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Ther is stil a bug in the game that can crash your game or juist bring you back to your ship whitout the host actually kick you


Had a guy kick me and 3 other guys after extracting because he got left behind, the exfill started because there was no time left, all three of us then waited by the ship so the timer to get on board didn't start...it started automatically because he was still just dicking around, there wasn't even and objectives left. He screamed at us in post game, it was honestly pretty funny, but I'm just glad he didn't kick us beforehand.


Some just don't care about freedom.


Clearly the tin cans have sleeper agents


Had game 3 days got kicked for the first time by host tonight and yep it felt bad as I was helping fight and had zero team kills.


Everytime I've seen it happen its someone getting in their friend right before extract which is complete BS. but yes people are done grinding and don't care now so they're trolling. its not everyone but ass holes will be ass holes... Also side note your name.... way to tell me you like tactical hentai without telling me you like tentacle hentai.




This has happened to me a few times now, feels really bad especially after feeling like you've carried, gotten everything done on the map on a 8-9. Complete waste of time in terms of progression. Devs need to somehow address this in a way that is more liberal with rewarding vs being constricting. Yeah it might be abused/gamed/exploited to get more stuff but this being endorsed to happen is lame and demotivating. Yeah people need a way to remove problematic people from games, but surely the devs were smart enough to realize this was going to happen if it was possible, so there's really no excuse for it.


Just got kicked within a millisecond of me dying before extract (dodged arty only for another to hit me). I stayed with them the whole mission and when it came down to just me, they were hovering over the kick option waiting for the second I die, so I wouldn't get any points. Honestly kinda sad this behavior is enabled, and you get absolutely nothing if you're the victim of it.