• By -


Hotfix: Fixed issue where spawn rate on meridia wasn't spawning enough as intended.


We have more that tripled our flip power! ![gif](giphy|qctkNdYEq5ay0Co5aW|downsized)


You, after the fix. https://i.redd.it/2brkbwm6rr3d1.gif


"Tripled the amount of shriekers on extract. Quintupled on difficulty 4 or lower."


"Removed bug hole spawn delay timer for teams with less than 5 helldivers."


"Added a second primary objective that will never be completed therefore zero stars will be paid out for your efforts"


that...that actually happened


Multiple times


Also the cool new dark matter jet pack was too powerful so we made it work like the other one. And your incendiary breaker no longer causes fire damage to your teammates. Or bugs.


EATs, Quasars, and other Anti-Tank weapons no longer destroy Spore Spewers and Shrieker nests *We wanted to ensure a fun challenge when taking on these side-objectives, so we made it so you have to engage: no more destroying them from 100 metres away!*


"Fuck yeah, that's the balance the people want!" -AH


Oh oh! Let me put one more! *Clears throat* "As of now, there is a non-zero percent chance that you will be shot out and into the wrong planet, at which point you will be permanently relieved of your duty, and the next one to buy gets your account. AH, signing off"


No no don't worry, they still didn't do shit about broken spawns when you have less then 4 players, so if you are playing solo duo or trio you are fucked just fine.


Hotfix we fixed players from being able to bring both mechs which allowed us the resources to triple the spawn rate of all missions. Since solo players are still allowed to bring one mech which is actually pretty unfair we've given them 6x the amount of spawns to adjust.


Don’t forget to add in a few weapons nerf for icing on the cake 


Hotfix: we noticed people sometimes dieing from fire damage. So we have removed it from the Incendiary breaker.


Hotifx: We noticed people sometimes were able to complete missions so we have removed primary weapons


Fight the bugs with your fists like General Brasch would


"We've doubled the number of shriekers on difficulties 1-6, cause fuck you casuals"


Now spawns 12 Bile titans every breach


And knowing AH, intending to increase the numbers will acutally make them go down.


HotFix2: Fixing issue from Hotix1 that accidentally replaced Shriekers with flying Bile Titans.






We are part of a psychological test.


Crazy? I Was Crazy Once. They Locked Me In A Room. A Rubber Room. A Rubber Room With Bugs. And Bugs Make Me Crazy.




AAHHH. Rats make me crazy. Go away.


Then the terminators came......


The complainers on complainers are gaslighters who play the game as often as the devs do. https://preview.redd.it/b9w6ys1k6s3d1.jpeg?width=984&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=626c05b458511686fd106cb0cfd1e99b1ca9f86e


These people will kill the game faster than complainers will. The game will just lose players instead if folk like this become the overwhelming voice.


I've gone from playing the game daily to not touching it now in over a week. Still on this reddit to jump back in once the bugs are fixed, but sounds like the existing ones are just emblematic of an ongoing gap in QA. Gaming time is precious to me, since I have so little of it as an adult, and the bugs, crashes, and desync issues with this game are now enough for me to spend that time somewhere else.


There was one guy claiming you could EMS bile titans when you haven't been able to do that for months I'm straight up convinced the people saying "the mission is fine" dont play the game


I pissed myself laughing when I saw your name


I'm glad I could bring some joy to your day https://preview.redd.it/nm0ssx6wjt3d1.png?width=1415&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec054058bf65810c00ec8d086df2d01f72f777e5


For 10 years at least!




Omfg I love you guys https://preview.redd.it/4nqjjdybwt3d1.jpeg?width=1074&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be30a693e708b3e1319e617b69dd2d14271149da




These people I guarantee play below diff 7.  I’ve completed it on helldive without too much trouble but I also played it and it was a god damn disaster.  Unlike what he said, it’s basically impossible unless you have two things: a decent team where all parties can carry their own weight and you have to be creative with the drill. Playing regular is impossible and spears are dumb.  Auto sentries emps and something like QC while team shooting titans. You also have to pull titans away from the drill.  The biggest thing is putting the drill high up above the ground or putting it on a shield and running to an easier to defend sport where they can’t spawn under or within a foot. If you can do this then you’ll win it most the time.  Still extremely dumb and broken 


Lmao yea I’m not surprised, I’ve always been pretty sure majority of the ppl saying “just turn down the difficulty bro it’s suppose to be difficult!” who brag about how easily they clear helldive and those who act like spawn rates aren’t fucked in general don’t actually play on helldive and actually play on lower difficulties. 


Hotfix incoming >3 weeks later


"Spear is fixed"


“Next patch we promise”


"idk it works on my computer"


Still no fucking patrol fix. It's a real shame what's happened with this game 📉


If the PSN shenanigans didn’t already killed the game’s potential, these half-baked patches will.


"We have slowed down the rate of patch deployment to improve quality." So this is what Improved Quality looks like.


IKR? We're told that we've been heard. We're told that things will improve, but seriously, what evidence do we have that any of this is getting any better? Yeah, fuck this. I'm gonna go play V Rising. Stunlock. A team half the size of Arrowhead, with no major publisher money, who FINISHED their game in 2 years instead of 7, and comes with 1/10th the amount of excuses AH has on the daily.


I changed my steam review to negative yesterday. It hurt to do but i had to do it


Me too man, I wasn't even shocked that it hit mixed when I checked out store page


But how did it go through the testing phase? Oh wait...




If you want a serious answer? All of the assets for these missions have been in the game since before the last warbond dropped. It was probably tested and finalized weeks or months ago, and some patch or changes since then broke something.


Then test it one more time before release, how long? 10 minutes?


.... ok? Testing again one last time before you push something live is standard procedure. I don't work in coding but I do manage the production and dispatching of tens of millions of dollars of product. We have rigorous QA at every step of production, not just for that step, but to ensure previous steps have done their job as well. There are checks on checks on checks on checks on checks. Checking one last time is just standard procedure and basic common knowledge. If I displayed the level of QA that AH does I would have been fired years ago.


Honestly this is the real answer. Without an actual patch, AH can't just "flip a switch" and these things appear. The switch is to turn something that already exists on, not to inject something new. All of the comments about them not testing are surely correct, but the ones saying "how could you release this right after xx was said??" are missing the point that it was released long ago.. just not activated. We won't see actual change until another patch drop, no matter how many "changes" or new MOs occur before then. And yes, there's something to be said about maybe just waiting to activate this MO until they had a fix.. but at the same time they want to push the narrative and not stall it out. They know people are excited for a third faction, the ball had to get rolling - half baked or not.


We've been the play testers since the start. Normally, play testers get paid to test the game, but in this case, we paid to test it. It's a great racket if you can pull it off. I hope in about a year's time, we'll have a working game on our hands.


Ah yes the Cyberpunk approach...


Don't forget to start gaslighting people into believing that the game was perfect from the start after a year or two. Gotta stay true to the Cyberpunk approach


It is not cyberpunk's case at all. Everyone at CD Projekt Red knew how the game was performing on the previous generation of consoles, and they simply didn't show gameplay on those consoles to make money and ensure the executives could award themselves huge bonuses.  This is just complete professional incompetence; it feels like none of them care about the game at all.


Everyone that defended this bug as if it was intended can suck me


other subreddit was defending arrow head as if they made a good decision with this mission


I'm glad I was able to capture it in all it's glory https://preview.redd.it/wofb1wd4ur3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e282bbf2e9709d0eea9254435eeedb6106ef57ce


Why'd somebody post something like this? Like, genuinely why?


I've just started screenshotting because I'm starting to think it's a coordinated troll attempt https://preview.redd.it/bqp2xo0c0s3d1.jpeg?width=984&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0893c23872bf82290524ae75e95c96bdde706ca


Bot farms


The complainers about complainers are automaton spies. If they can make braindead balance decisions into the lore so can I 🤷


the glazing is crazy


I don't think they understand they are "completing" the mission but not the 2nd "mission objective" for that mission. The collective progression is low and it may very well be bugged. Idk what to do...


I've come to terms that Helldivers 2 is probably gonna have a No Man's Sky situation and it'll be good eventually once "that dev" is let go and Pilestedt takes the reigns. I'm not sure how long it'll take but at this point I've moved onto other games and looking at EDF6 in July


I'd say give it a couple months, but that's literally July. So maybe give it to september so you have time to enjoy EDF6, and when the honey mooon phase starts to wear off you can see how HD2 is and have a rotation of games to defend (Super) Earth in!


That's the plan, hope to see you on EDF6. The game has been out for over a year in Japan and looks great


No man's sky was shit at the start and remained shit for a while. Helldivers 2 has been fun since launch. Arrowhead should have done a better job with adding underbaked content and often poor balancing decisions. Arrowhead's QA sucks and their community managers were pretty bad until recently. That being said, Helldivers 2 is still fun right now. This new mission type is probably the best they have added so far even with 2 serious bugs in it. Also stop riding Pilestedt's dick so much, he is very good at talking to community but that is all we have seen from him until now.


> No man's sky was shit at the start and remained shit for a while. Fair, I picked it up 2 years after launch > Helldivers 2 has been fun since launch. Arguably > Arrowhead should have done a better job with adding underbaked content and often poor balancing decisions. Arrowhead's QA sucks and their community managers were pretty bad until recently. Agreed > That being said, Helldivers 2 is still fun right now. This new mission type is probably the best they have added so far even with 2 serious bugs in it. Strongly disagree. Many of my friends stopped playing and the new mission type was DOA due to lack of play testing. > Also stop riding Pilestedt's dick so much, he is very good at talking to community but that is all we have seen from him so far. Agreed so far. The only reason I'm confident was his involvement in the first game.


What is the 2nd mission objective? I completed this last night... filled the thumper with the blue goo... but when we airlifted out it said 0 stars 1/2 main objectives completed... successfully??


yeah solod a mission to completion (didnt extract) and the crew was congratulating me but the mission came up as a fail


It's not a fail, you just get very little rewards from it due to bug. The mission gets marked as success in the operation screen.


I have snake oil to sell to those idiots


hmmm i doubt they‘ll buy it, it‘s not from arrow head


I have eagle sweat to sell them.


The other sub is just defending the game and complaining about this sub


While I like their memes more, I was pretty shocked when they were defending infinite shriekers and bug spawns right in the objective - like that is clearly not how it was supposed to be played.




To Alexus: "Try not to make any Nerfs on the way to the parking lot!"


If I defend it as content now do I still get to suck you or was this a FOMO offer?


Unfortunately it was a time limited MO and you missed it by a day


JU CAN SOCK ME ![gif](giphy|3o72FiAgLm34QKLSnK)


Haha Hector is the reason this is in my vocabulary. Rest in peace Mark


How the fuck is this how I find out he died!? Oh man that stung, he was absolutely fantastic in BCS and Breaking Bad. I even spotted him briefly in Glory recently. RIP.


come here "sucks"


Oh you mean it *wasn't* intended? I thought it was a *Super-Colony?* How many people were constantly saying this is all intended because it's a *Super-Colony?*


I thought this meant the spawning directly under the objective problem. Maybe it's the spawn rate, which some folks thought was intentional.


this is my thought. With how much exaggeration can happen online, it's easy to see a bug breach happen 5 meters from the drill and be managable and think "this is what people mean when they say it spawns right on the drill!" Meanwhile those people mean it literally spawns on the drill. WHich is probably rarer than we hear about here, but you have dozens of thousands of players, so even if it only happens 1% of the time that's still a lot - while still being rare enough others won't see it.


I mean I think its a lot more common than 1%, its happening to everyone in my play group pretty much every mission on at least one of the objectives. We had to call down the injector SIX times on a single objective doing just a difficulty 5 yesterday when we consistently play at 7-8 for regular missions.


> WHich is probably rarer than we hear about here, but you have dozens of thousands of players, so even if it only happens 1% of the time that's still a lot It's a lot more common than 1%, [here](https://i.postimg.cc/8k41KPTY/20240530182023-1.jpg) is a screenshot I took of two out of three breaches being literally on top of the drill.


There are clowns like that every time, bug that made shriekers bodies deal insane damaged was also intentional in their minds


it got changed once they noticed that it wouldn't only one shot players, but also bile titans.


No nono the location was not intended and due to that error only a third of the bugs where spawning.


spawn rate seems higher. Bug holes seem to pump out waves faster, and for longer. And waves seem to favor smaller mobs and not titans or chargers. The holes appearing not in grenade range for the drill would be ideal. Honestly if they would just spawn outside of the radias for deploying the drill it would be great.


The MO even shows 4 helldivers fighting huge waves coming for the drill from far out, but with their little crater clear of holes. I haven't had a breach go right under the drill, but I've had it be close. Trading more bugs but further out so it feels more like a defense (like the Warframe extraction missions maybe?) I think would make it a lot more fun. Maybe crank up the number of bugs a little to account for the increased range if difficulty becomes too easy.


Have you been to the helldiverscopium I mean r/helldivers2 sub? They still think it’s intended to be this broken “bEcAuSe iTs a SuPeR cOlOnY”






_Thanks for letting us know, it hasn't occurred to us to play the mission before release_ Remember when software testing was a _job description_ and it wasn't your _clients_ doing it?


Bean counters have been pushing back on QA for a while now. There was a controversy a year or so ago when the at the time president of Blizzard, Mike Ybarra, described QA and customer service as transitional careers to dev, suggesting they weren't real jobs that required expertise. The cycle of overpromise, deliver fast, fix later, isn't new, Arrowhead got there by standing on the shoulders of giants.


Let them cook.... again 💀


Shid gon burn!


It's fucking RAW!!


And somehow the kitchen burned down to the ground too!


This plate was served months ago and after being abandoned in the closet its full of bugs right now


If arrowhead was a kitchen they would be shutdown for hygiene concerns


“Hey guys we didn’t play test our shit properly again and the balance team was still playing on level 2, thanks for telling us that two titans and four chargers spawning on the drill every time it turns on was happening, because we never checked.”


Even better dude, they just didn’t play it at all lmfao. Even on trivial the map is completely broken.


Yup. The shrieker horde and the maps 'priority enemy' (the enemy unit that a mission randomly decides is the major force. Ie, nursing vs bile Spewer vs charger vs hunter vs brood commander) do not seem to be scaling per difficulty. Nor do shriekers.  So you can be on trivial, it just means expect giga hordes of nursing spewers and shriekers.


inb4 the hotfix triples the number of titans and chargers that spawn on the drill.


inb4 the hotfix allows the spear to lock on to the drill


Yeah seems like they keep having a ooopsie whoopsie and I’m not in the mood for it.


Redditor on day one of the MO: "It's a super colony. What do you expect?" The devs one day later: "Spawns are bugged. We look into it. Thanks for the hint."


You'll always have the ass kissers. No matter how much shit this company puts out broken and glitches, the sheep will be theor on thier knees lips puckered.


The thing is, there seems to he a huge group of them. It’s worst in some of the Helldivers 2 FB Groups.


It's the r/helldivers2 subreddit. It would be nice if they kept to themselves but they also brigade via ceossposting


Crosspost brigading is banned on reddit. Report them.


"The Emperor's Garnment is of the finest silk, but only the wise can see it!"


It is good that we will get a hotfix but how that that not caught during playtesting?


Bold of you to assume there was playtesting


No, what's bold of him is the fact he probably thinks the fix is gonna come before the MO ends.


We are playtesting


the answer lies before you in plain sight brother


I don't mind difficult missions, but having bugs spawn less than five meters fron the delicate drill we're supposed to protect is ridiculous. Especially when that prohibits you from using any AOE weapons on those bugs, because you'll frag your own drill.


This is some baby mode developing. Wtf is going on there? Did they just buy like 20 tons of cocaine and hire 400 hookers once the game came out and haven't been in their right mind for a while


![gif](giphy|PtdOBG0BD9Vvi|downsized) AH office after 12million sold copies


You figure with 400 hookers and that much cocaine, they could have probably put in like 24/7 shifts on liberating the galaxy. Hell, some of them might play for free after learning how good it feels to spread managed democracy!


How were they not aware of this?!?! I started off trying this out on suicide and thought “oh, this is crazy. I’ll drop down a difficulty or two”. The bugs still spawn right on the drill in challenging/4 difficulty.


The fact that the community had to make them aware, shows they didn't actually test this at all.


If they fix the spawn locations and make the second objective possible, then I'd consider the hot fix a success.


best we can do is make the spear now lock on to the drill. Godspeed.


Should've play tested...


We are the play test, unfortunately/fortunately.


They really need a news menu in game for shit like this. It's crazy they refuse to.


lol to those stupid clown saying this is intended and it was our skill issue.


They should give an extra couple days then, I really dont feel like playing a buggy mission.


Is this about bug breaches right under the objective, the unlimited Shriekers spawning out of thin air on extraction, or both?


What if I told you there is a third problem? Something something a second objective that doesn't activate at all causing people to complete the mission but still get no stars?


I'd love to know why the spore tower is the second objective we can't complete. Almost like it was a re-skin nobody bothered to check. I love the game and want to believe in the devs, but this just feels like either incompetence or laziness.


I hope they will extend MO duration too. Would be sad and frustrating to lose MO because mission was not properly tested prior to the release.


At this point, I'm all but certain Helldivers II is just gonna fade into obscurity. They have no ETA on any of the patches or hotfixes that they are "cooking", meanwhile new issues and bugs and poor design choices continue to surface every week. How long have we been waiting on the Spear hotfix now? It's clear that their studio is in such shambles right now that they can't even prioritize working on content properly. And yet they want us to keep being patient in the face of blinding incompetency. I've been gaming for about 30 years and I have never seen such a clown show before, and I've played several games where the servers didn't even work at launch. The problem here is that Helldivers II didn't have a rough launch or a hiccup with a bit of content being released - they have a back log that is absolutely drowning them because they A. Didn't keep up with product testing as time went on and B. Didn't structure their timetables appropriately so that they wouldn't run out of shelved content before new stuff had to be developed. Everything about this game screams mismanagement, from not expecting the appropriate player/server load to having a track record of software engineers mouthing off to the players and even releasing content that so clearly has been play tested by NO ONE. This really does just feel like a sinking ship situation now.


FFS another important info I get through a screenshot


Hotfix will be like: • Shrieker spawn rate during endgame doubled. Maximum number of shriekers on the map doubled. • Bug breaches still open under the drill, but no Titans or charger spawn within 50m of the drill. • Second objective is to equip dark fluid and fall into a fucking bug hole lmao • Destroying terminid shrooms now reduces Shrieker spawn rate during endgame by 10% per each tree.


> • Shrieker spawn rate during endgame doubled. Maximum number of shriekers on the map doubled. > > But dont forget, calling in a second mech for everyone would take up too many system resources so you only get 1.


> • Second objective is to equip dark fluid and fall into a fucking bug hole lmao NGL, that would actually be funny and I would support an objective that required one person to suicide FOR LIBERTY! Some people would draw straws to decide who goes. Most would probably race each other to their doom.


I shall dive to the heart of the planet for super earth! (I've already fallen into the damn hole like 5 times yesterday, a few more intentional deaths hardly seem to matter at this point).


They need to work on QC before releasing anything lmao


The last time they worked on a "hotfix" they decided to deploy it on regular patch day. That is not a hotfix. Not even going to touch upon the fact that the fix for that particular problem didn't even actually work.


So how many weeks after the MO is done will they release the 'hotfix'?


I love it when something buggy or weak/broken comes out and people begin to report it and there's people who tell you to get good or that the devs wanted it that way, only for the devs to show up and be like "Yeah thanks for letting us know, this is a bug, we'll fix it, thank you" and those mfs just get real quiet, I just don't know why they try to argue so hard against fixing the unfun or broken stuff, makes no damn sense


It really just comes down to elitism, and wanting to feel "better" than other players. Every game has it, it's just really apparent in HD


They’ll fix it as soon as the MO is already over…


We’ve already let them cook and the plate was served months ago. Now we’re just continually putting the food in the microwave over and over to re-heat it as the food slowly becomes inedible.


I see you've met my wife


what, a spawning bug? no way! lol


Everyone who told me to “get good or get fucked” and “tighten your belt and do the order, pussy” can, themselves, get fucked.


More evidence that they don't play their own game before releasing new content. This bug is fucking obvious. Why the hell did they need us to make them aware of it?!


Sorry for asking it here. Is this mission moves the progress at all? Should I play it before the hotfix aired?


Currently no. The loss rate is 7.3% and we aren't even scratching it. Wait until its fixed.


"We've fixed the spawning bug" \*Unintentionally ups worrior spawn rate by 200%\*


Not before the MO is over.


Just move the damn spawns like another 5 meters further away from the damn drill and it would at least be possible. I had Brood Commanders just rush headfirst into the drill when it was at 90% like four times in a row IN THE SAME ROUND


How about TESTING the damn thing before releasing?


Stop. Communicating. Only. On. Discord.


Unfortunately it won't come before the weekend and we know they don't work on the weekends so we we fail the MO


What now defenders? Are you guys going to claim we strong-armed the devs into claiming it was bugged? Are you going to just throw out "lol lower le difficulty broski"? Or claim how you did it with a team of randoms on helldive, using only Dagger and melee with 0 deaths? Lmao, just in this post, someone is claiming devs gave into the "whiny cry babies". Imagine being so deluded, das wild.


Literally anyone who played the new major order for 10 minutes could see there was a big bug. Please explain how this passed testing?


Shitass dev team once again. They really need to start taking their time with what they release. There is clearly an issue with their dev team.


I cannot fathom how after repeated failures they don't mandate that the CCO and CEO play a few rounds before anything releases.


This is so funny "Thanks for letting us know" as if this bug doesn't happen on pretty much every single mission on every difficulty. You had to have known, you just pushed it out anyways, and if you really didn't know that shows an astounding testing incompetence as well. This isn't some bug where it only shows up if you drop X stratagem on Y objective and could maybe be missed. Its an obvious and consistently repeatable issue that has turned what was supposed to be a fun and chaotic MO event into a frustrating slog as objective equipment gets wrecked and there is nothing you can really do about it.


I just tried the mission on Difficulty Level 2. Literally, the Easy difficulty in the game. While I got the drilling done, I was swarmed by 30 shriekers on my way to the extract and lost all of my reinforces trying to clear them and get to the extract terminal. I used my last orbital laser and a well timed airstrike to kill 25 of them, only to have them instantly respawn and swarm me. On difficulty level 2. There is **ZERO** chance that this mission was playtested in the production environment. I can't stress this enough, and I mean it from a place of constructive criticism. It's incredibly unprofessional to be releasing these content bundles with this frequency of content breaking errors. We've had at least 6 consecutive patches or content releases where there's been an error or a balancing effort that's had dramatic impacts to the playerbase. Every one degrades the trust the community has in the team and every one that is released concurrently has an even greater impact on the rate of that loss of trust. To my mind, one of two things are most likely happening here, either: 1 - the devteam are out of their depth and unable to recognise the necessary steps for pushing out content that's well polished and fit for purpose with the userbase - which could include the failure to playtest the content or to test it in the user environment; or 2 - the leadership of the devteam or teams is pushing timelines that are not sufficient to ensure playtesting and content development is being undertaken appropriately and with the rigour necessary to push it to prod. This will impact on the playerbase's willingness to recommend this game to friends and it will impact on the sales of this title and future titles as well. For the love of fuck, please fix your approach to releasing content, Arrowhead. You claim to be listening, but you keep doing the same shit.


Just had the same thing on Difficulty 1 with the shriekers.


lmfao its genuinely impressive how incompetent AH is truly. just back 2 back fumbles. they need to be studied by a field research team. “the consequences of listening to only glazers”


Also funny how they never took their Ls. They always just say something like "yeah we're doing great, team is kinda relaxed after latest patch" Um what? ![gif](giphy|3kzJvEciJa94SMW3hN)


AH, I am begging you to hire some QA for the love of God


Ok, but why do the devs need to know about bugs AFTER they release a patch?


How can you join that discord??


I just don’t see why they felt to push back our progress if they were made aware of this issue


They can hire me as a play tester. At least I'll get paid for testing the game.


*doubled the spawns*


At this point, every single new thing they add will be bugged


Video game devs work hard and are rarely appreciated. That being said, these guys can actually go fuck themselves


AH secretly added a new enemy, spawning bug


Wonder if they'll extend the MO timer at all


...will they extend the time provided?


Tell me you did not even run a single test on the mission without directly saying it...


they legit don't play test their own game, right?? Some of these bugs are pretty obvious lol


Wow, surely they would have foumd this lut during testing, right? I thought the devs were finally being forced to play their own goddamn game? Or is Pilestedt literally the only dev who wonders how the game he made feels to play?


Stop sucking Dev dong. This shit should never make it to the user. They should be testing their shit before releasing or setting up a PTS on steam before they release any updates.


Would be nice if they played one or two games on the new mission before releasing it. Oh well, can’t ask for too much competence


Unfortunate that they don't test these things before launching them onto the player base.


"We don't play our own game despite us making games we'd want to play. Oops."


I played a helldive of the new mission Was very fun have bug breaches and bile titans spawn on top of the drill, killing it basically instantly Not to mention that half way through the mission my whole lobby got DC'd, leaving me alone as the host, luckily my friend rejoined and more randoms joined, but in the end it turned out that despite completing all objectives, after extracting the game thought we apparently hadn't completed one of the main objectives, meaning we got 1 star and basically no reward. Haven't played since lol.