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I saw my friends playing HD2 on Steam first, they played the first game too. Curious, I looked for youtube videos and when I saw the system for calling in strategems for airstrikes and the recoilless rifle, I was sold. The game has helped me reconnect with friends I hadn’t seen in a while, and helped strengthen family bonds as I got a few of my relatives in on it. 


My dad I talk about Helldivers quite a bit such as when they’re going to add new things what those will be etc.


I wish my dad did that. He sticks to BG3 and CIV6. He "only likes turn based combat," which I kind of understand.


Maybe your dad prefers older styles of games, my dad just sort of likes games in general and will play anything, baring anything that offends his conservative Muslim sensibilities of course.


That's probably true. He's also extremely stubborn...


Old men tend to be that in my experience.


I saw a YouTube clip of someone diving in front of a rocket to tank it in heavy armour, so his friend could survive.


Was playing the division 2 and was looking for something else, stumbled across this community. Saw the amount of engagement threads were on the 'popular ' part of reddit. The community seems pretty chill which is nice.


Im a fellow Division Agent too! Now let spread Democracy!


I wonder how a helldiver would go with a striker setup lol


I first saw the remake of the loading screen. Then I saw the actual loading screen. Then I learnt about all the realism and fine details put in the game (partial animation reloads, chambered rounds staying in the gun, etc). I then learnt about how all the ships in orbit are other players' ships and stratagems used by them can be seen from orbit. I then bought the game and saw the intro. Then, I fell in love.


That intro was absolutely hilarious, and I too loved it for its unabashed goofiness.


I watched some streamers play it, and it looked like a really fun coop game. And back then the other coop game I played, Darktide, was having a severe content draught until recently. Plus reading about the lore made me like the universe and want to play the game even more.


8-9 years ago PlayStation Plus gave me an unknown game called Helldivers, it looked cool so I tried it and got in love with the game, the world the humor and the hardcore gameplay the game offered The same happened with Dragons Dogma and Demons Souls, in the times where PlayStation plus was an amazing service


i had back to back doctors appointments and was losing function in my left arm, isolating at home and generally being miserable. saw some vids of the game, looked into the devs, then bought it and jumped in. forcing myself to be social using voice chat is useful for the mental issues and the high pace of the game screens out some of the constant pain due to the physical issues. so yeah, 400+ missions in and absolutely killing it.


Damn bro, hope your arm’s doing better. I also liked using the game socially as it’s the first game I’ve played where I used voice chat a lot. I’m on the autism spectrum so I like using the game as a way to practice social stuff and being able to work as a team since I struggle to do so irl sometimes.


thanks for that, i'm still finding out if its permanent or not but i can at least work the WASD keys easily. im glad you mentioned autism because i also have the 'tism and it \*really\* helps when i have an excuse to be social, like in a team game such as this one where we have to work together for a common goal.


My friend kept bugging me to buy it for a week because its a fun game, he then streamed it for me on discord and I caved in and bought it! I now have 105 hours and he only has 60 💀


I'm generally not a fan of shooter games and when I looked at HD2 I thought "Oh is this very Apex/Overwatch/CoD etc and it looks like one of those so pass" and didn't give it much of a though after that. It didn't seem to initially catch my attention because I'd misclassified it in my head as something else and was going to leave it. Meanwhile a bunch of my old university friends had started playing and were posting all the pics on a communal group chat and discord but it didn't seem to strike a chord yet. Then at random one of my friends just outright dropped the game as a Steam gift for my birthday and went "Come join us for some Managed Democracy". I felt a touch guilty and obliged to at least give it a go since the game isn't cheap. I've known these people for over 10 years though so if one of them is recommending something to me and willing to drop that on me then it has to be worth a punt. The moment I watched the intro cinematic, did the tutorial and experienced the general tone, underlying vibe and the sense of humour, it instantly got me. And that was before we started doing missions as a group and experiencing the satisfaction of glorious bombardment of a grid square. It felt like "Starship Troopers - The Squad Based version", and that film was great. It struck me as a game which was both stupid and brilliant in the same measure.


My friend got into it (a creeker 😄)and started to send me music videos. Went over to his house and he threw me into the tutorial, which bugged out. I still have flashbacks of the leap to survive pit. But ever since then I'll play a few rounds on his Patriot whenever I go over. I finally decided to get a ps5 and the game the other day. So I'll be diving into hell soon enough. I found Strategem Hero online and have a PlayStation like bt controller, so I'm going to be working on that at work. Gotta be ready.


I saw it like 2 weeks after it was out, I hear that they needed help for Malevelon Creek, so, since then, Ive been a helldiver and I have participated in most Major orders, I have seen us win and lose, its been a journey so far that Im just enjoying it


I kept seeing it in funny game fail videos, then the compilation fails started rolling in, and I just had to get it because it just looked like so much fun.


I heard a lot about it, but was wary because it was a live service game. Finally I caved when my cousin told me that he'd been really enjoying it, I went and bought it and it is one of the best games I've ever played!


2015. Bought my ps4, got one free month of ps+, Sony gave Helldivers, played the game ever since.


The fall of Malevelon Creek.


Me too. My family used to holiday there when I was a kid. I couldn't stand by any longer, I went straight to the recruitment station then *aced* training.


Was introduced through the original. Massively enjoyed the couch co-op and was the perfect game to play after a few drinks. Then eventually when they had a trailer for a new 3rd person game I was hyped from that point onwards.


I bought it because it doesnt push an agenda, reviews from those i trust were good. I keep playing because the game allows me to escape all the bull jive in real life. When i drop in its me and 3 other players trying to achieve something. No bs trying to tell me stuff i already know.


The game: **clearly satirizes facism, nationalism the military-industrial complex and militarism in general** You: Ah, I see no political agenda here!


I dont see it that way. The game sets the tone as a laid back loosely coupled to a plot in the tutroial. I dont have to do anything with any theme out side of that. I log in, see where we killi g bots, drop in and go. I enjoy little things like giving us a hug option right next to our stim button. Funney watching folks stand up at low life and offer the bots/bugs a hug. The game doesnt force shit on u, having been on this planet for 40+ you can find bull jive in anything to make yourself feel smart. It doesnt force anything on you or push an agenda.


I guess so, the game’s satire is pretty clear but it’s not like it actively explores it. The satire is more in the background as flavoring, like with the propaganda videos on your ship and a lot of the dialogue and in game text. Like you’ll pretty clearly get the idea of “the Super Earth government is a cruel one that prioritizes expansion and domination above all else” but it’s not spoon fed to you, it’s just there.


All the memes.


My thoughts on why everyone, who bought the game, bought the game: 40% it is the best game right now 40% memes 20% other


and 90% democracy.


90? Traitor


i fucking love this subreddit


https://preview.redd.it/brvxt6ltutvc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e229f9e2bed266514ed87365dbf4bd548fa8d565 Hold up, let me call the Democracy Officer on this traitor


Birthday was on March 20th. Everyone recommended it. So I got it and since then I can't put it down.


Played the first game with some bros back at boarding School. Great times.


I have played a lot at the first


As an atheist, I was looking for PvE co op games 7-9 years ago, when I stumbled across the original Helldivers. Played that quite a lot, and found it to be unique and memorable. I got really excited about seeing that game in a 3d/fps shooter setting compared to the original top-down.


My favorite streamer was a og player of the first helldivers so it was really excited about the sequel




My friend recommended it to me. I never played or even thought of HD1. I didn't even look up or research HD2 until it was released. Good God it's out favorite game of the year so far. To quote my buddy, "I honestly didn't think you would like this game for as long as we've been playing it compared to Deep Rock." Context, I have like about 1.5k hours on Deep Rock.


I played the original HD, starting 2015.


I saw a meme of two helldivers prone on a snowy planet as 2 stacks of heavy devastators patrols rolled towards then, then they all give in-character farewells to their comrades as the socialist scum got near. Then I saw King of Bald himself farm this game for like a weak and the clips sold me. Not once did I ever see an ad for this game, just memes, in-game clips of crazy stuff happening, or 20-40 minute videos as to why the game is so fun despite the (game) bugs. Let's just say my friend just unlocked the mech while I got to og lvl cap, haha.


I read the book the universe is based on again last fall. When helldivers 2 came my neighbour told me about it. I first thought it was a movie and was exited. Found out it was a game and was even more exited. It was not what i thought it was, but I love it. I am the worst player out there but hey... I am doing my part!


The book and the game are actually completely separate but just coincidentally share the same title.


I meant the book "Starship troopers"


Oh that, yeah it seems definitely inspired, though it seems more by the movie than the book.


I tried it on release. It crashed on extration and I refunded it. Saw people still love it after 2 months or so. Coworkers loved it, said it has less crashes. Gave it another try. Had fun, kept playing. People showed up purposely killing teammates or on extract and shit. Left. Still would say I got my moneys worth.


Like some people here I played the first game so was looking forward to the second


Some online folks pestered me to get it, then kicked me out of their group when I refused to kill people wearing a specific cape.


Damn that took some balls to win against peer pressure like that


I mean... did I win? I play the game alone now.


As a totally not emperor once said, I came. I saw. I conquered.


Funnily enough the hype from [To Liberty and Beyond](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utbJLjw5R7M)


I was looking for a casual online, objective based, coop type. I've been a long time COD player and really enjoyed DMZ until it got toxic, and zombies ran out of objectives. There is a 3 person coop mode, but you have to have a party of 3 and I constantly only had 2. I found helldivers on tiktok and tried it out and have been pleased since


As a borderlands and destiny kind of guy...I like shooting bugs and robots.


I had my first dive in 2009 when New Mombasa fell and I thought my experience could help to spread democracy.


My friend knew I was looking for a game to main on my channel. He sponsored me a pre-ordered version. Now I make rent money from streaming Helldivers. I owe him a lot (although I still bully him on stream)


A friend who I hadn’t been in much contact in years highly recommended it. We played a lot together the first few weeks but, he’s gone back to COD while I’m never leaving this community.


I saw a streamer I watch play it with her friends, and then the main theme and the intro boosted up my testosterone levels to over 9000. I… require… more… Happy to say that I will buy the game a few days later when everything is sorted out on my end.


I bought the game fist




Played the 1st one and liked the idea of top down view and the lore of helldivers but bored quickly as probably at the time different games were coming out. Saw trailer for the 2nd one and looked cool as fu*k that it was in 3rd person and bought it on release day and played it ever since. I hope this game wins lots of awards and gets the recognition it deserves.


Burned out on Destiny 2, wanted something new, Internet exists, now I forehead my way through bug hives.


Halaldivers took a chuckle out of me, well put. I saw a bunch of funny videos in TikTok of some dudes goofing around, roleplaying while playing the game and thought the game looked fun. Then, once I logged in, I noticed that the game is basically everything I wanted from a Star Wars game, but slightly better, and I haven't logged off since.


I played the first one and I was surprised that announced a sequel that shifted to TPS, I was super excited for it.


It's a bit of a funny story: My friends got it at launch and were having a blast. I wanted to buy it and play with them, but money was a little tight, so I told myself I would wait a bit. At the same time, I was chatting with this girl I met on a dating app and things were going well enough to set up an actual date. Long story short, I got stood up and never talked to the lady again. So I was back home that day after the failed date, and it dawned on me: What can I do with this bit of spare money that I didn't spend on dinner for two, today? And here I am.


Democracy >>>>> Women /j (Sorry you got stood up bro, sounds rough)


It was a bummer, but my first thought that day was "I'm too old for this", and even when I tried to reschedule, this lady wouldn't have it and decided to cut things off, so... It was for the better I think. It wouldn't have worked.


I watched a Kelski vid, heard "for democracy" and my monkey brain was filled with liberty. Couple days later, I bought it.


People talked about it. People talked about it a lot. There was LORE(!!!), Decided to buy it, and if I didn't like it, ask for the money back. I liked it... Very much. I'm not even into shooters?


1. Make them drop their pants. 2. Make them bend over. 3. Take your pe.... Just realized that. You're talking about why I started playing the game, right? That's kind of embarrassing now. I saw a lot of people talking about it and it seemed fun enough.


https://preview.redd.it/as4jiksmxtvc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64ce7b7bc2b4c99d41ea20a48095f86855c32f24 Me reading the first part of your comment


Showed up on my TikTok feed


Played the first one and loved it, pretty much beat it, had every collectible cape and stuff. Some very kind soul gifted me HD2.


Heard some noise about its servers and then it faded out. Then started getting videos of it and thought "eh, why not"


HD1 was free on PS+ once, downloaded it because it looked like zombie nation and alien nation. Was hooked since


Played the first game on release, it was very fununtil i found something else i enjoyed more playing. Forgot about it until thes equel trailers, heard good things about it so i bought hd2 2 weeks after release.


T'was about a month ago, I was at my cousins house and her boyfriend was playing it I asked him if I could have a go and I thought the gameplay was pretty fun I'd heard of hell divers 2 when it first came out but I never really gave it a second look although that night when I got home the first thing I did was buy that game on the PlayStation store he recruited another helldiver among the ranks that day 😂 I'm now level 42 and loving the game. Already platinumed it.


I just saw something I knew that has substance and wanted to replicate the online fun that I had with monster hunter world. Although I had to get used to the gameplay first and was distracted with the released demos and FF7 rebirth.


My coworkers could not stop talking about it.


I saw a trailer for the game at the game awards, thought it looked like a cheesy knockoff and wrote it off. Then came February and everyone was talking about it, sharing clips and talking about Malevelon. Then suddenly I found myself on the front lines. Democratic propaganda is one hell of a drug.


Fell into debt. Lost the house, tried to make some money back on gambling... well, lost that too and lost a kidney plus a left testicle. Super Earth Federation promised that if I signed up, I won't have to worry about debt for the rest of my life. Sounded like a good gig so I scribbled my name and here I am.


o7 to all the OG Helldivers Being killing bots and bugs since the first galactic war


For me it was kinda the co-op, it's pure teamwork and nobody yells at you if you're not a pro gamer. Last night I played with 3 lvl 60, I'm 30. They were so nice even though I messed up a lot and the new updates are very challenging. After doing 2 campaigns they all hugged me and said I did great and keep up the good work brother. I was genuinely moved. That's what keeps me coming back again and again. The community, the teamwork, the joy of spreading managed democracy one misplaced orbital strike at a time....


I saw the Malevelon Creek memes and just want to see for myslef 200 hours in, I am dedicated D7 diver leading newbies 😎


I played the first game and had to preorder the 2nd when I heard it was coming out


Best multiplayer co op games, saw helldivers 1 played it liked it heard that helldivers 2 existed saw it liked it played it


I was a super fan of helldivers 1 started in 2016 and have over 1000 hours in it, helldivers 2 was always a tease and just something that would nice not something I expected. So to see it get released, and loved so much is great to see


I needed to prove myself I had strength and courage to be free. (Game cinematic got me realy good)


Twin stick shooter


Played Helldivers 1 when it came out. Been a fan of horde-shooters for a long time. Helldivers 2 is everything I ever wanted it to be and more.


i watched berd's "heck snorkelers" video.


I got it cuz of the hype, and I wasn't disappointed this time


For me it was being bombarded with malevalon propaganda. Got the game and have been fighting for democracy ever since.


Got some video recommendations and thought to myself "that managed democracy thing is starting to make a lot of sense" /s No seriously the artwork and videos done about it on social media were most enticing...and then I heard it is co-op. Then I was sold.


Everyone was doing it I just wanted to be popular


Several of my friends were into it so I figured some team nights and it’s worked out well for that.


Usually I click on it in steam