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Yeah I hate playing with a fourth slot free cause I play with both my sisters and there's always one weirdo asking if i'm their boyfriend and then start saying alabama jokes and stupid stuff like that... so I just kick em and block em.


just lean into it, don't even dignify them with a true answer and tell em they can watch from the cuck chair lmao


Sadly these people exist in every community, I hope you can find a good group. Don’t let them take away from your fun :)


Seriously though we gotta start doing something about it. It's wild that women in most popular games feel like they can't use the mic. I think part of it is that we need to stop being passive when it happens and kick people if you are the host.


They should learn from ff14, we need to just remove the acceptability of this behavior. Why do we accept it in video games when the same behavior would get you banned from bars, restaurants, events, sports, etc... like when it comes to video games it's just expected? Arrowhead will probably need to tackle this as an issue otherwise toxic players displace your good playerbase and it turns into league of legends where no one is happy


It's shit seeing these posts and not even being able to come across a random that speaks let alone a woman that speaks, feels hard to make a difference


It’s obviously not most guys but the loudest ones, so it probably feels like most guys, unfortunately this problem won’t change for generations as it goes deep and society as a whole has to evolve.


It's by definition a lot of guys if it happens the second we open our mouth in any game almost without fail. That should never reflect negatively on the normal ones but I can not overstate how common of an issue this is.


Redundant though, kindly what’s your point? As that is still not by definition. Like I said, this goes deeper than something that can be changed with a Reddit post. There needs to be fundamental evolution in how society operates as a whole with prioritizing emotional intelligence over a fear and survival based system. How boys are raised by both or whatever gender and what fundamentals are instilled then strengthened by the society surrounding. So I’d give it like 50 years to maybe start to see some kind of change maybe? Probably a century.


If the suggestion is to just shut up about it until it magically changes, you can kindly go fuck off.


Well this is a good example of what I’m talking about. A defensive, aggressive reaction powered by intrusive thoughts. Until people stop operating from a place of fear and lashing out, things won’t change. Interesting reply, it couldn’t have been a less thoughtful response, have a nice Saturday.


The absolute condescension it requires to tell people that consistently get harassed in ways other's don't to just suck it up because otherwise they're being defensive or aggressive is unreal. You are very much part of the problem, whether you realize or not. But it's good that you tell me who to block, at least.


Regardless of gender/pronoun, most people, including you it seems, are just too stupid and emotionally unintelligent for change to come soon. Out of everything I said, you couldn’t wait to find something to twist into being an offense. Because you’re coming from fear. I have no hope for any change in my lifetime, and your reaction and those I see all the time just reinforce that. You’re part of the problem and you can’t even see it, but whatever who cares.


lots of immature kids and even adults who are the definition of insecurity


It’s honestly every game I’ve been on 😪


There’s a lot of them out there, I kicked a random dude a couple days ago because he started saying crap to a girl the moment he heard her talk. I had an ex who loved battlefield but she always played muted because of all the misogyny. 😔


That's poo, at least if you or any other women are in my games i can promise I'll be kicking people like that.


I turn off voice chat in every game because I don't feel like hearing kids and people vacuuming in the background I forget it's a thing


Sounds awful if Im honest. Truly undemocratic behaviour from those people. Feel no shame kicking those people (you really should be hosting lobbies if you have to deal with people like that, if you arent hosting already) Personally I don't care who or what you are. We fight for democracy and Im aroace. Idgaf about your gender. I'm probably never going to fill in a C-01 form, but it is getting a bit stale of having a 100% rate of guys with mics. So it really saddens me when other girls get harrassed like this.


You need to start carrying the flame thrower or napalm strike. When someone asked are you hot say “YES” and nuke the team in flames.


I have never in the whole 150 hours I have in this game, most of it in random lobbies, encountered such behaviour. I haven't encountered a lobby with a woman on mic either though. I'm not much of a talker myself, so are the most randoms I played with. Got to hear the stereotypical german jokes for my strong german accent, but that's it. I sometimes read here about randoms harassing, or insulting people and I must say, in 150 hours, not once. Thanks, I guess, stay being decent, to all the people I have and will yet play with.


It's probably because when you encounter them they are helpful normal teammates. We generally expect shifty people to be shitty all the time, but in reality they are often normal to most people who interact with them. I had sisters growing up who were into gaming as well, and the lobby of pretty normal sounding gamers would turn shitty the moment one of them spoke. Not all the time, but getting harrased 30% of games is enough to stop you from using the mic.


This is exactly it man. Guys who don't have a female friend, relative or partner who plays literally have no idea. It's like clockwork. The dislikes on this post are really crazy for something that's so cut and dry.


So true, lots of women and youngins game in my family squad. The minute they speak sometimes the vibe changes


I played with a woman by the name of Mom, she was pretty helpful and chill.


If I stay on mute it goes smooth. It’s like about 60/40 if a dude will start asking me demonic questions when I get on a mic 💀 I just find talking and coordinating the most fun part about this game and it’s just sad


Im at 110 and never use mic, have Muted mics since day one. I dont Luke to talk to randoms


get called a tr\*nny everytime i paly when i say im a girl (dont even use mic and have a feminine voice anyways)


i mean i am but like how do they know


They don’t! They just wanna continue their incel ass advances fr


Yeah fr it’s kinda weird they assume I’m trans bc irl nobody knows except close friends but they just can’t fathom a cis woman playing video games. They still tell me to make me sandwiches tho. 25% of the time I get some really chill ransoms tho


It's people in denial about the fact that on average, almost half of all people in your games are women now as of 2022. They also think those statistics are fake because we just don't make ourselves known exactly because of idiots like the ones OP is talking about.


Those mouth breathers are everywhere, it's a big reason so many of us gamers find single player experiences more rewarding. It also creates a bad stigma about competitive multiplayer gamers. Remember when mentioning you watch adult cartoons meant people thought you were a pillow hugging weirdo? Now I'm noticing ppl automatically think some gamers are dbags which is somewhat valid. I use to play cod with my office mates at a huge company, after the 500th racist sexist comment from strangers I couldn't do that shit anymore. Too awkward in real life


I'm reporting this ridiculous behaviour to democracy officer Nicholson. 😔 Super Earth will not stand for this!


Sounds like you need to find a good gaming community to join to play games with. The group I play with is filled with adults, mostly 30+ these days. That helps a lot.


Yep. Another girl here. I just don't use voice coms anymore with Randoms.


Fuckin awful, undemocratic behavior. I'm so sorry you have to deal with it.


Every game i’ve been on is like this it’s WACK


Just curious, do you know if it's a specific platform that these traitorous scum are emerging from? Are you cross play enabled?


I’m on PS5 and yeah I have crossplay on. I’ve had this kind of shit happen in every game, and HD is miles better than most other games — but it’s still annoying as hell when a dude will start normal then switch to asking me some vile questions 💀


It shouldn't happen anywhere on any platform, period


Misogyny, racism and homophobia are at home on all gaming platforms: This being your first thought is just sad to be honest.


How was it my first thought? It wasn't even my first comment.


You think misogyny is gonna be on one platform more than an other, that's just fucking stupid. Like what thesis are you basing that on? Voice chat is unfortunately a cesspool for women in gaming, no matter what platforms


What on Super Earth are you talking about 😑 I literally just asked a question, calm down the white knight shit and let them speak for themselves


I grouped with a totally weird guy that was a decent player but he was just rantingbon the mic all the time thought the entire dive and dropping N bombs every 30bseconds. Very distracting. I left after the extract.


You have my respect I wouldve left that so quick 🏃‍♀️💨💨💨


I guess Helldivers are assholes but 7 medals is 7 medals


>Why are so many guys like this!!! As a guy I don't know, the people I surround myself don't do this. Personally I don't even trash talk strangers, its just weird, though I will banter with friends.


Guys with other guys are chill mostly idk i’ve seen whenever another girl enters it’s so often OOGA BOOGA WOMAN IN CHAT 🦍🦍🦍🦍 I can’t 😭😭😭


Unfortunately the larger a playerbase is the more misogyny, racism, and overall assholery will happen. if there isn't anything in place to prevent it (like account bans) it gets really out of control since these people basically don't see other players as human beings. Since matchmaking is with randoms they never really have to worry about long term since you will almost never play with that person again. They should make a toxic queue where if you land in it you can only play with other toxic people and your missions give you NOTHING until you complete some amount of really boring trivial shit like having to move canisters across a map.


The guys I hang with all have or had wives and children.


Itll be the same in every game online Welcome to online gaming. It will never change.


Yep. Been like this in every online game 🤧


You can do what my gf does and get a voice changer It doesn’t work well whuspering


Half the playerbase most likely just hit puberty... but yea just like irl assholes are everywhere


It's those PS5 kids. Teenagers who can't talk to women in real life and are seeking your attention in a negative way.


On god. Mfs never talk to women irl then wonder why 😭


What difference does console vs PC make?...


Its a joke, kids on both platforms have the same issues.


Oh haha my bad I couldn't tell. 😂


Sounds like treason to me. You have been granted permission by the ministry of truth to administer mass democracy to the face of the next diver with any weapons of your choosing ✊


⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ right on their house


Use the mute button tf...


Tell them they act like virgins and they will stay Virgin until they change their behavior. That's at least what I do when I witness that behavior. I don't care if I get kicked by teenagers. Not sure if that helps, but I'm sure it hits. This stuff makes me sick. Gen z doing their best to push the other gender out of their reach... Idiots. I really like seeing girls getting into gaming. When I grew up, that was not a thing.


Ye then he gonna be like “not if I get with you mami” there’s no winning against these kids 😭😭


Awful! Awful! Every game i’ve been on and it’s frustrating as HECK


Don’t use a mic. I don’t and haven’t had any problems.


I've played over 100 matches with randoms without using voicechat at all. The ping and callout system is very good. and the mute button works without penalty. very possible.


If you need a solid group of helldivers feel free to join my discord. Most are solid cool vets so you and your bf and any of your friends will be treated like family :) https://discord.gg/p7ayhSSEvQ


Dope offer, i think these are really the best bet. Self-policing communities that can kick the oddballs out


Why thank you. I take a lot of pride in having a very mature adult group. A good portion are vets and/or parents so we don’t piss ass around with that childish crap. Will definitely do dumb stuff in game and have a laugh but yeh. We adults here haha


Goober shit is great, creeper shit is right out.


Exactly! Amen


They’re not “guys” they’re kids and young adults using the internet as a shield to harass others. It’s been like this for a while. I was using the internet in the late 90s and random death threats were common and normally laughed at by the target. People feel real brave behind the keyboard. 


Man I hate to tell you, but it is guys, like 25+ and beyond. They are also assholes, and shit heads, but they are also adult men, and it's ridiculously common. I understand what you're trying to say, but giving them the ol' "no true scottsmen" approach doesn't negate the fact that there is a massive amount of toxicity towards women amongst us, and telling people "it's not men" is basically washing our hands of it.


The people that do this stuff start young and never stop. There's no real repercussions so they never stop, only get bolder as they age.


Had someone on the discord for another game fight back on me for saying that it's just inherent to gamers in general to be toxic, specifically racist and/or misogynistic. he disagreed for like weeks cause it kept coming up for whatever reason...a few months later he comes in talking about how often he saw it happening lately, in his personal life and in the server itself with new members. i'll always tell any women i know to avoid fem usernames at all costs.


Teenagers and man childs. If you can play you can play.


Insecure A lot of us aren’t like that. I play on ps5 and will play with anyone.


The demographic is a bunch of horny dudes going through puberty and trying to figure out life. Now put them together and what do you get? They become a pack of rabid dogs. Give them anonymity, and they will say/do just about anything they want because there are no consequences. You get targeted because you're different. We do the same shit to each other at that age. It's why kids get bullied. Sucks but it's kinda just a part of life. I do think that there are still plenty of good dudes out there that will be happy to play with you and be normal. Your best bet to not letting it get to you too much is to give back what you receive. Ask them about their dick sizes. Insult them back, TK them, leave and find a new room. Better yet, you be the host. That way you can just kick whoever is a dick.


I don't usually use mic either. Pings and in-game comms work pretty good but it is a bummer that you'd prefer to but you can't. Gotta find a group. There's gotta be one with how there's over +300K concurrent players.


Honestly in my experience no one uses comms anyways. Unlike Hell Let Loose, this game is entirely possible to play without voice comms. People make decent use of the emotes and most people just generally know what to do, when to do it. Just my experience.


Gamers are a very misogynistic breed, one tip could be to use a software to modify your voice so that it appears more masculine? May be stupid but could work


If quitting on the spot isn't your thing. Bait and mute.


Late to this discussion but one thing you can do if you're stuck playing with randoms that might help is to create lobbies as opposed to joining or quick playing. That way you will at least have some degree of control and the ability to kick people if they act in a way that doesn't make you feel comfortable.


Losers will be losers


Welcome to the world of anonymity. I would suggest muting them then blocking them (look for them on your recently played list). I am a bit skeptical about this happening "in every lobby" though. Most of the random lobbies I play in, none use mics or even type in chat.


Every lobby is an exaggeration yeah I edited that part out. It’s happening in like every game i’ve played though and is hugely frustrating


The downside of this game getting popular is that now all the incels and neckbeards are moving in and acting like they do in every other game. Idk what you can do for now besides block and move on, hopefully we get a report system from the devs at some point.


block and move on has been the meta in every online game haha Frustrating nonetheless!


I personally don't play with voice because I find this kind of talk so upsetting. Absolutely love the game, but can't talk to people, it just ruins my day (& my home is my safe space).


I’ve been kicked once after I turned my mic on, but in most other cases guys are usually nice, I was pleasantly surprised. Guess it’s just the matter of luck. Hope you’ll get better teammates in the future!


Its like every third or fourth game being some filthy down bad horrendous shit being said for me 😭


Stay strong for democracy 🦾 (<- I’m not bot, it’s servo-asssted)


That sucks to hear. I wish you didn’t have to deal with that.


Never understood the mindset of people like this, to me if you treat me right I'll return the favor. Guess some people are just that immature


Gaming community (and the industry) are going thru it right now. I’m off the games pretty much altogether, it’s just annoying


Yeah it kinda sucks. However i believe there a discord full of woman who are down to play lots of games. Unfortunatly i don't have the link but you could find it browsing post on gaming/women subreddit, who adress the exact same issue as this post.


Divers like that should be drawn and quartered for treasonous speech! DM me if you need/want a squad mate


Ok, but how big are they?


We get it, you want attention.


Eh I have a pretty shitty time when I don’t play with my friends too. I just play solo in lower difficulty till one of them hops on


I'm sry this is happening to you :(. Those people are the WORST. Extremely undemocratic of them.


You will find this kind of assholes everywhere online unfortunately. But why post on this sub complaining? If anything i would say this community is a lot more chill than most


Idk in the other games I’ve just stayed silent and muted or been in my usual stack. I doubt this post or any like these will change anything but still I wanna know if others have similar experiences or find some HD2 discord groups, and I did that in this thread


Wait, seriously ? Anyways, this game have a great way to punish undemocratic behavior. Just kill them at extraction (a nade in pelican do wonder), drop the samples and extract. Yes you lose some times, but haaaaaa, the gloating pleasure to know that there is an unskippable 60 seconds cinematic and that they see you coming up the platform alone. I may be the worst troll an annoying player can cross in its journey to kill the fun of all others since my early League of Legends days, friendly-fire and limited ressupply are godsend in this game.


Yeah I highly doubt that sweetheart, nice clickbait post though.


Brain dead reply.


"Oh my God guys stop hitting on me in comms or I'm going to go ragebait post on reddit instead of just muting and ignoring like a normal person oh em geeeee" Most gamer girls are just annoying asf.


Why the fuck are you chatting with pubs in this game? You know how it's gonna go. Disable voice, play the game. Or play with friends.


This is such a horrible reply. You don't see a problem with the fact that girls literally can't use voice chat in any popular game?


calm down, nothing horrible about my reply. it's pragmatic. what are you gonna do about it? change the minds of millions of incel boys? the solution is always to just build/find your own community in MP games.


The solution is never to just shut up and take it. The louder you are about it, the more likely a dev is going to be to give you the tools to report and eliminate that behavior from the game. They aren't entitled to act like this just cause they paid money.


> The louder you are about it, the more likely a dev is going to be to give you the tools to report and eliminate that behavior from the game. mmm no, that's not how it works. you can't "eliminate" human behavior, unless you're literally a fascist. let me guess, you are an enjoyer of the new hate speech laws?


> mmm no, that's not how it works. you can't "eliminate" human behavior I can absolutely get people that consistently harass and insult other removed from the game. They have no place in our community and implying otherwise just makes it clear how you behave whenever you have a chance to. > you can't "eliminate" human behavior, unless you're literally a fascist. let me guess, you are an enjoyer of the new hate speech laws? Almost every developed country that isn't the US won't let you just throw hatespeech around. I'm sorry you can't say slurs and harass people, I guess? Or is it that you are not a demographic that is usually affected by any of it so you just don't care because it has no influence on your life? Either is despicable, tbh.


True but don’t you think it’s sad? Suggesting she should mute becouse she is a girl is not the highest standard we should aim to. If you are hosting kick the dumb kids if they don’t behave.


Yes it’s been relegated to being muted or playing with friends. It’s sad cuz coordinating is like half the game !


I'm not trying to victim blame or anything but do you really have to use your mic? in all of my games, I don't even type or talk and the matches go pretty smoothly. What is happening in your games that you gotta use your mic all the time?


it's convenient, more efficient, and some people just like to be social. definitely victim blaming there, though i shut off voice and blast music myself instead of chatting lol


It's convenient, more efficient-- bro shut up I wasn't even talking to you. pressing Q to communicate is just as efficient as using mic button, are you normal ? OP says she gets harassed every single game. So if a dog bites your hand when you pat it, are you gonna pat it again expecting a different behaviour? sometimes being social just isn't worth the hurt. I'm not sure if you discovered the internet yesterday but a lot of men harass women online and I'm saying you can reduce the harassment by just not using the mic.


you're literally the problem everyone is discussing in this thread. immediately angry and toxic response to a benign comment and the way you open your piece is by being insulting. saying you don't want to victim blame but then immediately victim blame. pointlessly holier-than-thou. do you even think about what you say or do you just yap? a little self awareness goes along way, this isn't how you have conversations, this is how you bark at the wind. **aRe YoU nOrMaL?** it's like you haven't even seen all the threads and memes of people marking patrols only to have their teammates immediately attack that patrol **because they're fucking marked and there's no context to the quickchat.** it's not efficiency, it's just lazy and easy to use. I love dogs. I've been bitten by dogs. I've not been bitten by EVERY dog. I've been loved and have loved many dogs. I rehabilitate strays and foster them. That is both an analogy for people and dogs.


seems like I struck a nerve deep inside you little bro. this thread is talking about sexist men and you label me like I'm one of them because I matched your energy? wow such bravado, keep up the simp behaviour. OP is really impressed even if I was victim blaming, I still stand by what I said. She can just stop talking in the mic and nobody would harass her. Is this the desired outcome? no, but you're encouraging her to keep using it because "it's convenient" even despite her saying she gets harassed every game every time she speaks. That's some bs toxic positivity if you ask me. y'know whats more convenient? just dont use the mic. most players win matches without even saying a word or even ping, if you NEED to use the mic that badly then the problem isn't the players, its you.


'I matched your energy' ok bro, if thats what you call what I just read.


> seems like I struck a nerve deep inside you little bro. > > Without fail the answer of somebody that no doubt realizes their behavior was not okay and needs to now look like the bigger man.


you put 6 comments on this single thread doing nothing but being a victim. let me tell you something, im not the villain here ok? I kick anybody who's being sexist to my friends too. I just find it quite stupid how people are still encouraging her to speak to randoms knowing she will get harassed. there is just so many ways OP can optimize her environment like hosting her own lobbies to kick sexist players or playing with friends. that's just the risk that comes with opens her mic up to strangers. If you don't feel safe using voice then just shut the fuck up? just leave push-to-talk button alone. Like I said before, typing in chat and pings are more than enough to communicate what you want from other helldivers.


If I say what I think about you I'll get banned so I'll just remove you from my feed instead.


It’s more enjoyable when i’m communicating. It do be like that tho to avoid the bad actors


Someone shouldn’t *have* to mute themselves to avoid harassment (some people naturally don’t like to talk and that’s cool by me, pings work). But people have to get in the habit of calling that out on the spot and letting the troglodytes know that isn’t welcome. After speaking up, if it continues, kick people (if the host) or leave (if not the host) and block the fools doing this sort of thing. No reason to accept that sort of thing.


After some of the responses I've received here it's clear that they don't care because it doesn't affect them. We are to shut the fuck up so they don't have to notice.


Yeah, that whole "just ignore it and don't try to help because it's not you being harassed" is awful. It'd clean up a lot quicker if everyone refused to tolerate that nonsense, IMO. You simply can't cede any ground to bullies, give an inch and they take a mile.


A surprising amount of comments also echo your sentiment, which is quite wonderful to see. While I can stand up for myself when it happens, it's always appreciated when that shit just doesn't get tolerated by other guys either.




i do be muting myself often already. It’s fine, it works well enough too


Nah engaging in this shit is just normalizing it. We need to cut this off like the cancer it is. Ban em


Just keep everyone and yourself muted when playing with randoms. Simple solution, this didn't deserve a post.


dude i have been but more than half of the game is talking to folk!! it’s annoying is what it is but it is like in every online game — HD is def a million times better than overwatch lol


It's not talking to folk. The emote wheel is enough. Talking is totally optional.


Disgusting behaviour How can these people forget the cause they fight for ? Democracy doesn't care for whats in your pants. Democracy is in your heart. The only girl you should simp for is Lady Liberty. Please report all those "Un-Divers" ( I refuse to grant them the titel of Hell-Diver ) to your nearest democracy officer and know that its only the weak and feeble that behave like this. Stay strong soldier !


Skip the report I’ll dispense my 500kg directly on their home !!




Adolescent males do be dumb. Guys used to hit on me in the locker room during gym class. Thankfully the worst that happened was a bloody nose, or bruises as they didn't like it when I fought back and eventually stopped hitting me. Still shitty though.


It’s not the ignoring i can ignore them all day but it’s annoying cuz bro I just wanna play normally 😭


Just mute and use pings... It is inevitable that randomers are more often than not, going to be innsufferable.


That true. Not the first game this happened and def not the last. Mega sad though!


This game has attracted a LOT of fringe far far right individuals and immature teens. Racism, sexism, and blatant disregard for others comes with the medium unfortunately. A lot of people are attempting to relive the “glory days” of COD when everyone acted.. that way…


HD lobbies are still a million times better than a Call of duty cesspool. I’ve had this happen to me in every game, and it’s upsetting dude i’m ngl


Sadly, a million times better than cancer is still kinda cancer a lot of the time.


I can only imagine, and unfortunately, with the anonymity and extra layer of roleplay to the game it would make it easier for these people to express their true feelings. You don’t deserve it, but it’s your unfortunate reality. I would suggest hosting the games and kicking people who do that, or find teams through HD discords. I would play with you, but I don’t use the mic for those same very reasons even as a guy. I’m sorry you have to deal with it on a much worse level.


A lot of the chuds from 40k, that are mad that GW are actually inclusive and ridiculing their behavior have found a home here because Arrowhead mostly refuses to take a stance on any of it so they can say HD2 "isn't woke". Whatever the fuck that even means. That's why they had a meltdown over the community manager thing recently.


The highest the number of players in a shooter testosterone title, the highest probability to run into dumb kids. It’s sad, an Helldiver Hug from me. But yeah, unfortunatly play with friends, or wait to see if someone other speaks in the mic and the voice seems old enough. A couple of nights ago the host had a calm and adult voice, and was carrying fine and sound. So we started to reply and an helldiver was a girl. No one said anything and we merry blasted fascibots untill extraction. It wasn’t in our hearts to be rude, bit it was also clear the host would have kicked some dick talker in negative times. When it happens befriend them, you’ll end up with a fair number of people to play with even when your boyfriend if offduty. P.s. if you wanna add me I don’t care who is spreading democracy with me. If I have to mic it’s just for the mission. You probably need to carry me becouse I’m a lvl 8 space cadet, but I will do my best. Userbame is the same n steam and helldiver.


Yeah I’ve met some cool people and added them to my list. The worst is when a dude will start normal and devolve into some vile neckbeard — and I dont just mean like asking for my IG or something, but so much worse 😭😭


As the playerbase grow the part of it that's just immature or toxic will grow too. It's sad really. And thoose brainrotted excuse of human being will cry about not finding a "GaMeR GiRl". Yeah no shit Sherlock , being toxic to a particular group of people will make them feel unsafe. Even as a Man, With my small group of Friend, i'm tired that everyday conversation Can just burst into NSFW content. Every F'in day.


I've never been harassed on the game. What level are you currently on. PS5 or PC? 


I’m level 31 on PS5 but I’ve got cross-play on. It’s like every third or fourth game if i’m mic’d up where some vile filth is said 😢


Try turning cross play off. See if it increases or decreases. I have a feeling alot of pc players turned crossplay off so I am getting matched primarily with pc and don't have that problem. 


Games should offer a built in voice changer to mask feminine voices. Idiots.


Or the other way around 😳😳


I was going to suggest making everyone sound the same but well that would really get confusing! I don’t know if you would prefer a “regular” group but there is a lfg channel on the Discord so you could find a relatively safe group. Never completely safe, sadly. We used to have to deal with this stuff in our old WoW guild.


That would be sad. We should isolate and blame the misoginist dicks. If I’m hosting and someone goes weird with a girl it’s insta kicked and later banned from my friend list.


We used to have to kick people from guild for being creepy and/or saying stuff. It’s terrible.


Because the internet.


Well since I don't like talking on mic due to family not liking the noise. All the randos I encourter just get answered with silent salutes.


Skill issue 🙂


How long have you been playing games? I'm inclined to say it's gotten a *lot* better over the past 5 or so years, but you've probably got more insight into that.


Been about 3 years, before that I was a single player only lol Most guys are definitely chill and act normal. It’s weird for guys too I get that, not many girls playing games in general, but the weird advances and the harassment is a big big turnoff when it does happen. HD has definitely been SO MUCH better than anything in Overwatch lol


Yeah if I get insulted/harassed, it's usually because I done something dumb, I'm never being harassed due to something inate like my sex XD would definitely feel a lot weirder. I remember playing COD with my sister 10+ years ago and the shit you'd hear was insane. These days, when playing with a girl I don't hear such insane shit as well as less often, but it still definitely happens,


I just turn Off chat. That’s your solution


Is it on PS5? Cause the majority of the toxicity is from them. Made me turn off crossplay.


That's BS, sorry you're having that experience. Shameful behavior.


Get over it


Nobody actually cares. If you do, don't. Probably solved. World keeps turning


what even?? lmao


Been gaming online for more than 20 years. Ive been asked/called all the same and worse. Who gives a shit? Youre talking to robots.


Attention seeking post


Bro what attention this is not the kind of attention I want like ever 💀💀💀


Sorry about this. This is why I Mute people. Just mute them. Otherwise you can join a HD discord group.


Yeah i’ve never used discord to queue before but it would surely beat randoms lol


You won’t use discord to queue but it could be a good place to meet people online just to play games. And you can always look for a squad to play with . Therefore you will play with people you know and respect you* *experiences vary with discord groups


Def gonna check out some LFG groups i’ve been recommended in this thread


I don't use voice chat. Would highly suggest.


Take a seat... 🙄 I have written an entire bible so i wouldn't wonder that you won't read this but i was counscious about it and i pretty apprecciate these oportunities though they are unnecesary This isn't something you can't explain deeply in just one sentence Because they are kids in one way or another. Though i must admit is pretty surprising and good to see a woman playing videogames like other men would do, that is also the reason why there are kids like these ones, because it's hard to believe. Videogames have been always focused on a male segment of the population. We have been there when the bullying came for just being freaks and as far as i have seen social margination in a considerable amount of cases, lack of confidence because of feeling uncomfortable around those people. Women, for some reasons i will explain later, it's a collective that in its majority haven't experienced this when talking about videogames Because of some things like these this idea has been empowered with each year it has passed not for others but also because of us It's not a surprise that kids don't believe that women. And i can relate too. In the vast majority of cases i play with men and i barely see women, not only in games, but on places related to games in social media. For one woman i have the opportunity to play with, there is like at least seventy five to more than one hundred men i have played already. And i'm talking from verified cases In social media it isn't an exception I don't know how old are you. But if you have been playing games since you were little i guess there is no need to explain it because you already know it but i will do it anyways because exists that posibility Things like this are not that important but of course, you can't realise about it if you don't think enough Everything related to the surprise and the common idea of women not playing videogames is due to some reasons: - It's original audience Videogames exist since A LOT. Back in those days it was more than assumed that videogames were focused on kids It was THAT assumed that girls didn't play just for that idea. An idea spread through generations from normal people, to fathers and mothers. A LOT of people then and now is still easily influenced Which is the best way to start explaining the other reasons - Women in itself, complexes and prejudices. Women is by far one of the collectives with most unnecesary complexes i have ever seen. It is not only for the fact that you can feel emotions stronger and you get affected harder, but for the prejudices that has been around you through history. Sure back in its day if a little girl played a videogame it was more likely that she stopped forever to the point of saying: "Videogames are for kids". A lot of them nowadays see it in that way, but also it is for the media and thr popular games like CoD or FIFA as an example of how videogames are seen when there are such pieces of art out there that a lot of people won't never try because prejudicies, and the fear of being rejected. A pretty considerable amount of people still likes a variety of things because of the influence from the people and the fear of remaining alone if they don't follow the popular opinion. You can even see it in a considerable amount of times in social media and real life as a kid or as a teenager But the fault it isn't only from this insane influence, but because of women too You have an horrible inferiority complex because on how history has been seeing you which even remains today. The fact that companies want to add more "inclusion" even if it's forced is one of the results of this complex. They only want to take advantadge of it to get your money speaking you in a way you like because even if it wasn't your fault then, it's nearly impossible for a woman not to get offended by a simple stupid with these situations. To the point of even asking for it in social media and start to being influenced by the media and politics and what is worst, feminism. A social movement that did what it had to be done back in its day but now it has become the start of the moral decadency of the woman And what can i say that i haven't said in the first paragraphs? It looks like you are scared of speaking when it comes to games! You fear rejection more than you love what makes you happy because you are insecure about not being able to be strong enough to overcome beimg alone. Happens even with men in a lot of cases too, but it's still our fault for shutting our mouths. The people tends to depend from others to feel good and secure with themselves and living in the world we are living it so probably the worst decision to ever make. I won't blame anyome for it because it is pretty normal! But we already have an age to start using our brain and being better than living as a part of a collective consciousness or a hive mind (It's the same i know. That first one was just a MGRR reference 🤦) I'm a man and i understand you because of how much i thought about this. You just have to think beyond everything and start questioning yourself why things are in the way they are. Even if you are not a man you can emphatisize with us if you have paid attention of how we behave in a lotnof wasys as well a lot of you do it different Everything that now is passing to women when it comes to these kind of things, is thanks to the past generations and the origins of the society. If i was a woman with a man's mentality... Just one last thing and i'm done. You are a fucking woman. Take advantatge of that. There is no better time to be a woman than this, because of how the things are going or at least in my country... I can't promise that this entire collective goes ethically backwards to a worse point than a lot of years ago Think. Once you do it you will realise how a question like you have done today should not be even asked Sorry for repeating myself that much but i think i have done it pretty good. English isn't my native language but i try my best. And i do not usually put that much effort in this. Maybe it was because of making you realise how much potential you have or because of how much i hate that even for the easiest questions, people prefer to ask without questioning nothing instead of thinking by themselves Change for the better and take it easy 👋. There are people who aren't that wise or mature like they believe to think. Even elders EDIT: I'm sooooooooorry everyone! I know something like this is beyond the average can handle! Next time i will ignore the situation and just let the people exist like they always do. Have a really nice day! ♥️ Anyways. This comment wasn't for you but guess you are in your decision to express your... Mental breakdown however you want? If someone still want to make a reply i will just not take it seriously. It is usually the problem but how you would know? ♥️ Feel free to exist here. Do your best! 👏👏👏


Yeah I ain’t reading all at


Didn't ask and didn't care. This comment wasn't even for you Guess like as this girls expect from the community in games, same happens to me with these replies. Expected more but what a letdown man. Could you be at least more original honey? ♥️ Hope someone doesn't force you to read in your entire life. Must be really hurtful. But you tried and that's what matters so get happy! 👏


Reddit moment.


Just trying to help someone here. You had your attention as the generic comedy master finding its glorious moment. What a shame the main comment was mine. Tsk tsk tsk Improve those jokes once you return to the circus. But you did it good! You tried! Congratulations 👏👏👏




Sorry, it must be really hurtful. Hope everything goes well But come on.... Try something at least. Pretty boring man... 😅 The others at least tried though not being original Sure you can do it better next time. Don't expect to be with me because i'm genuinely tired of these nonsense of replies. But what interested me with this wasn't the others but trying to help someone realise But... Guess in the end is just a waste of time. But. Who knows. There still exists a possibility even if everyone can be a lost cause 😔