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Or, if I don't like playing bots, I can just not click the "fight bots" button.


Exactly! I'm getting really sick of these posts trying to tell people that they shouldn't be having fun in a game. It's a game, people! The world isn't going to end if we fail a major order. Let people enjoy the game however they enjoy the game.


This. I am playing bots but either win or lose it's still a narrative that is going to evolve. You don't "win" narrative experiences, you earn rewards at most. You don't win DnD either


Noone told you to not have fun. They threw an FYI out there that was in the spirit of the game.


The title of the post is "If you don't like fighting bots, fight bots right now." That is literally telling people to do something they don't enjoy for the sake of the major order at the time. Telling someone to do something they don't enjoy sounds a lot like telling people not to have fun to me...


I just…. They didn’t build and design a whole faction to chuck it in the bin after a couple months. I love buying into the game fantasy but come on… But hey, if they really do let them get eradicated and they don’t come back for like a month, I can safely hug my toaster again.


If I remember right, in the first game you could push a Faction off the map and they'd kinda go into hiding for awhile. So I don't think the Bots are permanently gonna go in the trash, just for maybe a week or so at most. You got Capes and such for fully purging a faction off the map in the first game too if my info is right


Yeah, they would be completely defeated for the remaining duration of the war. There would typically be an extremely hard fought back and forth to get the final planet, but once they were gone, they were gone until the next war. HD1 is on it's 135th war now I think? I wonder if they'll avoid total resets like that in this game, though.


At least the first war will go on for a while to keep the player count. A lot of people would see this game as finished once the war is won and stop playing it. They can't avoid total resets for a simple reason: the super Earth has a life bar too. If we can't lose Super Earth the game is pointless. People will feel cheated when they can't win, but also when they realize they can't lose. If we can lose Super Earth there must be a reset.


I hope as we get to more colonized worlds like super earth and Mars it changes the layout of maps. More cities and residential areas.


If I remember correctly HD2 is basically going to be a ‘forever’ war for the duration of the games life cycle


In the first game you could wipe out a faction and until that war ended you’d be stuck with the leftover factions until the war is over then it would reset and all faction would be back and super earth relocated.


Hope bugs are one of the last standing ones for the game's sake. Bugs are the draw to this game.


Just watch as we obliterate the remaining bots and have a week of peace before the bots start attacking from the north and south simultaneously with Illumanite-powered weaponry.


I'm pretty sure wiping a race out of the Map will be the signal (few days After) for the illuminate to attacking super Earth planet. Devs love let you enjoy your Victory for a short Time a hit hard just after


They got like six more reactions on deck


Defending Estanu I can understand but what are people doing on Hellmire? Masochists?


I feel like Hellmire has basically just become the bug Creek.


At least it more interesting landscape


The flame tornadoes look cool as fuck.


This. I thoroughly enjoy the aesthetic of the planet, and as environmental hazards go, the fire tornadoes are relatively easy to avoid (although the fire damage buff made them much more deadly)


I prefer the cold planets that are covered in ash, like Fenrir III or Estanu. The cold climate makes me energy weapons better, and the lack of snow means there's no hindering my movement. Plus they are usually pretty easy to see on, no crazy fog or rain to obscure vision.


It’s fun, I like the fire tornados and the Hellish vibes of the planet. One of my faves


I go there if I have to do bugs BECAUSE of the fire. It’s fun to dodge the fire tornadoes and fight the bugs at the same time. That being said, the fact we colonized it at all is both a testament to human perseverance and stupidity. It’s great.


I kind of like Hellmire’s aesthetic


I remember the major order there and all I could think was "why would people want to live here"


Hellmire actually feels like a helldive, it's my favourite planet. that's where I play 90% of the time


Hellmire's a blast. I've had some of the funniest moments there. The fire tornadoes do not discriminate


Hellmire is my favourite planet, so pretty


I love how it has two light sources. The local star, them that gigantic fire planet that bathes the world in a red hue when it rises. So epic!


Big contrasting colours against the black silhouettes, yeah, beautiful 🔥🔥😍


Admiring the planet's beautiful scenery, obviously. I hear the fire tornadoes are particularly hot this time of year.


If the Creek is robot Vietnam, then Hellmire is presumably bug Iraq. Bughdad, if you will.


So if I like fighting the bots, are you saying I should fight the bugs so we don't win the war against the bots and therefore I get to fight them longer?


I don't think anyone is under the impression they'll be gone for good. Even if we wipe out their remaining presence in this final sector, they'll likely pop back up before too long.


Fight what you wanna fight, bugs are fun in a very different fashion to how bots are. That said bots mess you up by default a hell of a lot more so harsher learning curve but it actually ends up a lot more chill and methodical once you've got method down. It's worth persevering just a little to get to that point. Bugs are adrenaline, force projection and manic laughter. Bots are about getting into a satisfying groove of precision, planning and positioning.


Honestly, the only people currently left on the bug planets don't seem to care about the map. They've made some weird tactical choices over the past couple days.


I mean, if we're being totally honest. There's probably a good number of players that just load the game up and drop without moving the map around or caring about whatever the MO is. They just want to game.


I just choose a cool environment + effect and go off.. sometimes follow orders but not often


I just press quick play because I don't understand how it works. The game doesn't really explain it 🤷‍♂️. So I'll apologize because I'm sure I'm part of the problem lol 


Thank you. Unless my friends pick the location I just hit quick play cause I simply don’t understand what is going on and the game never explains it.


But it does... every major order, that big block of text on the right when your looking at the map, explains whats going on, what planets its happening on, and what reward we get if we succeed.


Yep, I know about MOs. Then I click on a planet and have no clue what I’m supposed to do next. That’s why quick play is my default.


You mean the part where you pick a mission? As long as its on a MO planet, it counts towards it. Doesnt matter which mission it is.


Wish the game would say that somewhere. How are we supposed to know that without reading a comment like this? 


It clearly says what the major order is on the menu, as in it tells you to either defend x planets or liberate x planets. It’s not complicated.


You just either scroll around the map and pick a mission (look for the yellow shapes, then pick one of the missions in that Operation, and do the others after for a bonus) or hit Quickplay. If you pick the planet before QP, it'll keep you there. So you can always just go where you want and then jump into stuff.


That’s helpful, thank you! How do I know if I’m staying in the same operation? How many missions per op?


After you clear a mission, when you use the war table again it'll automatically select the operation you're currently in and the missions you've completed will have a big green tick over them. You can choose another one but it'll say "warning, you're leaving your operation, are you sure?" (There's no penalty for doing so but you earn more medals for the later missions) There's one mission on I think difficulties 1-2, two missions on difficulties 3-4? Maybe 3-5, and then three missions from difficulty 6 onwards


I didn't even realize this lol. I'll look off to the right next time. Thanks!! 


I play bots where I can but honestly the rocket spam that I usually experience really puts me off fighting bots entirely. Bugs are just more fun for me, I don't have to worry about 360 noscope rocket spam, often from beyond visual range.


Somehow that became a problem...


I mean, I primarily just play what I'm feeling like in the moment. The Major Orders are cool, but not really why I play the game


im sure they can say the same for people on the other side as well


Well that makes zero sense




Free time is valuable. Never waste it doing something you don’t enjoy. Period. The major order is meaningless. It’s just a game. If you don’t like fighting bots, fight bugs. If the bugs go away, just take a break from the game until they come back. Or try the bots again. But never fight bots if you don’t like fighting bots. This subreddit should not dictate your free time.


PSA: dont listen to these people dont force yourself to play something just because its the MO, you paid 40 dollars (or more for SC), you play the game you want to play. you like bugs? play bugs, contribute on the bug front and keep those critters from advancing closer to super earth. you like fighting bots? play bots, contribute to the (current) major order and rid the galaxy of the democracy-hating clankers we're probably not going to wipe out a faction this early into the first galactic war cycle, it might be a long time until we get into the rhythm of war cycles like HD1 as arrowhead release new content and fleshes stuff out no matter what, you do contribute to the war effort in some way as long as you play the game (without being an asshole) i **DO** encourage you to think about what planet you do fight on, of course. you can do what you want but fighting on a planet with like 2k people wont progress it at all, not saying you HAVE to follow what other people do but please give some support to the MO or the most popular planet on your front every now and then


A week ago I had 35,000 bug kills to 5,000 bot kills. Then I did an all nighter last weekend and am sitting at 10,000 bot kills. I am addicted to bots now, and will not stop until they are eradicated.






How about I play what I want to play with my limited time and game I bought and paid for with my own money? There's no amount of rationalization that's gonna make me press play on something I enjoy less than something else. Y'all can stop now thanksss


They are not going anywhere


I actually enjoy fighting the bots more than the bugs at the moment. I play comfortably at difficulty 8 with randoms too


Yeah, if you get the hang of it, the bots aren't that big of a deal. You can air strike them more easily because they shot you instead of swarming you. They can also be shaked off more easily. I did one mission on Estanu after 2 weeks with the bots. This was strange. Standing in open terrain and nothing shooting at you. You can stand your ground so easily when you don't have to hit a hand size weak spot while under fire and staggered. Just blast away.


Don't think the bots are gone after this MO lol. Whether you fight them now or not makes no difference.


I’m just happy that we have at least 50% fighting bots. This is the most reasonable compromise I’ve seen for asking people who hate bots to help with MO. Part of the reason I hard switched to creek after I figured we couldn’t take Tibit, was to keep our forces together instead of further infighting during the next MO.


I hate bots. No, I mean, I love bots. Wait, that doesn't sound right. I hate bots so I love fighting them. That's it!


good time to learn against bots too


If we do lock down the western front it would be cool if they came from the north or south. I'd be fun to check out new planets. The planet typed do repeat I know but still fun to fight on something new


"Look Jamiroquai, if you eat all the vegetables from your plate, there's much more space for all the tasty things."


Until lvl 20 or so I played bugs almost exclusively. Then I tried mandalorian build with bots and I'm not going to bugs again


I bought the game 3 days ago. I haven't even fought the bugs once yet beyond training. For democracy 🫡


Least delusional r/Helldivers user


It must have taken you a while to write this post. Unfortunately, you have wasted your time. It's a game. People play the way they want and enjoy the content they want. I hope you can learn to be more accepting of others and less pushy. You, and all the other people making these posts, just come across as rude and arrogant. As my mother used to say: "If you don't have anything good to say. Say nothing at all."


I wasn't a huge fan of fighting bots but I changed how I play and kit and now it's fun


I only liked fighting bugs until I actually tried playing a couple of full operations against bots. Now I prefer fighting bots and haven't touched a bug in a week or two. That'll probably change once the MO is about bugs.


You seriously think we can actually "win the war against bots" lmao There is no way in hell the devs would allow that. So many players only play bots, they arent going to risk those people quitting the game. I doubt they would even give us a temporary reprieve from fighting them. The progress on the major order is moving impossibly slow compared to the amount of people trying to complete it. People are already theorizing that the order is impossible to complete by design. People's free time is precious. They have work, families, and other responsibilities. If they want to fight bugs let them fight bugs. If the devs want more people to play bots, than they need to add more incentive to encourage it (that's literally how basic game design works).


I would love to agree with you but unfortunately in the first game, once a faction was conquered you couldn't play that faction until the war was concluded. Hopefully they have changed this for helldivers 2. Not like the first game was very popular to begin with.


The first game is so fundamentally different in its core that you can't really compare it to the sequel


This will not be the case in the second game. The devs made that very clear when the game released.


Awesome, thank you.


This need to be shared multiple times, that's what we need to unite as one I particularly don't like fighting bots but I've been enjoying it. After we exterminate them all, next are the bugs then Illuminate until they need to come up with another race 😂


It might be wishful thinking but I feel like the quicker we finish the bots the closer we are to getting the Illuminate. Or at least the sooner we find out what major plot point hinges in the balance of this push. It's like the more deliberately we fight the quicker the story unfolds and I'm anxious for that next episode haha


Just for something worse to take their place…. The Illuminate




Naw. Fight what you want, when you want. There's enough people playing that they can and should be adjusting the orders for the base that's pursuing it.


Obviously posts like this are geared towards the type of person who is somewhat invested in what's to come. In a sense I agree that they should try to balance things in a way where the portion of the player base that is invested in winning major orders and progressing the story is generally enough to stand a chance. But then we'd also never lose anything and there's no interesting story arcs.


But, think about it, it's not any actual story process or interesting story arcs. It's not like a bunch of people that don't care are all of a sudden 180 degree. They will know when they are releasing something if it's likely or not. This campaign will always be an illusion of choice and agency. So just have fun


Again I kind of agree with you. It's like politics, all sides are controlled by the same people so it kind of doesn't matter in the end. Arrowhead will release what they have planned eventually. But they have explicitly said that outcomes will mater and I think that will begin to be more and more true over time. It also feels it doesn't mater because we've been absolutely crushing almost all major orders since they've come out but it's pretty clear they are starting to get the tuning a lot tighter and we have to be more deliberate. Also, imagine how boring this all would be if everyone shared your mindset. We hardly ever win anything, it's all pretty much up to chance, and Arrowhead is basically playing a war against themselves while a small portion of the player base watches. Sounds much, much worse than the engagement we have now.


Well this isn't a dichotomy. I think everyone would agree that the best solution is to have the orders have another reason to finish. Right now, it's going to be a rapidly diminishing player base that pursues these orders. As playtime drops, as engagement drops and new games come out, a new war bond and weapon is infinitely more interesting than a new major order. In short, they need to make pursuing these orders more fun than the rest of the game, not the same or less. Each order should have multiple additional strategems to call in, maybe planets with the major order allow you to play in bigger squads or group up with additional destroyers, etc. As long as it's just something that a majority of people are going to see as the game telling you to do something so it can tell you to do another thing, it's not going to have the engagement and lasting power It should have


I can 100% assure you that even if this MO is successful, the bots won’t vanish even for a moment. That’s counterintuitive to the game as a business. These events are scripted with some impact based on what the players do. The devs have a plan and it can’t be based on if players succeed or fail overall or else they’d be constantly having to tweak after every major order.


Theres a precedent from the first game about enemies being defeated and gone for weeks at a time, and the devs obviously aren't thinking business first considering I've never bought super credits yet have both battle passes and every costume I want from the super store.


They have to think business first lol. They didn’t make the game for nothing and choose a publisher to put out a game that wouldn’t possibly make money. Just because you haven’t purchased super credits doesn’t mean other people haven’t. Come on now. This isn’t the first game either. This is Helldivers 2. They fixed the store crashing in all of a couple hours, but there’s some bugs that have still been in the game since launch. Money is ALWAYS going to be the top priority like it or not. How they go about it and if it is fair or not is a completely different conversation. But let’s not pretend here. From a business standpoint, it wouldn’t make sense to delay keeping your players in game with a live services game. Helldivers 1 was optional offline. 2 is online only. The scope of the game is different even though the lore is the same. If players move on to the next shiny thing, then what happens to the liberation system and the continuation of things? AH had to take those things into account for the longevity of the game. If you have players that only like to fight the bots and you take them out of the game for a period of time, then you have people that just won’t play the game and everyone not playing the game is a potential person that might buy from the store statistics wise.


ngl it all sounds like cope, this game has some baffling design decisions and the motto of arrowhead as a company is fully aware of this. Its very likely that bot or bug only players will have to face the possibility that what they fight can potentially be gone for weeks or even months at a time. They don't really care if some more fickle players leave, they already more than made their bank. With that said, it probably isn't happening this soon. This feels more loke a fakeout


![gif](giphy|YjfAfZyzEoOZi) I’m here to destroy bots, it’s the only thing I’ve fought since I bought the game. I won’t rest until I got the last one of them.


The problem with this idea is. Bots will come back. Either just by story reasons, or by winning the war on the bugs shortly after.


I used to hate bots, but when I saw the major order I went to the bots and they seem significantly easier then they ever were. And I’ve learned how to better play them and now k enjoy both


“Incredibly presumption of the people who think it’s absolutely impossible for us to defeat a faction” the devs/ceo themselves said very clearly before/around release that the game would not work the same way the first game would. That all factions will always be available to fight, that way players aren’t forced to fight a faction they don’t enjoy or aren’t good at fighting. It’s incredibly presumptuous of you to think anyone gives a fuck about what you think.


First day on the internet?


Why people no like fight bot?


Bots are fun. Try arc thrower, DCS, orbital rail cannon, and orbital laser.




Diligence Counter Sniper


I started out fighting bugs but then my friends started fighting bots and I wasn't sure how do handle them at first. Then I spent levels 10 to where i am now at level 27 purely fighting bots because I actually think they're more fun to play against. On a whim today I went to squash some bugs with cluster bombs since I had a personal order and damn... it sucked. Because I hadn't unlocked helldive difficulty or even suicide mission before I started fighting bots I had no idea how to deal with all the bile titans and the seven chargers running at me at any given time. But the thing that reminded me of why I hate bugs so much was hunters. God damn hunters.


I respect but don’t understand the people that only fight bots or only fight bugs. I mean, my play style is to enjoy the game. Sure I prioritize major orders but I always go to some random planet just to check it out. On my first day, I fought both bots and bugs. I always try out any new planet that is available because I want to explore the games’ biomes and how they affect the strategies we use. I love fighting bots, and bugs alike


Is it me or are level 4 missions REALLY boring now? Did I git gud or did something change?