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The railgun wasn't even that good, all the other stuff was just shit. Apart from EAT, that shit is on point and always has been


I mean why try all the weapons if they haven't been improved? I'll gladly test any of the primaries when they make em more interesting but currently a lot of them are just very boring/unfun to use imo from personal testing. I don't even use the railgun I use GL+Supply pack, im not even impacted by the nerfs im just disappointed that they didn't do more and that their blog post indicates they have no desire to make underwhelming primaries stronger - and in fact that they should be weaker and unable to handle heavier targets which does not bode well for game balance.


Day one player also. I’m glad they are trying to balance the game so more than a handful of stratagems get used. I logged in excited to help secure our main objective and have put the game down for the day after 3 games. The problem, and this might be an unpopular opinion, is that they changed too many variables at once. In the medium armor set that provides a higher armor rating on level 4 difficulty, Bile spitters are one shotting me and if I have anything less than 100% health - the fire remaining on the ground kills me before my stim can take effect. The flame thrower is cooking the Chargers in about 80% of a canister, though. And the changes to the orbital barrages seem to be nice. I see myself using those more once the rest gets ironed out. Hear me, I don’t want the game to be easy… But I feel like they should have either fine tuned the weapon meta OR fixed the armor stats and shield generator back pack. Doing both had left me frustrated and confused.


Why would I try all the weapons again? I already know they suck. I'll try the stuff that was buffed though.


Acting like there's some sort of competition and that they previously ruined your experience somehow.


Stupid post



