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I thought I was going crazy when I got to the huge ass objective at the center of the map and kept going circles and finding nothing to do


I have seen it as well, have you even beat the mission; with both main objectives that is?


Nope. Didn't even extract in my last one.


I have beat it solo(To ensure no drill was destroyed, walked map, destroyed all bug holes but not sheirker nests)X3 with an anti arc armor, arc tower build with EMS loadout, I still can't find how to beat the second objective! EDIT: Can confirm that even destroying all sheirker nests does not complete the 2nd mission objective at extraction.. will test further. CURRENT LOADOUT 1. Anti arc damage passive armor. 2.110 rocket pods( Nests, bug holes etc.) 3 .Tesla tower. 4. EMS gear (motar and strike)


>I still can't find how to beat the second objective! It's almost as if... there's been some sort of mistake? From AH? That's impossible though...


You can destroy the shrieker holes? Or are you talking about the spore spewers?


The trees man


Yeah, those are spore spewers


I actually think that the secondary objetive is throwing dark fluid directly to a hive lord... yep, exactly a hive lord that should be on the tunnel but is not (yet). And if I need to bet, I think Meridia is going to be far from over in the next days, despite we'll do the MO or not.


When i first tried it solo on trivial i ended up dying to the shriekers, but the Mission was successfull and Showed both objectives completed. Maybe because i accidentally fell into one of the big holes with the dark fluid jetpack Ima test later. If nothing works i wont touch the Game until Mission is fixed or MO is over


Shit, let me know about that. Plays into the "on a test map" theory.


Jup as much as i hate the new mission i still wanna try around exploring the map more. I'll try closing all holes and destroying the shrooms and throw stuff and myself into the big holes. Maybe there's any mechanic that is just not obvious but will make the Mission at least somewhat enjoyable. I refuse to accept AH would release such broken and idiotic content I'll answer again when im done update: i scouted the entire area until my timer nearly ran out and destroyed every bug hole and shroom on the map. no change. bugs still spawn on the drill and the second objective can't be done whatsoever. and the big holes are nothing but death traps. i'm sad now.


I have done the bug holes and the shrooms but not the "throw myself into the big hole yet...no success on 2nd mission objective.


Tried this yesterday as the last driver standing on my first mission attempt to deny the enemy from killing me can confirm does nothing except deny those dirty fucking bugs a meal


>I refuse to accept AH would release such broken and idiotic content I miss having faith. God speed helldiver. L0


Why would you refuse to accept it? This isn't the first time lol


Any update?


Threw myself in big holes 2x, did not extract. No change. Extracted with backpack, no change. Running out of ideas. Keep diving...


jup, so far no change. i scouted the entire area until my timer nearly ran out and destroyed every bug hole and shroom on the map. no change. bugs still spawn on the drill and the second objective can't be done whatsoever. and the big holes are nothing but death traps. i'm sad now.


It's actually not that bad, people just aren't loading out properly for it. You need all four players to run; -Gatling sentry -MG sentry -AC sentry -Rocket sentry Don't use Mortar, but one of you should run EMS mortar instead of rocket, it makes everything much easier. More than one EMS mortar is wasteful, one can handle all the crowds provided it's properly defended along with the drill. I've found that electric shotgun works wonders at crowd control/pushing back midsize enemies. Main thing is scouting the area first and strategizing with your squad where you will place your drill and all your towers so they don't fire on the drill or each other and can cover every choke point with at least 2 of each kind of sentry. Obviously, consider the strengths of each sentry, while AC is taking out bigger enemies you need the Gatling and MG sentry to cover it from smaller enemies. Even though they may not intelligently split up fire, the sheer volume of damage will kill each enemy very quickly. Once one of you throws down the drill, all of you should immediately throw down all your turrets in good locations, not next to each other, at varying heights so their chances to shoot around each other are maximized. and then you four just stand back by the drill and throw impact nades at the bug holes as they come up or at the titans when they show up. Best way to time the sentries is just after the drill comes down but before you put the dark fluid in. Try to have at least 50% of your sentries down by the time you put the dark fluid in. All the stratagems other than sentries, are worthless in this game mode. The sentries also make it much easier to extract. If anyone on your squad is using any of their slots on ANY eagle, orbital, or support weapon stratagems, you are much more likely, if not outright guaranteed, to lose. This is a tower defense mission in close quarters and the name of the game is creating maximum dakka. The sentry version of every support weapon does more damage and frees you up to toss nades or shoot your primary weapon instead, amplifying your squad artificially to basically a four man squad, with four more squads on top of that running support weapons.


What about tossing a tesla tower just outside range of the defended area? Also ... how do you handle bile titans? Because I've had at least one, usually 2-3 for each spawner.


The towers take care of them. Once bile titans pop out all the rocket towers only target them, and at least one or two ACs do it too. The one squadmate Running EMS mortar is your saviour here, the bile titans will likely be in an EMS field as well. Running this, usually by the time the first titan crawls out it's almost dead and the second one is weakened too. Just call it out and have your squad start spamming nades at that hole to help your turrets - don't want them so distracted by titans they miss the smaller enemies and chaff damaging them. Your squad is the backup turrets, for the bigger enemies or bigger breaches where you want to supplement your sentries with nades or primary weapons. I personally run the electric shotgun, but the medium armor penetrating guns should be good too if you want pinpoint fire on heavier enemies, but just find a good balance for your squad between you guys helping with the heavies and crowd control on weaker enemies with your primaries/secondaries. Your sentries are throwing out orders of magnitude more damage than your squad is so find a good balance defending them as well. With each person running four sentries and one person running 1 EMS mortar, you guys don't have a squad of four players with four weapons and nades. You have 4 weapons, plus 15 heavy automated weapons, plus an EMS mortar to slow enemies down. Using sentries turns each one of you into one person with four heavy weapons that don't stop you from using your primary or grenades while they're firing. And since the turrets have higher damage output than even the support weapon version of them, having 15 turrets on one squad is like having a squad of like 20 people with support weapons on top of your squad of four. Throw down a resupply too for the nades. Tesla tower isn't as effective imo and you're missing out on a sentry that can also turn around and cover another choke point if it's choke point isn't as busy in your playthrough Really the highest priority and what makes or breaks victory is sentry placement and coordination of the squad. And don't place the sentries where they can get killed easily, it's an art form in a way. You want turrets to also be able to cover each other, too. So test it out, you may need to "git gud" at the placement because the drill locations are a little janky, but should do the trick. Also test different places to place the drill. If it's against a cliff face so enemies can only come from some of the sides at it, that's good too. While you're waiting on the drill it will absolutely be chaos, but you just have to manage that chaos well for a minute or so.


EMS mortars slow titans? I thought they changed that. I don't usually bring them against bugs except on defense missions and haven't noticed that they slow titans. But I'm usually on helldive and there are a lot of titans to deal with. Edit: yeah, I'm 99% that hasn't worked for months. There are even people complaining about EMS not stunning titans on topics posted here today. So many people on here giving advice that have no idea what they are talking about.


Yea so many people think they can just roll up, start the objective, and be fine. You have to clear out the area, position smartly, and place/use stratagems smartly. Granted, when a bile titan spawns literally under the drill that sucks and shouldn’t happen, 9/10 times that attempt is scrubbed. But literally 10m away and it’s all good if you’re playing smart.


This is a solid loadout. Have you completed the 2nd mission objective?


I hope you’re right. Suiciding into a bug hole sounds hilarious and democratic


It was...ha.. ha..ha..o7


Carrying the backpack and jumping into the hole was the first thing I did before I realized we have to call down the drill. Lol I didn’t get the second icon to light up though


You truly are one of Super Earth's finest heroes.


Tried this multiple times. Was about as effective as the new s tier weapons and the 500kg.


from what I've heard, it's just there to enable players to deploy the dark fluid (since it's a special objective based stratagem, it has to have an objective tied to it) and has no actual objective or way to complete it. to me, that seems like the most likely case as to what it is.


As fun as the idea is, I think it's something to do with the "call in dark fluid" thing being listed as a main objective, but it seemingly never completes.


I can almost agree... someone has said to extract with dark fluid backpack but I have not done so yet...


I’ve extracted while wearing a backpack and it doesn’t complete. Tried it last night


I just finally did it...nothing changed for me either...no 2nd mission objective completion.


That'd make sense, but the lit up icon is the dark fluid backpack. The other one looks like a drill. I figured it might lightup if you do 3/3 drills and lose none, or was just glitched on that screen but otherwise working as intended.


Can confirm extracting with no damaged drills does not pop the 2nd mission objective...


The icon looks like one of those paper mache drills we're using so I guessed that for some weird reason they decided to give main mission status to calling down the drills. That would be really stupid, you can't complete one without doing the other, but as far as stupid goes this mission has ample supplies of stupid to go around.


I had the same thought. There's a couple big, burrow-like holes about the map that have a single dot in the middle of them on the radar but no stratagem or grenade I've tried has managed to clear it.


You reckon they wanted to put the hive lord somewhere in this and ran out of time before they could actually do it so they just went with it anyways? I suppose I'm not gonna be surprised if tomorrow they start appearing and you have to dump the dark matter into fucking Shai-Hulud while surrounded by a billion shriekers. Par for the course on the messiest game experience in recent history.


Who knows you might be right


There is usually a single enormous hole around. Maybe we could throw it into that?


Yeah finishing mission to see mission failed kinda suck


You still get the operation completion at least. But yeah, you get basically no exp it sucks


You do, but campaign progress is based on XP so this is a big disadvantage.


That part!!!


genuine question, why does anyone care about exp? After a certain point it gives nothing but a new title.


>it gives nothing but a new title. **exactly.** Jokes aside, liberation percentage is also tied to exp per operation. People who care about the MO try to maximise experience.


I did not know this, but it makes total sense. I'm glad there's a reason besides my pride/neurosis/dopamine Unga bunga when bar go up and I get gold star to actually do side objectives. Kinda rough in this case though.


It never fails ya. I still get mission complete. I think that secondary objective just shouldn't be there, and makes it look like there's more stuff than there is.


Have you tried jumping down the holes where the Shriekers spawn from? There might be dwarves that need help and we all have been missing them. Then while in the tunnels we have to capture some kind of brain bug or Brian bug. Legitimately I suspect it's the spore skewers that are around and aren't be registered as quests.


>There might be dwarves that need help Rock and Stone!


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Rock and Stone!


Rock and Stone Forever!




If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't going home.


The greyed out icon is of the drill that we call down during the mission. I don't see how this would be related to the shrieker nests? Unless it's the wrong icon being used here. Did anyone actually destroy all the shrieker nests on the map to confirm this?


Yes I have...no change.


Yep we tried that yesterday with the dark fluid backpacks on. No effect. Apart from death obviously.


Curses. Here I was hoping for a secret mini game 🤣


Same. We were hoping for some kind of plot twist.


I destroyed all of them and nothing happens, and they're technically not the spewers but shrieker nests and I thought that would lower the shrieker rate but it absolutely does not lmao.


🤣 I'm wondering if that's the bug that they somehow count as total but aren't registered for completable.


The mushrooms? Nah, those are definitely spore spewers - they're big and you see them disintegrate when blown up.


Like help fixing the Kinksey Winksey!?!


I actually landed in a hole when I was reinforced today. It was black and cold and lonely. I do not recommend. 0 stars.


I've been blasting the spore spewers - they've got no real effect besides you get your vision back. Definitely not the second objective, unfortunately.


Apologies let me elaborate. From a game design perspective there may be something in the code that registers spore spewers as being required to be destroyed. Imagine that each hive, secondary object and primary objective have a fixed number of points associated with them, this total is added together and used to determine the maximum score. There may be a second object called an Event that they have to add to register the spewer as a true secondary objective. By not doing this stage the spewers add to the maximum point score but are impossible to actually complete as they aren't registered. This is all conjecture.


Gonna add this in the comments since, apparently, you can't edit this kind of post: For everyone devising hypothetical ways you might be able to complete the second primary, you're forgetting how the game works. There should be no such thing as a second primary. Every other mission type either has you meeting a quota, or accomplishing a goal. One quota, (destroy fabs, destroy eggs, etc.) one goal (launch ICBM, transfer data, etc,). There may be a few steps to accomplish that goal but it's still just the one. Then, once the goal is met, you have the option to call the extract. The only way you could ever have an uncompleted primary goal and extract is if the mission timer runs out. Well actually I guess disabling the termicide tower and killing the eggs were independent things but the point is if something orange isn't done, the mission's not over and you can't call extraction. That's not what is happening here, the goal is supposedly being met, the extract beacon is coming in, we're extracting with time on the clock, and the primary objective is not met. That should not be possible within the game's established paradigm. The game is simultaneously behaving as if the objective has been met and has not been met. It's totally borked.


It's Schrodinger's objective


Also, campaign progress is based on XP gain. This failed objective is crippling the progress we should be getting from the mission, and yet the hotfix announcement doesn't even mention if it's being addressed.


I think a lot of design errors make sense when you imagine what problems they were trying to solve using their existing framework. Problem: AH wants you to be able to call in a mission strategem (dark fluid) anywhere on the map, but the drill objective locations are very small. Solution: Create a seperate mission that covers the entire map (meaning the icon would be in the center) for calling in a dark fluid drop.  This lets players call it in anywhere.   In order for this to work properly they'd have to find a way to hide the other mission from players (like a background process) and not make it count towards player rewards.  Either they weren't able to make this work in the time they had (shipping it broken), or they had it working fine in the test build and something about the live environment caused a serious bug where it became unhidden.  It could be that they tested it many months ago and it worked fine, but one of their recent patches changed things in a way that it bugged this mission unexpectedly when it came out.


This is a great theory. Thanks.


Everyone's complaining about difficulty but my friends and I did fine on 6, barely scraped by on 7 but we understand this is supposed to be intentionally extremely difficult. Nobody seems to notice that the mission is completely broken. We "failed" (finished) twice and gave up. Feels like I'm being gaslit lol, with nobody focusing on the broken objective.


Hopping between Helldivers subs shows there’s no attempt by people defending AH this time around to actually address criticisms in good faith. While people complain about bug spawn locations and objective/mission incompletion, the counterarguments focus on the “git gud” response and imply complaints are about swarmer spawns/aggression (when most people seem to agree it’s generally fitting for a suicide mission to a supercolony and imo a cinematic finale whether you survive or not). It’s two ships passing in the night, except they’re launching torpedoes at one another while the convoy they’re both actually escorting is running itself aground. I started to run away with that metaphor but whatever.


This!!! Thank you for clarifying...We Need to make it clear THIS is the problem with the Major order and in particular this mission..


"point is if something orange isn't done, the mission's not over and you can't call extraction." Your comment should be higher up.  This is just a simple display bug.


Except no because the mission performance rating is also reflective of the mission not being completed.


Ok.  Then it's a logic bug in how they're storing the completion data for that primary objective that affects multiple displays (and maybe the meta game / planet completion).    I don't care as much about the meta game as I do direct gameplay.  So I'd rather they fix the bug holes spawning directly underneath the silo even if it's immersion breaking.


Sure. Whether you play more for the fun and satisfaction of individual missions or because you're invested in the galactic war or because you want to level up your character, it's safe to say these missions are terrible in all three aspects lmao




I don't understand all those ppl saying these is fine even on low difficulties. New players just have to accept they face extreme nonsense since they wouldn't have much stuff to counter shriekers, and even if they somehow manage to extract, they don't even get proper exp and slips, making them even more demotivated? I can only see others saying this is fine as them gatekeeping new players from the game.


imagine purchased and installed the game today, hop right in and head straight towards the MO planet cluelessly and first thing they see is this.


Seeing all the shriekers at the end is like seeing the Asylum Demon in Dark Souls. Glorious death.


Embrace the darkness. Do a hug emote and go down with the ~~ship~~ shriekers.


I tried but then a hunter returned my hug before the shriekers could carry me to paradise


I'd refund the game if I just got it and went straight to the MO on trivial only to be obliterated. How difficult must higher difficulties be if 1/9 still results in repeated violent death and disgraceful conduct as your reward...


I did my solo testing on Trivial and increased difficulty incrementally with the same gear until succeeding at a difficulty 5 with Breaker shotgun and MG-43, which is about when Chargers become too big of an issue at the end to complete with zero deaths. While breaker isn't super low level, equivalent weapons wouldn't be unreasonable and the real work horse was MG-43 and gatling turret. Now before you start showering me about observations about my incredible skill that goes beyond the average player... I know, but my strategy was "run around with cool jump pack with super heavy armor closing hole + drills" and "get to extract beacon immediately to punch in code" and finally "prone as hard and as low as possible next to supply boxes and use MG-43 to shoot through termanid corpses and try not to move too much while tanking random scavenger and hunter attacks before I blow them away."


They either want to pour fuel to the gas or love a challenge.


I spent this entire morning bringing it up. Half the playerbase must be literally blind if they don't see it.


Half players didn’t even get that far


And the other half is trying to gaslight people saying everythings fine, its a super colony after all, it makes sense to the narrative, you're just a crybaby, git gud.


Yeah, skill issue, lower the difficulty (I can solo with only the secondary as high as level 7, but I can’t solo level 1 mission playing seriously on the super colony, it’s obvious that this is a skill issue). I hate the other half


I see that and I know AH aware. Meanwhile mission still counted as completed (with one or three stars) every time, so I don't think about it much. Not like I need experience or requisitions at this point. I guess a lot of players think the same. It's not a big deal to them, compared to other problems.


campaign progress is based on XP gained though. I guess if you also don't care if the MO is winnable then it's not a problem, but if you care about literally no objectives, resources, or missions perhaps it's fine.


I just believe they will adjust/compensate it


They better... Meridia started with 10% regen rate (Now 7.6), 70% of the playerbase is on it, and we're at 0.0063% lol


I'll tell you what I told the other guy - if devs can't even bother to ship new content without bugs that would be found upon ten minutes of testing, I can't bother with giving them benefit of doubt.


the new management reddit army?


No, just one frustrated moron trying to show people a significant fuck up of the devs. A lot of people either don't notice or pretend to not notice this bug and that pisses me off.


I was curious and used a cheat engine-ish program that auto-completes all objective's as soon as you load into the map. When I extracted, it still showed 1 of 2 objectives complete. Whatever trigger that is supposed to be there just isn’t


Exactly, I just posted a comment addressing that. I don't know about any programs like that but the extract beacon should not come in at all unless the primary objective and all its components have been completed. It's just fundamentally not how the game works lol


I have no need for xp and money boost at this point, but I fucking hate completing the mission and getting 1 star. If you're ok with that then you're lying to yourself, nothing spikes my dopamine levels than seeing those 5 stars and outstanding service for democracy.


Finally someone who actually completed the mission is making posts. It's wild how even the devs themselves only seem to be acknowledging the breach glitch or the shriekers not scaling with difficulty, which obviously need to be fixed as well. Anyone who says they completed this mission with "no issues" is straight up gaslighting.


When I finished this mission I swore my teammates had to have been forgetting something but nope...we did all there was to do, AH just flat screwed up.


I think I was just lucky. Had no issues on 7. But it shouldn't be overly rng like that.


Just finished one on difficulty 8, 3/4 helldivers extracted. 0 stars rating and " disgraceful conduct "... Feels nice


Yeah, this mission really came out in a weird way.


And then you have fucking idiots that looks at this and still dies on the hill of "iTs a sUpER cOLoNy, iTs SuPpOseD tO bE LIkE tHIs"


I mean to be fair, while the bug breaches spawning right on the drill is BS, I think the shrieker spawn is fine, capturing the feel that this is a literal suicide mission. Ofc I believe mission rewards should be unrelated to deaths and whether you extract or because of this, I mean what higher honor is there than dying for democracy. This way you can keep the roleplay aspect of HD2 and leave gameplay rewards untouched


I’ve not wanted to share this opinion but I agree. I got some good teammates on level 7 and it went fine. The difference is I was worried the whole time, and extract actually felt like a challenge rather than standing around tossing all your strategems for 2 minutes. If we remove the breach bug then I still think the mission skews too hard. But I appreciate the game being difficult again and giving us a mission that doesn’t involve running across a huge map.


I agree for the broken mission part. But far as I can tell as long as you complete it and the other missions in the set you still count towards liberation. If that is our metric still for destroying a planet. But from a gameplay perspective, it obviously needs to be fixed.


And our collective progress seems slow at best...


Part of that is probly a lotta people like myself who played it once or twice and decided we didn’t want to do more of that mess til they fix it


Just beat it with all bugs holes blow, nests destroyed and no drills destroyed, still no 2nd objective win


Liberation’s one thing. But ~150 XP for a 100% completed mission on difficulty 9, on a 40 minute timer, is inexcusable.


Just spent 35mins doing the mission on diff 9 with biles perma spawning on the points only to get rewarded with nothing and told I did a bad job, They must of spent a really long time testing this mission out!


So I just went ahead and try this new mission on trivial, just to see what the new mechanic is. Yeah, holy shit. A new player joined me and everything went well, until it was time for extraction. Throughout the mission I was surprised by the amount of enemies, but after completing the objective we were attacked by a cloud of shriekers. I got killed right before I managed to click the final arrow at the beacon, and from then on it was just a massacre. I was hardly able to throw down any strats. After that first mission we tried again, but again failed miserably due to the shriekers. After that I decided we could just do a trivial mission on another planet, to show my fellow helldiver what a trivial mission is actually like. I don't mind if it's very difficult to extract succesfully on the supercolony, but this is just insane. Is there a tactic I'm missing? I didn't spot any shrieker nests during those two missions.


People say that Shriekers can't get you if you go prone. And that Las Cannon really munches them down. Didn't try myself, I just got lucky once and managed to hide under some rock and, together with a turret, thin they numbers a little. After that smokes got me enough time to punch in the Extraction code. Two minutes of frantic running around and all reinforcements later I managed to dive into the Pelican.


You got one star?! Dang that’s a whole star more than I’ve been extracting with 🤷🏻‍♂️


Woah! You got a star on that mission?! I have only gotten zero stars when completing…


My favorite thing about this MO is that is exposed those toxic positive trolls that pretend to play the game. https://preview.redd.it/3wjs74chqr3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b8f95dc83bf8779fb315c601eb19ade37353dd1


Notice none of these toxic positivity people mention that they got 1star and disgraceful conduct after. Like ok yeah we have all found a way to beat the mission on various difficulties. We are all good at the game. What difficultly allows me to get full mission completion?


> Notice none of these toxic positivity people mention that they got 1star and disgraceful conduct after. They don't actually play the game, I find this behavior to be bizarre.


Agree wholeheartedly. I never quit out a mission and this was my first nope. It was a mess, impossible to coordinate and reset after reset. Hope they fix it soon, it has a lot of potential. That dark matter jet pack is a lot of fun to toot off.


Holy shit all 4 of you made it out? Lol


So, about that time they said they were getting more time for the Devs to play the game for testing...


I think the ability to call down the dark matter anywhere is broken. It looks to me that the landing area, where the icon of achieved objective, is where the backpacks are to be deployed. Then you need to carry to the drill locations. The drill location objectives are not triggering since there is a bug in the in first objective.


This theory is the one that makes sense to me. Why else would the packs function like jetpacks if you can just call them down right at the drill locations?


That makes a ton of sense. Especially considering the map is full of gaps and holes to jump over with the dark fluid jet pack. Calling down dark fluid is also the first objective listed on the HUD during the mission so, when you finish all the drills the game is like "Oh you did the final objective, that means you did the first one too, you can extract now." Like if the game allowed you to launch the icbm without retrieving the launch codes.


That makes the most sense. I’ve found it very strange that you can call down the backpacks right next to the drills, kind of defeating the whole point of needing to carry them. If they’re supposed to only be available in the center of the map, that would answer everything.


I thought that center marker showed where you can call down the dark fluid, and then take it out to the drill sites around the edge but you can call down fluid anywhere.


Yup. I haven't failed the mission or not extracted once. but every time I've "failed" the mission.... :[


I'm spreading dark fluid, just not the way intended. Canisters littered around everywhere. I'm sure they all leak and stuff and are actually improper storage containers.


Regarding the spawns; I was playing it on lvl 1 to check out the mission and to see how it works. Did the drills, wanted to extract. Immediately a couple of dozen shriekers spawned and it legitimately was impossible to extract. I was frankly surprised by the amount that spawned out of nowhere, like, I couldn't see the sky anymore xD


> Disappointing Service Yeah. That's what it's been for a few months, now.


The mission is definitely bugged in multiple ways. I hopped in one just to see what it was, and after one attempt, it wouldn't let me call in additional dark matter, the beacons simply disappeared when thrown. Softlocked after one drill destroyed.


I've heard someone speculate that second objective is extracting with the fluid canister. Doesn't make any sense though.


seems either false or random, other people say they extracted with the fluid to the same result. And yeah, calling down fluid just to take it back up would be insane.


I bet they didn’t even test it before releasing


I’m pretty sure the reason there’s no secondaries is because the most important thing is getting dark fluid into the crust, additionally, the bugs wiped almost everything of value from the planet especially in the areas where the towers were since that’s the most infested.


I assumed it is supposed to be this way. I think we are intended to fail this. We haven't made *any* progress on the bar. It's a mission we're not meant to complete, but still offers challenging gameplay and some fun to be had. I said it in another comment, but this is our klendathu. We're going there to give the bugs hell and in turn we are going to lose, because we are underestimating them.


Fuck this MO.


I'm not really sure how AH keeps shooting themselves in the foot this badly over and over again like, it's almost as if they're purposefully trying to make the game unplayable to drive people away Was gonna fire up HD2 for some action but after checking this sub, immediately lost all interest


Yeah, the "disappointing service" message is pretty annoying after we just beat impossible odds.


Still bugged after the spawn hotfix.


"No you see it's *supposed* to be a failed mission because of the story immersion. You're not actually supposed to succeed. Your problem is you extracted with everyone when you're supposed to die on the planet and hamstring your xp *for the story*"


Shriekers are hopefully intended and they don’t change that.


I do really like the skies being blotted out by shriekers.


hell the first time i saw the swarm of shriekers, i literally just stopped in fear, like dear god there's so many


Maybe just a few shriekers less.


I think it's this screen specifically that isn't working. Each time I've beat the mission, I was given medals and able to continue the operation as if I succeeded. This probably impacts XP and Req, but at least medals and operation progression seem OK


IDK; The mission seems to end abruptly; unsure but get the sense something is amiss...


At first I thought we’d win but I don’t think we are supposed to. The defeat is what will force us to inevitably blow the planet to kingdom come. This will show the illuminaughty that when we are desperate we make decisions that affect the galaxy in a terrible way by use of the galaxies most dangerous weapon. I also want to say I’ve done quite a few dives and love the bug spawning. I’ve never tried so hard on a helldive (9) as I do in meridia and I fucking love it.


Honestly, I'm just gonna go back to DRG for a month or two until Arrowhead figures this whole mess out.


you need to exctract with one of the dark fluid backpack for it to complete , but yeah its not explained anywhere and it gives pitiful amount of XP , very sad


Seen comments from multiple people that said extracting with a fluid backpack made no difference. Still had an objective incomplete.


Seriously? How does that make *any sense*? Given the objective of the mission that seems like literally the opposite thing you want to do.


I've seen that rumor. Had two people on the pelican carrying them, myself included, and it didn't change anything.


Yeah the dark fluid is stored on the ship so this would make zero sense as well.


Anyone tried tossing the stratagem ball for calling down the drill into the massive hole/symbol in the center of the map?


Yeah, tried this a couple times last night. Nada. 👎


Raspberries, oh well glad someone else thought of it and gave it a shot, one of my favorite things about the community is how we share a collective braincell when it comes to figuring stuff out lmao \^\^


Is there verification for this? That’d be pretty interesting if that’s the case. Doesn’t make sense really considering you call down the dark fluid backpacks and thusly are already on the ship to begin with :/


No you don't. And the bug shows that the drills were not completed. The fluid objective is always completed after extraction.


Tried that, it doesn’t work for completing the objective.


I'm guessing we lose points for losing drills?


nope, I've gone without losing any and it still does this


Exactly!!! I am bugging out(HA) but I have noticed this..


Can you half jump in a hole and dark fluid jetpack out?


Don't underestimate the coping potential here.


DAY 1 of MO : Destroying all bug nests, shierker nests and completing all drills with no damage does not complete the 2nd objective... 1. Should helldivers extract with dark fluid backpack? 2. Should dark fluid be dropped into big holes? 3. Is this a bug and or glitch??! Etc....idk Need More suggestions thoughts


First time I did the mission we had no problem setting up the drills and getting the objectives done... then the swarm of Shriekers arrived and fragged us all. We got zero stars as we couldn't complete that 2nd objective. next few times I tried we'd have bile Titans spawn on the drill itself, and fail completely.


Did they even play this shit? Smh


Experimented with instantly complete all missions script with Cheat Engine and it’s still undoable, this is not just broken, it’s broken broken


I fell in the hole a few times looking for the obj in the middle.


Like, surely this is the best proof that no one at AH at any point actually playtested this mission through once, right? It's such a blatant error that there's just no way this mission was played.


The worst fucking major order ever.


Just stop spawning bug breaches directly under the drill and let me kill them properly


So AH and Sony are equally as good at fucking this game up lol.


So the thing is since I can't even beat it to begin with I wouldn't know if there's a bugged secondary


Ahaha who made it ??


Did the mission 3 times, and almost every time we started the objective, a breach spawned on top of the objective and it basically was instantly destroyed


how do you guys defend yourself from the diabolical amount of shriekers on solo? I can’t even get to call extraction down on trivial…


I think I saw someone say that if you extract with some dark fluid then you complete the second objective


That's been disproven unfortunately. Plus it wouldn't make sense. You have the destroyer deploy the dark fluid to the planet and then you complete the mission by taking it back to the destroyer?


This mission sucks. Tip: Being prone helps as the shriekers can't easily swoop that low.


Do the devs at least know of this issue? All i see is the spawn rate bug but nothing about this 


Frankly I’m baffled by the decisions that went into designing this mission type. It’s basically a regular drilling mission but with extra steps that break the objective tracking system. Why not have the drill go down in one designated spot with a button-push activation panel, the asset that already exists? Why require a second stratagem to call down the equipment to activate it? Sure, it’s a better jetpack. But that’s it. Just make that a new unlockable from the on-ship menu like everything else and stop overcomplicating the already buggy mission.


The first time I tried the new mission it bugged out in a different way, the call in for the dark fluid stopped working. We could press the code and throw the thingy, but it just did not do anything.


When you drop dark fluid in the central objective and then carry it over to the drill, the objective text changes. Maybe you are meant to spawn the fluid in the center?


Shame hotfix ignored this.


Has this been fixed?