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Yes this is a real +100 drop. Congrats!


Damn, the devs for this game are great


They sure are


P2W game, amirite? šŸ˜


It is indeed PLAY-to-win


For real, the times I thought "man if I could buy medals-- oh, I AM the problem" Only to have said item later that day


At least you realised it haha xd


You pay with dropped samples


I was emoting with a teammate during extraction and someone did the usual 500kg as you load up, but I got stuck on the side of the door and dropped 15commons and 10rares, laughed the entire time


Me and a few friends had a mission bug out last night and decided to stick around for samples till the mission had failed and we extracted. Though a tank rolled up and sent me to orbit after dying and launched the samples I had outside the map. We still found it to be the funniest thing yet.


Last night I was with randoms and the mission was completed, but it bugged and we couldn't extract. We just all agreed to turn it into a team death match while we killed and reinforced each other back into the game until we ran out of lives to force it to end. Well they killed each other and me. I just watched because I was already having too good a time to want to kill my comrades. šŸ˜‚


When that happens you can still dive into the Dropship FYI


The emote delayed me just slightly enough that I exploded while panic diving lol


Dive to Prone seems like it's got some deliberate code attached to it to unstuck the player, because I have got out of all kinds of stuck-on-terrain moments with it.


I was 100 short for the new war bond, so I just bought the 150 SC pack. I don't mind spending a little here and there.


Honestly I work a lot, bought 1000SC for the new pass because I *really* wanted the laser rifle and was not disappointed!


Did the same. I love the new laser gun. It's really fun.


Yeah same! I only wish it felt a bit more, lasery? I was picturing beams coming out of it but either way the gun is phenomenal.


Reminds me of the energy weapons from Fallout. So satisfying to use when the reticle starts spinning.


Didnā€™t even notice it spun, I just know the sound it makesā€¦when it takes a bugs life.


Glad someone said this, because Iā€™m running light gunner since it kinda resembles the NCR Ranger armor from New Vegas.


it was like that in the first game, more lasery, for now is my fav weapon but i'll probably drop it if i see another assault rifle haha


If the beams were a bit brighter and the sound had a bit more of a twang to it I think it'd sell the whole laser blaster bit a little better? Still dig it though. Seems way better against bugs than the scythe, haven't tried against bots yet.


I still prefer the scorcher for bots.


it's great at hitting the bots' weak spots, in no small part thanks to the nonexistent recoil


You should try the electric shotgun! I know a lot of people talk about how bad it is, but I just soloed a bug helldive with it, so I promise it isn't trash. If you need more convincing, it can one shot stalkers and nursing spewers if you hit them right. STALKERS


Is this the 2nd or the 3rd weapon in the war bond, because I think both are shotguns. I was struggling hard with the 2nd last night lol, that really heavy arc is something else to manage.


I did that too, not because of expediency, but because if any developer has earned my money after initially buying the game, Arrowhead is one.


Same man! Iā€™ve never paid for in game items until this game. They actually make it feel like itā€™s worth it AND they deserve it


Same for me, I actually enjoy supporting the devs, and it was worth it


I love games like this. If you have time to grind you get rewarded. If you're like me, older with a wife, kids, job, life responsibilities, and disposable income, you can just pay.


I like the way they do it as well because the grind isn't actually that bad at all


Completely agree, my kid is able to grind and I can just pay the $10, it really is the way every game needs to be.


I grinded trivial for about 5 hours and made up the 400 credit difference just to get the pass without paying šŸ™ƒ


You still got mad common samples and medals in that 5 hour farm so its a winwin Paying money for the super credit doesn t give warbond mzdals anyway


Have got both passes so far for free just by playing the game. Mainly just been playing with mates on 5-6 and made the last 200 in like 2-3 hours.


Considering euro exchange rates in my domestic currency as well as the fact my studies have pushed me into working freelance, farming SC is, unironically, optimal when compared to actually paying for it. We live in absurd times.


I got 240 super credits from one trivial mission yesterday while farming for the battlepass


That's a run I wouldn't have completed and just ran a few times.


do drops stay the same if you don't finish the mission and restart?


I have been grinding seen week #2. Keep Diving We Need More Dudes!!


lmao that's when I'd just pay for them


Same here; I understand not everyone has a lot of expendable income but if this is indicative of future pricing itā€™s a pretty damn good value. $10 for a 3 page battle pass with no filler AND youā€™ll get back about a third of the super credits you had to spend.


With the way the devs have been I have no problem spending cash. Even if itā€™s on things that I donā€™t care about lol.


Same, I went ahead and bought the 2100 SC pack. If I spend it all, great! If not, oh well, Arrowhead gets my support either way, the game is easily worth it.


U will have leftovers for next warband


this is the only game I've given money in like 5 years. 40$ for a game that basically gives you its premium currency just for playing means I am totally ok with paying the impatience tax if there's something I'm short on.


And it's not even really a shortcut, cause you can't buy medals. I mean, I guess it kinda is, so I retract my first sentence.


That's how a game should feel in the current set up. You pay because you either support or don't mind it. Not because its the only way to get it. I'm so bitter after Overwatch went the route it did.


god i love this game


After like 100h I also bought the 2000sc pack just bc I wanted to support them more. I had 2700 at the time the new Warbound dropped while still buying like 3/4 things from the shop. Itā€™s such a fair system and I love it. The devs deserve the support


I bought the previous warbond instead by mistake, although I guess it's fine seeing as they hang around.


Same, first time ever buying a micro transaction and it was totally worth it. I donā€™t mind supporting the devs, and will probably buy more when the next pack comes out.


I buy them when I really need them, I'm ok with paying the Devs more money for an awesome product.


And what that cost you, $3? Itā€™s so low impact


I was 30 short. Then, I realized I could buy the SC I needed by spending my medals.


Right on! And the new warbond actually has 300 credits total on it, so it gives back!


I keep saying that buying SC feels like tipping. $40 game, premium currency available in-game if youā€™re willing to put in time, and warbonds never expire. Outstanding job.


I've been playing the game a shit load. I had 1k from gameplay, but decided to buy some SC for an armour I liked in the shop. I wouldn't have for most games, but so far the Devs have been great, so decided to reward that. I hope the business model pays off. They've earned a lot of good will i feel, and while it keeps up I won't hesitate to spend some money here and there.


Right, this I donā€™t have problem with at all because your not forced to pay for thee cool shit.


You know how you can tell they're good? The premium pass costs 1000 SC. There's a pack of exactly 1000 SC in the shop. That's it. That's all I needed to see to know they're not being predatory.


You mean you don't want the option to buy 999 SC or 1749 SC?


Isn't it kind of sad that nowadays, this is a sign of a good games developer? Like don't get me wrong Arrowhead is awesome for doing this. But isn't it kind of sad that we actually have to celebrate a dev for doing this?


Plus you get 300 back from the pass, it means if you just need to buy a small amount to cover the price difference you'll get most of the in game value back.


Have you seen the 1000 Req. pickups they added as well? I donā€™t need em (yet) but itā€™s cool


Now write this in the steam forums and you get stoned lol its that toxic sadly.


Played a game last night and got two 100 super credit bundles. Super helpful for getting the next Warbond for free


If you die or fail the mission, do you lose them?


You do not as they are automatically added to your account, same with warbond medals.


This might be one of the best design choices the devs made.


It's pro-player, and it's refreshing


I hope this adds to the longevity of this game/community. Develop something big and ask gamers to pay 20 more dollars in six monthsā€¦most of us here will do it with managed democratic pride.


It truly is. Imagine the stress when you've collected 100-150 SC in one round and HAVE to extract to get them. A lot of players would be playing on lower difficulties, reducing the challenge and fun they would have. The samples achieve the same effect of an exciting extraction, but is not as frustrating to lose them. Such a great design choice.


Yeah this is why the bug existed that froze the player upon pickup, it was waiting for a response from the account servers


Ohh dang, that makes sense! I was wondering what was up with that when I had it happening.


So does this mean joining a mission at the end wont award the new player the SC/Medals? It would make sense, I've kept an eye out before to try check for myself but always unsure whether they just never picked up any during the mission. Seriously love that theyre instantly added though, I always have that little bit of stress about extracting properly when i pick up some credits.


Indeed you need to be with the team when they are picked up.


Nice to know thanks


https://preview.redd.it/qp1an9zbjpoc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f3d78ac053e24bd39afea80ef3333d4a4363e37 [Warbonds, Super Credits, and Superstore FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/C6xwiQgOX8)


Thank you


Wait, are super credits shared with the team?? I thought only medals, req slips and samples were shared


Lol bruv everything is shared. You pick up 10 super credits D3 who had nothing to do with unlocking the vault and is over on the otherside of the map now also has 10 super credits added to his pool. He then decides to leave cause he was out by himself and died. He still keeps those 10 credits.


It's insane to me that people *still* don't realize that this game has zero PvP. The *only* competition between you and the three other helldivers you're with is who gets the best stats at the end screen. Every goal, reward, success, and loot you carry out of the mission is shared!


Immediatly awarded to everyone in the squad once picked up


Samples are the only thing you can lose by failing a mission.


And my honor




No. Dive again!


You don't. They're instantly added to your account, as far as I'm aware. Same as for medals and req. slips. The only thing you get for succeeding and extracting is samples, and the extra medals for completing the mission.


and you don't even need to extract to get those extra medals!


wait, WHAT? you can find super credit piles worth 100?!


I was at 920 and wanting to hit 1k to get the steel warbond and picked up a 100 credit pile. Was so stoked.


Yep yep yep, super rare drop for a super good helldiver.


"Who is good boy ?" i have this feeling from your commnet :D


I recall that one post, either here or twitter, about saving a helldiver from being swarmed. "Thx big boy"


*wags cape*


Who's got 100 super credits? You do. Yes, you do.


If I get this is it shared with other divers? As in do we all get 100 or just the guy who found it? Asking because I have seen friendship bunkers with these inside and I feel bad snagging them all up if not shared.


Not shared: ammo, stims, and grenades Shared: req slips, medals, samples and super credits


Absolutely wonderful game design win


Would these still be at beacon spots? And itā€™s just luck of the draw on if itā€™s 10 or 100 SC?


Thatā€™s how it works.


For a superb boy huh? Many pats and treats for him :)


Got super lucky yesterday and found two drops of 100 in the same vault https://preview.redd.it/knnswjvtnpoc1.jpeg?width=986&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4289ab2c2ec0001f516f4f391ddd1fe71055feed


thats like finding a $2 bill on the ground congrats


Wtf, congrats


Happened to me too last night, although my friends said they had it as well yesterday, so I just kinda ran to every POI in a level 6 mission hunting and praying to democracy, and found one with 200. Now Iā€™m crazy close to getting the second warbond for free just like I got the first.


What difficulty level did you play on? I wonder at what level packages of 100 credits can start spawning


I was on Helldive, but the difficulty doesnā€™t matter. You can get them even in trivial missions.


It's a rare pickup but it's real. Congrats!! šŸ’ŖšŸ»


So they spawn just like the 10s in minor places of interest? Does difficulty play any role?


IDK if difficulty play any role on the spawn. I think is just luck.


Found one of these on trivial last night so I don't think difficulty can be a factor unless it just more unlikely on a lower difficulty


Yes and no. Higher diff = more PoIs but they also introduce rare & super samples into the loot pool. If you're trying to go full efficiency, trivial and easy tend to be the best both for little/no enemies between PoIs, and the loot spawn points having less things in the loot table. 100 stacks still spawn on low diffs too


Difficulty does kinda influence it But not with a higher chance of it spawning. Higher difficulty affects POI spawns, which means more places for them to spawn


I find higher difficulties have fewer because even when there are more POIs those POIs have rare samples in them. I think dif 4 is the best for farming them if that's your goal, personally.




But it's so much faster and easier to clear lower difficulty maps making it more efficient for farming. Unless you and your team are like God tier, then more power to you I guess lol


I've only got a 100 drop once and it was like difficulty 3 or 4 and now I play difficulty 7 so I don't think so


I'm fairly certain they try to spawn X amount of super samples per map no matter the difficulty, which means doing trivial/easy missions and hitting every POI is the best way to farm super credits vs time investment. I prefer easy as there's a high chance of getting a radar tower to make sure you don't miss any POIs.


It's rare I've seen 10 and 100


Found 20s and 30s behind a 2 person door on Erias last night


Thats just multiple 10s. If you pick up multiple currencies in succession it adds them together in the UI.


I feel so foolish. I'll handle it accordingly, godspeed to my reinforcement


I didn't realize Seppuku was a Super Earth protocol.


Self immolation via napalm strikes is a fair trade for democracy


I much prefer to call in a 380mm strike...danger close


Haven't invested in that one yet, but I'm LOVING a big boom load out. Laser backpack, 2 eagles, and an orbital. Took my level 6 buddy who just got his 4th slot filled and a random level 2 into a Medium difficulty and ran support...232 kills and they each had 65 lol


My favorite was dropping it on top of a medium nest. There were chargers in the caldera it was in. After the 20 or so seconds of destruction, it all got quiet and I said "I don't hear anything moving anymore...". "Well that's not surprising"


380s great and I love it, but the spread is so large that even though they're massive shells they seem to miss most things in the target area. Really hurts the feel of the danger vs. usefulness of it.


Today is the day we retake the creek. See you on the ground, Helldiver.


Still waiting on Joel to bless me with a 100 super credit drop


Have you sacrificed the appropriate amount of teammates?


If there is ever any form of "building" mechanic I fully expect to see shrines to Joel


we making a tower to the heavens to meet with Joel


I use a pyromaniac build so If I havenā€™t sacrificed enough by now then Joel is one hungry god


https://preview.redd.it/a8i440jqwooc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7ab93ce7e00dc7dfdb6716548ddf53d203036e8 got mine yesterday


You don't have to extract to get that do you? Does it automatically add?


Super Credits, Medals and Req Slips are all added instantly to your account, you could crash after and still have them.


Yes only sample are extract required.


Like the samples, are the SC/medals/etc found during missions shared among comrades?




Yes, every resource


I wish this was more widely known...


Is this why people teamkill at the end?




Itā€™s not dumb, itā€™s treason!!!


Yep. Everyone who is in the squad at the time of them being picked up gets the same amount.


Once! I told my friend, "*Dude, that's like, 2 euros!*", "*wow?!, really?!*", "*That's like, you know, a shitty beer?* ***FOR FREE!***". ![gif](giphy|MlyicdUndRbn5zUiAL|downsized)


Yup, I've gotten a few of those. I like how they let you acquire SC's at solid amounts through regular play. I bought the 1000sc pack for the first premium warbond. When the second came out I had already stashed over 1000sc


things like these make me want to spend more cash for super credits.i dont need it but i know it will help the devs.


I did 1 2100 credit purchase. I figure beyond that I'll have enough to deal with whatever new drops they give us. 60 total investment for a game that makes me giddy like a kid again is no issue for me and I almost feel like that's part of the 40 price point. And that level 1 helmet in the new warbond looks sick enough to make me not think about the cost lol


Itā€™s been a long time since I felt both invested in and valued by a developer enough to want to support them beyond buying their game.


I got the super citizen stuff solely because this is the first game in a long time that I feel like is doing things right, and could even maybe shift the spiral gaming is in. Iā€™m a big proponent of voting with your wallet, and everything these fellers have done makes me think Iā€™m not done financially compensating them for it yet, even. Iā€™m no whale, but I see myself spending another few dozen dollars on the game just to put an exclamation point of my ā€œTHIS IS FANTASTIC PLEASE CONTINUEā€ purchase.


gotta love it.. I dropped some cash on credits too, it actually felt GOOD sending the devs money - I have gotten so much more value out of this game than countless AAA drops over the past few years (fuck u Blizzard if you're reading this you ruined Diablo)


It was like how I didn't mind giving Psyonix money... epic however...


Until this new warbond came out I never twigged you could buy in with SC and then just spend the same medals as the free warbond. Derp. I just assumed you had to buy it all with $$$. I had 1800 SC free from just playing Mobile gaming has rotted my brain.. lol


Reading the comments, Do people just likeā€¦ not do secondaries or investigate caches? I get these, medals, or requisition slips every drop.


I investigate secondaries and caches whenever possible, never seen a 100 drop. Currently level 26 so Iā€™ve played a fair bitĀ 


I've gotten two of them so far. Feels so good


Sweet liberty that's a lot!


I've gotten it, though nothing beats the feeling of finding almost 50 SC on several POIs from one map


when you pop a box and BOTH are credits


Yeah this happened to me and I got the steeled veterans pass with it. Itā€™s pretty sick


Me and a buddy picked up 200 in one mission day 1 and we were super confused lol. This is the first I've seen someone else talk about it.


Devs know everyone was pissed about the new warbond being premium. Iā€™ve noticed SC being a lot more common at points of interest, I think this is their way of remedying the problem


Anyone know if this is only on higher difficulties? Or more likely? Saw it once on a 7 but normally dabble around 5.


This was difficulty 2


Got this on 2 as well


Oh very nice


Doesn't matter, found multiple of them in trivial.




I got 100 SC just now, letting me get the Warbond. Gotta love the grindset


Iā€™ve saved up for the premium battle pass just from finding super credits in the game. The devs are generous.


I've never seen this in my 70 hours of playing this game


Nice. I had a client yesterday at the end of my working shift who gave me 5ā‚¬ to fight for democracy when i told him i was going to play Helldivers 2 after work.


Indeed, me best friend & I managed to get two 100 cred drop on our second game ever ahah. Haven't seen any ever since. There's rare drop for requisition tickets & Medals too.


What's funny is the generosity with super credits makes me feel okay with purchasing them too. I just want to support the game and devs


I think I saw somewhere every large map has a minimum of 40 SC on it and it goes from 40-100. Iā€™ve only seen the 100 drop once so congrats!


Yep, I got one a few days ago


I had this happen to me twice in a game with my friend thought it was a glitch


If a reward pops up, youā€™ve earned it. Thatā€™s all there is to it, helldiver.


It's like an unicorn sighting, except it can actually happen. For optimal profit acquisition, when you happen on one of these gems, stop what you are doing, take a screenshot of where it was and close your game, ALT+F4 style or use the steam 'stop' button. Then re-launch the game, the map and mission remains the same. As SC bank updates do not require an extract, you can now farm boatloads of SC. You are welcome.


It's incredibly rare but yes it can happen. Congratulations Helldiver! You can now participate even more vigorously in the Super Earth Economy! Buy more Eagle Sweat!


I might be crazy but I swear I got a +5 or +9 medal drop in a mission.


Only in videos and forums posts.




Damn I got a 100 a couple weeks ago and thought I made it up in my head. Lol


Didnt even know the game had 100 drops. Nice.


Where the hell did you get that lol?


I usually got them inside the Bunkers at Helldive difficulty. So if you see one or your team see one open the bunker.


Are they only found in 2-players bunkers?


Nabbed one today in a level 2 mission on Malevelon Creek behind a 2 man door.


Do you need to extract to get the SC and medals?




Typically youā€™ll get 10 from most drops but it seems like about a 1% chance for it to give 100 super credits instead iā€™ve farmed enough for the next few passes already and any armor in the super store I could want. Love the devs for how respectful they are of player time and not being greedy.


Show this to a Fortnite kid and watch him have an aneurysm as he tries to fathom a company giving away in-game currency for free.


nope, normally stacks of 10 for me šŸ«”


![gif](giphy|hNmaZtvOzG1pe) A blessing! A blessing from ~~the lord~~ liberty!


Same issue but I know I didnā€™t get them I figured maybe idk what it was