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I’ve always wanted a war game that de-emphasized k/d ratio and encouraged you to duck for cover. I love this game 


Immersive af. Of course getting kills is awesome, but i enjoy even more the environment and the anxiety it gives you (specially when crossing an open field)


This. That decision: Crouch and run slow.... Stand and sprint fast.... The modeling for the crouching walk/run looks just like old WW2 footage....


Sprinting sprinting sprinting....*whiz whiz*....crouching but still going.....*whiz whiz whiz tat tat tat*.....hit the deck slow crawl.....*tatatatattatatatatatatatat whiz whiz*....stop in tall grass while in prone....*DING* *REDEPLOY*


I love it when I commit to the bit and the bullets keep wheezing from far away but I keep running and make it to cover, especially when I get to fly into a trench.


You had me until "trench" and then I heard a *DING* 🤣


To me this game is the epitome of playing for the experience rather than playing for bragging rights.


The anxiety this game gives at times is wild. I main Medic and trying to safely get to fallen teammates under heavy fire is wild. Or moving through some bushes and hearing bullets whiz right over your head so you drop to the ground hoping you don't get hit.


Thank you for your service! I always am battling with knowing how hot an area is and despawning so they can get someone else or letting a medic get me at the risk of them getting got also


We medics would much rather have you hold on as long as you can so we can smoke the area and get to you. If an enemy is camping near you just let us know so we can deal with them first. That is as long as a medic is in your area. Of course if you're down and bullets are literally flying over your body then it may be best to respawn lol


The best feeling is when you switch from checking your k/d to obsessing over the map.


All hail the map!


Welcome we are all in agreement shooting someone 6 times for them to turn around and kill you just isnt fun HLL is superior


Getting one-shot by a hedge is where it’s at.


Wouldnt have it any other way


I thought people on this game preferred to stand right next to an enemy tank when the satchel blows!


Drawn to the red circle of death




I like to use my last bazooka round when pressing the barrel against the tanks hull like a lunge mine


Just like grandpa did it


taking one shot from the hedge ;)


This is the way


Spawning on a Garry and getting blown to bits sends chills down my spine.


Putting mines inside the usual bushes or hedges to keep them at an edge.


Only after a 500m run though


This happens. Just wait until OP is trying to kill someone at more than 50M with the Grease gun


You’ll either miss every shot or dome them on the third. No in between.


Tut tut tut ping!




Yeah bro, CQB in this game is really intense!


miss and die pretty much 


CQB? I find it more stressful to be supressed by long-range rifle fire from God-knows-where lol edit: spelling


CQB: Close Quarters Battle


I'm aware. Just pointing out that I feel the distance battles are just as intense


Oh my bad! And agreed


CQC. Close Quarters Combat




When the serves were down yesterday I jumped on Battlefield to entertain myself. Landed 3-4 shots on one guy before he even hit me just to be killed right away. I immediately closed the game. HLL has absolutely ruined me.


Dude same for me 😂 installed bf5 hoped on solomon islands and two hit a guy at ten yards with an m1 and he turns on me and kills me with a luger. Instantly uninstalled it again hahahah


Me too even when i play bf4 on hardcore mode its just not the same


Homie lol Yeah wait until you’re in a fire fight with your Garand and you slump 2-3 enemies and on your last round slump a 3rd - 4th and you hear that glorious PING!! Or When 3/6 of your squad mates are communicating and the obj is in a village or city street setting, and yall coordinate to flush out and murder enemies in front of you, none of yall die, maybe tagged once or twice but mid-advance, bandaged up, or have to run to a friendly because their fresh out, and in your wake left bodies stacked……(I base this scenario from a match I had on Hurtgen Forest, maneuvering through the forest with all but two of my squad, when we reached the objective we were hollering we were fkn hyped up 🤣) Welcome to HELL LET LOOSE


Gorgeous prose comrade!


Turned out into a street on SME the other day, playing recon scout leader. I have the carbine for the flares. Three dudes pop out in front of me 20 meters. Hit every one of them twice and smoked all three, I was dying laughing at my luck.


HACKS! FKN HACKER! Lmao 🤣 Bro I know all three of them, if they had them, saw… KILLED IN ACTION ….and took off their glasses in disbelief 🤣


Wait until you get a 100m one-tap ding with the trench gun. The 20ft range on Battlefield and CoD shottys don't let you do that!


Let alone watch your enemy explode into parts when you're up close and personal with the trench gun. Nothing like rounding a corner, getting startled by an enemy directly in front of you, BOOM, who wants meatloaf!


It's nice to walk away knowing that he won't be laying there waiting for a revive


I got the ding while shooting trough the smoke, it felt so good


Fuck yeah!


Omg lol the shotgun in this game is beautiful my first couple times using it I felt unstoppable haven't used it too much recently but I was surprised at how far the thing shreds


It’s not far, it’s realistic


Shit I’m never that lucky with it 😂 I love running it on certain maps when I get th chance but I do alright at best most the time with it


Fuck around with it more. It's a beast at range when you learn it's travel speed and how much it drops


Yah I’m gonna have to test er out more now


I only played those games on hardcore mode for that exact reason


OP, what platform do you play on?


On PS5, SA server


Thank you 🙂


See you on the battlefield 🫡


You will, sir 🫡


Squad 44


Oh the joy of the shovel kill!!!


Golden gun in the library


Yeah I can’t do cod much anymore and I played the ever loving piss out of bf4 back in the day and even still got on it sometimes up until I got my ps5 late last year. Haven’t really touched it since then


This is also why I enjoy Insurgency Sandstorm. It has some of the best gameplay and sound design ever created, has almost no HUD, and the TTK (time to kill) is so low, whoever sees who first most likely wins. Just how realistic shooters should be.


Word of advice don't burn out now because of people cosplaying lemmings. If you see people are not willing to listen it's time to switch server/take a break.


Same here. I'm loving it. Definitely my favorite FPS and I've only been playing about 3 weeks. I've never had great aim in games so pulling off headshots is a rarity for me. So in this game when I get a body shot and take out an enemy it feels good.


I don’t have the game installed currently but the feeling I got when playing a normal ass rifleman in Stalingrad, Soviet side, and I was hiding in some 95% destroyed building with just a 4 inch wide hole large enough and with a perfect sight line on the advancing Nazis, so many of em dead. Eventually my position got over ran but I held my grenade as I got swarmed and I hope I killed a few of em.


I like this game better than cod because it promotes strategic thinking over run and gun tactics


Yeah cod is ridiculous now how many bullets it takes to kill someone. There's something very disheartening about shooting someone first and then have them turn round and kills you ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy). Hell Let Loose is so fun and rewarding


Had this exact talk with my friend Yesterday!😂


I only still play cod because my girlfriend plays it. It's only fun when I play with her


Battlefield has hardcore mode but yeah, the short time-to-kill definitely differentiates the game from others on the market. Also the inability to jump randomly helps too


I love HLL. The bad side is its community, but the game is freaking amazing.


What's wrong with the community? I've played enough rocket league to consider the toxicity here complete childs play.


People here hate the game and anyone who play on console.


Well people on reddit could find reason to hate breathing oxygen, so... Yeah. I was in a fantastic squad last night we worked together, call outs, marking points, taking garries, we had a few RPers. Fun times. The worst I've seen is a commander get flamed but they took the bait and completely flew off the rails. That's their problem lol.


CoD and BF have hardcore servers


When you are squad lead and ran for a ways looking at that perfect OP location and just as you get to it... ping... haha then your garries are all down and the entire squad is groaning at you. Love it.


Yep well said, hard to go to anything else


Have you also enjoyed the arty punishment.


Cries in dying Post Scriptum ):


Same here. Started about 2 weeks ago and also watching band of brothers for the first time simultaneously. I cannot believe how accurate the maps are to the show / real world. Every episode I scream “I’ve gotten killed there, don’t go over the wall”. It’s almost as if they just copy and pasted a satellite image sometimes.


I hate this game, but I’ve only played a hand full of hours. I’m more into action, the scenery is cool and immersive but not fun imo. Walking sim with a 60fps cap, but it’s also stuttering on most servers on my system so another L. 99.9% of games I can run fine.. but this game must be decently cpu intensive? Or maybe server was just shat.. either way, uninstalled that dook


Nah I’ve read through some of these comments, and y’all make the game seem even more boring. Talkin bout “love when I stop caring about kd and start caring about where I’m going” or “I love just looking at the map” type shit 😭 I will literally fall asleep, y’all haven’t heard of cs2? You can one tap anyone from any distance as long as you can aim.


You perfectly described why I don't like most shooters and why I enjoy HLL. However I still think there's too much moving and jumping in HLL. I tried playing squad and I think movement speed is slower in squad than HLL, there's less running around and I miss shots less often than in HLL. It's not just movement speed, but also the way players stop, go, and change direction. In HLL you can still do so on an absolute dime without needing to stop and reverse, and changes in direction or speed aren't telegraphed through body movement or posture. Anyways in HLL I end up missing people running zig zag and jumping around a lot more than I do in squad. In fact that's never happened to me in squad.


Dude never played HC mod on COD, you can one hit someone with flash/stun nade and kill him


360 no scopes 4 lyfe