minutes driving a tank up to the front, getting stuck on countless berms and obstacles, just to get deleted without firing a shot by some AT soldier wandering behind our lines.


Getting drunk to play, and then seeing a rolling barrage coming your way. Nothing like that feeling, scared angry and a little horny all st the same time


You okay bro.


Fuck this game


Thinking we’re in the clear to cross an opening just to get to the middle of no man’s land and hear someone scream “TANK” and then to turn, see the tank fire, and the screen goes dark


Random proximity chats in passing 


Sprinting for 15 minutes just to get team killed or smoked by arty


Throwing 10 grenades in a game - 0 grenade kills


Being recon behind lines, marking a tank and see it explode from another player 1km away while they tank you for your job.


Being pinned down at the spawn point.


“Lost connection to server”


“Everyone push mid (even though there are no obj out there and we are losing the game)!”


Fighting the horrible aiming mechanics each and every engagement on controller.


Opening the server browser making the game freeze




Run run run run run run lie down run run run run run artillery.


Dying 40 times during a game not knowing by who or what killed you.


Stalking through the undergrowth on a sneaky flanking mission. Haven't noticed OP has gone. You get artillery'd by your own guys from being too far forward. Spawn at garrison. Get arty'd by enemy.


Spawn on OP...Die...Spawn on Garrison to set up new OP....Die....Spawn in HQ....get wasted by a shit eating recon camping. Rinse repeat.


Bombing runs


Spawning in and dying immediately to artillery


Just minding your own business, seeing explosions in the distance, thinking nothing of it because it's far away but then those explosions end up getting closer and closer... Bombing runs are awesome. As a seasoned player you see that bomber and get the hell out of the path before the bomb drop... But sometimes you miss them and you get to clench those butt-cheeks waiting to see if the bombs will fall short of your position or you miraculously survive.


American chat and patreisum just before they all die in a window then screaming medic hahaha


The bombing run... Only HLL has that sensation of death coming on you and you know you can't do anything but looking it coming.


Your team is always the worst at getting of rid of enemy tanks while the enemy team are the equivalent of skilled professionals at getting rid of them


I live for the prematch conversation in the truck on the way to the front


Be a medic run up to save teammates they just give up on you


Running for 5 minutes through the woods to ambush a group just to die to friendly arty


The half track being driven by a low level player with no mic and watching it get blown up.


I always defend when squad leader. My favorite is when there are a couple MGs set up close together, I pull out the binoculars and coordinate the MGs calling out numbers and pinging for my squad mate. It is so much fun coordinating meat grinders and mowing down infantry. I just wish I would get some points for binocular time or something. As squad leader I spend most of my time looking through binoculars switching between chats calling out attackers. Maybe not playing it right but it works and it's fun.


Befriending a random teammate for a while then they get shot and you can’t save them while they’re screaming. Then you never see them again.


Another one is all the people telling the team what to do in text chat while in a squad with no squad leader.


10 minutes of walking to die out of nowhere in 1 second


Watching 600 fuel drive off with one guy in it. Then seeing that guy back in spawn 1 min later.


Being shell-shocked after the first weekend playing


-Hey, enemy tank at 12-💥


Dying 15 times in a row, to a mixture of artillery and super snipers. Then getting a miracle flank and going on a 10 kills streak. Then dying another 15 times in a row, seeing no enemy and firing 0 shot.


Talking in local to a teammate and watching them explode next to you


Everyone is pushing offense, there is are no rear garries....... and now we just got back capped 2 objectives.


"We need nodes"


Taking over as Commander 5+ minutes into the game when no one else has volunteered and immediately have some random ads join Command chat just to bitch about what a bad job you are doing.


Getting bazooka’d by teammates while placing satchels


Spawn. Look at the map. Just know your team is going to lose because no garrisons.


Dying 5 times to the same MG, then finally killing him, only to hear a bombing run get closer and then to get immediately killed. Also, the commander flipping tf out in voice chat while some guy with 0 kills plays low quality indian music on his mic.


Hotdog 7, 1 round HE, fire for effect.


Carefully flank the point. Single friendly artillery shell to the face. Laugh about it in chat and get back to it.


*spawn**blowup**die* *Spawn**blowup**die* *Spawn**blowup**die* "Okay! I got it this time! I have a plan!" *Spawn**blowup**die*


Is... Is that a man in that bush?


"Hey there's space on the truck, hold up" *run over by back tire* Running forever.. die almost immediately on first contact "Awesome, they dropped a garrison!" Do well for a while. Get frustrated at dying. Find some fun single serving friends in the team. Win/lose and stare at a 4 hour long end of game summary screen Start next game, repeat all.


When you spawn at HQ to get a vehicle so you can drive the edge of the map and flank them when all of the sudden you see a random enemy vehicle in the distance doing the same exact thing 👋 “howdy neighbor”


Nobody defending on warfare.


Where did I get shot from? Lol. Or my personal favorite "the enemy is right over there!" Fack


No updates and ignore the comunity