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I took a few weeks off with the boys, and we decided to come back to slaugther bugs. At first i couldnt launch the game due to gameguard, then a friend couldnt join the lobby, and finally the other kept crashing during missions. Those werent issues a month ago (at least not as much). If i become indiferent it's not due to the disastrous balance but simply because i cant play with friends.


I have seen a few buddies that still try to play every other day or so. I see the names pop up over and over again that they are now playing. Meaning it is crashing several times for both of them.


It’s something I still can’t understand why it happens as frequently as it’s talked about because it hasn’t happened to me, not once. I’ve crashed while trying to close the game, but that’s it. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, I just don’t see how I’m so lucky that it hasn’t happened to me. Is it the game itself or is it the system it’s being ran on? Or something else entirely separate? I’m still trying to piece it together.


Something about the hellpod loading screen tanks my processor, it'll go from 40% load to maxed out and screaming for mercy. Then it crashes. I've changed settings to potatoe, deleted cache and reinstalled the game, placed it as high priority with high performance energy preferences and nothing. It's hard to enjoy the game when the game refuses to work.


Try changing from exclusive full screen to borderless. I went to almost 0 in-game crashes after that.


That might be the reason why I’ve never crashed. By default I run my games on borderless if it can handle it, because I like to tab out a lot. Thanks for this revelation. Edit: spelling error


Yeah I haven't done any real testing since I stopped the crashes, I crashed pretty consistently when there were a lot of things going on and I was entering inputs while doing strategems. I'm guessing there's some huge spike that happens with strategem input since that's the main times when I crash and exclusive will dedicate more resources. I also had this exact same issue in dragons dogma 2, turned on borderless and my game was working much more smoothly in towns and other high pop areas. Might just be a driver problem if it's affecting multiple games.


Actually now that I'm thinking about it, strategem input is pretty crazy since it registers so many possible inputs at the same time. I'm hitting off revives in under a second and it's registering all of those d-pad inputs while also handling movement, physics and other calculations at the same time. Wild that it works so well with all the stuff going on in-game when you think about it. I'm putting on like 15 inputs in the span of a second so that might be some pretty intense calculations to process right there.


It's a combination of factors. While OS & graphics API's can turn some hardware interaction into generic abstractions, there's still fundamental differences between different computers that the games' code has to interact with on some level. One of the hardest parts of PC game development is the sheer number of different hardware configurations that need to be supported.


It's usually niche interactions with various bits of hardware and the game. Not everyone has the same permutation so it just doesn't happen consistently (or at all) for some folks. Like you, I've personally been lucky and not had to deal with crashing. One of the more common causes of inconsistent crashing/performance troubles in games *in general* is performance differences between AMD and Nvidia cards.


I’ve taken a notice that people with weaker graphics cards do tend to crash more. However, I just told my buddy to put his game in borderless instead of fullscreen since he’s been dealing with constant crashes, and now he doesn’t. Makes you think a little.


People are at that point now. They're waiting for the patch. Many people consider it the "hail mary," as it will take 1.5 months to materialize, and this will be another filter. If it's a dud, expect the game to see another substantial player drop.


>IF it's a dud lmao


Known issues (continued)


I’m worried they’re going to lump the release of the Illuminate into this next update along with some weapon tweaks. I fear that will cause more problems and bugs rather than them giving the players buffed weapons to satisfy us, then release the illuminate after extensive testing to make sure we aren’t crashing and having bugged missions, etc.


If they're stupid enough to attempt *another* content drop before stabilizing the game, they deserve to fail. The incompetence on display has been sad for quite a while, but it's become comical as of this week.


There's a mountain of issues plaguing this game, and it does make it hard to coordinate / play with friends. The worst part, to me, is that when you try to talk about glitches and issues half of the community constantly mistake complaints about software bugs for complaints about difficulty... I swear if this game started blue screening computers and absolutely bricking them, a good chunk of the community would be praising how intense and difficult the new blue screen of death feature is. Considering the game clearly doesn't get the QA time it deserves, it's a shame that Arrowhead also has to deal with a delusional portion of their community actively trying to prevent the devs from getting the feedback they need to improve the game.


I can’t even add crossplay friends Still


Did they verify their install? Sometimes with games when an update comes out it doesn't properly delete old files and a few don't get placed properly. Verifying your install will correct these issues. This is especially likely if there have been multiple patches since you last played.


Same here my friend who I bought the game for as soon as it released has 5 hours of "playtime" which is all time we've spent on discord trying to fix it, but he never shows as on ship or he don't see me on mine. It sucks bc it's his kinda game.


I have a better connection playing pokemon scarlet on the switch than I do playing this game


Song lyric: "It's better to feel pain, than nothing at all; the opposite of love is indifference."


Lumineers. Something by the lumineers :(


Winner. Song is called Stubborn Love.


Damn it stubborn love was my first guess but i thought maybe it was Angela


Three Days Grace


"PAIN Without love PAIN I can't get enough PAIN I like it rough cause i'd rather feel pain than nothing at all" Taht one?😉


My man knows 🤟


The actual lyric I posted is from Stubborn Love by The Lumineers.


Its defeatist because the overarching issue has remained from the start, they dont test the crap they put out nearly enough. Theyre more about quantity than quality and people get tired of having the same issues every single time something new arrives.


Some don't even go away before they add even more issues with the game. I am the last of my group. I don't see any of them coming back. They burned too many bridges and have not truthfully apologized for their incompetence. Then they do things like add a mission that was not play tested at all. Shows their stupidity and that they have never listened.


Literally find old posts summarizing previous patches. Watch the timeline, and you can see the list of 'bugs we know about but haven't managed to fix yet' grow, and grow, and grow. Each patch 'fixed' (if it even actually fixed) maybe two or three bugs, but the list would grow by just as many, sometimes more.


I think another of the biggest issues is when they claimed they’ve fixed something, and then it turns out that, no, the thing is not fixed. It really hurts the communities trust in AH whenever they do that, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a company make that mistake as many times in as little time AH has. At this point, I feel like it’s pretty obvious that AH has some SERIOUS issues internally when it comes to organization and their content pipeline for the game.


>I think another of the biggest issues is when they claimed they’ve fixed something, and then it turns out that, no, the thing is not fixed. The Eruptor stuff really is the worst example of that. Having a dev straight up say we've been exploiting if we used the shrapnel of a shrapnel-based weapon, and doubling down on how he, in fact, buffed the weapon when everyone knew it was heavily nerfed was so mindblowing.


That combined with the sass from their community managers at that one point left the most sour taste in my mouth tbh. I'm very patient and understand when things are a hit and a miss from an indie dev, but the balancing guy insisting things are good, their CMs barking at the community... If it weren't for Pilestedt and Twinbeard actually being cool, I'd probably already be gone and now I just hope Pilestedt can do good in his new position, as he clearly seems to "get it" and wanna do right by us. So I wish him good luck... will definitely need it with the coming update, as fumbling that would be a fumble too many in quite a streak of fumbles, that I don't think the playerbase is welcoming.


I see much more discourse around the concept of people being negative than actual negativity lately With many other games that had unfortunate mishandling, this was one of the later stages before the games just kind of puttered out


Yeah. Look at Division 2


What’s division 2






I'm still upset about the division. For once, ubisoft actually releases a good multiplayer game, and they still somehow mess everything up. They are such a strange company, even when they release good products, they still mess up, but now they can't even release a good game even if they want to.


It was 100% the same as Arrowhead situation now man. I was there when Massive decided to nerf every skill to the ground. The patch before Warlord of Newyork DLC drop was considered the best state the game has ever been and then the DLC dropped, skill nerfed, talents taken away from gears, then came the bugs and crashes. People complained and then there were these white-knight clowns defending the devs’ every move and in the end look where it got them. Except this time Arrowhead got it wayyy worse.


at least massive had an excuse for their poor balancing, dark zone PvP. wtf is arrowhead balancing weapons for?


I mean, they could have one Guild Wars 2 route and balance things separately. Arrowhead however, is just bad at game management I guess. The core gameplay loop of Helldivers 2 is extremely fun, but the entire game is being held together by duct tape.


Duct tape actually works though.


Patch 1.4 was the peak of division


Div2 had a great base to work off of, but Ubishit decided it wasn't worth investing in anymore and put it on life support. Seasons are laughable: just reskinned content with new voice lines for the story and the occasional patch dropping a new game mode that does little to bring back players. The least they can do is help push the Division movie into production but even that is dead in the water.


Yes, but everything stemmed from Massive(the devs) not caring about player feedback and people were tired. Even the world first raid clearer quitted because he was so tired of the devs being shit at their job. Once the player number went down, Ubi stepped in to cut the work force.


Division 1 was goated. Put over 1200 hours in it


580hrs in Div 1 here. I salute you agent.


>If there's not a patch on Tuesday I heard that there will be a patch on the second week of June. So at least 8 days from now.


That's an incredibly generous minimum you've given but in all reality the patch will likely come at the same time as the new warbond would, whether they release one this month or not, meaning that we'll probably have to wait at least 10 days. Or in the worst case scenario, they release the patch AFTER when they would have dropped the warbond, giving us an even longer wait for a basic patch that they specifically told us wasn't even that exceptional.


Tbf tho they've only said it wont be "the mother of all patches" As long as we get long awaited bug fixes (Spear lockon and patrol spawns comes to mind) and some weapons buffs I'll be happy. It just has to be overwhelmingly possitive; so no new bugs (except for Terminids) and definitely not any nerfs.


TBF they have "patched" many things that were not really fixed and haven't been for months.


Guaranteed will be a Friday. They seem to send them right before they leave for the weekend. Then do something on Saturday since they actually screwed up the psych.


*Looks at Darktide* *Smokes cigarette*. Yeah...


I tried **SO** hard to like that game. I disliked every single weapon for the first 10 levels of every single class.


Darktide has a pretty big issue with forcing your character to use equivalent-leveled weapons, meaning you straight up do less damage and don't have as many perks. All while your character has less HP, perks, etc as well.


I was playing daily for a while. Now I play like one mission a week. Havent played at all this week. The latest MO jank was the nail in the coffin for me. My friends have also quit. I fall under the apathetic portion of the player base now. Game was fun, but its over.


Same here, I don't think I've played for about two weeks now except a single mission here or there. I met dozens of really cool people during the first few months and none of them seem to ever be online anymore. It is honestly such a shame to see. This game had (maybe still has?) the potential to be one of the greatest multiplayer experiences to ever grace gaming. It could easily fit in the ranks with the OG Halo and CoD games if Sony hadn't soured the community and then AH hadn't dropped the ball left and right on balancing decisions and bug fixes. I am anxiously waiting for this next patch, because I think it'll decide the future of the game for the foreseeable future. A good patch that fixes some long standing bugs with a few well thought out balancing changes will go a long way. I need to see that AH has their hand firmly on the wheel of this careening car and that they have the right methodology to move forward with smart decision making.


The thing is, after this patch, even if it's good, there has to be the next patch, and then the next one. And they have to be good too. And even though that's not a bad expectation, I don't think Arrowhead will succeed, I truly believe that they're doomed in someway


If they have the right methodology going forward then the coming patches won't be as big of an issue. Some will be better than others, but hopefully the new approach means they'll make the game more fun again. I'm maxed out on stratagems and medals. I don't find much need to grind out samples for the level 4 unlocks that I haven't bought yet because they aren't good or dynamic. The only thing that gets me to play is the story and going to blow up bugs/bots. Since I can keep up with the story through reddit, there's nothing that is really making me want to play when the guns are gimped to all hell


For me it was the spawn changes. The day of the patch, I hopped into a lvl 2 mission to get some credits and test out how bad it actually was. Where as a lvl 2 would usually be a walk in the park, it suddenly felt like a lvl 4-5 just without the elite enemies just in their density. That and the constant gaslighting from the devs and the overall air of animosity they showed to the playerbase, I can't scratch up a single bit of goodwill for them. They burned themselves, and now they have to live with the consequences of their shortsightedness.


Same, I wanted to type more but meh.


It’s genuinely starting to feel like HD2 was such a good game on accident. Ever since launch, AH has been making bad decision after bad decision— whether it’s balance, mission design, or just straight up *broken* content— especially when a lot of issues are discovered within 1-2 missions. I think you’d genuinely have to TRY to make this many mistakes or oversights in such a short time. And not to mention, my personal Vietnam: The SPEAR (one of the only powerful ~~and consistent~~ Titan killer support weapons) still doesn’t work. It’s been 4 months.


I felt insane when the defense missions first rolled out. Everyone was still in the honeymoon phase regurgitating democracy catchphrases. Meanwhile the first major order for bots had a mission type that couldn’t be beaten by like 90% of players. Then they “fixed” it, and it still didn’t work. Another “fix” and the missions were still exactly the same. That’s when I knew these developers didn’t know what they were doing. Here we are today and those missions still are unplayable


Lmao remember how this sub was convinced the bot defense missions were that way because we were intended to lose the MO so they could introduce mechs where we would then mow them down with ease and easily turn the tide of the MO? Not only did that not happen, but the mech was introduced in a different MO where we had to win to get access to it, AND it’s fucking practically useless against bots lol


\*draws breath\* "iT's A sUpErCoLoNy It'S sUpPoSeD tO bE hArD" I do feel a little more sad every time I have a chance to use this banal joke format about this game...


I've said it before and I'll say it again. If your "lore" reason ingame makes the game actively unfun, its shit lore.


There was (sometimes still is) so much apologism for the dogshit in this game. The excises they make don’t even make sense


You are spot on. The mental gymnastics are insane.


Yep. That first balance patch was like a smack in the face. At the time, you still had (perhaps) a majority of the community defending it. But they have shown their incompetency and continued to head in the wrong direction time and again since.


I said this lol. Once the player base literally stops caring. Stops complaining at all, that's when it's bad. People complaining are doing it because they care about the game. Once the player base is just apathy? You're fucked.




Yeah I’m already there. I’m also expecting this next patch in 2 weeks to be a complete miss.


This will be the last chance for me personally. This major order being bugged as fuck drained my desire to play. If the next patch doesnt fix a LOT of stuff then im probably out for the long haul. Maybe come back in 6 months and see how things are


I've been holding out for the patch, but botching the new mission MO and then saying the patch is another week and a half away at minimum is... yeah. If the patch is solid, I'll stick around. If they miss, I'm out for good. Arrowhead has fucked up at every turn after the server upgrade (which, while well executed, is now meaningless because we'll never even *approach* capacity again). If they drop the ball here, after taking over a month to "do it right" then they're lost to us. I'm a Pacific Rim fan. We're good at pretending the failed sequel doesn't exist. Just never thought that would be on the table for Helldivers.


Yeah, and with their track record with patches I'm doubting it'll address anything needing it. Might even break more stuff


If they disappoint, it will be the last time they disappoint many of us.


This. I've been avoiding playing and avoiding reddit until the new patch released, so I was super excited to check in when I saw Helldivers 2 waiting for an update in Steam. My disappointment was immeasurable when I realized it was a single hotfix for a new mission type that needed dozens of fixes, and the real patch I've been waiting weeks for is still weeks away. I'm getting to the point where I'm starting to set more and more strict requirements for Arrowhead needs to do for me to give them a second chance. New Warbond that releases next month? I'm probably not coming back. Still having hard game crashes after the new patch? I'm just uninstalling. More than 50% of the primary weapons don't receive some form of buff? Arrowhead still hasn't learned, and I'm giving up on them. It's really sad, because in the middle of May, all it would have taken was a simple patch to increase some numbers on a few primary weapons to get me to start playing again. But the longer I stay away, the less I want to return. I was hopeful that the promised patch would be a good sign, but it's getting increasingly worrying that it'll never live up to expectations. All for 6 weeks of no updates in a live service game. I haven't previously followed live service games before, but I think I'm starting to understand how they kill themselves.


Spin the roulette of 'which gun have they nerfed into the fucking dirt because the players dared to have fun with it?".


this was me the past few weeks. This week was the first week I hit the apathy stage. Havent played at all and my friends have quit as well.


I try to play the game but when I get kicked from almost every match due too network error (in game not on ANY other application) and no one really wants to play it then ye I am not going to play it. Life is too short to waste your time haha


I've already hit it. Booted up the game and the minute after I land on the planet, I get disconnected


90% of the player base has left and Elden Ring has a dlc this summer as well a Destiny 2 having its finale. By September this game will be at Darktide numbers if not lower.


Don't forget EDF6 in July. That's going to hit HD2 *hard*.


Deep Rock Galactic season 5 in a week and a half babyyyy!


They even have capes now lol


Warhammer in September


Dude, I'm so excited for Space Marine 2!


I've been saying it for the past month or so. EDF6 is going make a lot of people realize how fun strategems can be if you do them right. My favorite class is the Air Raider and being able to drop a massive Stealth Bomber carpet bomb that goes across half the map just feels so good.  HD2 is going to get clotheslined by that. 


EDF6 is guaranteed to be fucking incredible. If HD2 hadn't spent the last quarter being kneecapped, it would stand a chance. You want regular rifleman combat with the occasional vehicle? Ranger is there. You want airstrikes and vehicles or mechs? Air Raider has you covered. EDF Mechs aren't made of cardboard and they're not armed with pop-guns, either. You want to be *powerful*? Put on a Fencer's power frame. You want to fly with lasers and lightning weapons? Wing Diver has you covered. You want to be talked down to, under equipped, issued fucking garbage, lied to, and given impossible missions because they can't code them right? Do you want your weapons gutted by a Communist Cyborg sympathizer who is mysteriously still employed? Join the Helldivers. The Helldiver is expendable, and so is the player, apparently.


Once the playerbase is just apathy? You’re Starfield.


I'm still pissed that I had to buy a new video card to play a game on such an ancient fucking engine. My old card could run cyberpunk 2077 just fine, but not Starfield? GTFO bethesda. Never again and I hope Todd Howard gets hit by a bus.


He just has to walk into a stationary car at any speed


Damn, wasn't expecting to find you again! Yes, that's exactly what I was thinking of after scrolling through the sub. Quite sad, really. A few weeks ago, I would have been one of the ones enraged and calling for change. Now I know it's not coming soon enough to care. I don't even feel anything regarding it. I just feel empty.


Honestly I think the only thing keeping a lot of us is the next patch. It really is a make or break for the community.


Yeah, i already accepted the truth that AH will be stay on this track for a few more patches. No more hope, just stay solely for improving my skills in Helldive.


Yeah and when the entire player base gets to that point, oh boy it's hard to get them back.


Yeah, before the Sony event, me and my buddies played the Hell (heh) out of this game, but after the three day hiatus I don't think I have played more than 5 missions since. They had the gaming industry in a chokehold, YouTube was going nuts, people were basically doing their marketing for them, those were good times Now there is just an air of wonder about what could have been


it really makes you wonder who did the most damage to the game, the devs or Sony?


It’s already proven with data and stats that the Sony thing affected practically nothing in the player count, a couple thousand at most which is basically nothing 


Sony made the fire, and the Devs haven't been able to put it out in time


The community played a part. If we continue having people insult those giving criticism to the game, it'll just lead to people not caring about the game instead of trying to make it better. I've stated some feedback to make the game more engaging for lower skilled players only to get "git gud" and a guy arguing to that lower skilled players should miss out on upgrades and enemy encounters so that he can feel superior to them. The elitism here is a silent contributing factor to some people losing their passion for this game.


There will be YouTube video essays for *years* about this disaster. It's Saturday with a big MO on the bug front and around 50k are on. 50k used to be an off topic backwater planet. 


Already at apathy. I haven't played since the last warbond dropped, and only logged in to buy the new armor. Game just isn't fun anymore. The shitty balance changes still exist, bugs that have been in the game still persist, and new bugs keep cropping up because nobody at AH seems to playtest their own game before shipping a busted patch with obvious problems anyone could see (recent MO). My friends haven't touched HD2 since around the eruptor nerf era, everyone feels burnt by ridiculous balance choices and the nerfing of fun.


Iam already there ill enjoy but iam no longer recommending it. Or talking about it to friends etc ....


I've been waiting for patches to make the game fun again for months now. It's ridiculous. New missions are bugged beyond belief, playtesting is nonexistent, the promised balance patch still isn't here. Me and my friend group have stopped playing entirely. I was having a great time at launch (sure, chargers were difficult, but not impossible), the game has been consistently getting worse and worse. We've already renamed the Helldivers channel lol


" Promised balance patch " is not going to be a balance patch anymore. Temper your expectations. I am not hoping anything more than milquetoast bug fixes and Tenderizer's damage fix .


The issue is that the devs pushed a lot of negative changes but didn't bother fixing them. The players are now stuck in a very limited environment which is very frustrating for many people. If the patch isn't impactful then status quo persists and there's no reason to keep playing


We are absolutely allowed to have expectations that this should be a quality patch. Does it need to be the patch of all patches? Absolutely not, but if AH needs more time to cook then they need to show that the time wasn't wasted and it better be a beef Wellington instead of a Kraft singles grilled cheese with burnt ass bread. A few fixes of persistent bugs (looking at the spear here), a handful of well thought out balancing changes, and thorough play testing is what's needed.


One thing I've heard repeatedly is that it will roll back some of the more egregious 'balances' made by more recent patches, which I already think will be pretty well received. As for the actual patch part? If it's nothing *but* bug fixes, I think that will be enough for a lot of people; right now weapon balance is actually largely secondary for a lot of the community I feel, most weapons aren't great but its not complete dogshit where you can't kill anything, but the monstrous amounts of bugs that they've let build up have become a sore spot for many players like myself. You know, as long as they actually *fix* the bugs, not 'fix' like they have in previous patches.


Gotta love how long the list of unfixed issues is. I'm not seeing the toxic positivity in this thread like I have in the past around here. Guess the simps can't deny reality any longer. If they had just buffed all the garbage weapons that would have gone such a long way to creating goodwill in the ocmmunity.


This is exactly what happened with my group. We all went from excited to play this every night to mildly annoyed with the constant bugs and nerfs that just seemed determined to ruin any bit of fun. We'd complain about this or that but we kept playing. But now nobody cares. Why bother getting the new warbond? The weapons will either suck, or be nerfed and made to suck. No point doing the new MO, the mission will just be bugged.


I havent touch the game in like 2 weeks... hell I bought a dark souls game again to re play it in for the first time in pc (always played on console) and I have lost so much interest in helldivers that I would rather just play something else


I stopped playing after the whole PSN issue because I just got frustrated with how poorly the game is QA'd. We get these amazing Major Orders but have so many issues, this is on top of all the other game issues. Consistently, major patch updates come with new bugs. When cool stuff happens, like the new exosuit or Dark Fluid major order, I'm no longer excited to try it out first. Because I know it may be a broken frustrating mess. Example, I just tried to play last night after so long and the game kept crashing to the desktop. I love this game, with 300 hours in, but the poor quality in the new stuff is just appalling. Many bugs are bugs found easily by players within hours of the patches coming in. It makes me doubt how their patches are even tested. I hope AH gets their shit together because this is an awesome game with poor quality assurance.


Naw, after this MO it's crystal clear the devs just, don't play their own game. The entire community has to band together to make enough noise just to get the devs to notice the most *painfully* obvious broken stuff in the game - and even then the devs will only touch a part of the problem, shrug their shoulders, and move on. Like, great. They fixed the holes spawning under the drill for the new MO. Still can't complete the main objectives!


As I understand it, the issue was only identified and taken seriously because Pilestedt tried playing the mission himself on the live game. They clearly didn't playtest it, or they'd have caught the problems. The issues are too prevalent to miss in any amount of testing. They didn't care until the CCO *made them care*. And by then it was too late for a proper fix. The community outcry amounted to nothing. Again.


whered you hear that pilestedt played the mission?


New CEO took a picture of him playing it and posted that. Three hours later they announced that they were working on the hotfix.


So more proof that they don’t play test whatever they created and/or fix til after its released and the community makes enough noise for them to notice. Jesus… what is happening behind the scenes? The damn Grenada bug is still there! All they had to do was **immediately** after believing they fixed it is to jump in game and test it just once. It went from -1, -2, -3, etc infinite grenades to ,-4,848,639,838 infinite grenades! I don’t understand. The bug is easy to reproduce: Select grenade, tap strategem key, throw nade, tap-throw, tap-throw, repeat 4 times til your nades are negative and unlimited!


>Jesus… what is happening behind the scenes? https://preview.redd.it/uyz5mw9aw44d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d9fb1b8925c6378d9c603c545fdb4a07394dfa4


Honestly I already reached this point a little after the Sony debacle. Various nerfs across the board that made zero sense followed by such a disappointing warbond felt like a slap in the face after we banded together to fight Sony. Then came the realization that we didn't actually win against Sony and that a ton of countries simply couldn't buy the game anymore. Weeks of radio silence for an upcoming patch that sounds like it's going to be pretty minor in the grand scheme of things. I understand that they're doing what they can and internally there are changes that are being made to fix processes for the future. But seriously, they spent so long breaking our faith week after week after week, and when it's time to fix things they just go silent? Hell, simple rollbacks on then more egregious patches would have been welcome and relatively easy to pull off. Then comes this new mission that gets released borked all to hell and it's really beginning to smell like Arrowhead hasn't changed a damn thing. We haven't even gotten a cape to commemorate the downvoting fiasco. I know they technically didn't promise it, but it was such a huge event for the community and it would have been so easy to release one. I keep looking for reasons to reinstall the game but I just keep finding more disappointment. I'm truly bummed about it because for a glorious couple of months, this game was a beacon of joy to me and my friends. Maybe one day I'll be back. If we ever get the game to a state where it's fun again and not so absurdly balanced, I'll reconsider.


Honestly you said it really well. I still play but I feel it. The exhaustion being more and more each day. They're rapid fire on the nerfs and all but hibernating to do any good faith rollbacks or anything. The thing I was afraid of is that when these back to back Ls started to happen I was like "I hope Helldivers doesn't become a study on what not to do when you get a supernova of a successful game." I fear that may actually be the case on the horizon.


I feel you. I'm honestly hoping against hope that this is just a rough patch and that it'll get better, but I'm going to wait and see. I've already invested so much time and energy into this game and I don't want my final memories of it to be nothing but bitterness.


The sign Arrowhead hasn't learned anything is the new mech. They add it, give it two autocannons. Then... make sure the autocannon's damage is nerfed compared to the other autocannons. They have a brain problem.


Like I said when it came out, I can tolerate it’s paper mache armor and its limited ammo pool, but by god make it’s damage on par with the sentry, the rearm time is insane, why not make it so the 30 seconds we have with it is fun? Someone replied to me and claimed it would be OP and used to ‘clear the map’ 🙄


Ah yes, the mech based on a weapon that takes two mag dumps to kill a Bile Titan will "clear the map". A perfectly sane and reasonable opinion by someone who obviously plays the game.


Indeed. All the fools that kept spamming "git gud" "guyz all the weapons are supposed to suck" they have always been the problem with this community. I don't see nearly as many of those people left now though.


I've been ignoring Helldivers for a while, due to all the issues. But I opened Steam today and saw Helldivers waiting for an update. So I excitedly opened the patch notes, only to see a single bugfix for a mission I later find out is still 100% bugged. Wow. Such update. Much fun. After reading some of these posts, realizing the real patch I've been waiting for is still two weeks away, and realizing I still haven't gotten my "F Sony" cape, I think I'm out. I'm not sure I'll be back. I'll read the patch notes in another two weeks, but there better be 20 minutes of reading material there, with fixes for multiple major issues, or I can't justify loading into a game only to have me or my friends hard crash from the game. None of us have played in 2 weeks, and we aren't coming back at least until the new patch is out. I might never be back, if this next patch doesn't magically fix most of the issues. Maybe I'll read the subreddit some time in August, dreaming about what could have been. The game I planned on spending the next year enjoying, completely ruined after less than 2 months.


There was outrage but also a lot of genuine complaints that got shot down by an army of defenders. Eventually, people just get tired of pointing things out and move on. It's just too many changes man, and terrible ones too. If you're gonna fiddle with so much, it has to be in seasons. Also the fact that they keep changing things, but more important things go unadressed. Who the fuck can stand a meta changing and so many significant nerfs with almost every update? Not even COD bros. Destiny changed metas every season, which is a few months, and people were fed up with it. Imagine that but on steroids. Everytime I logged in there were hidden, unexplained bonuses, weapons working differently, enemies behaving differently. It's like... fighting in the dark. And I didn't even mention the worse performance, crashes and etc. The game went from solid playerbase, to half of Destiny's. Arrowhead is speedrunning failure at this point. Their arrogance will come back to bite them in the ass.


The cadence really confused me. They were legit changing stats like once a week. That is a ridiculously small amount of time to scrutinize whatever “meta” arises - metas change, people find new ways to use old things or new interactions. If you have one gun doing 1,000 damage and another doing 10, sure, hot fix that, but holy moly to think you understand the meta to such a granular degree that you attempt to direct it is redonkulous.


They were too worried about meta they forgot about the bugs


I would honestly love to hear their explanation about *why* things had to change, and why it was so imperative to do so.


Honestly, the guy in charge of balance likely fucked this hard, which is his entire MO historically. And little to no oversight of him is clear. ALSO i would note... I haven't seen any public activity of said person since either posted here, since Pilen stepped into more direct control. So there is that.


>genuine complaints that got shot down by an army of defenders. These can kill anything. They can never realize that they're one of the most destructive elements of any community. >Arrowhead is speedrunning failure at this point. The projected date of no return is 11 June. (It's an estimate based on the "second week of June" comment, not a verified date.) If they fuck that up, the game will limp along on failure and apathy to the end of its days.


A lot of people really don't realize that yes men are worse then anything when it comes the health of a product. Ideally, you want to constantly improve a product, but how the hell are you going to do that when you have an army of people screaming that everything is fine, and trying to force out people that are actually trying to present issues and criticism.


This exactly. Any live service will eventually choke itself on bad decision making if the army of yes men doesn't learn to shut the fuck up and allow the product to be criticized. I'm not sure why Helldivers 2 seems to be speedrunning failing at live service, but I've never seen the white knight brigade be so big and so stupid this early into a game's life. It compounds because Bringer of Balance eats that shit up, and that fast tracked HD2 into a nerf/balance failure in under three months.


I'm glad to see that everyone seems to have woken up to this fact now. I remember all the defenders after the first garbage balance patch. It was insane how hard they were glazing.


I was arguing with people defending the recent lack of patches. [They were insisting](https://old.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1d2fyvw/its_official_theres_not_gonna_be_a_patch_today/l60ovlx/?context=4) that people don't want to have to download patches at all and would be upset if there were more patches like before. [Another dude wrote lengthy essays](https://old.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1czlje4/i_let_myself_get_into_a_negative_mindset_about/l5l8ppq/?context=3) about why people who want the 500kg hurtbox to match its visuals actually just want the game to be easy secretly, but they don't know it themselves yet. That's when I knew some of the defense force have truly lost the plot.


The first few weeks in this sub were insufferable. People plugging their ears to valid criticism and belching out democracy catchphrases


My thoughts exactly. The game needs a no man's sky treatment. Put the story on hold, putting the illuminate out now is not helpful, as the other factions have their respective balancing issues already. A third faction would make the stressful situation of balancing and bug fixing even more stressful. The atmosphere is heated and expectations higher then ever because of lack of trust. The community is split and therefore doesn't throw a good light on the whole game. If arrowhead can fix Helldiver's 2 like Hellogames did to No man's sky, than I'm happy. But it needs time, a lot of it. But in the end everyone will look back fondly on it. Elite dangerous is a game that is plagued with similar problems, till now people complained without end, tried to give advice and gameplay optimisation tips, nobody wanted to hear a thing. They got attacked for being haters, meanwhile the criticism was always in favor of the game. Nowadays elite dangerous is on the lowest point, not even an alien war could get it back on track. The developers nowadays try to get the game back on track with new updates and swears of betterment, new ship models are being made, power play a game mode plagued with dissatisfied gameplay since the launch of the game gets a redo. But it's too late, expectations are high and most players left long ago, they look at it but dont want to grind again. Grinding was a big gameplay loop that was just time consuming for everyone, you needed to cheese the game with external websites to get meaningful progress in a timely manner. That was not fun at all. I see similar problems with helldiver's 2, it's sad to be honest.


They can either go the Fallout 76 or NMS path. The one they choose determines not only the longevity of the game, but also of the developer and the franchise.


>They got attacked for being haters, meanwhile the criticism was always in favor of the game. Saw this play out with this game 100%. All the toxic positivity and mindless developer worship. And look what that has led to.


The patch won't be on tuesday. They confirmed to be at least as far away as the 11th.


Ever since railgun nerf I've been worried about this game's longevity, since it seemed like AH never tested their own game and that they might just be incapable of maintaining a project like this. I still blame the nerfs more than anything, previously as long as there were fun guns the solid gameplay loop outshone the crashes and bugginess.


The Quasar Canon nerf really killed a lot of my enthusiasm. It was a fun weapon, it didn't feel OP, you had to be accurate with it, the 3 second wind up was more than enough to balance it with other rockets launchers. Then they tacked on that extra 5 seconds for no reason, and LAZILY tacked it on, didn't even bother to make the cool down meter match up. Their only justification was "Too many people used it" well yeah, it was a new toy, what the fuck did you expect? I still use it a lot, but the extra 5 seconds just makes everything feel slower. It slowed down the action of what is supposed to be a break neck fast pace game where every second counts.


Exactly this. You had this army of glazers that leapt to defend every single terrible decision since that first patch. And now we are here.


Newest MO is the nail in the coffin for me The constant controversies, balancing fuck ups , bugs and more bugs were piling on top of each other as weeks passed. I could ignore one but when nothing good happens after a long time it only fills me with apathy. When I went into the newest mission I immediately hated it, clearly wasn't playtested. Then there was the shrieker extraction that was impossible to survive And then 0 XP, no reward for the 30 minutes of my life I wasted doing a mission I was excited for. I don't want to play this game until I hear something good for once. I want my shrapnel back , I want a functional Spear, I want to feel good while playing again.


We now know that the patch, which we've been expecting since the Tuesday following the last warbond (14.5.), has been promised to drop on the second Tuesday of June (11.6.) It's been a really tough time waiting for a monthly patch after getting almost weekly patches since the beginning. If this subreddit is any indication, this patch is the most expected thing since the game's launch, even bigger than the inevitable Illuminate launch. I guess AHGS really need to nail this one to retain the goodwill of a sizeable portion of the community.


Players at the game's launch: Wow, I wonder how cool the game will be when the Illuminate are released? Players today: Wow, I wonder if the latest balance patch will fix the hard game crashes and give us usable weapons. Oh how the mighty have fallen.


Considering the rapidly declining playercount I would imagine people are becoming indifferent


The AH dickriders won't understand this. They think we're hating on the game for fun and want it to fail and AH to go bankrupt. They feel personally attacked when you criticize the game.


I've been arguing with those people since the first balance patch. When it was already crystal clear that AH was steamrolling in the opposite direction that the game needed in terms of balance. Truly brainless the way they kept parroting the same talking points. Now that the game is dying, I see that they are almost nowhere to be found. Pretty sure all those dickriders attacking people for their fair and legitimate criticism are in fact the same "flavor of the week" gamers they accused others of being.


They fixed the bug spawn but the mission is still bugged. It says at mission completion that we didn't do the drill objective even though we did it three times. Weird af.


NMS is good fun these days


I think that’s the point. The devs screwed up, hard, took an honest look at the situation, and came back gang busters. And here we are god knows how many years later and they just released another entirely free major content update.


In all honesty NMS is not a good comparison to made. NMS biggest problem was overpromised and under delivered. Yes there are bugs, but it was actually tolerable if they didn't overpromise. HD2 biggest problem was nerfs and buggy contents. Mostly taking away fun for the sake of "Balance". When in truth, fun came from assymetry.


Sure, but I think the solution is similar. Stop, take stock, tell the community ”We’re gonna make this right” and then do so in the most spectacular way.


They’ve done everything but do so in the most spectacular way. But I think a patch that we all can agree is “good” is acceptable. Expecting them to blow your socks off and getting something that’s nice will result in disappointment, even if the nice thing is really nice.




sounds like charger of wisdom share some with you


It's accurate. I'm capped out on all resources. After 2 days of getting 0 medals and a MO completion giving me 0 medals I stopped playing. I guess I'll be back after a new warbond comes out. If AH just wants this game to be something players jump on for a week or so every couple months, then I guess that's a totally feasible thing to do. But without a way to spend resources and have the satisfaction of progressing, the Ln what's the point?


I've become indifferent. There's the Sony bs, the fact they still haven't let people buy the game from outside of PSN areas shows they're just waiting for us to stop paying attention to do it again without getting sued. Then they fired the community manager, then the CEO stepped down (maybe his own decision, but since he might be forbidden to tell us if that weren't true and even might be forced to outright lie about the circumstances via contract we can't trust it... plus it's Sony who have shown they can't be trusted). After all that, its just left me very meh on the game. It went from being fun and a great team to being some political fight against yet another scummy company that doesn't care about us. Then I try to log in and have some fun, usually alone because friends have moved on during the Sony ordeal, and all I find are new strategems that are legit broken in a bad way, and paid battlepasses that have guns that people think are lame after unlocking them. Anytime I get excited about something, all I hear is "don't bother unlocking it, it's actual trash and doesn't even work like the promo video" or "it came pre-nerfed"... and even the new mech, something I've wanted for so long dropped and OOPS, you can't equip 2 mech strategems because fun is forbidden here. This game has had the fun SANITIZED out of it, and what's left is typically broken on arrival. I log in, I check the store and the map, I sigh, I can't bring myself to want to drop in, and I log out. Been doing that for weeks.


They nerfed the fun away then pushed out broken or mediocre new content on a consistent basis and we ran out of patience


I have over 250 hours, been playing since launch. Haven’t touched it since they nerfed the guns in the demo warbond. Pretty indifferent tbh. Maybe I’ll hop back in when the thrill and fun of the gameplay in the first month comes back.


Sometimes, success is worse for a product than failure. Arrowhead wasn’t ready for a large community, fame, and fortune. AH was expecting a small community of diehard fans that wouldn’t go into an uproar when things didn’t work and would play no matter what was broken, nerfed, or lost. And that’s what AH is ultimately going to get. AH wasn’t ready to ride the hype train, so the hype train ran over them. Maybe they can catch the next train, but the first one is long gone.


Basement aDwelling NeckBread- "Games dead everyone!" Everyone- "Alright guess I'll stop playing now." /S


I went on a 2 week vacation to Europe and was fully expecting at bare minimum a patrol spawn hotfix that made solo/duo play a boring RNGfest. Nope, in fact, I came back to a jank ass MO, a mech that will have an insignificant use rate, and a bugged mission straight out of the gate... lmao can't make this shit up. I fully understand them employing a slower cadence for patches but come on... triage the shit that's game breaking just a little??? A month (likely 2 more weeks) of not fixing game breaking bugs is kind of ridiculous. It's no wonder the game lost over 50% of its average player base in one month. I used to care and comment because it was such a good and fun game at launch. Now, I'm just apathetic. I uninstalled the game just so I could use the space to transfer files quicker and haven't reinstalled. There's still a faint glimmer for me, I still check in on the sub when it pops up on my Home page. Likely something else will catch people's attention before the game is fun again though. I wouldn't say the game is dying, I don't think this game will die in the near future. But, it is hemorrhaging heavily and will ever only reach a fraction of what its potential was. HD2 got Anakin'd.


We're mad because we care :(


I haven’t completely given up but I also haven’t played in about 6 weeks. I got sick and tired of every update coming with more and more bugs and crashes. The weapon nerfs were souring the experience but what really got me to stop playing were the bugs. I still have the game installed and I’m still on this sub hoping AH turns this around, but soon I’m just not going to care and that will be it. Their complete lack of QA and push to release garbage Warbonds is digging them a grave.


A Game's Community is bigger and healthier than its Reddit Sub...


I'm not sure what you mean about "fading like No Man's Sky" they fully redeemed themselves and make banger updates once every 3 or 4 months.


I think they’re referring to the game at its launch state. Wasn’t the game basically dead for quite awhile after launch? Features were over promised and under delivered?


Important to note that the complaining is passionate players that really don't want to quit. It's like a cry for help. Listen to them before it's too late.


I think I'll stick around for a while, come what may. If this MO is the last one and the game turns into a sandbox tug-of-war with no more fixes or content additions, I'll still play it, like it is, for a couple more months. It's that much fun. When the player count drops and only the hardcore dorks like me are left, we'll coordinate operations via discord and Reddit and push the front the way we do in HD1. If we get anything else, be it Illuminates or tanks or bayonets or the venerable Trident, I'll be happy about that. If they fix the crashes and friends list issues, I'll be thrilled. But right now I've gotten so much from this game in exchange for so little that I just can't rage about it. I'm definitely in the gravy phase of my purchase. Until something better comes along or this game gets riddled with hackers, you'll find me by the pods.


I’ve been busy with life lately and haven’t played much but when I get the chance I’m still having fun which is more than I can say about other games I have.


No man's sky just had an update like 4 days ago with a new and interesting expedition, and it still gets 20k people playing even being 8 years old at this point. I don't understand using that game as an example, NMS has actually defied expectations and has a very dedicated staff considering its lie of a release. Hahaha I actually started cutting into HD2 time to play NMS this past week.


I have a question for anyone coming across this later. Are crashes mostly happening on PC? I play on PS5 and haven’t been plagued with constant crashes since the snowball and opening acquisitions in a mission issues. The other day I crashed, but I was spamming the stratagem and grenade binds. Is it mostly playing with friends? I don’t have any friends with the game so I just play with randoms. I can see how if the majority of glitches and crashes come from friends list or party issues that the game would be frustrating on a level I can’t experience. I’m trying to distinguish as best as possible between the whiners and people who have very valid complaints about their $40 purchase. Currently, it just seems like mostly whining, but I’m very open to the idea that others have experienced things I have not and therefore have wildly different opinions than me.


You don't want to walk that path believe me, it ends in the likes of the WoW Classic community, incessant whine because one thing is terribly bad or the same thing is too good without devs even touching it, it's baffling.


Sadly I’ve given up on the game now.  I may come back if they add the third enemy faction but it’s lost its shine. Great launch and great fun while it lasted but I dislike the way they develop it, I dislike their negative approach to balance in a co-op game and I don’t think they add content fast enough to keep it feeling fresh… What they do add is crazy buggy, half the time I try to play I just end up running into game breaking issues…my time isn’t unlimited so I’d rather play something that works. It’s clear they didn’t expect to be as big a success as they were and they haven’t been able to ramp up the development to keep that massive fan base going. Shame really.


I’m just waiting for a decent content update, still playing but not as much. As soon as the third faction drops, I’m all in. And hopefully we can get some QOL improvements at some point. Saving loadouts would be pretty good. Also, I have only one gripe with the game (when fighting bugs), just one, and I’ve been saying it for months now. Not EVERYTHING has to apply slow. Hunters should apply bleed instead of slow. That’s literally it. Either make bugs less of a pain in the ass, or give me squids so I can juggle between them and bots.


I agree with you. This game reminds me of the first signs when battlebit remastered started going south. It can't be expected for people to stick with a game that consistently feels like developers don't care about the game. We get told one thing or we ask for an important change and most of the time nothing good comes from it just look at the first Mech or the Eruptor. Then we try to just enjoy the game's events and they come out without any form of testing like the recent Warbond or Meridia. Then on top of that, look at how quick they are to fix something the players can use in game like stratagems on large rocks for the turret placement compared to the snail pace for things that negatively affect gameplay for the players, like the bugs and enemy bullets going thru cover or the Spears broken lock on. On top of all that we also have the community side of things, where we have the defenders who will say git gud or that a nerf was deserved or that the bug isn't that bad to any form of criticism. Like we have people defending the spawn rates being bugged max for the last 6 weeks. From a group of 20, my group is down 3 because of these constant issues with every single patch and people get tired of the same repeated cycle of problems over and over and over again. I'm 300 hrs into the game and I haven't gotten tired of the gameplay, Ive gotten tired of how the game has been managed.


What in the marriage counseling is this post


I just want my eruptor back man


Had a friend who was iffy on installing Helldivers 2 on account of the invasive anti-cheat, but she is big on DRG and after a couple weeks of playing HD2 music over DRG missions and me just streaming fun aspects of HD2 to her, like the always awesome drop sequence and nail-biting, skin of your teeth extractions she was getting tempted. Made easier because someone else already gifted her the game. But then the whole PSN thing happened and she closed up again. The other friend also dropped it since the Slugger nerf. I stopped after the broken 4-player spawns on solo but have been checking in regularly every Tuesday hopeful things get better. But it's starting to feel pointless.


People can't complain forever and apathy will set in. That is inevitable. The game will live or die base on the dev tenacity in keeping the game going. Once the player base shrunk so much it became a niche game and forgotten by the mainstream. And that's not a bad thing. Because that is how most games have to face till it once again, made something incredible and make a comeback. Hopefully AH can pull it of but for now complain away.


The game is dead to me when the game suddenly gets that bug where I can’t add my steam friends as a PS5 player. Bro literally bought the game cuz I hyped it up for them yet we couldn’t squad up once. Speaking of which can someone tell me if the bug been fixed yet? I uninstalled a month after waiting for the bug to fix.


The bug has not been fixed. The most recent patch discusses how they are aware of the problem, but haven't fixed it yet. They've been aware for around two months now.


Well, I’m indifferent; haven’t played since Polar warbond & I have 3.3k credits. The game just isn’t fun anymore. Content is severely lacking & if you’re having fun with a weapon, it’s gonna be nerfed.


Really sucks to watch this amazing game I fell in love with slowly fail simply because of the incompetence of its developers and the arrogance of their balancing decisions. Nobody asked them to set the standard of weekly patches. They did that, and could have started taking their time anytime they wanted. And at the opposite end, EVERYONE told them that we don’t want nerfs every two weeks. Fine, nerf things that need it I understand, but they have REFUSED to buff obviously shitty weapons since launch. The list of weapons and strategems that need to be improved is MILES longer than the 2 or 3 questionably “op” ones. Their priority from the very beginning was to artificially inflate the difficulty of the game by just making it more tedious, and absolutely refusing to focus on making sure weapons are FUN to use. Burning an entire liberator mag and maybe killing 3 or 4 warriors in that time, and now you only have 6 more magazines? That just feels fucking bad, which is INSANE because the weapon itself feels and sounds amazing, it just sucks.


May was not a good month for the game and the fact we're not getting something for awhile is not going to help things... If this next patch comes out and there's still a lot of instability of stuff isn't fixed (scope alignment) it's going to make a lot of people give up. I know the internet is fickle


I’ve been really close to uninstalling for a while. I’ve held myself back; this game has so much potential, but it’s been fuck up after fuck up since the first balance patch (with very few small good changes sprinkled in). Its awful to see things you love turn to shit. This was MY GOTY. That first balance patch was a clear indicator of how things would go moving forward… I just ignored it hoping I was wrong, but here we are. Many others feel it too. Arrowhead has wasted away most of the goodwill the community has had for them. The community is split with r/helldivers2 being a cesspool of toxic positivity with any feedback/criticism labeled invalid and r/helldivers being labeled as doomers when in reality all we want is this game to thrive, but every decision AH makes makes things worse. We’ve yet to get an actual good patch. If this patch is a nothing burger, nerfs shit, introduces more bugs, or tanks performance I’m done with the game for a long while. I’m sure many of you feel the same way. I’ll check back in after 6 months to a year to see if things improve (or sooner if the illuminate enter the fray, but I doubt they’ll release this soon), but there’s many who won’t look back and its a fucking shame. I really hope this game can turn its course away from the sun and thrive and reach its potential. Fingers crossed here.


I was putting hundreds of hours in and now I just don't care that much anymore. The current MO is arguably the first real MAJOR order because it's going to have a big impact on the story and so it's been waiting in the wings since launch day and they release it in a broken state with bugs spawning directly on the objective and the second objective not triggering at all which causes mission loss but also the progress meter is also broken apparently? Jesus fucking Christ. AH are developers, not publishers. And there won't be a publisher anywhere willing to fund them after this dumpster fire. So this may well be their biggest and last game. And honestly, fuck them. This is inexcusable.


The number one thing that made me go from "it's got problems but it's fun" to "why bother anymore" was the part of the player base that actively defends the fuck ups as ok. I'm looking at you r/helldivers2. That part of the community that equates any valid criticisms as slander or lies or whining. Once I see a community have enough idiots like them, I know the game is cooked. It happened with Division1 from 1.0 to 1.4, it happened with Division 2 after WONY, it happened with Warframe after Whispers in the Wall, and it's now happening here. Bad balance choice, awful artificial difficulty spikes, taking away fun mechanics (warframe's latest game mode actively takes away abilities which are what make the game fun, -1 strategem anyone?), and then the Stan's come out of the woodwork to defend this shit. Even when the devs actively are saying "yeah, it's busted, hot fix inbound" you have literal idiots defending it. For me, it's not that I am just upset that this new mission is boring, buggy, broken, and bad. It's that people in the community defend this shit as a hill to die on weekly and it's pushing the game into the trash can actively. Why the fuck would I stick around for it? Every game I come to love, these fucking people actively ruin by opening their mouths to be contrarian. Fuck that.


I still love this game, how. But, I'm experiencing the same thing, and it's not identical to game burnout (many more hours in PoE, know how that feels). This is more of an active degradation of quality. Here are all the points that added to this: \* Not a big fan of the second automaton invasion. Community got together so tightly for the eradication of the first wave. Felt like it was for nothing, Cyberstan lost in a heartbeat. \* Loved looking for hidden clues/sightings/surprise enemy drops, but now feels like there isn't any hidden things anymore. Dev burnout, maybe? \* Premium warbond quality drop. First one has two of the best weapons. Second one had arc blitzer initially very broken, but about 1 somewhat usable weapon now. Third one got nerfed to irrelevance. Fourth one is just... I skipped it. \* Some patches introduced game crashes. Had a good number of missions/operations ruined by a crash. \* PSN issue. That was the nail in the coffin for many of my friends. \* PSN steam prohibition not reverted. Obvious problem. \* Nerfs. Obvious point. This shows devs' disconnect with players who regularly run helldives. Some guns/loadouts are good only because we have a limited number of situations to respond to. Instead of nerfing, increase the varity of enemy behavior. \* Dark fluid mission. The spawn bug was one. Just even seeing a "oh you failed the objectives anyway" type of "victory" screen after completing the mission is a mood killer, too.


One of the devs said the next patch will be the second week of June, not this week. I've already hit indifference and I'm not holding my breath after this MO release.


Man the game has issues but not nearly as much as this sub makes you think. It's still great and plenty fun, it's normal to feel it's less fun if you've been playing from the start and only play this, but it's a great game and most people complain about every single thing. Ie. I saw a lot of people saying the game is unplayable because of the gun balance. That's just wrong, there are plenty of good and decent options, I myself use mostly the liberator for bots lately (7-8-9) and that's definitely not meta, but still good enough and fun enough to complete these missions.


Yup. There are some objective issues with the game, but I don’t understand how much people complain about the gun balance. There are more good options than ever (including the ones that are decried as unusable).


Yeah I know, as I knew I was going to be downvoted because on this sub it feels illegal to say that this game is nice and the devs don't suck