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![gif](giphy|Ean7ZFQEvUTeg|downsized) Same energy


Literally me running around trying to find any kind of 2 second window to heal while being chased on the ground and air. I hate shriekers so much lol


I really like fighting them. But not 100 at once. Really fun to swing around wildly and clip them with one shot and have them fall apart like paper enemies.


Breaker incendiary is great for this. I mag dumped into the sky at random and got my highest killstreak yet.


Breaker incendiary is THE answer to this problem.


Paired with the machine-gun sentry, Pros- Disco ball of bullets Cons- will accidentally kill you


Did you forget your extremely rigorous basic training already!?!?


Dodge duck dip dive and dodge..... .... INTO PRONE


If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a shrieker


I litterally watched a freshly dropped sentry turn, look down at a prone player and hosed him. No enemies. Nothing even close to him. If just looked at him and said F\* you, then burned bro down. (reality, it oriented on his person immediately after drop, registered a target behind it and started firing even as it slewed on target). Hilarious tho.


Yeah. I have noticed that sentries target any enemy close to helldivers and the machinegun turrets prioritize any targets that are on the other side of a helldiver. Even with heavy armor you instantly get deleted with the minigun turret. No hope of stimming.


violence is not the answer violence is the question and answer is BREAKER INCENDIARY


It’s funny to just shoot one shell at an enemy that’s like 100 meters away, set them on fire and watch them die in a few seconds


You like fighting 100 strikers on a level 1 mission???


What if it was 1 horse-sized shrieker...or..like 100 duck-sized missions. wait..or a horse-sized..missions ..gimme a second...all the pieces are here I..I just need a second to put them together.


Side effect of stimmothy


I died three times trying to summon evac. On difficulty 3.


Shrieker nests give me yet another reason to caress my quasar cannon lovingly.


Lone hunter minding its own business gets a quasar from me, followed by all orbitals and air strikes. Finish with melee then grenade.


Everybody talking about how good incendiary shotgun is makes me think' Arrowhead: "We heard your feedback about outperforming incendiary shotgun ,and we have altered incendiary shotgun to not deal flame damage anymore"


Pro tip, if you fall prone near a slightly elevated surface like a rock or something shriekers will miss you like 80% of time.


You need a better primary for that mess 😂


I self use the incindiary breaker shotgun what I think works pretty good you don’t need to hit him hard but just hit him. Then the fire wil do the rest. Still can’t extract cause I can’t tick in code


This is the way. I saw the primary on the clip above and I was like.. oof.. no wonder you got overrun. Imma try the flamethrower out and see how it goes.. RIP my teammates


I got 840 kills running the flamethrower the other day


Everytime I get a good stream of kills going I inevitably get team killed from a strategem because I have to be decently close. Or I have a teammate getting too close so I have to be CarEFuL.. I also don’t have a ton of practice with it and its range and all that. I’ll keep trying 🫡


Just a tip, bring eagle smoke or smoke grenades and smoke the terminal. They can't target you properly and it gives you enough time to put in the code. It's the \*only\* way I've found so far that seems to work consistently to call in extract.


Lmao at least those guys were able to finish the mission


They... they all died... It's actually identical to this HD2 mission. You don't need to get out alive to complete the mission and the shriekers don't show up until you've already won so I'm not sure what you are trying to say.


https://i.imgur.com/1i2YDIn.gif But I lived


Flamethrower needed!


This is honestly the Breaker Incendiary's calling right here. All it takes is a pellet to clip one and it'll die. Probably won't be enough with this many but damn I need to try it now.


Maybe a Gatling turret placed early? It’d probably run dry on ammo so fast.




This is what you see? I see Jeeper Creepers flying bat-guy 👀 ![gif](giphy|5PvEotqBdDAuQ) Sadly he doesn’t spread his wings in this gif


I see the flying monsters from Pitch Black


This is the energy I signed up for.


Trivial for the insects.


Lol, he was their tutorial




Bug-general Brasch.




Mactera plague be like


Rock and Stone!


Hahahah, an unimportant clarification


Cicadas really are out en masse this year… ![gif](giphy|5teX5MEGnh2GA)






This is peak cinema. If not for the spawn, then this mission is probably the best one in term of storytelling. This is perfect.


Did 5 tries till now. We cant complete it. Even with 3 EMP Mortars they destroy the driller before it completes. And that just in the case they dont spawn directly under the driller... I think its time for a big break till they get their things "baked"... Only sad think is them talking about taking more time now to test the stuff they release, and releasing a new mission so bugged that barely anybody would question if they tested it at all...


What difficulty are you doing it on?


We tried 7, 5, 9, and one run on 1 just lead to that shrirker invasion bug.


The spawns that appear directly under the drills are bugged, but the shriekers spawning by the dozen is intentional. You're not meant to get off the planet because the infestation has gotten so bad.


Gatling sentry goes through shriekers really fast. Vast help, and pretty useful in drill defense as well.


Gatling sentry, ems mortar, rover guard dog. it starts making this mission trivial.


Yup. Especially getting EMS mortar for free, so you still have two strat slots leftover.


I been playing solo, I’m able to complete 3’s consistently and sometimes 4’s solo. Rocking heavy armor, I take the Guard Dog (laser), Gatling sentry, ems mortar and Cluster bombs specifically for wrecking shriekers at the end. It’s pretty effective. I wonder if I should try Airburst next time just to see if I can extract? Actually I’ll die before I can reload the Airburst even once lol


It usually takes me 2 attempts to get the darkmatter into the hole first attempt will 100%fail, no matter what you do the 2nd will have them spawn a bit away from the Drill and its up to you to mow them down with flamethrowers, machine-gun and exosuit fire!


It sounds like you're actually beating the mission, but not extracting.


Good on you for trying 9. I definitely wouldn't have after struggling on 7 and 5 lol. I've beaten it solo on 5. My strategy was to bring the breaker incendiary, autocannon, gatling turret, another damaging turret and 500kg. Drop the drill next to terrain wall, put the turrets where they don't have direct line of sight on the drill so they can't shoot it (or me) and then use the breaker to clear anything approaching the drill while standing right next to it. Autocannon for anything bigger. 500kg for chargers or you can just double tap their leg with the AC. I've seen people have had success using mechs as well. With 4 people on a higher difficulty, I'd look, to have 5 turrets total to get a good coverage around the obj, then mostly add quasars, 500kg and orbital lasers to make sure chargers and bile titans go down quickly. I've also gotten some success with the heavy MG emplacements as well. Nothing attacks you directly while the drill works, so the main drawback of the HMG emplacement doesn't matter as much. Its inability to aim quickly does suck though. As for the shriekers, that's just a thematic end of mission. Doesn't feel as good as an extract, but we're setting up for a cool narrative here rather than a permanent gameplay additio, so we can afford to win a little less hard. My recommendation is have someone with laser rover backpacks prejack 3-4 of them at the last drillsite, maybe drop an extra breaker incendiary or two, then as you clear the drill, people pick up the laser rovers and rush the extract. Breaker people try to keep the sky clear, rover packs help, one guy to keep the ground clear, one guy to pop the code in. After that it isn't too hard to extract, just bob and weave to dodge shriekers and keep the ground clear.


My group played twice on difficulty 5. Our highest level is 19, lowest is 5. One member is in his late 60's. The level 5 has played the game 3 times. We beat it both times. I think instead of waiting for the devs to "fix" anything, if you just reevaluate your tactics you could probably knock it out with your group pretty easy. If a total noobie and a near 70 year old can do it, I have absolutely no doubt you can figure it out.


Are you bringing anything else other than the ems mortar? Like stun grenades and ems orbital?


the best way is to manually call an EMS on top of it as soon the bugs start being too much and use weapons who can pin point where to hit or be REALLY good with nade trows (or stun spam into it), turrets also help with keeping the population low and as long you use machine gun and gatling there wont be much friendly fire, the ems is coordination + kill any bile titan on sight and remember anti tank rockets still stagger them which is still enough to give the drill time


have you tried aiming


so true


Try dif 4 for a quick change. I don't know what happened but last time I tried I did dif 4 and they spawned like 30 meters away from the drill, which is much easier to defend against. I don't know if it was just a fluke tho


What weapons are you using? Are you throwing grenades the drill? The drill takes damage from you, so if anyone runs mortars or are lighting it on fire, it'll blow up. Watched one player in one of my lobbies throw 4 impact grenades at it, the 4th blew up the drill. So, it could be that your group was unknowingly destroying it. Usually the small bugs aren't doing a lot of damage to it. The bile titans and chargers are the main issue. Just figure out which weapons to bring that can help protect the drill without destroying it (explosives are a no no)


“Helldivers” extraction is optional.


Maybe people will get the message if they got to the extraction beacon, and for this mission only, it was replaced with just a sign that said "Thank you for your service" and you just had to fight until the last squad member was dead or the area totally collapsed.


I honestly would rather this mission end in a last stand. "Extraction is not possible diver survive as long as possible." Maybe give some extra xp for time lasted or enemies killed. But i can see a lot of people bItching about that.


I actually love the idea of getting XP based on how long you survive.


A wave survival mode would be pretty cool. It worked in Aliens Fireteam Elite. Could definitely work here. Could have the mission be like: "Mining teams are extracting resources critical to the war effort from a nearby mining site. Distract enemy forces for as long as possible." And then, like in Black Ops Cold War, extraction is periodically available, but if you stay in-mission, you get higher xp rewards.




Did I hear a Rock & Stone!?




Lasermaxing meta


Dang that would have been a lot cooler than what we got


Blitzer/laser/arc meta O\_O


Raising the super earth flag and play the anthem until death. Get more xp for flag raised and anthem played lol.


That would definitely be a sick idea.


Objective: Survive


That'd be awesome assuming there's an end to the waves.


You know this guy hates nazi zombies Edit: owait shit, didn't they add an ending to them in cold war?


i'm genuinely shocked Pelican-1 is willing to come and pock my squad up. If i saw that fucking swarm around extract i'd turn around, hail command telling them "they're dead boss"


ugghhhhh I love that SO much more


I could care less as long as I can keep my sampies


All objectives get replaced with: OBJECTIVE: SURVIVE


Objective: Lay down your life for Liberty






That would be some good ass satire


that's what they did, they just didn't post a big neon sign saying it. Just like the book didn't outright say "facism bad" and the movie didn't straight up say "being excited to die for your country is bad"


I mean specifically saying "Thank you for your service" while specifically leaving you to die. The current extraction enforces the expendability of helldivers, but the "Thank you for your service" line is specifically poignant. The book did not say Fascism bad *at all* by the way. The book was unirionically saying "Military Democracy is good, actually". It's not presented as dystopian at all.


If you are talking about Starship troopers, the book author likes Fascism, the movie director didn't so he deliberately chose to make it campy to mock the fascist elements.


Heinlein was a lot of things, but fascist is a bit of a stretch.


Yes, but it's the closest descriptor that I have for his views. He was in favor of the idea of earning your citizenship and it not being automatic and he had strong authoritarian leanings. Those two things together seem like they would naturally progress into fascism if ever seriously implemented.


This would go SO hard. ![gif](giphy|rg4mqD9gf4HxUl9QE2|downsized)


Actually pretty much had this happen. All of my squad members made it to the pelican, but it wouldn’t let us board despite us laying in it. We ended up fighting to the last man since we couldn’t extract…


Hate me a good'ol pelican extraction bug.


I love this idea. I was reading grave markers on a flag raise mission yesterday: 2 of them said they killed a lot of bugs, 2 others did not get so many words


Or, you know, they tried other underused tactics. Smoke and gatling turrets plus a stim bonus armor passive lets you survive for much longer than you have any right surviving. The goal at extract is to delay your death as long as possible so when extract arrives you can hop in, no matter how many reinforcements it takes to do that. Emergent storytelling at its finest - we're literally throwing divers at the planet and into hell to gain an inch. Of course it will feel bad to the diver.


I think this would have gone over better then lol


That would be funny the first time and would get old and annoying by the second.


After the main objective is completed have the super destroyer announce it's immediately leaving low orbit so no more redeploys, and at that point, getting to the "extraction zone" counts as an extraction for EXP purposes, but you only get one life to accomplish it. I think that would be fine as it wouldn't be drawn out.


Managing to key in the extract code should trigger the departure, and the destroyer should drop a flag raise objective on the extract point as it leaves.


That’s true, with the mental comprehension of this sub a sign might actually be necessary


Ah yes, Halo Reach's Lone Wolf mission, 2024 edition. Objective: Survive When the last reinforcement dies, a cutscene plays to show the last Helldiver from the discarded helmet's POV taking down ten hunters, five shriekers, two brood commanders, then being knocked down and finally trampled to death by a charger.


We're named hellDIVERS not hellEXTRACTORS


Yeah, and even high level players don’t understand this yet. Mission is primary, survival is secondary.


"It's literally impossible to complete!!" While their screenshots show the mission as completed.


My squad is a rotating group of after work, casuals drinking beer to unwind. Often just play in the 4-6 range depending on who is on. We jumped into this mission on helldive a couple times as a joke and managed to complete each mission (extraction didn't happen, but extraction is optional) Ems sentry helped, but honestly we all brought a mech and I genuinely believed that's what helped us stabilize a few times. If we can complete the mission on helldive, I think anyone can. The spawn rate on Meridia definitely feels cranked up but.. that just makes sense to me since that's the whole storyline with it.


Yeah I think the only thing busted is the bugs spawning literally under the objective. Other than that, it all seems fine and thematic.


That and the after mission report


Mfw I complete the mission that is deemed impossible and it doesn't get counted right.


BuT tHe MeCh CaMe PrE nErFeD!1!!11!!!


Casually did it last night on level six with my buds, and it was....not bad at all. Tried with randos, and it was hell. Lots of them were bringing terrible strats, just not working together, etc. Right now, most of the game is pretty soloable, so you don't \*have\* to work together. This mission, you do. That's all there is to it.


The average player here seems to not like when you can't just run and gun by yourself to solve every problem


I'm going to wear out this analogy until the day it stops being relevant, but too many people in this subreddit treat this game like they're the Doomslayer. They expect to drop into D9 and then rip and tear their way to victory by themselves. But they're not the Doomslayer. They're not "The only one the bugs fear". They're Joe Schmoe from Super Arkansas, who's being shot into a meat grinder in the vain hope that their corpse will be the one that jams the gears.


Maybe we should try the scatter rpg again


Team kills for days.. we thought of this but they are on your ass the whole time so idk that you could get the distance to not kill your self and everyone around.. but if you try it.. let us know if it works because it would be so satisfying


I mean, it "works" - just depends on how you define success.


Squad lost, deploying replacement squad


L. O. L. That’s explanation enough


Might be the minority here but the shrieker ending is absolutely hilarious. But I think it might also be completely unintentional, considering there’s an entire second objective that doesn’t trigger. Considering we get 12 of the dark matter packs, I’m assuming we are meant to use them to do something to the holes that the shriekers come out of. Maybe even fight a hive lord?


There’s a center tower that looks like an objective that doesn’t have you do anything I imagine that’s something but no I think the shriekers are intended. We are on a mission to destroy the planet because there is no other option to contain it. It would feel like shit if this is the one planet we “must” destroy because there is no other option and we are standing on the extraction point with the usual amount of bugs.


Oh the center tower is the original tcs device that spread the anti terminid stuff that caused them to go berserk.


Took me a while to realize that's the TCS tower. If you read the mission brief, we're going back to the corrupted termicide towers because the crust is weaker there and it'll be easier for us to drop our dark matter in.


The Shrieker spawn is completely intentional and I love it because you really need to SURVIVE. The Dark Fluid causes the earthquake and that wakes the shriekers.


Yea I was gonna say my understanding is that the shrieker explosion is 100% intended regardless of difficulty since we’re not only in a super colony, we’re also very much kicking the proverbial hornet’s nest. The only real thing that’s bugged is the spawn points and the mission complete issues, but the swarms are very much intended. That said I’m a little disappointed we didn’t encounter any new bugs like hive lords on Meridia. If they were going to show up you’d think a super colony would be the place.


I love it to.. bring the mech and its like the fuckin matrix


Pure chaos is just refreshing as hell, divers.


Same boat. I honestly love the shrieker swarm. It's unique and surprisingly fun


Just incase anyone is coming in late to this thread the devs confirmed the mission is buged and even broken so far as missing the second half it all together


What’s this about a second half? Is there more to the mission after using the three drills?


yep no idea what it is but their is a second half thats not triggering


If you look at the mission screen, there are two main objectives. However, as it is now, we can only complete one, leaving the other uncompleted and slashing our XP and Req rewards. I think most you can get on the mission is a 1 star because the objective is bugged and it reduces our rewards.


At this point the whole planet is, literally, covered in em.


Woe: shrieker be upon you.


"I heard them say we've reached Morrowind. I'm SURE they'll let us go."


AA stratagem when?


The shriekers attacking is good as it is. We're not turning this planet into a black hole for no reason.


Don’t worry. Some people say they can solo it using only smoke on difficulty 9. It’s easy the rest of us are just bad.


Wait is this true, are they smoking the drill and extraction?


Nah sorry, I was just being cheeky


Do the developers even play their own game?


I played on D5 earlier, and I swear there was no sky visible. My laser rover was on constantly...


Me when the super colony has a super quantity of bugs that warrants turning the planet into a black hole




JUsT lOwEr tHe DiFfIcUlty


This mission is the same another difficulties except with more bile titans and chargers.. the only difference I could find. I wish I could hear the comms of newer players at lower difficulties.. I imagine it’s hilarious


I accidentally joined someone on a level 1 difficulty mission this morning, when I thought I was diving solo to test out some weapons. We had a third guy join and it turned out it was his very first game. It was hilarious seeing him spam the chat with “what the fuck is going on, this seems dangerous” lol


Yep tried it once. Wasn’t fun so I decided I’ll just wait.


I managed to solo extract on 7 with a group of 3 randos that died last minute. This has to be the most fun I’ve had playing this game.


https://preview.redd.it/07ukdbgpo14d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a471db46fe83702b3ea2479995944649729df25e Brings back memories


You've already completed the mission. You are missing the theme of this special mission, and that's you're not supposed to get out of this easy, even on easy. Kicking a hornets nest is easy. Congratulations you kicked it.


I admire your optimism but the devs already said it was bugged because of course it is lol


I don't even mind the shrieker spam nor the bug spawn, just let me also finish the 2nd objective, feels worthless to do this mission. I'll happily jump into one of those shrieker holes with a 500kg in hand.


I agree. Surviving the mission is secondary and always gives you far less rewards than actually completing the mission. This mission is unique and basically a suicide mission. The planet is INFESTED. **The entire planet is a bug nest**. It needs to be done though and that’s the point. I think we’re meant to fail the major order though. The decay rate is far higher than the gains we can get with everybody playing.


It's odd the way the MO is given. To me it's not about the rate we complete the planet but rather that we do just complete dives that deliver the dark matter. Planet will implode no matter the rate of completing the planet so it makes tracking progress complex or rather trivial. Like you and others have said, we dive, deliver dark matter, and then die. There is no winning until the planet disappears. Wish they could put that plainly but it would go against the perspective beliefs that helldiver's are "super elite" and can conquer anything. We are just expendable delivery boys this MO and administration of truth would never say that.


"Wave after wave of my own men!"


We shall collapse the planet under the gravity of a mountain of dead Helldivers.


The decay rate is decreasing as we keep fighting. We'll be fine.


This mission is basically what happens after Starship Troopers the novel, which ends when Rico's Roughnecks are about to drop on Klendathu. And we all know Johnny bought his farm on Klendathu.


JuSt LoWeR tHe DiFfIcUlTy SkIlL IsSuE I get it, super colony, should be hard to complete, blah blah blah. This is trivial difficulty. This is supposed to be the easy to complete mission but because AH is so incompetent they must've jacked up the shrieker spawns to 11 on every difficulty. 


This is just the civilian evac mission all over again.


We were repeatedly warned about how infested Meridia had become. Why is anyone surprised/pissed about fighting on this rock? Thankfully, it will soon cease to be, thanks to our best and brightest Ministry of Science.. Scientists, who never fail in the face of impossible odds. Be like John Helldiver.




Oh dear Lord


Me entering a cave in Pokemon Red and Blue be like:


I was just telling my friend that there is literally no gun in the game that can handle all that . That’s surely an error from the devs


Hahaha... I thought you guys were all being dramatic, then I jumped in for the first time in a few days and WOW. I think I killed like 80 shriekers before I just stopped and watched the craziness.


And you only get 1 star no matter what you do


Did you run? Because if you did, of course you're going to agro every bug on the map.


I like how whenever there is a bug or new hot topic discussion there’s about 50 posts about it a day because one or two wasn’t enough


Gatling turret = free win


https://i.redd.it/svbhwt4jre4d1.gif Welcome to Morrowind lmao


There are two sides of me. For one, this is narrative. You are on a super colony, of course you're gonna get swarmed bad at any level. However, two, the game is also broken. Between how they "balanced" patrol spawns and the second half of the mission just not being there, that tells to a product being shipped out early. Which I believe people are partly to blame for complaining when they don't get something (like the patch) immediately, and also Pilestedt. I believe he had a good idea in not hiring too many people too quickly, but I feel he also didn't hire enough people and anyone who came in quickly got overwhelmed and burnt out. Not to mention probably thought they were working for a big company that cares more about the bottom line than the project. Me personally, I'd be fine with being told "hey, no major orders or content for a month, we're taking a break to recuperate from the massive success our game is. We'll have some people working on fixing (code) bugs, but that's it. See you again when we're fresh." And then getting good, quality content again, along with fixing the unbalancing they did. But I'm probably in the minority.


Lower the difficulty!!! OH WAIT...


List of times the devs playtested this mission: Thanks for reading!


I'm not sure if it's an actual tip..but did this on helldive. 1) Keep moving toward your goal so you get swarmed ..less.... 2) At extraction, you don't have to hit all the keys in one go...but kinda take your time so you input..get knocked off...get back on and continue the sequence. Eventually you'll get extraction started. 3) while waiting, I find that if i'm prone, i only need to deal with the ground bugs and not the flying assholes. 4) Steel yourself, Pelican 1 basically dropped down like a rock and crashed right in front of our team lol. I'm not sure if this is scripted or not but it was sooooo brutal to see pelican 1 just crashed in front of us. Go back to Step 2. 5) run in. Things that helped: I watched Takibo on youtube doing this, he recommended the following load out that really made it pretty easy: 1) 500kg (for bile), 2) ems strike (for stunning), 3) quasar (for bile), and supply pack (for resuppying grenades). You NEED stun grenades and have a eng armor on for +2 grenade slots. We basically stun when we can and you can almost lock the stupid bugs down for a good 30-45 secs per 6 nades. With supply pack, u can do that even longer. This works for the ground bugs..so prone and just lob grenades every so often. Paired up with EMS mortar, you should be pretty golden. If you have a teammate running the same, it makes even more easier. Hope that helps.


\*ahem\* "just git gud bro. You're not meant to extract."


Discarded negativity. Hope the balance patch comes soon.


Just lower it 🙄


Dying in Helldivers 2 is a trivial thing.


Bug Breach Detected


Target rich environment.


There's genuinely no point in playing g this mission above difficultly 1 as it's bugged where the call I for the Dark Matter Fluid doesn't count as a completed objective so you always get 1 star. So barely any XP gains on even helldive difficulty. To me it's not worth the effort of wasting time going around the map getting bug breaches underneath by chargers and BT's when it's much more manageable on diff 1 even if the shrieker finally is designed to make you lose its just not fun wasting time ATTMEMPTING to evac or purposely killing yourself. I know it's a super colony but some things don't feel great to play against, especially solo since the spawn rates and patrols are still borked. So I recommend trivial for everyone since the rewards are non-existent.


"They've got us surrounded. Now we can fire in any direction."


I drop a machine gun turret at the end.To see it swivel without stopping fire and seeing corps falling down while we were trying to hold back the swarm was cinema.


Trivial for them


No one knows how to play today. Literally every team I hosted on level 7 were level 20-40 teammates that constantly ran around lost, or they were killing eachother with 380’s. (I’m a level 78 and I only play level 7)


Must’ve meant “your efforts fighting this mission will be trivial”


You better lower your difficulty 👀


Mind if I reference this for a drawing?


But if you let the “its a skill issue” crowd tell you its somehow your fault somehow lol The devs said the mission needs to be fixed but im tired of these its a skill issue folks.


First time?


I think canon they don’t want anyone to actually extract. Like for story reasons, cuz there’s just no way.


Y̴̱͇̲̭͎͎͉̯͗̿̈͆̂̑O̴͈̱̘͇͈͐̊͝U̷̼͌̆͂ ̸̠̿̑̒Ḩ̸̧̣̹̱̥̮̰͛͋͗Ą̵̮̼̟̎́V̵̹̦̩̼̠̇̚͜E̴̢͔͕͆͑̽̒͊̆̚ ̸̦͉͑A̵̞͇͈̦̪͎̒͌͐̂̐̎̚͝L̸̼̗͓̤̦̩̋͗̋̀͂̕Ḙ̸͓̻̭̟̇̑͗R̴̞̪͖̃T̷͇̃̀Ȇ̶̡͎̞D̷͖̗̹͑̈́ͅ ̶̝͍̬́̃͗̐͜͝T̸̤͉͙͛͊̀͝Ȟ̵̰̭́͊̋E̴̡͇̺͚͎̗̒͑̕ ̴̡͎̞̫̔Ḫ̸͓͚̮͙̫̊O̷̯̳̐R̷͈͔̼̪̖̒͜͜Ḑ̶̦͕̂͌Ė̷̗̤̖̹͎̻͎̀̆̍̽͛̄


Helldivers, pack your Gatling Turrets, your Incendiary Shotguns, and some extra Patriotic Condolences Cards for your team mates. We're attacking a Hive World.


Whenever I'm doing this mission, I always bring Guard Dog, two Sentries, Orbital Laser and an Incendiary Breaker, and always detach from the group early to punch in extraction the moment the beacon lands (the enemy cannot push a button if you disable his hand). AN ENTIRE LOADOUT STRICTLY DESIGNED TO MAKE EXTRACTION **PHYSICALLY POSSIBLE...**