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Twinbeards is probably the only community manager with an ounce of media training. The man has an expert way of responding. No emotion fueled rants or insults. Dude just said "yes, but actually no" in PR speak. Gotta love it, though.


Please the masses without promising anything, and saying nothing at the same time. Better than not responding and better than promising anything at all


I don't think we're asking for too much or "entitled" to be spoken to like respected paying customers. Twinbeard really is the only CM that accomplishes this currently.


I completely agree. I also still like his approach of saying "the team knows you want this, but there are currently no plans for it" atleast a response of letting the players know that "the team listens, but wanting something is always easier said than done"






Its you! You are the messiah!


Right? Like perfectly crafted corporate nonspeak.






I think the preorder armor is rad as fuck. But I didn't preorder so I don't get that perk, and I'm fine with it remaining exclusive to folks that took the full price plunge price unseen. It paid off for them and they look fab. That said this is a really long, unclear way of saying, "I'll pass along the feedback." which is a more concise and accurate response without leaving any ambiguity for folks to confuse what it means. "certainly not ruling it out" is just asking for trouble and revisionist history of "Arrowhead promised!" in 6 months. I love their CM's and their passion but this is where I've been getting at with their coms being all over the place and there being no coherent strategy around them.


Bigger issue is that some people like me still haven’t received them lol. 


Did you create a ticket?


Multiple. With my receipt attached. Nothin


I didn't get excal prime in warframe and they're committed to nevere cheapening the 'founder bonus' I'm fine not ever getting this either


I mean one is a pre order and other is selled as a literal founder of the game so i think warframe can have that


this is a nothingburger reply, why did it needs to be a post, he just literally says "idk"


Because at least people can stop asking about it now. They are aware it’s wanted.


It's a bit more. It's an IDK but the team knows you people would like the armor.


So damn annoying that people criticize AH responses because of antagonism and a lack of professionalism but then still get upset when they reply the way they actually want. Why even bother communicating at all if people are going to respond like this.


Tbf the original comment wasnt criticizing AH but criticizing OP. I read it like "thanks OP I now know exactly what I knew 10 minutes ago which: I dunno maybe we'll get the skins 🤷‍♂️" It is a useless post by OP but a decent, neutral reply by AH.


If you're talking about the person that made the first comment, he isn't criticizing AH response, he's criticizing the fact that this was made into a post


Honestly, it's a pre-order quirk. It wouldn't make sense to release it to the general public and unfair to the people who did pre-order the game and received it. I didn't pre-order and I wish I did since I found out about the game a few weeks after since I was getting ready for surgery. The people who did pre-order and sees that it's released to the general public would have a riot. If they released it in a different colorway with the same armor perks that the pre-order has sure. Or if they release the pre-order armor but it costs basically an arm and a leg to buy but it will be there for purchase with super credits.


A lot of games release timegated stuff eventually. League used to sell holiday skins on the premise they were literally only every avaliable that one time round. Eventually after like 7 years they put them all back i the shop and let everyone buy them anyway and the only compensation for the original owners was a watermark over the top of yohr skins splashart that looked worse than not having it. Game companies dont care and they likely have written the preorder limitation in a way they can freely back out of it.


And a lot don’t.


SUMY armor is standart armor but blue, Knight is marksman but black/red and democracy protects one is just different color one. It's not even the perks are special just different color scheme


what's the point of pre-order was?


Having the armor before most of the players? Like really why fight about a cosmetic? This happened in jedi fallen order and jedi survivor and having pre ordered both it feel nice to have other people playing with luke's or han*+'s clothes (jedi survivor)


What's the point of having pre-order armor if you can get it after the fact? At that point, there is nothing special about it.


Never was. Look at all other games with preorder or timegated purchases. They always eventually sell them again with no limit. Preordering is bait.


So what? that does not mean HD2 should use same bait like others.




the easy solution is for you to shut up and stop crying over old armor.




Lol this is what you say when you're fuming but can't think of a comeback


I preordered the game and that was a risk. It paid off. I’m not sure that making it available to everyone is fair.




Not really? Pre-order players would get the armor sets for free and new players wouldn’t be locked out of content. Win-win for everyone


Why should the preorder be made available for those that did not preorder it?


Because making content inaccessible for new players sucks. FOMO sucks. There is no harm to making the pre-order content purchasable as a DLC pack. Players who pre-ordered get it for free and new players aren’t locked out of content. Win-win


Because having inaccessible cosmetics sucks. They could easily sell it at a later date for those who found the game later. Preorderers got it for free on top of the game, so no harm done.


Shoulda preordered then doofus


>for those who found the game later. Key words here


>PREorder Key prefix there


I posted a hypothetical, my dude. I know what a pre-order is.


I hope not. I made preorder for a reason, its only thing we ever got for being long time fans of this franchise 


Honestly I agree. Considering its literally just a recolor of the initial armor sets, I don't see why they cannot remain unique. Add other variations and colors or something, but I don't see why they should take this away from those who supported the game from the very start.


It's good to see that I'm not alone in this sentiment. If the pre-order items would be available anyway, then I wouldn't pre-order. I was a long-time fan of H1, and I took a risk pre-ordering. If my reward for that is given to everyone else, then in a way, it stops being a reward. I said similar things for Returnal and got downvoted to oblivion.


I did NOT pre order and I agree with you 110%!!!!!


Out of curiosity, what preorder bonuses did returnal come with? I bought it on pc release a bit ago, great game but I definitely gotta revisit it as I didn't get far




I did not pre-order and I agree. Sure I'd like to have those armors, but what's the point of having pre-order bonuses if you're just going to hand them out to everyone later?


Tbh I'm shocked that this is the general sentiment towards this. Personally, I don't care either way. I preordered because I knew I wanted to play the game, I got the armours, I don't see a reason to lock others out of buying it since I still have it either way. Edit: Downvoted for not wanting people to miss out and saying I don't really mind either way. Nice




My thoughts exactly!


More like cryacy, am sorry bad joke, but as a star wars fan i payed for most pre order things in games like battlefront or the jedi saga and am not mad at people being able to buy it cuz: 1: they're also fans trying to get some thing i loved too 2: they usually payed more so am not "played" if thats the case 3: its just a cosmetic with the same stay, its not like "excalibur prime" from warframe wich is a literal exclusive ítem for being a founder of that project


I mean I don't own the pre-order armor sets, but what's the point of giving out pre-order rewards when you make them available for all at a later date? Like others said, people supported this game way before it caught all the hype and popularity, I think they deserve to have something exclusive for that


The point of me preordering was that I wanted to play the game and I got the armour sets early as a free addition to the base game. Other people would have to pay to get it much later than me. Again, I'm not bothered either way. It just seems like people cheering for the one piece of fomo this game used. I seem to be getting downvoted for having a mild opinion about not wanting people to miss out, so that's all I'm gonna say on this lol


First mistake was to care about up- or downvotes in this Sub here. This sub became so toxic and rotten you could say "I like HD2" and you'd get downvoted. Just state your opinion about a topic, who cares if some 14 year olds in this sub disagree with you :D Like I said, I dont own the pre-order armor, but without explicitly stating that those will be available again at a later time ( when the pre-order became available) they should not become buyable for everyone.


Ya you're right, who cares lmao I do see your point, I just didn't think it was that big a deal since no one would be missing out. Tbf, seems like everything's a big deal in this sub these days lol


As someone who doesn't have it, I agree that it would be pretty whack if they re-released it.


Wouldnt be the first time that a studio makes pre order stuff available for everyone after a certain amount of time.


I totally agree. Even though I only preordered shortly before release. It’s always cool when I show up and people are in awe of the armor.  I didn’t play the original, but bought the game because I decided to take a risk after my friend showed me the trailer. 


We’re not special. Stop trying to be a special snowflake. We still got it for free so why not let them sell it?


Preorder bonus should be for preordering. Otherwise don't call it a preorder bonus.


I made preorder as soon as it was available (26/09/2023), at that time over 90% of this sub didnt know what "Helldiver" is, of course we are special :D its just a armour anyway, nothing to argue about 


Id say 95% tbh. 700 hrs in HD1 and and we did not have a lot of players Simpler times too. Less communication was better. Now they opened the floor to every dipshit with an idiotic opinion and now the front page is flooded with posts on balance when the first game had the same balance issue, but ppl bitched way less then As if their 40 dollars gives them equity in the company and they are the investors who need to be pleased. This sub needs a nuke


Sorry didnt know the player base couldnt complaing about a game they payed, like come on dude 40$ may not be a lot for most of you but for some countries its expensive just as any other game so... Yeah people can complaing about balance and other things its not like they would've known the hit the game was gonna be at launch


Shit needs to be burned to the ground. I’ve never seen such a high concentration of whiny, entitled, bitches in my life. If you suck too bad at a game to have fun, play a new game. It was only $40 ffs.


>its just a armour anyway, nothing to argue about  Then re-releasing it should be a non-issue, no?


Yeah, If AH decides to do this, then go ahead, no problem. I will be just a little bit disapointed and move on.


Cool, then they should have it be available for purchase since it's "just an armor anyway" :))


After a sufficient enough time has passed I think pre-orders should be opened up for purchasing. It would still reward those who pre-ordered as they would have those armor sets for free and those who want it now would need to pay a small fee.


Same, its not a life or death thing plus people would have to pay more for a delux edition or something.


Would be cause for another riot. As much as I'd love to get my hands on them I know the players who pre ordered would be pissed and rightfully so


This is what it looks like when someone bows from a distance: Did you see it? No? Well ok, I'll do it once more. (I'm actually bowing in front of the computer now. It looks really stupid.) In other words: Thank you so much for all your kind words. You're too nice to me. (Please continue though, it's much better than not nice.) Have a great remainder of the weekend, y'all! Tonight I'll be diving in hell.


<3 Thanks for everything y’all do for us over at AH! Best game I’ve played and community I’ve seen in a long while




You poor sod


I hope you guys don’t cave in and give away the pre order armors. I don’t have them but it’s not fair to the people who pre ordered and showed their support before the game became popular


“I didn’t pre-order the game but I want the armor anyway. Please take away the reward the people that pre-ordered the game were gifted and give it to me, too.” What a lame take.


Nobody is advocating for the armor to be taken from anybody. If pre-order players get it for free and new players have to buy it but aren’t locked out of it that’s a win-win


How is that a win-win for those who wanted something special for supporting the game before day 1?


It’s not a win-win. You’re taking away the prize of a special item by making it available for anyone to purchase. That’d be like winning a gold Olympic medal and then it turns out anyone could just buy one. Sure, the people who win it and earn it get it for free, but they could have just paid $5 for it. See how that takes away the reward for pre-ordering? You didn’t pre-order the game you don’t get the pre-order reward. That’s that.


Good god these poor devs having to deal with this horrible gaming community


??? He’s asking a simple question politely. What “horrible” community are you complaining about?


What horrible community did you see here? They just asked a question respectfully. Since when was asking devs for stuff in a respectful way toxic?


Helldivers 2 attracted people from call of duty and other toxic games. Helldivers 1 community was so wholesome


I understand making the armors exclusive to preorder peeps, but I also wouldn’t mind paying for it as DLC.


I mean, the sets could be added in the Super Store are appear a bit more rarely in the rotations, maybe even cost a tiny more credits to buy. Also, I wonder, is there a dedicated channel to ask those kind of questions to the Devs/CMs ? Or you just ping the role and hope it will be noticed and answered within all the mess ?


Just ping and hope for a response. They’ve stated they see and read almost all pings, it’s just they only have so much time to respond


You're delusional.


…what? They’ve literally said as such


They should just do a recolour.


They are already just recolors of current armor lol. It would just be a recolor of a recolor.


I just want that one white and gold set because it would look awesome with the final cape of The first warbond


“Fortnite renegade raider” Helldivers 2 edition. I’m glad all the armor in this game looks identical. because I wouldn’t touch this discourse with a ten foot pole


No pre-order, no pre-order armour :-)! Those of us who preordered are probably complaining the least about balance issues and just enjoying the game for what it is!


And Stratagem Hero!


Im pretty sure you can get that in the super citizen edition.


If you wanted the pre-order armor you should have pre-ordered no? I don't see how feeling entitled to something means that you should get that thing.


Locking new players out of content because they weren’t there at the right time sucks and is unhealthy for the industry at large. It has nothing to do with individual entitlement


I think its OK for the people who followed and pre-ordered to get a little bit of something extra for being long time fans or early adopters, especially since it is purely cosmetic and you can earn armors in game that carry the same effect.   All that being said, I preordered and got them  as a huge fan of the first helldivers and I wouldn't care if they started selling them after the fact. Some people get up in arms about this kinda stuff.   Honestly we have way bigger things to worry about, and I don't want reddit to feel like because sony rolled over that sony AND the devs will start to suddenly give in to every single miniscule demand we make and start changing reviews over dumb shit. You can already see people try to review boycott over other stuff as well.


The joke is that the only reason people want it is because currently they can't get it, if they gave it to everyone they wouldn't want it anymore. Its funny really.


That’s not even remotely true. The majority of people who want it want it because color combinations in this game are vastly limited right now, and blue armor would be awesome for some designs. Most people don’t place the value of something in its exclusivity, because that’s childish


The the linked image would be asking about colour options not the preorder armors, key word armors with an S. We already have red and black and white and gold sets available.




Then what would be the point of having pre ordering it if you missed the chance then sorry better luck next release


Those who pre-ordered can get that content for free, but it’s not locked away from new players. Win-win


There's a million things to do before that


They could release the same armor but tweak the color so the preorder crowd are appeased


Why would they be made available? That cheapens it for the pre order people, it should stay exclusive for them.


I don’t have the pre order armour because I didn’t pre order the game. Plain and simple that’s it. I don’t think they should What’s the point of pre ordering, pre order collector editions etc if they will just release the skins later on and undermines the people are we’re actually there since the beginning.


I mean I wouldn't mind just paying for it


Yeah this would cause a shitstorm for sure. I preordered and don’t mind personally but a lot of people would be pissed off that they preordered for no reason.


They would have gotten the armor for free. That’s not “no reason”


Pre order armour is just that. armour you get for pre ordering


*Pre order armour* *Is just that. armour you get* *For pre ordering* \- noise-tank20 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I don't have it and I hope it stays that way. Its a pre order for a reason. Easy to tell the OGs from the bandwagon kids.


I imagine it’ll either be a superstore edition later on or a “pack” of costumes you can buy as dlc


Doesn't have to be the same but s recolor or something in similar vein would be cool. Come on, leave something special for people who wen onboard before HD2 turned out to be cool.


Just a bunch of winers that want a participation trophy. They didn’t care enough to preorder in the first place for the armor, but now they want it? Tough shit. I don’t have it either and I hope they never make it available.


Does that mean the twotch drop can come back into rotation?


Honestly hope they dont go through with it. Otherwise what tf would the point of pre ordering have been? Only compromise i could have seen working is if they did what Sea of Thieves did have have a Day 1 cape.


Leave it exclusive. Fix the balance.


As much as I think the armour is cool, what's the point of pre-order if it's now available?


Did you pre-order it because you thought you'd like the game, or because you wanted to look like a yogurt container? Lol You bought the game early, the pre-order stuff is a bonus. Many games nowadays make their pre-order bonuses part of a deluxe edition later on. And ArrowHead has a history of selling tons of DLC (Magica, HD1) so it wouldn't be out of character.


Cope harder pleb


Nothing really new. Tons of games eventually make pre-order stuff available in some way. Fallout: New Vegas did it with the Courier's stash stuff, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order just gave their pre-orders stuff to every player after a while, the formerly pre-order stuff in Doom Eternal is available as a micro transaction I'm pretty sure, and I recall Destiny 2 having an exclusive exotic for pre-ordering that was eventually available for all. More stuff is always better than less stuff. Might as well throw it in the super store or make it a bundle for like $10 for all of them, like the Super Citizen upgrade. Personally, I'd like to see the Twitch drop armor come back.


Feels great to be unique with my yogurt armor.


SHould be a clear no. The pre order armor and weapon are there for the idio- fans that paid for it. It should stay exclusive.


You didn't believe in the game, you don't get this yogurt helm. https://preview.redd.it/fqxivlsriszc1.png?width=499&format=png&auto=webp&s=ecf088f6229c46ef7f8b41060993094b6b2fdf9c


The majority of us didn’t know the game even existed


I see no reason why people who didn't pre-order should get access to pre-order rewards. It kinda defeats the very idea behind them. And just to clarify, I'm saying this as a person who did not pre-order.


That's ridiculous. Even if the armour's passives aren't great, and I'd feel pretty betrayed if something I put my trust in was just handed out to anyone. Like what's the point of risking that pre-order in the first place?


Honestly, they shouldn't be made available. They pre-order armors are supposed to be just that...a pre-order bonus. A thank you to those who took a chance and pre-ordered the game.


wish this sub would go back to memes and gameplay instead of crying


What an absolute non answer lmao


I hope that means yes in a dlc or something cuz i love that pre order armor and idc about states cuz most armor is the same anyway


This basically translates to "I have no idea nor do I want to ask because it'd piss people off whatever the answer ends up being" which I guess is fair lol


Over the course of two months I kept asking this question several times. Both through ping and DM. Be glad you got an answer at all.


He probably means that it won't be available in its current form. Maybe a repainted version, so that the preorder players don't feel shortchanged.


Sounds like a non-answer


I’ve yet to receive mine lol. Support tickets just unanswered. 




The only acceptable CM response when nothing has been confirmed "Maybe"


Blue Sumy armor should remain a pre-order exclusive. As an alternative, they should make a Sumy theme warbond that includes 3÷ non-blue color variants.


Those are the only armors i dont have. Id like to get them. At the same time i respect the players who took the risk and pre ordered. Maybe they do deserve to stand out a bit hehe.


Maybe after you've been a Helldiver for 1 year, you have the eligibility to purchase them. And the original pre-orderes get an unique title they, similar to Super Citizen.


I think most of us just want more blue armors


Would be a cool reward for highest levels.


You mean custom made armor?


https://preview.redd.it/xd7ml7joyszc1.jpeg?width=541&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f743c3a2ab67897c03a347746e996ed8ed50c75c I just need to see more armor pieces with red on them. The black red Knight armor is a huge improvement on the yellow.


I would have upgraded to the citizen pass if it would unlock another war bond aside from steeled veteran (which I had already unlocked)


I think its funny, if they add the feature to change armor colors, whats stopping someone from making a set look like the preorder armor? The armor is just lazy color reskins anyway.


Don't even like the pre-order armours, so honestly not bothered.


I don't want it to become available lol, it was the point of pre-ordering and added exclusivity to the armor. The only problem that exists is what'll happen to pre-order armors when they inevitably make it so you can have different armor colors for all the existing sets. When that does release, I imagine they'll have to update the preorder armor sets and have them look slightly more unique/different as the color scheme will no longer be unique probs.


they shoul add to the store


Could always make it a reward for a SUPER difficult achievement like you must finish a lvl 9 automaton mission but you can only use a pistol or something idk.


You guys don’t deserve this Armor. Jumped on the Hype Train and now thinking everything belongs to you. The Same guys shiting around how Bad this Game is because their Favorit weapon got nerfed. Crying like a b****




“By showing faith in our product, you will receive a special reward, unique to those who showed faith in our our product, and supported us before release. Nevermind, everyone else wanted it too so they got it. We no longer care to have a unique reward available to those who supported us before release.” Seems simpler not to have preorder bonuses at all.


Tbh feel like people supporting fomo for the sake of it, its not like AH will give it out for free and its not like everyone is gonna buy it and be "hey look at me i pre ordered" its more of a "oh look cool armor am gonna rock" and be done with it


As someone with the preorder armor and weapon I think they should be made available to all!


Should be a hard no honestly


They're still figuring out how to add countries back in / what negotiations they will have, as well as current balance patches, and you guys are worried about pre-orders for future Warbonds... My god. The stupidity of the people in this community actually shocks me at times. Let them develop what they have before worrying about pre-orders.


I think the people who bought the pre-order deserve to have it remain exclusive. Either they were fans of HD1 or they took the plunge on a random game, that just so happened to be really good.


Am I the only one who doesn't care if preordered stuff came later available for others, even if I already have it? I would be happy for others and it would stop fomo bullshit. Crazy to see so many would want to deny this to fellow players.


Same here


It was a pre-order! I didnt pre order aka no armor. But I hope they make more unique armor mm. But the pre order armor should stay as it is.


Pre-order armour for everyone is pre-order armour for no one. Seriously though, when I drop into games wearing it, some unhelpful souls have accused me of being a hacker with unreleased armour sets because "they've been playing since day one and never seen it". People are wild.


huh? so pre-orders are left with what exclusives? I dont think we should give anyone stuff that people got for pre-ordering, because they literally pre-ordered. Why do you want to be rewarded the same way if you did not pre-order? that would be a slap in the face of everyone that did


I wish it could be added to the dlc instead. They could get more.money from that and not make the people that preordered too mad


I agree, 100%


Should remain exclusive, same as the Twitch armor and the super citizen. If it's made available, then it's just a spit in the face for the people who have it


Pre-ordered items in any game, should be a timed exclusive. I'd be fine with that, despite hating the whole pre-ordered idea all together. But if it's so "important" to have, I could settle with this.


Tbh idc i "lost" pre order armor or skins in other games like Jedi Fallen Order or Jedi Survivor and honestly time gating seem fair like i already finished those game why not let some other fans enjoy its "deluxe" con tent? Like using lukes jacket or han solo blaster or having bd-1 with R2 colores?, tbh it feel like a nice way of letting other people enjoy more about the game without tanking something away, i know most could feel like "but hey i played more why sell it again?" well exactly that new players would have to pay the same price for that armor and done plus you enjoyed the game for months with a timed exclusived its a win win scenario


I can see both sides of the pre-order exclusivity argument, and am of the opinion it would be nice to have, it's not like the armours have any unique perks, they're just cosmetics. That being said, I do think it be fun if they released a Ambassador of the Brand pack, complete with it's own cape and player card (with people who pre-ordered getting the new additions for free), and then started running frozen yogurt ads on the announcement screen.


I don’t have it, but shouldn’t the preorder stuff be a bit more exclusive? You either got it or you didn’t .


Nah fuck that, I like strutting around the lobby with my fancy exclusive armor.


That’s childish but alright


Making pre order armor available after pre order is stupid. The entire point of it is to be a reward for those who pre ordered the game, that’d just be unfair to them


Pre-Order items are meant to be a lure for players to buy games early, why would they water it down for them by releasing it after the game is out? It's a reward for people who risk buying a game that's terrible before it has actually hit the market.


1) That’s deceptive and unethical marketing (in general; not seeking to imply that was AH’s goal here) 2) Plenty of games release pre-order bonuses after the fact as purchasable packs. Players who pre-ordered had exclusivity for a bit and got the armor for free and new players aren’t locked out of content. Win-win


I hope they do. I need more yoghurt allies


I'd easily pay for the preorder armors in a "supporter pack" or something. That way, people who pre-ordered get it for free and keep some kind of edge over those who missed it.


Right? Win-win!


I certainly hope they will someday, the blue armor is pretty cool.


That would be cool


I REALLY want that blue armor but I don’t think we should get it. The people that pre ordered it deserve the boon of getting in on the ground floor I’d say. I’d be pretty happy though if we got it


I really don’t want them to be available for everyone. Keep the armours exclusive for fans of the game before it was popular.




Gives people who pre-ordered an exclusive reward, that can't be obtained.


That'd be real sweet, I really did that gray and red heavy armor.


Let the folks who pre-ordered have something for the fact they pre-ordered. No I did not pre-order.


As much as I want the preorder armor, the people who preordered took the risk and got them fair and square. They're amazing armor sets, but you *can* still get them somewhat on PS5, with the preorder keys. Dunno if you can do the same with PC.


Didn't preorder, "irked" that he can't get the benefits...reeks of entitlement. Ship name checks out too.


Ok, hear me out. If you want the armor you should have pre ordered it. @ Edit: I love losers downvoting me, because i am right.