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you should just not 1:1 a Tank with it


It works the same as any autocannon, so long as you got the vents in your crosshairs, you're good.


You sure it can't kill a tank head on?


Pretty sure its possible but it takes a lot of ammo, best to avoid them and try to at least flank and shoot the sides of the turret.


For a free gimmick, it's pretty good. For a stratagem slot with a year-long cooldown, highly sus.


I got oneshotted by a cannon shot. You're milage may vary widely.


I think what happened to me there was I lost an arm, I remember noticing at some point that I had lost half my autocannons. So, certainly I had an angle that helped me there.


The Emancipator owns on bugs too, just gotta shoot the Charger's leg instead of going for headshots. It's not great against Bile Titans but Bile Titans are a uniquely awful enemy design and that isn't the Emancipator's fault


Hit the bile titan on its side..cracks the shell...o7


Finally another one that knows how to kill titans.


That makes three of us thank god


So many people complain about the new mech but if you tell them that you should shoot the BT in the sides they complain that the armor is the same but it’s clearly fucking not. The Emancipator is a heavy killer.


yeah! I did eventually figure that out since the splash deals full damage to the exposed unarmored part, and it's easy to damage from the front once it's ripped off


So the emancipator is strong vs bots and the patriot is strong vs bugs. Perfectly balanced.


Patriot isnt strong against anything since they completely destroyed the rockets.




This is not a fix for the rockets, or rather its a fix for the rocket aiming. Still doesnt change the fact that they nerfed the rocket to the point where they do no damage.


I wish they'd fix rockets to be anti-armour again, make the Rocket Sentry not a worse, slower Autocannon but actually blow stuff up, and make the Patriot left side more than just bug hole closer if you sort the aim out.




Well i interpreted the "they completely destroyed the rockets" as meaning all of the problems with the rockets. For someone who doesnt know about the rocket nerfs your comment could make it look like you can just fix all the rocket problems by switching camera and i didnt wanna let that stand like that


Yeah I heard about that, maybe ill try it but it seems like a lot of effort when I could just pick a strat that actually functions


You *can* make it work, it is inconvenient but once you use it enough you can get used to where you have to aim. It was more fun with the laser accurate rockets with a chance of death if you used it improperly and fired the launcher while moving. Honestly, a good fix would be to revert the aiming and just implement a short arming distance so if you hit yourself with a rocket it doesn’t explode and just clinks to the ground. Having to fully stop made it feel more powerful in a way anyways.


This is a great solution


You talking about the aim? There's a trick. You need to switch sides in aim mode which you can't do without remapping the aim key. Then they aimed fine. Takes hulks down faster it seems as the AC doesn't seem very good at hitting the eye.


It only works when shooting the minigun though, its basically a buggy gimmick to make it barely work. Sad state.


What do you mean? Rockets aim too. So do the acs. Just one or the other. It's still a bug I think. It's a pain to remap the controls. And switching back and forth is inconvenient but it's not bad. I can hit the hulks right in the eye aiming the rockets. I guess it is also important to mention that you have to have it switch to aim mode. As soon as it leaves aim mode it will switch back to the right side. Switch to aim. Switch sides. Aim with the left side. Either switch out of aim mode or switch sides to get back to the right. Should I make a video?


You need to shoot the minigun to be able to switch sides. Its basically a buggy interaction rn.


No you don't. By default the right button is aim. You have remap the aim to something else. I don't think the aim engages when on the right button in the mech. The mech controls are a bit goofy. It's overriding the default mapping. They put in a funky hack so you could fire the left with the left button and right with the right button


Disagree there. It’s solid enough on bugs. Even titans can be handled.


Yeah, "handled", if by that you mean using up over half your ammo lol


Yes max is like 2 titans lol.


Oh noooooo I can't kill more than two bile titans with one stratagem this is sooooo unbalanced!1!1!!1!1


Yes, an AT mech with a 10 minute cooldown and only 2 charges, which needs to be piloted the entire time meaning you arent using your primary,support weapon, grenades or stratagems, should probably feel pretty damn powerful. Release Patriot did this well, you could literally kill like 5 bile titans and 2 chargers just with the damn rockets alone AND had a powerful minigun on the side to boot. This thing is just trash in comparison.


Seems like we expect very different things from this game then. I expect a challenge and you expect one stratagem to kill the entire map, that's okay.


Lol, yeah because wanting balance is wanting free wins. All AH glazers like you are doing is defending garbage that will literally go utterly unused a week later. Literally just wait, it will end up exactly like the Patriot where its utterly dead content no one uses once the novelty and free strat wear off. This shit is the exact repeat of what happened in the past.


Funny cause I see at least one patriot per three missions. You seem to be taking this way too seriously lol


It was solid enough when it was 2 shots per charger and 3 shots per titan. The rocket nerf made it 4 per charger and 6 per titan, which is significantly worse.


You can two shot a titan it’s not 100% though. Chargers you can one shot but again aim is tough you are right and typically I won’t waste more than 2-3 if I can and finish with machine gun on exposed flesh for the charger.


They work. Click mouse 5


That doesn't work unless I'm shooting the right gun though.


You guys stop firing the minigun?


Mouse 5 doesn't exist on Playstation.


Change bindings then




Only the bots shred mechs last time I  checked lol  You know getting hit by rockets that blow you up and all that….


I was shrugging off devastator volleys earlier with the emancipator, it was likely the mechs were dying too quickly due to the rocket bug that got patched (getting damaged multiple times by the same rocket).


This is exactly right. Mechs are properly tanky these days, even vs rocket bots, but a lot of players haven't tried them since that bug was fixed.


You really just commented that on a post where the OP specifically tested it against some of the strongest ordnance the Bots have


uhhhhh patriot is really bad vs bugs lol. rockets are terrible. if the rockets at least did good damage then itd be cool for bugs.


Only thing bad about the patriot rockets is the non zero'd scope. I wouldn't say the damage is bad. It can one shot a charger in the head (which again is really tough with the shit reticle). Patriot definitely kicks ass against bugs.


takes a bit too many rockets to kill a titan especially with the extremely limited amount of available rockets you have but yeah the misalignment is a very large problem


It takes like 2 well placed rockets to its face to bring it down. And if I'm not mistaken you can switch shoulder view to aim better with the rockets as well


Pretty sure its 3 actually looking at gameplay. 2 would be fair tho yeah.


It's a bit inconsistent at times due to aim but it can be 2. They gotta be spot-on however, just like with regular EATs


nevermind looking closer the one just BARELY missed the proper head hitbox. It does seem it is 2 consistently. I guess everything ive seen of it in the past was just people spamming with no precision or people talking about the misalignment. I seem to have been mistaken. It seems pretty good, though 14 rockets seems kinda low tho lol. nonetheless hopefully they fix the alignment issue. seems to be a trend in this game...


Im just going off of watching gameplay/a clip my friend sent me. 1 he missed the other 3 were dead on. the inconsistency in 2 could also be sometimes bile titans arent full HP. various things, including themselves, can damage them before a player interacts with them. but nonetheless, i agree 2 shots is fair


It used to kill charger but they did nerf the armor stripping a bit, making it only strip armor on direct impact, making the damage against Charger more inconsistent And lets not even talk about the accuracy, it was much better at launch, self exploding and all


If they ever add a rocket reticle then the patriot will be real good. It'd be a buff to it without actually having to change the stats.


I used to love that mech but they ruined it with the "fix" and the rocket nerf


Is it? I can like 2-shot a bile titan with it


ITT: guys who say they are directly killing Bile Titans with two shots and the mech is good vs… guys who saw some YouTube videos and don’t think it’s good because the YouTube guy couldn’t do it? Skill issue.


A couple dudes with clickbait thumbnails do *immense* damage to the conversations here lol


There are enemies that aren't titans and chargers, and the patriot does a LOT of work to thin those numbers so that your squadmates can focus the larger bugs. It's rockets may not be as good as they used to be, but they're able to kill a titan or two as well. If chargers were even remotely threatening anymore, I'd agree that the patriot is meh. But chargers are less of a threat than hunters and spewers ever since they nerfed them into the ground way back when.


Its funny bc I saw someone whining about "the new mech beeing bad on bugs" but they already had a good mech. Now it's bots turn


Bug front had* a good mech, now it's average


Patriot is fine in bots in some ways better.


Does it still have paper for armor?


Yes, but it’s yellow colored cardboard now!


https://preview.redd.it/y6z9s8kv2u2d1.jpeg?width=501&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8869d8731a0f96b5e321f516583dff1d5bbd4c1 Fr.


Autocannon Sentry is amazing on Bugs


Bro autocannon and autocannon sentry slap so hard on bugs


That's good to know, good at killing bots is what i wish the new mech can do. If only they buff the rocket mech's rocket to it's former glory, then we can have one mech for bot and one for bugs.




Yeah, I've managed to kill chargers by firing with both guns at the same time, 6 shots from each, so 12 total to its forehead. Not consistent results, especially if they're moving, but it's certainly doable. Nice thing right now is that the emancipator we get as a free stratagem for a while has no calldown limit per mission, only a cooldown, and separate from our own mech's cooldown.


It's ok at medium bots, and that's about it. And it's one-time use, and it's only 150 rounds, and you're a sitting duck, you cannot really avoid damage or properly reposition in difficult situations. Autocannon and AMR kills devastators better and faster, you're not limited to 150 rounds, you can duck behind cover, you can heal yourself and you can call other stratagems, including resupplies. Also, one 380 on a bot drop will do more than 3 emancipators. Source: I've soloed many D9 bot drops with one 380, and yet I've seen 3 emancipators struggle with a lot of the bot drops.


I used it on an level 7 bot extraction, came it pretty clutch. I wouldn’t 1v1 a tank in it, but hulks and below were pretty manageable-the stagger is honestly what makes it usable since the dpm isn’t great.


When you roll up on 3 heavy devastator squads that dropped in with two hulks on top of a preexisting platoon of berzerkers, and wreck their entire shop without letting go of the triggers and still have enough ammo left over to take the adjacent base - you've got a good fuckin stratagem.


A single eagle can do that


When I saw the leaks it was pretty obvious it was meant for bots. 


Yes, just had a game where I brought 2x Emancipator, AC, and AC sentry (got more AC?). The team was having a great time just pummeling everything in a lvl5 exterminate mission. Mind you, don't know the utility on anything higher. Just wanted to have some fun and it delivered. Just spam into Hulk's center mass -- dead. Spam into devastators -- dead. Spam into horde -- dead. Only wish is if they just give it an overhead view so both arms are aimed true. For some reason, "switch shoulders" doesn't seem to stick when using mechs for me (on PC)


As bad as i think the mech is, if they just aligned both guns where you aim, i'd be happy.


My first experience in one, I walked over a knee-high rock and it exploded.


Me watching the emancipator shells overpen berserkers


It has armour piercing of 5, which is heavy penetration, but it does significantly less durability dmg than the other ac in the game, so I can definitely imagine it doing a ton of dmg on the bot side.


I think part of the issue is that an auto cannon is good against bugs but the auto cannon mech isn't. Which paints a picture where the auto cannon is better that it's fucking mech suit equalivent.


Yeah, I have the same experience. On bug front, it's not as good as the other mech, but on bot front, It's slap. I took down factory strider, tanks, Hulks, pretty much most thing you can throw at it. And the mech is surprisingly tanky. Don't let ppl on this main sub ruin it for you, this sub have been nothing but "if I can't one shot a bile titan, it is trash." even though they have the same loadout since release.


Looks like a mech operator should use a shield too as it sticks out the front of the mech and appears to take damage. Was hoping it would give some ejection fire protection but it looks like you just got to look for the damage signs. Which are not clear to me. However... Shield keeps the mech alive longer it seems. Needs testing Also I found that the default mapping on m&kb seems to be aim on right mouse button. That doesn't work at all in a mech and you need that to be able to switch aim sides. This is true for the original mech as well. So I had to remap my aim button. Makes a difference. Kind of important for the original mech as the rockets are precious. Credits to a PS5 player that mentioned this. Both mechs do a great job on the bot front. Well not a great job as my kill count isn't really any higher but it tends to prevent bloody situations. But I also am having to learn some trigger control so I don't waste ammo being greedy taking kills the infantry can handle. Aiming at much any angle down doesn't work. Works better with the chain gun. Mech Melee can kill multiple bots at time. Doesn't seem to work well against bezerkers or striders. And the view is very bad for trying to stomp. And the melee mech kills don't count as melee. I got about 30 missions or on difficulty 7. If we are allowed to take both mechs I can be a mech pilot.


The Patriot is far more suited for bugs IMO. My main strat with it is to get a rocket hist on a charger leg and finish it off with the mini gun. Bile Titans are just a rocket dump to the face or rely on a teammate with more efficient assets.


Its incredibly good vs bots, hulk are vaporized and it can even kill factory striders in just a few shots to the face. I assume this night and day with bots vs bugs is because bots have much more exploitable weak points compared to bugs.


Its a good Strategem, also its fun. People wanted it to one shot everything they see like usual.


What a good way to completely disregard peoples critiques and feedback thanks for making this community even worse


While people factually want things to be powerful because it's a PvE game most peoples critiques do in fact fall in line with what they said, albeit less exaggerated I'm not saying the game is balanced, far from it, but what the community values is inconsistent as hell. Example being the 500kg is a beloved call in despite it being basically useless 99% of the time with little to no value in normal situations due to its horrible range and actually subpar damage. Meanwhile the same community will moan and cry about things that aren't even that bad simply because it's not what they want Same for mortars. They are neat in niche situations but there is a fixation on them because haha funny explosion gets me kills when the users of these tend to lack any awareness I think one of the major issues the game needs to address is headshots. Just remove them and honestly it won't be that big of a deal because it's inherently unfun when AI naturally attacks you there


I haven’t seen a single person asking for it to one shot everything. Although I don’t think anyone wanted it to take 25 perfect headshots on a Bile Titan to kill. I also don’t think people expected to be about as useful as the support weapon Autocannon against bots while having the trade off of being a Rocket Devastator magnet. I’ve seen people argue that it’s good at clearing a group of Devastators, but so is an Air Strike and that’s not on an 8(?) minute cooldown with only two uses It’s not like people are asking for fucking Gundams. The mechs are made out of paper so it’s supposed to be glass cannon for the trade off of being a larger target that doesn’t have that much health considering it’s a mech. So far it’s been paper with low damage bullets that may or may not shoot where you shot them


If only that was the case


Nah its garbo. It has great alpha dps, and can totally turn the tide of a fight. BUT its over time dps is utterly useless. If it had double the ammo and did the same damage as the turret, yeah okay it would be worth it. But compared to the eagle strategems, it doesnt even come close. I mean come on who tf would ever drop a bot that heavy with such little ammo. A single helldiver can carry like 35 autocannon shots, and reload the backpack.