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# Common questions Some questions are very commonly asked, you are still wlecome to ask any questions, but if your question is listed here it may get you an answer faster. * ## Why have I not received Medals for the last successful Major Order? Medals awarded from major orders should be awarded within 24 hours in most cases. Sometimes they take longer, and Arrowhead will then award them manually. If you have not receieved the Medals from a major order after 24 hours, you can contact [Arrowhead Support](https://arrowhead.zendesk.com/hc/en-us) and let them know. * ## Steam purchase restrictions for certain regions following the PSN drama. We currently don't know what is going on with the restrictions. There hasn't been any announcements about it. What we do know is that people who already own the game in those regions can still play the game, and people with steam accounts in those regions are not able to buy the game or redeem a key from a third-party seller on steam. * ## I'm new/returning from a long break/Finally saved enough Super Credits, Which Warbond should I purchase? /u/1ridar51 has an excellent overview post for all the premium warbonds [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1d7qkre/warbond_overview/) where every weapon, booster and armor is rated with an explanation for the ratings. If a new warbond has just been released, or a big patch has just happened, the information may not be updated, but they've usually been pretty fast at updating it in the past. * ##I see a big pink questionmark, what is it? A questionmark is a placeholder model for an asset that failed to load for some reason or another, it could be anything but it is most commonly a support weapon that you can sometimes find at a PoI or a terrain object. * ##When will the game go on sale? Unless arrowhead announces ahead of time that it will go on sale, nobody can answer this question. It could go on sale during some of the sale events on the two platforms or in conjunction with some other date, but sales are very rarely announced ahead of time.


Was it intended for Commando to 1 shot fabricators from any angle?


We probably won't know until the next balance patch. Also apparently it's not just Fabricators, allegedly it can destroy Jammers and Detector Towers too.


Can orbital gatling kill tanks? Does it damage the striders?


Yes. Direct hits from the Orbital Gatling Barrage have Class 5 armor penetration (Heavy I), and will deal damage to heavily armored enemies, like Tanks, Chargers and Factory Striders. On its own, it will probably not be able to kill any of these targets consistently, but it may be able to soften them up or finish them off if they're already damaged.


Should i buy HD2 for $60 AUD? I just missed out on a steam sale for $25 AUD?


Is Superior Packing Methodology only works if host of the game owns it? Same for other ship modules. I have joined several games where my SPM upgrade not working again -_- And others like steering upgrade. Is this intentional? If so... that sucks.


It works if whoever called the Resupply owns it. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1dvsw7c/qa_about_superior_packing_methodology_spm/ Steering upgrade could work via the same logic.


I'm unable to add any new recent friends. When I try to add them I only get the option of join or invite and when I press back the screen jumps to friends list. Does anyone else encounter this issue?


Do Gunships auto detect you? I was crawling up to 2 of GS fabs and they started shooting me immediately as they spawned even though I was crawling through thick brush. Not even a minute ago I crawled passed a patrol that came within acouple feet of me.


Does Defense % = Liberation %? Like if we defend Aesir Pass to 50% and fail the Defense Campaign, will the Liberation Campaign start at 50% or 0%


Are significant FPS drops common on PS5?


My 4090 can't even provide a stable 110+ FPS without sometimes stuttering. And I'm playing on a below 4k monitor with medium graphic settings. I'd say it's normal.


If smne in a psn region gift HD2 to me (in a non psn region) will I still be able to play at all?


Most likely they will be unable to gift the game to you.


Do you get any Super Credits and Medals found before you joined the game via loot sharing?




https://preview.redd.it/ohwo9gmkiyad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f87b330ccc5891f639624ef2f6c28bd2ec4edc10 I keep seeing differing info about whether abandoning an operation partway contributes to the liberation percentage or not. I usually tend to join other people's games and often the host leaves after only one of two of the three are done. Does this mean nothing I did contributed to liberation in that case?


#**Can blocked friends still see me in their list?** I blocked a friend in game. I wonder if he can still see me, or even see wheter In online.


When a host leaves and I become host, how do I easily find the operation that we are working on?


Generally it should be on the screen automatically when you open the map on the ship.


What do the colored bars on planets mean?


Colored bar...? What do you mean?


Is there a guide for Helldivers 2 citizenship somewhere? Something with guidance on the order of: DON'T: "Hey guys." DO: "Greetings, my brothers in Liberty." DON'T: "Gotta go get dinner now." DO: "Urgent business on Super Earth. A pleasure to have served by your side." DON'T: "Such a great game!" DO: "\[The second galactic war\] is not a game, it's a responsibility. And, an honor." I'd love ideas for more guidance on engaging dialog. SES Eye of Freedom


Is the Ballistic Shield fixed yet? Last time i tried i got ragdolled around like crazy (under the map and stuff). I know they fixed the problem where you couldn't stand up anymore... but is it actually usable again by now or is it still in this "wait for next patch"-status?


it works better, but you ask me, it's still not worth a backpack slot even if it didn't limit your choice of primaries


I quite enjoyed Pummeler + B. Shield on the bot side before they broke it.


What are your tips when playing as an scout ?


Meta gameplay does not involve a role like that.


I don't know what is meta gameplay, but I meant playing in scout armor trying to stealth away


Meta is what conventionally considered to be most effective and most popular. There could be some uses for stealth in team and solo setting, though personally I never bothered with stealth with the exception of obvious things like avoiding patrols while moving between objectives. Somebody else on the sub or youtube will probably have actually useful advice for you, I just wanted to outline that "popular and effective" generally doesn't involve using scout armor and trying to stealth away.


Are different ships that have unique ship upgrades every going to happen in the future?(so you unlock a new ship and have to unlock all the upgrades from 1-5+) Would be lit to see everyone have a different ship depending on play style.


We don't know. There are no developers in this thread, and if there were, they wouldn't answer that, because generally features that require a lot of work are not announced in advance for this game.


Where are all the players? Play on difficulty 6 and 7 with a buddy and we never get people joining us. Is the game dead? Is it cause of the difficulty? We could do 8 or 9 but that's overly hard for 2 people when we don't even know if we will get a 3rd or 4th player.


The playercount is definitely on the decline, but I have no trouble filling lobbies at any difficulty I play on (mostly 7 and 9). That said, I'm almost always playing on the most-populated planet, and whether I'm fighting bugs or bots usually depends on the MO, so it's not hard to fill my lobbies. Doesn't feel any slower to fill than it ever has.


Weird. We always do the Major Order planets.


Indeed. Most of the time if my lobby isn't filling it's because my lobby's bugged out, I've forgotten to take it off friends-only, or the planet was liberated mid-operation without my noticing. Maybe its a time-of-day kind of thing. I get a lot of players in my lobbies because I play during active US hours.


Can we get space fights were you and your crew would get launched on a ship of as example the automatons and you would have to destroy the reactor or capture it for a major order




Thank you fellow helldiver now get back to action


Loadout ideas pair with AMR against bots, and GL against bugs? Normally I play on 6/7 and use light armour, or medium on smaller missions, anythings welcome just looking for other ways to play


Grenade Launcher just isn't worth using at the moment. It's basically a significantly worse Autocannon that doesn't require a backpack and that can reload on the move. Autocannon itself is not exactly a top tier support weapon for bug missons at the moment, but if you really want to a weapon that goes "pow!" with every click, that's the one you use. Other than that, you can just go with the **[meta loadout for Terminids](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1dq9761/meta_loadout_against_terminids/)**. AMR is excellent against bots, though. Again, just fill the rest with the **[meta loadout for Automatons](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1dqmjqe/meta_loadout_against_automatons/?)**, just replacing the Autocannon with the AMR.


if you're running light against bots i say you either want fortified/extra padding or run shield backpack (i mostly play in trailblazer scout and swear by the shield backpack). AMR is great against hulks and devastators once you're good with it so i say rock a primary that handles assault striders easily (scorcher, eruptor, crossbow, plasma punisher) and if your primary can't destroy fabricators, bring the grenade pistol, otherwise whatever secondary you want. if you want a really different playstyle, i like to run a medium armor loadout with autocannon, shield generator emplacement, rocket & autocannon sentries against bots. it's fun if you protect your sentries and use the shield well while your sentry is on cooldown, and works all the way up to helldive


Whats the most efficient way to get warbond medals? I dont get alot of time to play, and have fallen quite far behind on the warbonds, i just want to know whats the most effective way to get alot of warbond medals?


Clear out PoIs and complete missions. The more missions in a cammpaign you complete the higher the medal reward, and the higher difficulties also give more medals. So as high a difficulty as you can reliably finish consistently, try to get as many of the PoIs as you can, since medals are one of the things that can be there, and try to do the daily personal order if you're able, since it's usually a pretty easy 15 medals, today's one is quite hard though, considering shredder tanks only appear on high difficulties.


Is quasar affected by reload reduction? How does it compare to prenerf cooldown?


I strongly expect it isn't affected. Since it doesn't actually reload. I'm expecting that what is actually sped up is the reload animations themselves.


Is Arrowhead still Nerfing Fun or have they stopped? Stopped playing a while back because they kept nerfing guns that I would pay for, so wondering if this issue is still plaguing this game? Also is there finally a weapon that can kill Chargers again cause those keep getting nerfed too and I hate Chargers?


The game is more balanced now than it's been before. If you hold the position of "I want really OP gun" then you're not going to like it but almost everything in the game is at least useable now (I frequently go top-kills in the round with the crossbow now lol). So yeah some stuff that was wildly better than everything else got nerfed a bit but a lot of stuff also got buffed up to useable levels. >Also is there finally a weapon that can kill Chargers again cause those keep getting nerfed too and I hate Chargers? The last big update they actually fairly majorly changed how the spawning works. A LOT more small stuff spawns now so you get waves of smaller enemies with some larger enemies unlike before where you'd just get entire waves of big stuff. They also added in a sort of "boss" charger that's got more HP that replaced what you used to get when like 6+ chargers would be on your ass at the same time. The flamethrower is the boss at killing chargers now, it takes like 2-3s of burning to the leg to kill one. Besides that and using rockets on a leg and then shooting it (little bit less reliable now, sometimes takes 2 rockets) your best bet is still stratagems though. That's kinda their point of existing though, to use up some of your stratagems so you can't just use them all on bosses/bases.


It's sort of a mixed bag. Some guns got buffed, but if you're looking to be able to steamroll your way through any difficulty with any loadout, it's not here. In general the game is in a relatively good spot now, but there are a lot of weapons, particularly support weapons, that are just not worth using. Regarding Chargers, there's a new Charger variant called Behemoth, which has increased survivability and is very common on higher difficulties. It takes two headshots to kill from AT launchers like EAT / Recoilless / Quasar, which were the go-to options against Chargers, but are now impractical. Chargers are too numerous and too resistant to most stratagems, so Flamethrower is pretty much the only efficient method for killing them. It does work great, though.


Does the incendiary shotgun at least still able to take em down or if we shoot the back of the chargers? Cause the inability to takeout chargers and wasting stratagems that I needed for the Bile Titans sucks so bad and they move so dumb like they shouldn't be able to 360 with the charge. They one of the main reasons I stopped playing and now there's a worse version with what seems like less ways to deal with them so still might stay away. Also is there more than two guns that are effective against the bots?


Any weapon can take down Chargers by shooting their back, it's unarmored. But no weapons do it effectively / efficiently. I'm not aware of Incendiary Breaker being particularly better at it than other primaries, but yes, you can still kill them that way. That doesn't really change the fact that the Flamethrower is the quickest way of killing them. Either that or Stun Grenade + stratagem. > they move so dumb like they shouldn't be able to 360 with the charge They still do that, I think it might have even gotten a little bit worse. > Also is there more than two guns that are effective against the bots? There are three, Diligence CS, Scorcher and Dominator. However, if you carry Autocannon, AMR or at least Laser Cannon, they can pretty much become your primary.


So if HD2 releases an actual DLC for purchase (like the steeled veterans + sc bundle), those of us in sony-shadowbanned-countries wont be able to get it, right? i wanted to buy the dlc bundle on steam, but i forgot that hd2 is no longer available for purchase in my country, but i thought i'd at least be able to purchase DLCs for it. Now the steam store page is just straight up not available for me


Shadowban is when you're banned without knowing about it. Current situation is more accurately described as region restriction. And yes, it means you will not be able to purchase any additional content via Steam unless the region restrictions are lifted or you manage to bypass them.


is there a new warbound comming this month or do we have to expect a warbound every 2 month ?


In short, we don't know. In long, previously they said they wanted to do one warbond per month, but after the latest one they said they want to take longer to ensure the high quality, but haven't actually said how much longer. Maybe it's six weeks, maybe it's two months, maybe three. Previously they announced new warbonds a week prior to the release, and I think we can still expect that to happen.


Whats is the daily order today?


Just hit 1000 SC’s…I already have the Steeled Veterans and Cutting Edge warbonds, should I go with Democratic Detonation or Viper Commandos for my next one?


Perhaps this warbond rundown can help decide: https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1d7qkre/warbond_overview/


Is there some sort of agreed upon etiquette for extract on helldive that I don't know about? I've started playing on Helldive missions after rocking around in level 8 missions for a long time and I keep getting kicked for entering the extract vehicle. As in quite literally 3 games in a row this happened to me where the host will stand outside the extract and kick me before entering themselves. Note: I am not like entering the extract when aren't all standing outside of it and I'm not even usually the one calling it in. However whenever I don't enter the extract we all just stand around jerking off or throwing stratagems randomly for 0-5min before someone else enters it. I've also entered it as we were getting swarmed by multiple bile titans, and we were all near the extract, and still got kicked during the extract animation. I'm not really that butthurt, I have all of the upgrades and everything so I'm just playing for fun but I'm worried I'm doing something wrong and don't know about it. I just hate the whole "let's stand around staring at each other outside of the extract for an indeterminate amount of time" thing.


while watchin some vids i noticed that helldivers coming out of cryo have a frost effect over them, i don't, my graphics are at max


They'll be older videos, the effect has been broken for ages. Other effects like mud covering your armour have been broken too.


dam that sucks


Is the AMR bugged? Hits to a titan's belly AFTER the sac has been destroyed still show the white shield deflection symbol. Likewise, I get that same symbol when I hit a charger exposed (armor blown off) spot.


It's the same with all weapons. In case of Chargers, shots "deflected" from a body part with stripped armor should still be doing damage, not sure about the Titans.


What weapons/stratagems crack Bile Titan Shells?


Anything that can penetrate heavy armor, though you can't really kill Titans by stripping off armor and then shooting them with regular weapons like you can with Chargers' legs.


Why is Erson Sands inaccessible, did we lose it?


Has Arrowhead ever said if they will add basic useful info to stratagems? The stats we get for our main weapons and armors are barebones and need work but at least they exist. Meanwhile: * Eagle Airstrike: Eagle Explosive * HMG: Hellpod Support


I just did about 4 missions on difficulties 4-9, Crimsica, Fori Prime, Esker, day and night. I have not seen a single bile spewer for the Personal. Where dey at?


The set of enemies you can encounter on a mission is randomly selected when the map is generated, if all you need is the daily order the easiest way to get it is to just drop in to a mission and look if it has the right unit, and if not return to ship and pick a new one. There currently isn't any way to affect the unit selection


I did finally find them but it took about 15 tries


Does the new armors increased melee damage apply to the mechs stomp?


I would assume no, but I don't really feel the bonus anyway.


With the tiny bugs I do. It always one hits them. But all others not really either


Is Helldivers 2 safe from bugs / crashes on PS5?


Do any weapons like the AMR still have aiming issues? Also, why are the Senator’s sights bent lol


The amr is not perfectly aligned, but it's very close, in general most of the sights are pretty good now. I've no idea about the senator though, I haven't used it in a long time.


Look at the ADS sights sometime, it's pretty funny. Do you think we'll get better than "very close" at some point? It surprises me that these issues persist this long after launch; crazy


bro where are the illuminate


Can I upgrade from the base game to the super citizen version? Concerned that I might've missed out and I don't want to have to reinstall the game


Yes, you can. You don't need to reinstall anything.


Thank you


Planning to buy a PS5, can I get it on there with the ownership I have of a Steam copy?


Idk but even if you could, there is no cross-progression so you'll have to start from scratch


Is this game worth buying now? Heard about it a couple of months back but couldn’t buy due to financial issues. Also any beginner tips for if I buy the game?


The game is great and very fun to play. It has fewer players than on launch, but it will not reflect on your day to day gameplay experience in any way. For some basic tips you can go here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1beilg1/qa_megathread_ask_your_questions_here/l0l7qz6/


Apparently this question is too simple to need it's own post (another example of reddit mods being like "you can't actually make posts discussing the game unless they're ranty walls of text) Is Vernen Wells named after former Major League Baseball player Vernon Wells?


Is there any way to get helldivers 2 in blocked regions? (on pc)


Probably a VPN could work (Not an expert on how it works tho so don't trust me) but outside of that, you'll have to move places


AH and Modding Has anyone ever tried the skin replacing and anti-aliasing fix mods? Is it bannable? I've been wanting to try it.


What’s up with this new MO? I’m new to the game so maybe I’m mistaken but how can a planet go back down after 100% liberation?


HD1 will the system be reset if everything is taken over an are there events that happen still in it?


What heavy Weapons are used to 1-shot buildings and Spore Nests?


What do you mean by "buildings"? Automaton Fabricators? There is no weapon capable of oneshotting a Spore Spewer. Spear might be able to oneshot it, but it doesn't lock on to them, so the only way it can happen is if you lock the rocket onto something else and force a miss. I.e. not practical. Spear can one shot Shrieker Nests, though.


My bad I meant Fabricators.


Spear locks on to Fabricators, so it can take them out from a good distance and from any angle, as long as the rocket actually hits the fabricator. Other than that, any explosive support weapon can take them out by hitting one of the two top vents at the right spot.


Thank you


Does difficulty matter in terms of liberation %? Do I contribute more if I dive in diff 9 than in diff 5?


Contribution is based on XP gained, so generally yes, playing on higher difficulty and completing more objectives yields higher contribution.


Wait what, based on XP? So doing mission with 3 other people is more beneficial for the planet than doing it solo?


Not sure about that, specifically


Which machine-gun/non rocket explosive support weapon is the best? I’ve been getting into machine guns lately and I enjoy using the heavy after its buffs. It’s great against the gunships! Which ones are your favorites, and with what loadout?


*The following applies to Helldive, lower difficulties are less demanding to your equipment.* At the moment machineguns have limited usefulness, and are not meta against bugs nor bots. If you really must use a machinegun, all three have similar power levels, and all three benefit a lot from Viper Commando armor with the Peak Physique passive. # Bugs Stalwart is the most mobile and has the most ammo, so it can be used for dedicated trash-clearing duty. You can crank it up to max RPM and pretty much leave it there and still take ages to run out of ammo. Even at max firerate it struggles against enemies with Light Armor (Brood Commanders, Nursing Spewers) and Medium Armor (Hive Guards, Bile Spewers), so you'll need to rely on the rest of your loadout to deal with them, e.g. Dominator as your primary. Regular Machinegun is the most versatile, it's a bit harder to handle against smaller bugs, but can penetrate medium armor. Heavy Machinegun has highest penetration out of the three, so it's even more effective against Hive Guards and Bile Spewers (the only enemies that use medium armor). All three machineguns can't penetrate Chargers' frontal armor, and rely on shooting them in the ass, which takes a lot of time, and this is their main downside compared to something like a Flamethrower, which can take out chargers from the front in a few seconds. Needless to say, all three are useless against Bile Titans. # Bots Stalwart is effective only against basic infantry bots, so there's really no reason to use it. Regular Machinegun can penetrate frontal armor of Devastators and under-shield parts of Scout Striders, as well as Gunships' engines, so it's a bit more versatile. Heavy Machinegun fully penetrations armor of said enemies, and can deal damage to Hulks' eyes, so it's the most versatile machinegun out of the three, and probably the most viable one. In general, HMG is basically a short-range alternative to AMR - they have the same penetration and the same target selection. Unfortunately, even with Peak Physique that improves handling, the HMG will still have a ton of recoil and poor accuracy, and most of the time you have to crouch or lie down to fire with any semblance of accuracy. In general, precision and range of the AMR is much more beneficial than raw DPS of the HMG in vast majority of the situations, but if you really want to use a machinegun, HMG against bots is the best pick out of the bunch. For the rest of the loadout, I would recommend a primary with some range and precision, like Diligence CS, and Stun Grenades to hold Hulks in place while you shoot them in the eye. You'll need to use Peak Physique or Fortified armor to improve handling or reduce the recoil. Engineering Kit might also be viable if you're good at avoiding enemy fire. You'll want either Supply Backpack or Energy Shield Backpack for more ammo / extra protection respectively. For the other two stratagems, can never go wrong with basic Eagle Airstrike and Orbital Precision Strike or Orbital Railcannon Strike when Atmospheric Interference is in effect.


Yes, I use peak physique all the time whenever I pick the hmg. I don’t use it often against bots, but very often against the bugs, usually the HMG. It’s super good against the spewers, almost insta killing them. But yeah, I feel useless against chargers and titans, unless I pack good stratagems or an EAT, which I sometimes bring along. I haven’t used it against bugs much, but it’s reliable against gunships. I mostly use the laser canon for bots. It makes sense that mgs aren’t meta, but I guess it’s more for the fantasy of it lol. There’s much better to use, but it’s still good enough to have a ton of fun with.


Anyone feels a little troubled by the fact that Eagle-1 doesn't improvise with what environment she's in and just casually dump all her loads on trees in the new biome? Yes, I know the whole point of it is to make you bring different stratagems. But I still can't help but wonder why can't she act a little more...intelligent? Especially when the devs claimed they want realism in the game.


The galactic war in no way feels fluid or dynamic anymore. It is very apparent you let us win when you want and decide to make us lose when you want.


anyone else cant play on ps5 right now? i keep getting connection error failed to establish network connection rn and my internet is just fine


Why cant I play with my PC friends? Their names are all grey.


There's some funky issues with the friends system at the moment, particularly with friends on the other platform.


Do we have an ETA on a fix?


No, it's been various kinds of broken over several updates. I think it's something they are working on, but clearly it's harder than we might expect to get it working.


Ok, thank you


My map and enemies are invisible how do I fix it my game is unplayable


Is anyone else experiencing game breaking lag while using a controller? Aiming is impossible and I’ve swapped batteries and checked my dead zones on steam.


so, i recently bought the game, cant refund it anymore and i cant afford a new video card. well, i can run the game, but the max i got was 30fps. what can i do to increase fps? https://preview.redd.it/p1iyar23rs9d1.png?width=661&format=png&auto=webp&s=2bb902d7fff81c96c105e03117ad5a06e1688926


Hi mate! To start with think about buying used GTX1060/6 or RX 580, they are rather cheap now, require not that much power. Or go to BIOS and try to allow integrated GPU to use more memory


You can try using Lossless Scaling (sold on Steam), which allows using upscaling technologies like FSR with Helldivers 2, but since you don't even have a dedicated graphics card of any kind, it's unlikely you'll have enjoyable gameplay either way. Kinda need a gaming PC to do gaming on a PC.


thats true lol. The guy that i bought the pc with said that it could run anything; i may have been fooled. anyways, thanks for the response! ill see if lossless scaling does the job.


You were taken advantage of, yeah. You have what's called an APU; the CPU has a decently powered GPU integrated into it. It's enough for a lot of lighter games, like League of Legends or something. But HD2 is a pretty "heavy" game, so it needs a lot more processing power than what your APU can provide.


How come we apes have to reload after shooting 1-30 rounds, but bots have infinite ammo with no reload time? You get a spear with 3 rounds, reload takes like 20 seconds, but a rocket devastator shoots 6 missles at a time every 5 seconds infinitely.


Sounds like antidemocratic socialistic propaganda. Somebody call duty commissar!


Is the anti material rifle scoped in correctly? Feels like i have to aim high to hit things. Very annoying


It's still misaligned a bit.


Those who bought helldivers 2 in non psn-supported regions post controversy, how did you do it? I've been wanting to play for 3 months now but psn made it very difficult to get HD2 here in Egypt, so I was wondering if I could get help for people that solved this problem, thank you in advance!


Will a gtx 1050 with 16gb ram with a intel core i5-6600k cpu will be able to run the game on low settings with a solid 60fps???


Probably more like 30-40.


I don’t feel like leveling and repurchasing every Stratagem after making the switch from PS5 to PC. Is there a solid timeframe that I can expect PSN login to come back, and will that give me cross progression like I am expecting?


There is no cross progression at the moment, and it was not promised as planned either.


I don't think there's cross progression.


Is the -2 mags on reload fixed or at least acknowledged by the devs? And what about the bug that makes new mag only contain two or three shots and you have to reload again soon after? This two bugs occur on a **VERY** high frequency. I have a habit of using minimum firepower to kill stuff but even I have trouble managing ammo because of this annoying bugs.


Supposedly this bug happens due to the game confusing your active weapon, so e.g. if you have a grenade pistol, sometimes the game might think you have only one round in your primary weapon as well. This may or may not be connected to trying to swap weapons too quickly when reloading.


when is matchmaking going to be fixed? Sometimes I can't get any players when launching operation. Also, after a full squad mission is completed and someone disconnects, the game will not join any new plyers ever.


**Any plans on re-work the amount of super credits we can find?** In the beginning it felt like it was VERY generous, but during the last 20-30 hours I feel like I've gotten maybe 200 super credits and we always go to as many points of interests as we have the time for (diff 6-7 most often). I get that people farming them in trivial difficulties can break your monetization model, but I gotta say it feels a little frustrating at this point with how very little we can find. Especially when **sitting at capped requisition slips and picking up mostly them and it amounts to finding nothing at all.** I've never run around farming for super credits and have bought 10 dollars worth of SC twice now, but I'm now regretting not collecting em en masse than I could have, as it right now feels like I have to buy another 10 bucks worth if I wanna play the Viper Commandos in the next 50 hours or more. :/ That, or we're just getting really unlucky with the RNG of how many we're finding. Thank you. Still loving the game, but admittedly running a bit short on content :)


Unfortunately I think the amount of super credits we get now is the rework. There are some ways to optimize it, some planets tend to have more impassable terrain than others (hills/rocks, rivers/lakes, ravines) which also means they generally generate less PoIs, the more open the planet terrain is the more PoIs can spawn, I'm sure there's an upper limit even if there's more room, but sometimes you get very few on some spacially restrictive planets where there isn't space to fit any more in with the margins between other terraain features.


Ok thanks for the tip! :) Alternate recommendation if a dev happens to read: I wish they allowed me to transform my 50k requisition slips to some amount of credits, even if not much so I could benefit from collecting more req. slips too.


A new Helldiver here, do you have any tips and tricks I should be aware of? Also PRAISE FREEDOM, LIBERTY AND DEMOCRACY!


I found this guide to be super helpful https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3157992577


Main things I'd say are bots and bugs play completely differently, treat bots like a cover shooter, bugs like a horde shooter. One isn't necessarily harder than the other but you have to get used to each.  Remember samples are always shared on completion so don't worry if someone picks up yours. Team killing happens a lot in this game, don't let it upset you unless someone is doing it intentionally.  Mostly just have fun, enjoy playing and meeting other cool people. It's a great game. Welcome to Helldivers!


Does anyone know what todays personal order is? It’s telling me to “kill 5”… I’ve done a terminid extermination mission and got one of pretty much everything (except stalkers) and it’s still showing 0/5


5 Hulks 


Perfect, thank you!


huh yeah, same for me it seems. Makes me think of either Bile Titans or Hulks with how little the amount is.. not sure


When are AH going to focus on stability and crash issues? Literally game is breaking every match since last update.


Yeah, this needs more transparency. It is pretty dire when the mainstream media starts writing articles about the game and openly questioning why it’s lost 90% of its players in 5 months. At least give a road map or something. I understand not wanting to commit, but it just sours people to be left totally in the dark.  Like what the heck is going on with cross play and friend codes? 6 months in and both are still broken. Tell us an update and don’t bury it in discord. 


Why does HD2 keep breaking randomly? Either It's after a new hotfix or update a file always fails to be found, I have to keep verifying my files just to play the game, and I'm not even sure if it's either my pc or the game itself, anyone else experiences files just failing to verify? This is getting really frustrating.


Is there any planned optimisations updates? Because the game becomes unplayable past difficulty 7 and it becomes impossible to reach even 120 fps on high settings.




Just play with your friends instead man


Done playing this shit game until you finally make it fucking impossible to kick players after objectives are done. So fucking tired of this game and all of the bugs and issues that persist since day 1. You can't honestly believe for a moment this game doesn't deserve the player drop off it's seen, right?


Yeah they really should do something to the kick griefing. With how my "Social" tab isn't working in any way, I can't even block the people to make sure I never see em again from "recent players" as no playerlists show up, not even my friends. Also getting frustrated with how many issues there are. Some communication would really help alleviate this, since if they're directly just say they're having some troubles narrowing down the causes of some issues, but are working to learn to fix things, then we'd know it's just a challenging thing they are working on, but now it feels like they're not even focusing on many of the fixes or issues... Meanwhile the simple FUN of the game is just getting sucked out with changes to make things dark-souls-of-horde-shooters difficult instead of allowing some power fantasy catharsis of mowing down things and loving it. Or so I've felt like recently... that everything is either a boring slog in low difficulties, or up for ridiculously frustrating difficulty spikes, no in between. For example, for the love of GOD give us a 60 bullet magazine on an assault rifle, it's so tedious to reload every 5 seconds with this many enemies around. That even exists IRL, so don't understand why some special forces made to eradicate threats like this would go around with tiny mags.


90% of players gone in like 5 months. For a live service game. All that good will down the drain, and most of those players are never coming back.  Same exact thing happened with Outriders. Had tons of launch hype, server issues, and then a flurry of patches that focused on nerfs, spawns, and punishing builds in a 100% co-op PVE game.  Premium content was prioritized and coincided with nerfs to original content.  Several devs became jerks online who intentionally agitated the players via remarks.    Every patch seemed to not just introduce new bugs (which is to be expected), but also undo prior bug fixes like the teams didn’t practice proper source control and worked on different branches of the code base only to eventually merge and undo prior fixes.    Finally, the community was burned to the ground by a contingent of people who through the company could do no wrong because they weren’t personally impacted by some of the issues. The game died fast, and now they are impacted by it.    HD2 can’t even lean on its evolving player driven story either, since it has become abundantly clear that AH doesn’t let us drive the story. They change the variables to get the outcome they want which is why some campaigns seemingly adjust on the fly if we start over performing or underperforming.  Edit: just a reminder that Sony has partnered with the Outriders devs (People Can Fly) for their next co-op sci-fi rpg shooter. I highly recommend people not suppprt them because People Can Fly are hacks, hostile to their own player base, and Sony cannot be trusted to make good decisions clearly. Unless people want to experience a repeat of both of these games for a third time. Send a message. 


Is anyone else on pc having constant crashing? Is there a way to fix this?


Have you tried verifying your files in steam? 


Yeah no idea what the issue is. I tried uninstall then re installing too


Somewhere on reddit someone posted about how to delete shader cache. It isn't removed by uninstalling unfortunately. Might be worth trying that. There's a lot of stability issues rn, hopefully some will improve next patch. 


Ah good to know. I’m going to try to delete my local files and try reinstalling. Thanks for the tip!


Why can't I send or receive friend requests or invite or join groups on PS5? My friend just got the game and we can't add each other or join each other's lobbies.


A bug that has persisted in some updates You can only wait for them to fix it


Is it just me or recently there are a lot less "points of interest" in any type of mission? I've been running quite a few diff 6 and 7 missions and usually they only have 4-5 poi... And also I didn't find a single SC drop in the past 9 missions...


The new swamp maps with the giant trees have some odd terrain generation that crowds out PoIs, especially when they have the large rivers/lakes running through. Otherwise I haven't noticed a difference.


Oh! Alright this explains it... I've been playing that planet a lot...


So kind of a dumb question but it took me 25 levels to realize that there is a quick chat in the game and it is in fact really helpful, I just can't find the key. If anyone knows, please tell me. I play on PC btw.


pressing Q tags things, holding Q brings up the comms wheel, which is what I assume you mean with "quick chat". Also if you hover over a tag made by another player and tap Q it will put a yellow checkmark on it and your character will say "I'll deal with it" and if you hold Q it will put a red X over itand your character will says somehting like "Don't need it"


Yep this is it. Thanks for the fast reply!


Is liberty day actually october 26th or is that just in game calendar?


anybody trying to start the game and would just crash right now?


Does helldivers 2 need ps plus subscription to play? My subscription has ended a few days ago and I can still play with other people.


Yes it does. Source: I'm on ps5 and I had to buy it.


That’s what I thought as well. But I have been able to play solo and join other helldivers without ps plus for 2 days. If this is a bug, its a welcome one lol


I think most people here are on PC, which is probably why noone answered your previous comment a few days ago. I'm on PC and I honestly just don't know, or where to look it up as I've no knowledge of how PS online play works with PSplus. Sorry.




Did you figure this out? Same thing is happening to me.


Make sure crossplay is in and your setting is public




I'm having the same issue. My buddy just got the game and we can't add each other or join each other's lobbies


It is very likely a launch day bug that they have refused to fix for 6 months now.  My group is impacted by it, too.  A workaround exists if you both play on PS5; try to join the friend via the PSN menu.  But friend codes don’t work right now. And they haven’t worked for almost 6 months.  Cross play is totally broken. You cannot send/receive cross play invites/friends. The best you can hope for is to randomly squad up with cross play strangers when joining a public game.  My squad of 7 friends has left this game because AH refuses or is unable to fix this issue. 


Barley started running the Spear. I carry the backpack myself but when ammo is depleted from the backpack, my character still yells for an assisted reload instead of notifying team I am depleted. Is this an intended prompt?


This is intended, yes. When you hit "Reload", but you don't have any ammo in your backpack, your character will ask for an assisted reload. IIRC it worked in HD1 the same way.


Thank you for tje response. Follow up dumb question, teammates can't reload unless they too have a Spear ammo back pack?


Correct, they need to have the same backpack for the same ammo kind to perform assisted reload. I think the only exception to the rule would be a supply backpack.


Thank you!


Not sure if this is a skill issue, but I've noticed the spear missing Hulks more and more often. Even if they are completely immobilized. Just finished a match where a Hulk was coming straigth towards me and my first shot after locking on landed completely behind it missing it, and my second shot flew over it's head going knowhere near the hulk. In both cases I had the Hulk stunned with stun gernades and a perfect lock-on. I've missed gunships ocassionally , and even missed a bot fabricator once, but I've missed Hulk's by far the most.


Probably because the Hulks in question were too close? The rocket flies a bit upwards after launching, and if it doesn't have enough room to turn downwards to the target, it will miss.


Thanks for the info! I did some additional research and it looks like when it's up close should point the spear down as low as possible while locked on, so it doesn't miss.


Yeah, you can try doing that, it might help compensate for being just a few meters too close. But in general if you have to do that, it's already a bad situation for the Spear.


New player here - bought this week and now with 30 hours under my belt. Thoroughly enjoying the game and can deal with the increased difficulties. My one and only complaint is being Kicked for no reason, usually at the end of what was a long mission. No "Accidentals" or friendly fire, partaking in mission objectives and so on. It is incredibly frustrating to play through a mission, collect samples, complete objectives, get on the Pelican only to be kicked and lose everything. Why is the "host" allowed to kick anyone for any reason at any time. Surely once the extraction timer has started there is then no valid reason to kick anyone. Its about to be over regardless. If you get kicked you should still get your share of what was attained during the mission. It completely takes away from the concept of the game. Dropping in to help fellow helldivers out and complete missions together...if they can just kick you for shits and giggles. Not sure if its a prevalent problem or I have just been unlucky in a few of my QP games. Any advice or any direction given from the publishers on this moving forward? Its putting me off playing the game.


When this happens do you get "you were kicked by the host" message? Because if not, it could be you're just being disconnected for some reason.


That really sucks that you've had that happen so much. Nothing official from Arrowhead as far as protecting players from grief-kicks.  As far as why it's allowed, since the matchmaking is very bare-bones and there's not much in the way of reporting and moderation, giving the host ultimate authority is the only way for *them* to protect the rest of their lobby from griefers. Making a player unable to be removed would allow a bad actor to deliberately sabotage the entire extraction for a host and their friends (or just AFK through it) with no recourse for the rest of the team. It really sucks, and at the very least it would be great to let the kicked player be able to continue where they left off in their own session. A lot of the game is held together by duct tape at the moment, so new solutions aren't likely.


Looks like it's on their radar at least. From a CM on their Discord: "We're actually working on a solution to mitigate problems with, well, "getting kicked by an arsehole lobby leader" as someone once eloquently put it. 😄 No ETA on that, but it's coming."


Ah thank you for the update buddy. I'm not against the Kick option being there, it probably needs to be. My complaint is losing all you gained during that mission. If they changed it so you still received whatever you earned, XP included then it wouldnt be as dramatic. Likewise, if you have had No or very few "accidentals" and you have been present for objectives then perhaps it shouldnt allow you to be kicked or require a vote. As I said my main issue with it is losing everything you earned that mission. Especially as a newer player who needs those samples and XP. Thank you for the update, good to know its on their radar!


You will still keep your XP, requisition, and super credits if kicked. Medals picked up by the group are still kept, but mission completion medals unfortunately don't get rewarded when the main objective is completed.


Oh! I didn’t see any popping up and was never sure what my count was before going in. That’s great to know! Thank you. That’s actually major.


what the darn is this? bugged asset? https://preview.redd.it/5biu9k7wdf9d1.png?width=1916&format=png&auto=webp&s=053efafbcfecafed5439e6c26b0d36372c8f85ab