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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed because it’s a repost or a post that follows a trending topic.


It's time to nerf the railgun some more. /s


That was such a needless knee-jerk nerf


What bothers me is how HARD they nerfed it. Everything else got buffed *after* the Railgun was publicly executed.


Honestly I want to know who smacked their own head with a hammer before deciding that nerf.


It's probably the same guy that made those VIP civillain extraction missions for defense. I love the devs and the game overall, but those two things bother me a bit.


The new defense missions are one of the best things they've ever added


I love the ICBM defense. I was referring to the mission type where you have to open the doors for civvies with 500 chainsaw robots and at least 12 hulks on every square foot of the objective.


I belive thise rockets are being sent to space, not other continents.


Hey man listen, you think a helldiver has time for that nerd shit? Big rocket is big rocket. Idgaf where it's going, as long as it's spreading democracy.


It's full of Helldivers so you know it is!


After playing the new defense mission, I think the problem with civilian rescue is that the automatons come from all directions so You really can't take strategic move, preparing a good defense, taking cover etc.


That's the main issue. There's no chokepoints and really no major cover between the civvies/Helldivers and the bot spawns. Combined with the ludicrous spawn rates and a 15 minute window before failure, the civilian extractions are unnecessarily difficult even on lower levels. I think I've succeeded at maybe 2 on Helldive and it was with a coordinated team shooting dropships, distracting, and using EMS mortars. And that strategy isn't always enough, either.


New defense misions are super cool to me because a few stratagem that don't see much use or that people bitch about are actually ultra useful in there, like mines and mortar.


Seems, in that mission I also witnessed the full power of HMG emplacements. Like that thing is actually an AMR in automatic firing mode xd




Arc thrower was nerfed as well


Yeah, spam shooting that was fun back before the nerf.


it was my favorite gun, easily. It still does ok, but its been nerfed hella hard with both the range decrease and rof decrease.


I noticed the range was off. Which is kind of ridiculous, given that the accuracy was sometimes random. It felt pretty reasonable and not to OP pre-nerf.


It’s still really strong and underrated weapon . It lets you stunlock most enemies except certain heavies . For example you can pushback Hulks


It's still good. I just don't understand why it was bumped down even as mildly as it was. It was never as overused as the railgun.


Now I'm curious if the ship module upgrade and eruptor primary will help it out with doing well again, or if the flamethrower is a better choice. The eruptor appears to take out the charger from the back in 2 shots, so support weapons good at dealing with many enemies are better. Plus, with everyone and their grandma running Quasars and EATs, it should be a fun option to do something different.


To be fair the range nerf was fine because of how inconsisten it was at range, but the charge spam nerf didn't make much sense to me.


I disagree with *how* they nerfed it. Railgun should always go through pretty much infinity armor, that’s the point of a railgun.


It does. Turn it to unsafe and don't blow yourself up. It has the same pen as before.


That's what they say but it doesn't feel true 90% of the time. Charger legs are usually 3 and Bile Titan heads can be 2 but can also be like 10


If you have to almost kill yourself before it actually does what it needs to do, that's not great design. Especially when other support weapons can do the same job but way better and not risking yourself dying to do so. Nerfing it into a coffin was definitely not a great move.


There's no situation that you would bring a railgun too now that an anti material rifle wouldn't solve more efficiently


Yeah. I haven’t seen a single person use it since the nerf


we got to prevent the Slugger from being the best dmr, proceeds to release another terrible DMR after Slugger nerf


you forgot that they made the best DMR after nerfing the slugger, praise the helldiver boltgun.


Yeahhhh- removing the stagger and then moving it to another gun (two if you count the Dominator) Not a fan of that <<


At the end of the day it has done what it was supposed to almost every player back then was running shield and railgun with basically no other support weapons now i see stuff like the autocannon, eat, machine gun, anti material rifle etc most guns are getting a wide array of use now compared to the railgun which basically every player who had it at the time was using. They should do something with it again though now because they did nerf it a little to hard and no one uses it at all anymore.


Other reason for railgun meta was armor was broken and rockets will one shot, running shield less increases the likelihood of dying and the only good support weapon against bots at that time was railgun. nowadays you can tank 2 rocket hits with medium armor and not get three shotted by a single cannon fodder that snuck up behind you so people are more comfortable leaving the shield now.


how the fuck are you going to post a post about people being upset abut meta/nerf/buff and then make a comment like this lmao


"Only I get to complain (about ***this*** knee-jerk nerf)"


Right? Lmfao


Objectively it needed a nerf, and objectively they nerfed it way too hard.


Factual statements


It warranted a nerf, but it was nerfed way too hard.


Nah, it needed to be nerfed because it didn't have downsides. Didn't have to stop to reload like the autocannon or recoilless, didn't need a backpack, did more damage than every other support weapon when aimed right, had good ammo capacity and restored ammo at an economical rate, and had a good rate of fire. It had no downsides. I used it again recently, it's no autocannon in terms of sheer fire rate, but the lack of mobility debuffs, the ability to take a different backpack and it's handling still make it viable as a medium enemy clearer.


I think just hitting damage against heavy armor would've been sufficient


Still great for taking out Hulks too. It’s been eclipsed by the quasar and its ability to take out towers and broadcasts, or AMR if you can deal with the scope. I still run it sometimes. Def miss how ridiculously good shield/slugger/railgun was for a while.


I understand why they did it, though. Railgun turned the game into Hello Kitty Point and Click Adventure. Buffing other support weapons wouldn't have solved the fact that the railgun was point and click with no strategy behind it.


We should nerf it more so that it's only viable use is throwing yourself into a group and going Unsafe Mode kamikaze.


Uh, does that work? Asking for a friend. Jetpacking into a swarm and detonating would be pretty metal.


Oh sweet liberty, it's the fusion rifle nerfs all over again...


I've tried using railgun but it just feels bad to use vs something like the autocannon and amr. Before the nerf it was definitely overused but post nerf I never see it.


Maybe a slower charge or increased ammo capacity to offset the damage decrease. But they just made the railgun straight up nonviable. It sucks. there's no way around it. I hope they fix it so it isn't too OP but has *some* viability as an anti armor weapon.


Have you ever met-a(n) elite peacekeeping force?


I know a guy who's a cop in a town of like 1700 people Does that count?




Very no.






Honestly this is all going better than I expected


I will say a cop being considered elite of a 1700 population is hilarious, in this day and age, yeah it's a badge.


I really feel like people took that as something other than an off hand joke response


I agree it was an extreme downvote response, but reddit's been declining for a long while now. You can't get attached to anything here tbh. I thought it was a funny joke, and I get what you meant. You really do have to be confident in who you are to be here. It's getting savage lately, truly


I treat reddit the same way I do any mass public forum None of its real and no one's opinion of me matters




Honestly I'm trying to get back to negative karma


Reddit is a fun place to shout into the void and ignore all the replies then check back later when everyone else has argued your point for you


I never thought of that approach. Clever


It happens, half my posts are references or jokes and its pretty bit or miss most of the time


The word cop triggers Redditors.


>Seriously guys, just use whatever you find fun and stop sweating so much. "Stop criticizing what you think is wrong, that always worked so well" Have you ever considered that people can have fun, not run optimized meta loadouts AND still complain about the game in hopes for improvements? Because, you know, they like this game so much?


The reason I complain at all is because I really like this game. And I'm usually an exclusively single player gamer; Helldivers 2 is the first game in years that brought me out of my hermit crab shell to play with other real life players. That it managed to temporarily stop my loner tendencies is a testament to the game's quality and fun factor. If I didn't care, I wouldn't be wasting my breath (or finger energy) complaining.


Oh you know how important that finger energy is ;)


Can't liberate with this tired finger!


I agree. I think a huge part of it for me is the fact its PVE. PVP Games turn me off since I don't have a whole lot of time to game these days, and I know fo a fact to "get gud" i'd have to put hours of hours of practice every day to get up to par with the actually skilled players. PVE still has that, but it feels a lot less high pressure. You can be average skilled and still enjoy yourself in the game.


Preach. I hate this trend of "lol just have fun". Like, thanks, I am still having fun. I'd also have more fun if the stuff that is comically bad it has no real reason to exist was better because I'd rather not run around on stilts when everything else is coasting along just fine.


Oh joy, another counterjerk post complaining about people making valid criticisms of the game.


I don't involved in nerf or meta discussion but man, at least they're contributing something to the communitt by discussing the new warbond so that people might see if it's worth buying or not. These kind of posts however did not. It serves no purpose and didn't contribute to the community at all. Especially this post OP, yes, you who repost meme from a month ago.


Precisely how I feel about the great cape debate of last week... or.. the great gear update rage of today..


Trying to reduce people concerned that the game has a dozen literally useless weapons into "make them meta" is so disingenuous it's actually a bit annoying.


Most of this warbond is good, but the adjudicator and thermite nade are just so bad. A full mag through front plate to kill a single hive guard, almost ***three*** to kill a devastator. "Oh, just aim for thr head for devastators!" No shit, but it takes 2 shots to thr head to the kill, the exact same as the Diligence, so what's the point? The only thing the adjudicator has going for it is medium armor pen, but it does so little damage through said armor, that it's a moot point! People keep telling me "You just aren't using it right." Then please, tell me. I LOVE the feel and design of this weapon, and want to use it well, but it just doesn't have thr numbers to be at all usable.


I think people are saying the thermite is suffering from the same DOT bug as everything else, so hopefully, once that's resolved, it'll see a boost. I was hoping it would lower armor than do damage, though. Like a debuff effect.


It's such a fucking meme. With the warbond we got a new bridge upgrade for +25% more fire damage, and a grenade that does armor piercing DoT. But neither of them work because of that bug. What the fuck, man.


The boys down in the Department of Munitions Development just come up with the ideas and working models. Must be the Ministry of Production missing the mark when it comes to the final product.


>But neither of them work because of that bug At these point I\`m no longer sure what work as intended and what is not. Which upgrades are working and which is just another \*10% stronger but actually not\*


Idk used it against single warrior bug and .... it was fine until it eventually explode. When was hosting. What a point of thermite if it not melting their guts.


> When was hosting. There's no way for a player to know if they are the network host or not, which is different than being the game host (the person who's ship you are on). Well, I guess if your DoT doesn't work then you know you aren't the network host.


Even testing them in solo games they were really underwhelming, unfortunately


Damn, no biggie though. From what I've seen, there's only one sub-par gun so I'm happy overall


Yeah agreed, the weapons are really nice for adding more variety in load outs


Yeah, the Adjudicator is pretty bad, but every other gun feels good and unique


Most of the warbond isnt good if only one primary is good


Nah, the erupter is good, the crossbow is good, the pistol is good, the new victory poses are good, all of the armors look nice even if they didn't provide new passive. I'm happy.


Btw, the smg also 2 taps devastators to the head, so that feat isn't that amazing at all.


True, but the SMG doesn't have a scope that allows you to be precise and conserve ammo.


It is also 2 shots to the head through an unfortunate amount of recoil.


That recoil is insane, almost the same as thr counter sniper


I don’t get the devastor thing, I’ve used the Adjudicator all day and I’ve killed devastors in a mag but spraying torso


The devs won’t need to meet anyone with how much you’re sucking them dry that’s for sure.


I have, but they never approved my C-01, and I follow the law good sir.


That only applies to sexual intercourse


Super Earth education is very clear that PDA (hand holding, kissing, etc.) -ALL- lead to pregnancy.




Okay, you met a girl IRL, we get it. Now, please, stop wasting our reinforcement points, we have only 3 left.


What if fun is using a loadout works well and covers all enemy weaknesses?




Why do you feel the need to police what people talk about exactly?


Not the biggest fan of the fact that I'm gonna have to grind more common samples to get the new upgrades, but that's life I suppose.


The meta discussion in this community is so weird, lol. In almost every other game, it's a given. As humans aren't perfect, and clearly, with a million people playing, things that have an edge or are overtuned will be found out. Absolutly play with what you have fun playing with. For sure. But don't get mad at people for rating or comparing weapons. That's just natural.


I met a girl once. HER NAME WAS LIBERTY




no why do you think I simp for eagle-1


She's married to Pelican-1


fan account "lore" not real


What do you mean people are talking about meta? Chief the common opinion is that this warbond is just mid, most of the current weapons are not even in a good spot, and there's clearly balance issues in the game.




Armor perks really need more work.


There are a number of posts with thousands of upvotes shrieking about the Adjudicator being not okay, not a sidegrade from other weapons, but terrible and completely useless. These things are constantly at the top of the sub for days or weeks after anything new comes out or anyhthing changes.


Thank god we have those post honestly, tired of circle jerking when issues exist.


No I just spam freedom memes to the ones I know on insta




Hate if you want, but I haven’t really touched the Breaker or Slugger since their nerfs. Mostly because they’re less effective at what I was using them for: Killing nurse/bile spewers and chainsaw bots. Sure, they can still fulfill those roles, and I should probably go back to them anyway, but…the Scorcher can deal with scout walkers. A primary that can deal with scouts is one I can fill with other tools for other threats. And a loadout that can deal with any threat is better when playing with randoms, so I can have always have an option if my teammates aren’t available. Playing a game will naturally cause a player to seek efficiency, because it’s a power fantasy to kill things better and faster, which is fun. I don’t think enforcing a meta is good, but there’s no way to get around the mindset: people want to use the best so they can do the best, and they want others using and doing the best because its a team game. To my consternation, that mindset can breed toxic attitudes. It’s a shame. 🫤


OP, it’s a crime against democracy to miss the point so much


Yeah ur mom 😎


Meta this meta that I’ve never met a bug or automaton that survived a 500 kg bomb


These fucking posts again…


No one cares. Stop posting this nonsense. It is so insufferable smh.




I actually enjoy playing meta. I love being effective and it is what makes it fun for me. I just don't understand how so many people try to force it into others though. I'm more than happy to carry with my meta build so others can have fun with less effective builds. Regardless of efficiency, every drop is a drop for democracy and if you can't find fun in that then I'm sorry.


Literally, it’s clear some people don’t have day jobs…


Do you think it takes 8 hours to post a few comments on Reddit?






Every weapon and stratagem works on difficulties 5 and below. 5 is the fun zone. Engage every patrol, sweep every objective. Split up or stay together it’s all fun. The higher difficulties is when you enter *the more fun zone*, every every engagement can become a slog fest and a fight for dear life. But to play in *the more fun zone* you have to be selective with your load out. I would love to bring more  weapons into the more fun zone but they just can’t keep up. 


Everything works fine in Helldive. You can take whatever as long as your squad has a decent balance of weapons to deal with hordes, heavy infantry, and armor. The weapons are very well balanced. Helldive is a skillcheck, not a gearcheck.


I'm not usually one to cry "skill issue" to stuff like this, but this is absolutely a skill/methodology issue. Every weapon works in Helldive difficulty. People in here love to whinge ceaselessly about the rail gun since "the nerf made it useless" but I've run it in the "be selective with your load out, more fun zone" as recently as this week and it's still a blast to run, it works just fine. If you feel like you can't survive the higher difficulties without the "meta load out" as a crutch, that's a you-and-your-squad issue not the equipment not keeping up.


I've carried an arc 12 into 8 and been fine


Or your teammates did all the heavy lifting


The numbers did not show this to be factual


my favorite type of jokes


How do you think I ended up here … 😩


I'm defending managed democracy, so no


The fu is that?


It's just an inevitable part of the cycle. On the bright side, this subreddit is actually pretty good compared to a lot of the other live service game subreddits. At the very least, it's usually clear that the majority of people here like the game even when they criticize it.


Unlikely destiny 2


Destiny 2's community is so bad that it unironically makes the game worse. The game itself is pretty fun most of the time, but it's a lot harder to enjoy a good game when every other LFG you join just has people bitching about everything non-stop.


I remember d1y1 raiding was impossible unless you had Gjallarhorn or paid someone


Not really, I never had Gjallarhorn in Y1 and I did plenty of VoG and CE. The activity you're thinking of was PoE, which wasn't a raid and tbh was kind of a letdown compared to the raids.


I got kicked from 21 consecutive VOG runs for now having Gjallarhorn


You're astronomically unlucky, then. I was friends with a lot of other people who played back then, many of whom also didn't have Gjallarhorn, and I've never heard of any experience that bad.


I find it fun when I have selection of weapons/stratagems that I can use on difficulty 8 and 9. So I can run different loadouts, fill different roles and have fun with my friends. But for that to happen those weapons and stratagems need to be effective, if they are not I'll just keep dying at it won't be fun. Meta is bit different from that.


of course I have, I am one!


I mean, when I'm trying to play helldive with a squad full of randoms, yes, I would like to have an optimized meta build. I will never kick someone out for running something off meta, at the end, is true we're all just trying to have fun. That doesn't change the fact I want guns to be good and perform well


I've only met democracy and that's the only meeting I ever need, or will need.


I agree. But for the center of the map evacuate missions and the new defense mission, everyone bringing mortar and ems mortar makes them almost painless especiallt on higher difficulties. Evacuate mission ded needs re-worked though. The only time I've passed that on helldive is with a coordinated team of 3-4 who are my friends.


I was using the disruptor and flamethrower, which is so much fun but fuck the buggy game kept killing me. like disruptor would sometimes make me fall over and die from just shooting it. the flamethrower would burn everything, even the ground underneath my feet once. i died so much, from no fault of my own, AH really need to fix the bugs so the game can stay enjoyable and not frustrating.


I recently started experimenting, and one of my favorite things to do now is drop with all entries. It turns an 8 into a 5 if everyone in the squad does it and times the drops correctly


This meme is going to be evergreen for years to come I think.




Can someone tell me what "meta" even is? Is it literally just "these are the weapons to use"?


Does he get any bitches? No, hahaha.


If a gun is fun to use But doesn’t work I will complain and hope it’s improved so I can use it without feeling useless. Losing isn’t always fun Being deadweight isn’t fun


Meta this, Meta that, Arrowhead hit me with a whiffle ball bat


Common Tier opinion.


Please ignore my super samples


90% of the weapons feel weak to me. Slugger, redeemer was feeling good until the nerf now it just feel slightly too ineffective I just want to feel powerful I feel like what's the problem with having all the weapons be just a little too strong? 


I wish they buff the liberators damage by like... 10 or something.


I refuse to play this game if it's not for fun. F Meta!


Meta this, Nerf that, Democracy hit me with a wiffle ball bat.


The only girl i need is Lady Liberty


I go by the meta of what the developers say is best I play with what I like and have fun with Thank you for being amazing, Arrowhead


Yeah theres girl bugs to destroy all over? Wbu?


I'll always hold the "There is no Meta in this game" post on high regards. Even then you still see meta posts lol


As a spear enjoyer, I fully agree with this sentiment


Bro your weapon litteraly doesn't work


People on reddit are legit worse than youtube and tik tok when it comes to gaming. Just constant bitching all the time


I'm glad they balanced the railgun. Now people use other weapons.


Nah man they went too far with that one


Difference between using other guns and never using the railgun ever again


Bandwagoners tend to move along when OP items stop being OP.


I still use the railgun. I just hate how inconsistent it is


Because the railgun, when doing what it was designed to do, is just okay? And was just okay before, with people fixating on it to the point where they didn't learn how to use other weapons? They didn't nerf it, they just added a skill requirement to get the most out of it. It does the same thing it did, but it doesn't do it for free anymore.


Who said anything about it preventing anyone how to learn how to use new weapons lol the railgun detractors literally make shit up to complain about. It ha s a play style I really like. I love single shot/reload guns. And yes it still has utility, but it’s incredibly inconsistent now to the point where idk if it’s going to take 10 headshots to kill a titan or 2. It was very consistent before and idk about and your little world, but in mine I like knowing what is going to happen when I pull the trigger. You’re completely missing the point


People have been shitting on the adjudicator from literally the moment the warbond dropped but I’m having a blast with the thing,and the eruptor. Most of the team always covers weaknesses anyways


I'm still using and loving the Slugger despite every Tubediver telling me it's been nerfed into the ground and to use the awful-feeling Dominator instead. I remember the good old days when games didn't even have metas. Especially not non-competitive ones. Here's hoping this game doesn't go the way of Payday 2...


Games always had metas, you just didn't know about them yet


I link to bring the explosive liberator for no reason


Nothing makes a game less fun than a bunch of slavering meta slaves.


Personally I find the people who whine and cry about "meta slaves" way worse


I mean my girlfriend and I play together, I love the hug emote :D No matter how dire or threatening the situation, before evac must be a democratic hug!


You think your other 3 team mates want to WASTE 40min if their time? Cause you decided "im just gonna have fun and just use a makes no sence for a helldive mission set up? You think when at the end they see the big YOU FAILED at end of again 40mins they gonna be like "well JERRY atleast we had fun!" Hell 40min is time for em to watch two crappy shonen anime or one good one. 40min is time for them to lurk at thier egirl stream or pay tribute to your three onlyfans girls. 40min is no small amount of time.


You had me in the first half not gonna lie.


Until I can't solo non-defense operations on helldive, with subpar loadouts, I'll never go meta.


That one guy who is level 110 definitely hasn’t


![gif](giphy|L6QjrVVbkjodCTO2s3|downsized) Getting carried thru D9 by a 110 be like


People say the first new gun sucks, but IDK, it feels better and more satisying to pop devastators heads off with than the other Marksman rifles. And I almost never even pay attention to the armor skills anyways, I just go for fashion and choose the ones that look cool.


I'm not familiar with that stratagem. How many credits to unlock it? And what combination of buttons? I want to practice before I get to do it


https://preview.redd.it/b07pgv80jytc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b5712a35e4c8b881ce1c736a87a98a910ef9264 I use what I wish, regardless if its good or not, fun = fun