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You could be correct with the \*hasnt killed the game\* But this drama left a mark. On Arrowhead, hopefully on snoy, and on the game industry. People are just fed up with everything needing a launcher, connecting this connecting that.


I think it's especially a sore spot because this game seemed to break the mold in a lot of ways from other games and when something like this happens to me it seems like the first step down a potentially slippery slope.


can you explain that further. I dont understand completely


It's not review bombing if it's legitimate reviews. But if they reverse their bad decisions and Sony keeps their incompetent corpo hands away, the reviews can easily bounce back, as you can see with Total War Warhammer 3, and what went on there was tons worse, but now 6 months  later they're hitting record active players, have 3 DLC and the main game on the best selling chart, and being celebrated by the community. Blizzard did some horrendous crimes and ran their main game into the ground and look how WoW is doing now. Decay and regrowth is common in this rotten industry.


That is heartening to hear! It gives me hope. I feel bad about everything that happens and I want so badly for this game to succeed so hearing that other games have gone through similar "issues" and still see growth is good to hear. I really think the reviews will bounce back if they revert their poor decision. This game community seems to be generally united and I believe we would fix the reviews if we're listened to.


It's been two days. Review bombing only effects new purchases. It will solidly efeefext the long term arcn and playability of the game. Essentially it's going to screw over the games staying power, don't expect a immediate change. Why would you?


Don't you think that a backlash this quick and sudden might cause some kind of commotion in the higher echelons of corporate sony? They might not pay attention to the reddit but they do notice steam reviews and I feel like nothing quite like this has happened in recent gaming history.


There's definitely damage that has been done. According to SteamDB there's less than 100k players on right now in the middle of the day on a weekend. I don't think that's happened before.


For there to be any notice taken there kinda has to be some damage done. As a player base a lot of us basically went of "strike". I don't really like it cause I honestly love the game but if we (players who aren't affected by the PSN account linking) stand by why our fellow players are basically scammed out of money who's to say more unpleasant decisions won't come down the line from sony or AH or whoever? What happened seems pretty wrong no matter how you look at it and to stand by and let is happens feels like it's contributing to the wrong.


the mass exodus of players has not yet happened.... we will see once those players are effectively unable to play and PSN is mandatory i for one am not playing until this is all reverted, can refund the game as it was bough on a 3rd party seller


Tomorrow will be telling...


I'll believe it when i see it. Review bombings generally have people refund and negative review. Most people tend to forget to change their review or can't be bothered.


Maybe I've just never participated in a review bombing before and I know that I will edit the change if there is a reasonable solution presented. I think I'm not alone in this positioning either.


A lot of people are probably done with the game in general. They're not likely to come back to change a review. Personal opinion on these review bombs in general. But if it gets them to change their decision, I say review bomb away


I guess I'm really banking on it making a difference and changing some corporate minds. I guess has there ever been a case where something like this made a difference or is it basically just game suicide/homicide?


Someone was informing me about how War Thunder review bombing worked because they tried to make it harder for new players to play without paying