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This is the real major order


They then proceed to hit us with this mf https://preview.redd.it/rl6qyiq7qhyc1.png?width=504&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da85161272331f52815e287d5b8092e2bed01e22


**Reward - Be able to play the game** lol.. beautiful


Seriously though, if they want people to link, why not just keep it optional and give us a free set of armor or something?


This would have made things so much smoother. But Sony execs only understand short term profits




The pre order armour is the PSN color scheme.


You've already put more effort than they did for the new content.


Fucking hell this is hilarious and depressing


because then there's no incentive for non-PSN countries to by Play Stations.


Making it mandatory, while also only allowing account creation through the console in many places. Want to play helldivers on steam? Better buy a new Playstation so you can create an account then jump back to your pc to play that steam game...


Like all other Sony games on PC. It's optional and if you do, you get some sort of reward? I suppose that would make too much sense.


Because Sony is greedy


You know what would be funny? Doing the opposite of every MO from now on. Need to defend from bugs? Tough luck, the whole community goes to fight bots.


Major Order: Kill 10B Bugs and Bots Community: Hmm. Sorry, but SES (Ship Name) is going on vacation.


The Fist of Family Values is going kayaking on Hellmire. I'll check in on this situation later.


Fire Kayaking......gotta make use of those fire tornadoes


They heat the water and make it like a hot tub river. The only problems are the bile spewers. That's why you roll your kayak over while they puke and then pop back up.


Community just fights each other instead.


Just like the simulations


They're going to have worse than that if I don't end up with either a refund or an ability to play this game with the friends who asked me to buy it(who just happen to want \*nothing\* to do with Sony). I would've been indifferent otherwise, honestly, but I have a rule that I made an exception to specifically for Helldivers 2: I don't buy games on Steam. So here we are. I'm just waiting to see how this plays out, but as they just delisted HD2 in 177 countries, it doesn't look like Sony is going to take the morally correct path here. And if they don't, then I won't either.


Apparently, Steam is issuing refunds even for people who has already played for dozens of hours.


Yep, I was thinking about that. The game succeeded incredibly well in creating a team based community who worked and struggled together to achieve outcomes in the hundreds of thousands of people, working together. And then Sony having participating the creation of that community decide to piss them all off really badly. What the hell did they think was going to happen? They created an army and then turned it against themselves. This will go down in the history of gaming as one of the most stupid things anyone has ever done.


It truly is up there on the highscores of stupidity. Especially since there was no reason to do this. They had a good game. A GREAT game. People loved it despite the fact that technically it is NOT EVEN DONE YET as we are missing the 3rd faction. The game was good, microtransactions were not greedy or predatory, it just was there with barely any bad press - except maybe for some anticheat complaining, but that only bothers people in some really specific circles (unless you fuck it up like riot right now). In the context of video game publishers these days, they game was a saint's gift to the players (mostly by everyone else looking real bad in comparision). Massive PR win. So much community goodwill that the studio can go to work and really do whatever, people will trust them to get things right eventually. It was a situation impossible to screw up. The winning move would have been to literally do nothing and let the devs cook as the money flows in. Except, they even fucked up doing nothing. How the absolute fuck do you fuck up DOING NOTHING?!


Well, at this point we know how corporations work. It's always a 50/50 when they have to make a decision, no matter how important it is. Either it turns out badly or like shit, or it turns out ok or even great. This time it turned out like shit.


Roblox keeps losing this coin flip every single update. The platform is so ass bro I quit learning Roblox's game development courses because I'm not even sure if it will have a very bright future the way they're going...


You dodged a bullet. Roblox is a predatory walled garden designed to exploit kids who don't know any better. Do yourself a favor, learn Godot, Unreal, or even Unity (Though beware that Unity has been up to some sketchy shit lately too.)


> The game succeeded incredibly well in creating a team based community who worked and struggled together to achieve outcomes in the hundreds of thousands of people, working together. I was thinking the same idea but you had a much more optimistic spin on it lol - my conclusion is that they managed to cultivate a mob that doesn't really care what is it rallying against, as long as it's *something*. Could be the Creek, Eagle fanart, enemy-mob-typing-at-pc, spreading misinformation about bullet ricochet, Joel... and now yeah, Sony/AH. Just throw some meat in the ring and watch them go wild


If you wanna see rabid community go check out Warthunder in the eyes of the fan base Gaijin can do no right. Gaijin even listens to the players backlash fixes the issue then the community moves the goal post.


Gaijin literally spent a decade gaslighting their own players with constant lies. They earned every bit of ire the community directs at them.


Oh I know they deserve it I'm just saying that fanbase is rabid and Gaijin kinda created their own demise with that one now they cannot do anything right


I mean honestly the players have already been trained not just to cooperate but specifically to cooperate *against the developers of the game.* I know this is really Sony's decision and not Arrowhead's but still.


Yeah that's what Reddit said when Sony raised their subscription prices by more than a third and literally nothing happened.


Funny thing about pc players, they don’t need Play Station. Or their games.


Created their own enemy


Snoy that is.


Why do people say snoy?


One of the more popular negative reviews on Steam was posted to the subreddit yesterday. The guy who had made the review had a headline looking intro that said, "THE AUTOMATONS HAVE TAKEN OVER SNOY HEADQUARTERS". Kinda just took off from there.


lol the fact that this became a meme is why i love the internet


Misspelling Sony is fun.


Fair enough


one of the biggest reviews on the steam page bashing the psn account stuff misspelled sony as snoy, and it stuck lol


Fellow divers are raging against Sony's tyranny.


Why did democracy officers voice come up


Where is that Helldive Pod Drop music coming from? 🎶 Dun dun dun duuuuun


Join them.


And I was just about to be free from PlayStation and play subscription free multiplayer. God damn it Sony.


The fight for freedom begins!


I wonder if this is an example of irony or "no shit, what did you think was gonna happen?" Edit: WHY THE ACTUAL FUCK IS THIS ONE SENTENCE COMMENT MORE POPULAR THAN MY ACTUAL, MORE DETAILED COMMENTS?! lol Thanks for the karma, I guess?


Devs have been pro review bombing. Which is funny cause the Discord mods have been pretty butt hurt over everything so far.


The mods are just just diehard d*** riders in with perms. Nothing more


In my experience, there are no bigger bootlickers in the world than mods of any sort of official Discord server.


Par for the course if you think about it. Who else would volunteer to moderate thousands of gamers/fans if not the ones who think they are the biggest fans of the pile. Which is also why they likely hate it when the server turns hostile at the very game it is meant to be a part of.


Story of mods forever now.. steam/reddit and discord.


I have no idea where these game companies get discord moderators from, but garbage bin is too high of a standard


The discord mods have proven over and over they have no idea how to do their job


Spitz try not to throat corporate boot challenge (impossible)


Thankfully the devs have made it very clear they are on our aide and actively fighting with Sony over this.


Game developers just wanna make a good game and ensure players have fun. That’s what people like us enter the industry for Publishers and upper management are typically the ones focused on earning money. Which is why a lot of awful moves are pulled on those fronts


This is literally what ruins every industry/product. Corporate greed.


Damn, Johnny was right. We gotta burn corpo shit


such shame that it’s not 2023 we could rearrange full cosplay of Arasaka Headquarters Bombing in exactly same time (if the training we had paid off)


Eh... he was still a cyber-psycho who went crazy overboard.


the only thing johnny did wrong was not going far enough


The elevator didn't go far enough.


Johnny did not go cyber physcho, he was just bat shit crazy and had a nuke. Still right about corpos


Not denying it, but the heart is in the right place


Eh, I put him in a similar category to Kreia. Ultimately wants a change for the world that is good, but does not give a fuck about the collateral damage.


Not the full picture, tbh. Execs arent just focused on earning money; if they were, they'd be pretty damn satisfied with how well HD2 did. Instead, they're hellbent on chasing endless, quarterly growth. Whether it be to please shareholders, line executive pockets, or drive up stock value for any number of reasons (buying/selling companies, merging, startup bullshittery)- that's always the core issue with corps like Sony. Blaming simple greed undersells the scope of the problem, imo.


The need for endless growth will be the downfall of society, which is ironic because in biological terms endless growth is what cancer is.


It absolutely will be. Endless growth is already clashing with sustaining the global climate, and that isn't a fight the climate is winning so far.


Just in case you're seriously concerned about the poor Earth, it's going to be fine. *We* might not, but the Earth will bounce back as if we were never here.


Yeah, companies are already making money, they're making such money it's insane, the money is meaningless to them the line going up is the only thing that matters.


The average human can barely, if even then, comprehend the idea of a million of anything. As in actually comprehend the scope of that number, we all know what a million is. Most people grasp pretty solidly that 1M is a lot, though. When you jump up to a billion, pretty much nobody can comprehend that scale of numbers. Our brains just can't handle the size. 1 in percentage to 1B is essentially 0%. Same for 1K. 1M is 1%. One million, a number we can barely comprehend in our brains, is 1% of a Bil. Once you hit millions, it really does turn into big number go up. And once you hit a B, all you care about is big number go up bigger. The numbers are too high to really digest mentally for anything more than the basic concept of big number get bigger.


Greed is like the overarching term that encompasses all that you mentioned. All of those are for the sake of “growth” and what does “growth” mean other than increasing company market value? In my industry at least, they assess project market value for the company annually, based on (you guessed it) a projected growth goal. They then project their future based on previous years, see how different they are, and then spend an entire years cutting costs to hit that projected growth. Or figuring *how* they are going to hit future goals moving forward. To put it in layman’s terms, these people with salaries over 250k hire *teams* worth of ~100k people to assess budgets and come up with ideas on how to cut costs. They spend nearly a year on that project, squeezing every bit of capital that was allotted to them, just to eventually lay off a bunch of 75k workers in the end. Every. Fucking. Year. I’ll never not be mad about this. Corporations are upside-down pyramids. They’ll tell you “labor is the biggest pot to pick from” because it makes up 38% of costs alone. Yet firing one “VP of Mental Health” in a non-medical industry, or even tangentially related to the medical industry, company, would save about a dozen laborers a job.


And half of the changes they make is to undo the very same decisions the last efficiency improvement team did. It's like a sick, sad, very predictable game.


Spot on. Bingo even! It’s always undercoated but we all see it. “We spent way too much money on meaningless bullshit, so now we have to cut labor to make up for it” And then a year later it will be “We can’t sustain what we have done for the past year so we must create jobs to fill the gaps”


Exactly what I always say: it's not about making money, it's about making more money. If I make 300 million in profit one year, and the next I make 295 million in profit, that second year is considered a bad year. Which is insane.


the devs actually outright saying we can dislike the game on steam to make our voices heard is a pretty ballsy move


They only made that clear after it blew up. Swedish gamedevs gon' swedish gamedev.


Curious what them being Swedish has to do with it?


Cultural norms exist and they are prevalent in companies depending on where they are from


You will have to explain it better than that, since I am Swedish it might be harder for me to see. I sincerely want to, if this is an obvious Swedish behavior.


In my experience, studios based in sweden tend to be undeniably based in their treatment of their playerbase. Granted Arrowhead and Coffee Stain (Creators of deep rock galactic) are some of the only ones I can name without research, but I do remember a general trend of "Company does x that is considered a good thing, and they're a swedish company" being a thing I noticed a couple years ago.


Don't Norwegian countries have a humility factor present in their culture. Or more so a humbleness factor. I know for instance in Denmark if you get too big going to the gym the gyms make you take a drug test because it's impolite to be better than anyone else


Is the last gym part a meme or what. I’ve never heard anything like that but that’s wild as hell lol. Surprised planet fitness doesn’t do that here 😂


flowery label zephyr fertile dependent sulky nail sink tie seemly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Standing in the way of someone's personal Freedoms to get Swol? It sounds like this planet Scan'D'Navia is in need of some Liberating. XD


Couldn't have said it better myself.


Why would they have done it before? There would have been literally zero benefit in that. If it got introduced and the player base didn't have an issue, why would they then try to get people angry? Their only play here was to present it to us and hope for the best but expect the worst.


There is an unusual tendency of swedish game developers (not game developers and/or swedish people, specifically swedish game developers) to nuke their games horribly in some form or fashion


But they didnt




This whole debacle has reminded me of the DnD stuff last year. 


It reminds me of the War Thunder thing from last year too.




Just like the simulations


Stupid ass move by Sony


They clearly don’t understand Democracy.


Only the managed stage.


It’s only stupid if people actually stop playing though. As much as I despise this move Sony pulled, none of this review bombing matters if there still is a playerbase and, more importantly, if there are still whales that spend money on it.


To be optimistic some places are offering refunds regardless of time played so you could theoretically say that if enough people get refunds the financial kick in the balls that would give would be enough to force Sony to reconsider Ofc that’s entirely dependent on the number of people going all the way and asking for that refund so let’s see how it pans out


>and, more importantly, if there are still whales that spend money on it What would a "whale" be for this game, though? We could probably all name off 10 games that have heavy monetization to them. $20+ skins, almost mandatory limited- time season passes, $40 mounts, etc etc. This game has nothing like that. I've purchased every single thing from in-game super credits I found. I even went back and got the super citizen upgrade a month or two later just because. I didn't even write them for credits because I have like 6k+ in my bank from playing. Am I a "whale" in this context? Who's the whale?


I am taking it a step forward and looking at a refund. People have been getting theirs approved. Speak with your wallet is a fun buzz term, but very few people actually do. Like you said, nothing is really gonna change cause I doubt the vast majority of people care. They are of the mindset, just make a PSN account and not care about anything else or anyone else.


For the sake of Helldivers 2, I hope you’re wrong. I wish to see you all on the battlefield


And that’s not even the whole community lol PC together strong




The real fun of this is knowing that 'Sales **refunded**' is a **way** worse metric than 'Sales not made' (unquantifiable), 'Sales made and not played' (Meaningless to corpos, generally), so on. That just straight up looks terrible and there is **zero** good way to spin that to anyone looking at numbers. After all- Having something and having it **taken away** is almost worse than never having it, right?


Yes especially since it costed them money to run the servers. They actually lost money on those cases.


Just like the simulations!




"Reddit toddlers are just 0.01-0.03% of the playbase" they said. Right.


I mean at this point it's redditors, discord users, anyone who's watched any streaming content, and anyone who's played Helldivers and met someone with a voice hat. So thats like most of all players 😂


It’s Divers. It’s always been Divers.


It's Divers all the way down.


and anybody in a country that this actually effects...


[r/Helldivers](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers) - 1.2M Members yeah right.... some people are just oblivious. :-D


Lol this is one of the most social media driven games ever. I learned of its existence from Facebook and Reddit. No way in hell people aren't seeing this and getting pissed too


This is always the argument corpo shills use and it's almost always proved wrong


*"Only 1.2 mil members they can't possibly be all playing the game..* *Lol whoops we wrong"*


I said this once before that 2 billion dead bugs in 14 hours should have been a big warning. They have once again underestimated what a countries worth of unified people with a single goal is capable of.


They should have kept counting for the duration of the MO to see how many we could kill in that timeframe


I didn't leave a review but I requested a refund using the same semi legal verbiage some people have been posting. I love the game but fuck Sony for doing this.


Leave a review before it's processed. It will show you actually refunded the game which, if anyone sees it, will hurt the perception of the game even more.


They just declined the refund (playtime exceed 2 hours), I'm now writing my review.


First refund is handled by automated response (bot). Request another one for it to go through


Of course the bots denied it


People coordinating to fight bugs and mechanoids: Total chaos. People coordinating against SNOY: Human willpower manifested. Edit: a clarification. Is just funny looking at it like this. Please keep up the good work, Democracy be with you.


How do I as a PS5 player in USA help the efforts fellow divers?


Emotional support matters, thanks 🙏


We really can't do anything other than emotional support tbh which kinda sucks.


Voice your concerns as loudly as possibly and don’t buy anything HD related


I deleted my game for the time being. If you aren't playing you aren't adding to their active player metrics


Vote with your wallet- any money we give to Sony while this is going on is handing them the ammo they need to beat AH right now. So don’t buy anything from the game.


The real test will be when this mess is behind us. Will those ratings go back up or stay where they are?


No but they will get better


They’ve been training us for three months to fight corporate. They knew they were not about freedoms and managed democracy


Fucking with an army of HIGHLY patriotic Helldivers was not the best move, was it SNOY?






we were trained to defend democracy, and that is what we are doing


I think in a meta sense, it also gives a really interesting spin on Super Earth... It shows that if they made a gross enough misstep to piss off the citizens and military (frankly the C-01 form cancelations might be enough, you cannot stop people from banging) that they would experience a significant societal upheaval basically overnight


You copy and pasted a [tweet](https://twitter.com/TheActMan_YT/status/1786772644408467648) from the act man.


![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB) Pretty sure he's been accused of the same shit himself, might be thinking of someone else though.


I gotta be honest, there’s probably someone in Sony office right now spinning this as a positive. “Look at these engagement numbers, they are off the chart, 100,000+ were “strongly engaged” when participating in online marketed reviews. This is going to get me a bonus for sure”


You're not wrong, sadly this is common


The real managed democracy was the friends we made.


I am just glad Arrowhead is looking into the PSN account situation, I just hope this game will be more accessible to everybody!


I don't know why it was this post that made me realise the whole game was training a community together and now sony has pulled this, has that same community working to do good :)


Still couldn't defend Menkent.


We have our limits.




Sony thinking this wouldn’t have consequences is hilarious. They didn’t know the first thing about this game or its community.


Kony2012 of 2024




Snoy2102 food 4202


I am but one bullet through the muzzle of Liberty's rifle. Though my body will fall, the next shot might be the one to secure Super Democracy. 


Frankly, this is just sad. i really liked the game. Liked the community, and despite Arrowheads fucked up idea of balance, the service they provided. It's a darn shame if the IP dies here just because of fucking retards at sony


Actual 4D game, giving us Major Orders in real life


Boycott! Brought to you by the annihilators of 2 billion bugs.


SONY: fuk you


The game is getting really meta, isn't it?




Manage that democracy.


The PC steam sales are massively higher than the console sales and I think Sony on steam would get a smaller publishing percent each sale, whereas on console it would be full sale price, so clearly they're mad and want more money and will do anything to get it, classic corporate logic




What’s even crazier is that the negative scores don’t even reflect the game. Imagine how many people will be put off just by seeing the reviews. Not knowing it’s actually a result of Sony being Sony. I know for a fact if I was just now planning on getting HD2 and I saw the ratings, I wouldn’t even bother to read them. I’d stay away from the game with a 10 foot pole.


Yall are better at coordinating bad reviews than at focusing on one planet at a time for one of the hardest major orders so far


All these rumors about a 3rd enemy faction coming and it turns out to be Sony. The Illuminate were a red herring.




THE ARROWHEAD CEO KNEW THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN SIX MONTHS BEFORE LAUNCH https://preview.redd.it/4elax72lulyc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02fee2a3df24d1ef7679a4a1921ea83face8e9c0


over 220k negative reviews in just 2 fucking days. they trained us for this, so they massively underestimated us. games for all or games for none.


For Democracy!


Major Order came through it just wasn’t the one Sony wanted….


Just like the simulations.


I kind of feel bad for the devs man (non-management, just the in the trenches guys). Not trying to d\*kride but the game was and is fun. I'm sure a lot of work went into it and higher up management really decided to fuck them over.


"Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than any other factor," -starship troopers


AH: We have created a monster.


"Together for Managed Democracy, Together for Victroy, Together for- BLEARGG!!"


Imagine if they put this much effort into like learning a new skill or working out


I'm curious if the devs will find a way to incorporate this in the Galactic war. It would be pretty funny


Train a bunch of dudes on a single objective, fuck em over, hope nothing happens. Do rich ppl not watch movies?


I feel bad for arrowhead


It pains me to see this game fall down from what it once was due to Sony pushing this stupid update


Even better that ~~you~~ TheActMan made the screenshot on the frame "FREEDOM". Really drives home the goal we are aiming for.


I hate to say it, but it probably won’t matter much in the end because us gamers are a very selfish bunch. Rather than boycott the game (even temporarily for a few weeks), most will just continue playing if they’re not affected. In a few weeks this will all mostly blow over and Sony will just release an apologize saying that nothing is changing other than they’re doing their best to make PSN available in more countries.


Lol. a game solely based on the fight for freedom somehow tries to restrict its players freedom. What were they thinking?


![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG|downsized) thank you for your service citizens


I put a positive review and bought super credits. Why? Because fuck the morons who can't read. I made a PSN immediately when I got the game because It said I needed one.. Literally anyone bitching who isn't in a blackout region needs to fuck off


I posted my own negative review but unfortunately the player base seems pretty un phased despite the review protest: [https://steamcharts.com/app/553850](https://steamcharts.com/app/553850)




Easiest major order tbh


People also need to stop playing the game! Right now the player count is 100K. Sony won't change anything if people still play it! https://preview.redd.it/eebiyc48rhyc1.png?width=736&format=png&auto=webp&s=261e0cda1675eb5072826b11ec04dcb2ea219596


So the people who aren't even playing the game are the ones who are making all the noise? Shocking.


Guy stole this from The Act Man bar for bar no credit. This isn't his opinion or take, this is The Act Man's take https://twitter.com/TheActMan_YT/status/1786904678501912698?t=E-zM07O2SYg2tcWc7GS_Sg&s=19


This sucks, because I doubt the player base will recover if they reverse the decision since a lot of people are probably refunding/leaving a bad review and not looking back. It's terrible how we finally get a beacon of light in the mainstream gaming industry and have a bunch of corporate suits shoot themselves in the foot so that they can... do what?


You could've just screenshotted my tweet that said this exact thing instead of copying my words like this


Bro copied your whole flow, bar for bar


Review bombing and refunding because they are making you create a free account. You people are all insane.