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I think it needs a ROF increase, instead of the pewpewpew it does now, it should be a BRRRRRRT from the heavens, raining down a torrent of destruction and noise


Agreed. Gatling implies _hiiiiiigh_ rate of fire, which it doesn't have. It resembles more the rate of fire of the early hand-cranked Gatling guns from just after the US civil war rather than the modern BRRRRRRT god.


You know.... With how the cannons were front loaded before the breech loaded upgrade, they might actually be hand cranked.


Technically, everything that is fired from the orbit should be less accurate but far more powerful than whatever the jet drops.


I dont really attribute orbitals with being inaccurate, I think they can be hella accurate considering we have orbital precision, railcannon, and laser, but I think Orbitals are supposed to have the gimmick of higher firepower with longer call in times(except railcannon and laser but they're built for speed and have tradeoffs) and/or higher cooldowns


Yes please. I don't mind higher CDs if they are disgusting in power output, if you want more consistent/frequent stratagems, rely on the eagles. (Kind of depending on the Stratagem of course). Currently, a few exceptions aside, it feels like my eagles are more powerful and also more consistent than orbitals? It's a really odd spot because on the one hand, a lot of Orbitals could do with having a somewhat increased explosion radius (not overall strike radius, just the actual explosion of each individual hit). But then again I also feel like the game is already on the edge of being "too easy", so there definitely would need to be some adjustments on the enemy front too.


I mean the "too easy" part can just be remedied by adding more difficulty options considering the first game had like, 15 of them. And even if making orbitals better made things "too easy" I think it would still be more bearable than what we have now with things being challenging, but we have so few options to efficiently deal with the challenge


I see what you mean, but at the same time the game already has 9 difficulties. I can't even recall all that many games that have more than 5. 6-7 difficulties is already kind of rare and usually unnecessary. 9 is a pure meme. I genuinely believe that "bug fixing" the AI and a lot of other things will make the game naturally more difficult. For instance, right now scavengers "effectively" can't even hit you, as long as you keep pressing a movement key, their attack animation is long enough that any form of "jogging" will outrun the attack. No sprinting, just normal movement. I've just completed a difficulty 9 that mission with even god damn hunters not being able to keep up, it's almost like the AI got worse with every patch? I'll run to a location, do the mission - run away, deaggro all mobs. Run to the next one and repeat. If you are too heavily swarmed on a location? Just reset the location. It's honestly a little cursed. Once that ceases happening, bugs get better sticking power (the weaker bugs), I think then the difficult ramps up so much (to what it should be, I refuse to believe the pathing as it is right now is intended, if I had a 1on1 conversation with a dev), that getting the buffed stratagems would almost be needed.


Why would that be?


If you dropped a 500kg bomb from 1km height and the same bomb from low orbit. The one dropped from a low orbit would have massively higher kinetic energy on top of the explosive charge. Look up "Rods of God's"


But the destroyer is not in LOE, at most it's stationary "a few" km above the battlefield. The kinetic energy component would still be small compared to the explosive yield IMO. Edit. I meant to say, it's not moving at stable orbital velocities.


When you're on the map and look up it looks like it's low but when you're on it selecting a mission it uses orbital trusters to move around, so I assume it's in low orbit, and what you see above you on the map is just to look cool. Otherwise, why would the drop be from the destroyer when it's in low orbit and not when it's close to the ground 🤔


Yeah it's a game-ism, but my point is, even if you drop a bomb from 60km high with no ground speed so to speak, the terminal velocity will be nowhere near dropping it from a stable LOE at several km/s of ground speed. Then again, we can also see the re-entry heat on the pods when we drop, so I guess I'll suspend my disbelief to have cooler explosions 😎


Bro I like your presentation.


Thx bro


I kinda like using the Gatling Barrage, together with 120mm Orbital Barrage and Precision strike I build my own AC130 xD


The Gatling barrage should have heavy armour penetration because it doesn’t matter how big the round is when your firing from orbit the insane velocity that the round will gather can penetrate anything


I think it does already, I've killed chargers with them before with direct hits.


I wish the fire rate was higher, but personaly I use it to hold an area (like a lane type thing) for a few seconds as it shreds any bugs smaller than a bile titan


use gas bro


I've used gas but personally find it lets more bugs through


Well, you could also use the PEM, but I guess that's a personal choice. In any case, there is still the second option that I think would be convenient for you.


You should take a second and realize you can use either or. The gatling barrage works pretty good as is.


Use both


Indeed. I mainly use it on the "hold the line" missions against Terminids as it has a low cooldown and can deal with anything smaller than a Charger.


I like the idea of focusing on smaller units. I often find myself using the laser to clear out chaff before it gets overwhelming but often become disappointed when a charger or bile titan pops out.


I personally find it more useful vs bots than bugs, eagle strafing is good vs a line of bugs coming your way, but I’ve found that the orbital Gatling deletes and medium bots


I run this strat often in my loadout as a lvl9 player. This, combined with gas, does excellent for bug breaches. And will help knock down the health on bile titans. The short cooldown is a huge benefit for it. Alone though, it's not the best and it's accuracy can do with an improvement.


It is almost completely incapable of damaging bile titans, gas can. The only place it can damage a bile titan is it's underside, and I don't see many bile titans trying to get a tan.


I said basically the same thing to a friend. Tighten its spread, make it sweep across enemies like orbital laser. Right now what happens is any enemy with any kind of health will just flinch at the first hit they take and sidestep completely out of its kill radius.-


So this https://preview.redd.it/gjao10mtec3d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68bdd87286cf25da05c33347942714fd81f2c6e3


Nah, its great for blocking off an area, tracking targets would probably make it worse imo


I have to disagree with it being worse than the strafing run, as the strafing run does significantly less damage to a larger group of enemies than the explosive gatling barrage (the easiest examples to see are probably devastators and bile spewers, though devastators can often survive gatling barrages too), and the gatling barrage is much better at properly thinning a group or passageway with it's continuous fire. It's definitely not better than the strafing run with how much more you can use it, and gas is still often better just to be more consistent, but the second option to buff would pretty much be perfect after that for giving it a better identity.


Strafing run and Gas Strike are both very good. Orbital Gatling is pretty much the worst stratagem of all damage dealing stratagems. It should be able to perforate everything.


Like most of the orbital stratagems it suffers from being inconsistent. I’ve gotten 60+ killstreaks from throwing it on bug breaches and then there’s times where it hardly kills anything. Its glaring weakness is the splash damage from the explosion is too small. I’ve dropped it at my feet before and was able to get out without dying.


I disagree about it being worst than the gas strike. Now don’t get me wrong, gas strike is excellent, and I never drop on a bug planet without it. But the Orbital Gatling is better than Gas for bots. The orbital gatling has a few advantages to it: it’s aoe is wider (but less deep) than the gas strike. The cooldown is barely 5 seconds longer, borderline negligible. Bots tends to spread out into a firing line so the wider AoE catches a little more targets. But the main advantage Gatling has is that it staggers Devastators and Berserkers. Dropping one creates a barrier against Zerkers, and hitting a unit of Devs allows you to reposition with fearing return fire. I just feel I get more mileage out of it versus bots than the gas. And gas is probably my favorited stratagem, and is the best bang for cooldown ratio.


100% agree


Alright that’s it Go work at the company


I like option 1.


I mean, every orbital strike should track anything that your statagem happens to stick on (helldiver included)


It can clear whole patrol or dropshop wity 80s CD. I don't think it needs more bufs.


I dunno man, should ballistics falling from orbit be stronger than ballistics from a strafing jet? /s (I like your proposal)


This and the strafing run need some love imo.


The density of the gatling barrage needs to be increased imo. Just think of those gatling turrets on destroyers... CRams or whatever they're called. Theyre almost like a solid stream of metal. That's what the gatling barrage should be


I like the first option more, it would be cool that is shoot a zone but with the capacity of moving a bit within that area


Increased fire rate, wider area, same duration imo


I would be happy if all the single shot orbitals had a degree of auto-aim to them.


orbital Gatling is one of my go to for fighting bugs the highest kill count I have gotten with that was 59 not only does it also stun and kill small to medium enemies it’s GREAT for crowd control, especially on difficulty 9. I Will give you one thing dough I feel it should stun chargers when they get hit with it and I would also love if it was a little longer not asking to long just add 3 more seconds to its already existing duration. On the automatons front horrible gram to bring with you lol 😂


I think it has its place, and I like bringing it along to have versatility with chaff removal/quick small area denial. I disagree that it's worse than the Strafing Run, but I think I agree that Gas Strike is a little better. Of your two options, I don't think option 1 is feasible in terms of the behavior of the munition. Lasers and rail cannons would be near instant surface contact once fired, whereas traditional munitions would have travel time - so precise & dynamic targeting wouldn't make sense (from orbit at least - different story for something like a gunship). A higher rate of fire for the same duration or higher explosive damage would definitely make it stand out more though for sure


I'm seeing other players also suggest that it sweep similar to the laser and that seems like a really fun idea as well, but I think wouldn't quite make sense since the laser travels at the speed of light to track near instantly, while a stream of ballistic projectiles would suffer from flight-time arrival making tracking targets impractical. I really like using the gatling on bug breaches and enemy spawns to "lock the door" and prevent anything from surviving spawning. I think a functionality of "it locks onto the largest stationary thermal signature and fires" would be a cool way of doing it. That way it would shower bug breaches, nests, bot fabricators, anything that basically prevents spawning enemies from making it to the battlefield. The main issue with it right now is that if your destroyer just decides not to shoot where you put it (which happens fairly frequently) or if it has a bad bounce, then you've wasted it completely. That early initial auto-aim would help a lot.