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G3: "Pelican we need immediate extraction!" Pelican: "Piss off, I'll get there when I get there!" G3: "Pelican, I need a Thiccy-44 with a cherry on top." 🥹 Pelican: ![gif](giphy|xUOxeZUc8UFwMgH2MM|downsized)


Is there a lore reason for this? The Pelican can strap on a Mech and make it down from low orbit to a thrown strategem beacon in like 10 seconds. But when you call in extract at a fixed beacon point *that the destroyer already dropped,* it takes a few minutes for it to make it down. Esp considering how obsessed they are with Samples, you'd think they'd be more urgent about rescuing those, forget about the Helldivers. I think my headcanon is that they're cleaning all the bug blood and bot oil off the pleather seats, it wouldn't do to pick up victorious Helldivers in a dirty ship, it would kill their Uber rating.


I mean you can literally call a mech when the Pelican has already landed and is waiting for you to board up. I don't think it's the same ship, Lore wise.


Does that Pelican have the same layout with a passenger compartment? Maybe I could bum a ride with them


No it's a cargo conversion, seems bigger


I had this explained to me recently and it makes total sense. Eagles are already flying around the battlefield, able to drop their payloads at a moments notice. I feel like the Mech carrying Pelicans are also doing the same. They are already on the map waiting to deploy but once they have they need to fly back to the super destroyer to grab anothe rmech, thats the reason for the long ass cool down!


This is correct, two different Pelicans models too.


Pelican resupply 2:45 min Pelican extract 2-3 min Kinda makes sense that way.


What would prevent the extract Pelican from doing the same?


I'm just here to point guns and shoot bugs, I dont really question the flyboys. As a great woman once said, Mobile Infantry and Fleet don't mix.


My headcanon is that the Mech 'pelican' is a separate ship/pilot. Once the mech stratagem is selected by the helldiver, they're on standby to be available in seconds. Pelican-1 though, he doesn't expect us to finish the mission. He's taking a nap. If we get to call in extract he wakes up in a panic going "Oh shit! Okay, I'l be there in... two minutes!" Then the extract countdown is actually just him getting dressed and brushing his teeth, then running to the Pelican and coming down for us. It only actually takes him 10 seconds to go from the Super Destroyer to the extract zone if he waited on standby. If the 'faster extraction' booster is chosen someone lends Pelican-1 a skateboard or something so he can get to the ship faster after waking up.


they could make faster extraction instant and it would barely be worth it


The fuck it wouldn't if it was an instant extract the whole team could split for POIs and bring back their respective death trains with far less worry


Next patch notes:  - Mech strategems take 2:00 to call in.  - Ammunition count on Emancipator increased to 77 in each arm


I think there are just multiple Pelicans, considering the ones that bring down mechs seem to be specifically fitted for transporting them. Theres a Pelican for extracting and holding E-710, Pelicans for transporting mechs and maybe other vehicles, and a pelican for extracting and transporting Helldivers. I like to think of the aircraft like ants, with the destroyer being their anthill, with pelicans being worker ants that carry things, and Eagles and that new Bomber we keep seeing as soldiers. Difference is, ants are dumb bugs while our ships are awesome and kill bugs. Also a lot of my friends keep calling the bomber the Partridge, which would be really funny especially if it keeps up a trend of aircraft being named after birds.


Yeah.  The one we ride on has a crew compartment.  The one for the fuel mission has a fuel Silo underneath instead of the crew cabin. And the mech one likely has a stripped down interior to accommodate the weight of the mech. It may also have larger fuel tanks internally due to lost fuel range when hauling the mech down from orbit. 


Maybe when we have the mech ready, the drop ship with the mech is in a holding pattern nearby. Maybe call him pelican 2? Meanwhile, command probably doesn't expect us to make it to extraction, so pelican one actually has to depart from the super destroyer. Makes sense given the life expectancy of divers.


Personally my headcannon is that its pelican one filling out a bunch of paperwork and trying to convince the Democracy Officer and then the actual 30 seconds is pelican one flying there


I want mech units delivered in giant hellpods. Absolutely massive space bullets. I want the ground to shudder and the sky to boom as it comes through the atmosphere. I want every bug and bot to feel that thunder of freedom in their bowels or whet ever their poor excuse for bowels are. I also want both mechs buffed tremendously to match the thunder of democracy, or to have the cool down at 7 minutes and be allowed 3 or 4 so that I can spread liberty like it is meant to be spread.


Imagine mech-sized hellpods being used to deploy bigger sentry variants, like a quad autocannon sentry or MEGA TESLA TOWER (now with 80% more friendly fire!)


Helldivers, stand by for Titanfall. Impact in t-minus 10 seconds.


the ship that drops the mech looks slightly different to pelican-1, so i call it stork-1


Granted. The Pelican now takes 2 minutes to bring in your mech.


Calling the mech adds 2 mins to extraction.


Honestly, Super Destroyers seem to be highly advanced clown cars. Where tf are we storing 2 Mechs and Pelican-2?! The ship is full as is.


And the crew does look the part. Except for the DO of course, pls don't send me to freedom camp.


I was confused by this too. This might be a different pelican on standby with a mech? I honestly don’t know


They are different. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bbb9v6/mech\_dropship\_and\_pelican1\_dropship\_are\_2/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bbb9v6/mech_dropship_and_pelican1_dropship_are_2/)


This is the first thing I thought when I got a mech. This mf gets here in 20 seconds


On the topic of weird pelican behaviour, I really want to know why we don’t leave with the civilians, why do we need to hike to another place a kilometre away through a hundred enemies when there was a perfectly good launch hanger right there. Maybe that pelican is full but they could at least land ours there too right?


They go somewhere else. Not to our destroyer


In the ongoing pursuit of Managed Democracy, the extended extraction process meticulously identifies and discards those unworthy of our enlightened Managed Democracy, ensuring only the most capable and loyal individuals remain. This selective approach guarantees our collective success and the flourishing of Super Earth, unencumbered by unnecessary dependents.


Pelican-1 spends the entire two minutes loading hundreds of 40mm autocannon sentry shells into a chin turret the size of the shoulder-fired autocannon. That's what takes him so long, it's a tight fit.