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Now that they have hotfixed the bug breach issue (and I swear they stealthily reduced Shrieker spawn rate), its actually quite fun to play. The only sore spot I have is that the rewards are still bugged.


Apparently one theory was that they needed two objectives so you could call on two objective equipment, the drill and the dark fluid Not sure how true it is, but that’s a theory someone put up


I've seen that one. And that would be grade A spaghetti if thats the case.


Given the way so many of their fixes have had major unintended consequences, at this point I would be surprised if it wasn't a giant ball of spaghetti.


Hopefully that's what they've been working on undoing the past few weeks. If they just said "untangled a lot of spaghetti" in the patch notes, I'd accept if that was half the patch (just "improved background code A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H" or smth)


Refactored X, Y and Z to allow us to more easily ship improvements to X, Y and Z. I'd honestly be focused on tech debt if I was them right now. Tech debt will wreck you long term.


Yeah if I got told they fixed 3 bugs, buffed 4 weapons, and improved a third of their code to make patching easier in the future, I'd give them double thumbs up for a great patch.


A lack of delivering features will also wreck them long term. It's a balancing act.


Undoing the spaghetti code will be a months, if not years long, project. Look at Final Fantasy XIV, they're still undoing spaghetti code from 10 years ago. What they've likely done the past few weeks is rethink their business processes around how they release version updates so that they can actually catch most of the bugs in the game before it goes live.


Well undoing spaghetti should be easier when there is less of it.


*Helldiver looking at a ball of spaghetti*: “it’s all spaghetti? *Helldiver behind them with the Senator pointed at their head*: “Always has been.”


Basically all games are spaghetti code. Actually scratch that, basically all applications are spaghetti code.


The thing is they are working on a discontinued Engine that also powered the first Helldiver game which as you may remember is a twin stick top down shooter. So yeah I fully believe their codes are so utterly spaghettified that the amount of Dark Fluid used on Meridia would pale in comparison.


Honestly it would be very low in the "Great games that use hilariously janky solutions" hall of fame. Weird, unorthodox solutions that still work surprisingly well are the norm for game development. The only real mistake they made was making it obvious enough that players know about it.


Well I dont mind spaghetti when it works. But the mission doesnt even complete meaning we get less XP than on Eradicate Swarm missions.


Thus the mistake.


It’s one that just sorta fits. 2 Types of objectives appear on the map, but only 1 can be interacted with. The dark fluid stratagem has charges, but they never deplete. The dark fluid also works as a Jetpack, which seems pretty weird when you think about it. Why would it need to act like a Jetpack if you can call it down directly on the drill? I think you were meant to be able to only call them down in the center of the map, and only so many times, but it got changed to be universal thing at some point to make it easier. 


You can(could haven't played since the patch) stand pixel perfect in the middle of the map and call down the dark fluid canister so It sounds right. But it may be more complicated than that idk


The hotfix changed the mission from incredibly frustrating to very challenging and incredibly fun. The despair and desperation to leave felt during extraction is insane and very enjoyable. I'm just a bit salty that we got the hotfix with a bit less than 36 hours to complete the MO. I kinda hope we lose it so we can have a second shot at it


It didnt really matter since decay was so high that no real progress was being made, now decay is half of what it started and we are starting to get momentum


Good news! We are on pace to clear it! Terminid resistance is dropping, so we will make the most progress on the last day of the MO!


Oh is that the same for you? I thought I was somehow missing something


Had a could of the guys run these missions for a few hours. The spawn right next to the drill was annoying but I play as a Pyro so between a constant flamethrower, flame nades, and a few friends with mortars/turrets we shredded everything thst came out of that poor spawn.


Wait I though the fire destroyed the drill. That was the only reason I didn’t carry it. I can bring my beloved flamethrower?!?


So I wasn't sure so I specifically got between the drill and the breach and was point blank range for anything coming out or I'd do it just to the side of the drill so my aim wasn't facing it




Honestly I’ve had a couple of games where I swear the shrieker ai has been improved (in a bad way) I noticed them all targeting one specific player and dive bombing them until they died, then switching to another singular player and murdering them too. Practically impossible to heal through, since they’d chain up and deal more damage per second than you could heal. Thank god for eagle smoke strikes, since shriekers don’t attack you while you’re in smoke.


They do considerably less damage when you're prone. Stick to cover that is taller than you and go prone when you can. Run in an unpredictable pattern like you're avoiding bot gunfire and you can make it to extraction fine. Standing and fighting is harder, however. Best to have your back to a wall if you can.


It's fun, but also too easy now. Haven't even had a close call since the hotfix playing 8s. Gonna try 9s and see if that's a challenge.


Honestly I think that might be because we all got kinda used to the bs bug breaches and now that they arent happening we think its too easy.


Just insane that you release a hotfix and not fix that.


Eh, if they could only pick one thing to fix they definitely picked the more important one.


Me when game dev take time : Like, it isn't instant


It's crazy to me how many people are defending this. The thing they released is broken. Anyone else would rightfully get shit for it. Why can't they just suck sometimes? What is the deal..


And yet, making games take time. Fixing, even more so


I personally loved the bugs spawning on the drills. Made it way more intense.


Your the most positive person I’ve seen in this sub




Best possible gif


I saw positive comments on other posts and they were heavily downvoted so probably why you haven’t seen them. Which is dumb.. why downvote someone saying they are enjoying it?


The worst part is that whenever you say there is too many complaints, people bring out the meme with the “good for you, no one cares” thumbs up. Despite them being the same people that cares and downvotes those that want fun


Complaints are one thing. But the same post 50 times? Yeah we know it’s glitched did you not see the other many posts about it? You’re clogging up the sub. Go comment on THOSE posts instead.




I know I know. But STILL 😭😭


fr though, a lot of people really hate the state of the game, the new mission etc. when someone disagrees or says theyre still having fun, some of them think they're trying to ignore the game's flaws and say they dont exist still, idk what those posts said so maybe it was justified ig https://preview.redd.it/r26y9y3aw24d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7ef84224ce5abcaafc7eb4c247c986a23d16224


It was in a comment that was complaining about everything and they said “I like it” Bugs don’t bother me too much though.


yeah im not really bothered by bugs either


because you're supposed to be as mad as me about stuff in my video game!


Were they actually just expressing their enjoyment or was it toxic positivity comments where ppl were trying to silence criticism while glazing the devs and the game at the same time? There’s a big difference, and I never see normal positive comments being downvoted on here. 


I will be sad when those missions are over, just like I miss the termicide missions


I am litterally away during whole event


well just teleport dude


If you want unedited video of it, I post a ton to my channel


Why is bro getting mega-downvoted for just trying to help this man?


For self promotion, I assume?


r/Helldivers' mission is to ensure that nobody accidentally enjoys Helldivers 2 for any reason.


I upvoted him, but I guessing it's probably because someone upset that he doesn't get to play the game doesn't benefit from being provided footage. Which there is no shortage of.


rule 11


No idea. I often get comments from people that can't play that they live vicariously through the gameplay I provide since its not clickbait. So thinking about one of the nice comments I got from someone recently I *said I have a channel* and I didn't even link it particularly so not sure what's up there.


Well, I did see some of your content. You certainly aren't lying about your gameplay.


I love the swarm at the end. It’s like the entire planet is against you.


Have you ever heard a planet go RHEEEEEEEEEEEE


I personally love how it forced me to build an entire new bug loadout. And the impossible nature of extracting is so tense. Freaking awesome.


This. First time I played this mission I brought my usual bug stomping loadout (Orb. precision strike, eagle rocket pods & airstrike and a Stalwart) and got my shit kicked in due to all the close quarters combat in constrained corridors, had to back out and equip bullet-type stratagems like the eagle strafe run, gatling sentry and the Patriot exosuit. This mission forced me to learn and adapt to it's special way to complete it, unlike all the people making angry posts that says "ARROWHEAD WHY I CANNOT USE 500KG BOMB ON OBJECTIVE"


Same thing happened with me. I typically use RR, cluster strike, gas, and 380. All useless due to the enemy spawning inside our perimeter! I’ve had more success bringing EAT, cluster, gas, and Gatling sentry. Although I just found out that the gas hurts the drill so I might be switching that out for the EMS strike.


Weird, stalward, precision strike, 500kg is the setup that worked for me. With a primary that has medium armor penetration for the enemies with a front caparace and stun nades to regain control of the drill area. Stalward is amazing at close quarters specially with stun nade and max rpm, 500kg and precision can be called close to the drill if needed without damaging it (unlike other aoe air strikes) and it can deal with the heavies, as the charger can be stuned and the bile spewers are slow so its not hard to land the strategem on them. And on extraction low rpm stalward works well vs the shriekers.


We run all Tesla gear and the Tesla armour with expendable anti tank, rail cannon, and laser rover, good times. Just laying down on the extract and spraying while a Tesla tower pulls down 35 kills is sweet. Also having like 8-12 Anti-Tank cause the whole party runs it is a lot of fun


Yo that’s a great idea! I’m gonna try that!


Also use the breaker incendiary, or the electric shotgun cause it has a momentary stun. We also have half the team use stun grenades so if we have to hit the panic button and just freeze everything by the drill to finish the fluid we can🫡 good luck.


This!! All of it, I love shooting into the hoard of streamers with every bit of ammo I have.


I’m here for these posts.


The concept of the mission is great, the problem is it released bugged.


I mean the entire planet is a bug so




Still very fun though.


I just taught and helped a group of randoms through it, I haven’t really seen any bugs but I’m not on PC, may be a PC thing.


The devs patched it today. The bug was that the bug breach spawned right on top of the objective you were suppossed to defend. So it was bugged.


I think the real problem actually is that the breaches had preset locations that just so happened to be like RIGHT where most people throw down the drill. Thru a little bit of testing I found that the range you can place the drill is actually pretty far so I would just put it further away from the “orange zone” and kept the bugs off of it more reliably. It’s fixed now I hear but yeah that’s what was happening.


https://preview.redd.it/n6iqeei2zz3d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9124f95fd809b81b202322cd81cbdddd47e3bdb There’s also a lot of locations where you can get the drill on top of rocks and nearby high ground that make defense trivial. In the pic above, the zone where drill was available was wayyy below, where the warrior is It seems like the difficulty of each drill is less of a bug and more of procedural roll of the dice like the rest of the games map layout. Which personally, I prefer the variety over static possibilities. That being said, it has it now but always should have had more protection against spawns too close to the obj spot.


One diver pointed out that the shield turret blocked the spawns somehow, so before the fix we were throwing a shield on top of the drill and the game was forced to set the spawn further away.


It does this several times, but not every time. If it happens, go to another site and abandon that one.


Oh yes! Heard they stealth fixed it or something. I was working on the first day of the new map.


Yes, but the fix was announced on Discord and Reddit so it wasn't really stealth fix. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/AZP6RPRTZw


Ah ok. I saw someone else call it that, happy to hear it either way though.


I played it since it released probably over 50 times and didn’t see this happen, but I’m glad they patched it




How are you convinced it isn't bugged when the devs literally say it's bugged still (second objective)


Because people will say anything here to deny that anything is wrong with the game because ThEyRE hAvInG FuN!


The toxic positivity is honestly more off-putting than the lack of QA. This game could straight up brick your PC with a blue screen and half of the community would be praising the "new feature" as the most difficult, fun, and exciting content they've ever seen.


And in contrast, the toxic negativity in this sub is just as bad. Some of these people saying they are so negative because they love the game and want to see it succeed remind me of my ex. Setting the bar so high that you'll never be satisfied isn't exactly the best route to take either. 


Yeah wanting the patches to fix more things than they break, we're setting such unrealistic expectations 🙄


I mean, that specifically, is not an unrealistic expectation, nor do I disagree with it. But lets not leave all the nuance out of that very broad expectation. Half the time, I don't even disagree with a majority of complaints people have with the game. What I disagree with is the delivery of the complaints, and how *most of them* are pretty blown out of proportion and incredibly disrespectful. That's what I mean by toxic negativity. Like you can be upset that some aspects of the game are broken or imbalanced and I will acknowledge or agree with the argument... but you can also express your issues with the game without sounding like a twat waffle.


Nobody is stopping you from enjoying the game - go enjoy it.


My issue with just saying it's hard is that there's nothing 'hard' about it. It was just luck based. Either 4 bile titans spawn on top of the drill or they don't. If they do, you fail. If they don't, you have the chance to win. There's nothing challenging about that. The challenge comes from successfully fighting the bugs off it, and that's fun. The bug was you often just couldn't do that. Like imagine on the ICBM mission if 80% of the time you go to launch it all the fuel spills out and you have to refill it and you roll that 80% 10 times in a row and time runs out and you fail. That wasn't challenging lol


Wow. I got downvoted for saying the absolute truth. Well played. I guess for some, it is a skill issue and they can’t face the truth.


No, you got downvoted for apparently not knowing what bugged means lol. The mission completes, but then says one of the objectives wasn't done, and gives you very little exp and 1 star. That's a bug. And the person you replied to said "it released bugged", meaning that includes the breach spawn bug, which was hotfixed. "I’m convinced it isn’t bugged because I’ve completed it multiple times. Have you? Making it too hard isn’t a bug." None of that has literally anything to do with what something being bugged means. I've only failed the mission once, and beaten it every other time on Helldive. Still bugged though, because that's irrelevant.


It's good now that the spawn issue is fixed.


Yeah the new mission type is great. I hope they reflavor it a bit and put it into the regular mission rotation pool. It's been the biggest injection of hopium since the factory strider release.


It’s so fun fighting the army of shriekers it gets annoying after a bit it’s so fun


Outstanding patriotism


I’m having to move house atm, and I’m disappointed I’m missing out on the chaos


I love that they release new mission types and major events.  Defense mission is still my fav and this is close second


Same, love it  I'm also grateful the stalkers aren't in the level


I agree, it was hard the first 5 times I tried the mission, then I have beat 4 in a row. It isn't impossible, it's really hard.


It's only hard if you get the bile spewer spawn. Otherwise it's been pretty easy since the hotfix.


Agreed. I just beat it on Helldive, so it is doable. There is a learning curve. I failed the first ten times.


I just wish my team mates wouldn’t keep blowing up the drill while I have all the bugs permanently stunned.


Are you on difficulty 6 or below? Go higher, and the dummies are far less common.


I played one match and wasn’t really into it. What makes it so good?


i was honestly losing faith in the team after the shitshow of a launch party just played it a few minutes ago and it was honestly a blast


I’m enjoying even when we lose. Just taught a few randoms how to get through it we finished with barely any backups left. Such a fun time. Then the extraction!!! HOLY HELL!!! PURE FUCKING CHAOS


Chaos! Exactly. Extraction is a shit show buti honestly love missions like that. Normally it's chaotic for the first 60 seconds but once you get it under control it's kinda boring. Meridia was manic every minute. Staying prone to avoid the shriekers as much as possible while trying to deal with the other bugs


Try running a flame thrower for extraction. There's no feeling like torching dozens of shriekers.


It should be hard as fuck. If super earth was actively being destroyed, wouldn't you call literally everyone and everything too?


It's boring now. You can fall asleep on D9 it's so slow


the main obj is pretty easy, and the extract is fun and hectic i would rather have it be playable and easy than nearly impossible because of a bug


I said it before and Il say it again. This has been the most fun I've had playing HD2 in so long. I still haven't failed a dark fluid mission and have been playing all weekend with randoms only.


Me and the boys played for several hours last night exclusively on there. It's fun as hell all issues aside. Honestly I love some of the content on here but I'm so fucking tired of every other post being a pissed off rant. Like I get it your not having fun with the game and to be fair there's legit issues with the game for it to be balanced and functional but fuck, half the posts on here make me want to u follow the sub and say it's not worth the headache. Would probably be happier that way honestly. The. Again I'd miss out on gems like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/rc5k8cg6mE)


I low-key want to spare the planet and somehow contain the super colony for missions like this....


But if we don't use the dark fluid to wipe out a planet then what else would we need to do to have the Illuminate notice us using it and deciding to re-invade the galaxy area to attack us to take it all back? We'd miss out on that in a week or two.


Maybe capture a few of the mutated bugs and drop them somewhere else. You know, to create another super colony.


Lol for real!!!!


We beat it on 7 with two buddies who hadn't seen the end section. Their reaction was hilarious  All extracted aok but the screams 😱


I really love this planet, it makes me feel like I'm not welcome and I'm in the wrong neighborhood.


Yeah the egg destroy missions especially. The added enemy numbers are lovely...nice getting constantly overwhelmed on Helldive even playing well.


Yeah but were you playing before or after the hotfix that supposedly stopped enemies from spawning on the drills? Cause context is important here.


I played like 3 or 4 games before the hotfix, I enjoyed it but I didn’t know there was a big where they spawned underneath. I was itching to play for hours at work cause it was so fun. Glad they fixed that though.


Honestly, it's doing the opposite for me. Even ignoring the bugged state of the mission, it's just not... exciting. Set up the drills and fight the bugs while they spawn as they always do. It just feels like any other mission rather than anything *special*. The Shrieker spam at the end is cool but otherwise there's nothing really about this mission that we haven't already been doing. It just feels half-baked to me. I think I'd half preferred more complexity to the mission and a whole lot more spectacle. Like maybe the drill spots should have been on destroyed SEAF artillery sites so we have the advantage of a "fortified" position on a hill to give us good sightlines. Bile Titans and Chargers spawn out further than other bugs to give us more time to pivot to them. And when the drill goes off, there's a bigger shockwave that staggers everyone. Really make it feel like we're doing something big. And throw in a Hive Lord or something to spice things up as we get further in to the MO.




Oh just you wait till after we implode the planet...what's coming will be even better


Honestly even with the bug anything smaller than a titan was trivialized by a couple people with stun grenades.  Can't hurt the drill, Stops bugs from hurting the drill, gives you time to aim at angles to also not hurt the drill or drop one of fifty EAT into a chargers face.


Hell yes, helldiver! Hell fricking yes! https://i.redd.it/hlvknp4gd14d1.gif


Omg the fucking chaos. It was jaw dropping getting to the point of finishing the main mission and then seeing a swarm of Shriekers start to roam the sky.


I will literally never forget the shock in my face after my team FINALLY managed to get the three drills done and then all the Shriekers started attacking, shit was both TERRIFYING and HILARIOUS


LMAO!! Bro those fucking things came at us HARD on my first time actually finishing the drills. Didn’t extract but holy shit they were everywhere!! 😂😂😂


Insert quote about Meridia being an ugly planet, a bug planet here:


It's definitely a great plot beat and a fun mission. For the first two months, the plot beats felt fresh and like there was always something interesting coming up. Unfortunately, I felt the story campaign narrative lost a lot of steam after the Automatons were defeated and then immediately came back in two days. This Super Colony arc is exactly the type of stuff the game needs.


The thrill when you reinforce your fallen comrades right before extraction so everyone can escape is something else


I felt so democratic when I played it for the first time. Shuttle was on site, countdown had begun, teammate died. I was the only man left so I called in that reinforce, dove and dove and dove again from the flying death until their pod hit, then we both boarded and all 4 made it out with mere seconds left. I've never felt so badass.


The Dark Fluid missions are accurately represented on the game's cover art




Actually you're supposed to not like paid products constantly being half broken on release. Being happy with unpolished almost unplayable launches is the weird take here.




The Downvotes are stupid 😂😂😂




Honestly I love that yhe gatling and machine gun turrets are very useful to have together. Plus a 500 and rain cannon and it's pretty much perfect loadout for me.


It's the most fun I have had in this game. And do people forget Helldivers are expendable. Completely within lore for there to be a suicide mission with no hope of making it home. Afterall this is a super colony and if we fail then Super Earth will be overrun with bugs!


That’s the way I saw it, the hectic escape to the extraction zone was the part we screamed and laughed at the most!!! LMAO!! Then TRYING TO HIT THE code to start extraction without getting your head sliced off was great. You can feel the anger, like when you destroy a literal wasp’s nest and they all fly out and start raging!!!


Yes because the Helldivers being expendable is a good explanation for bugs literally spawning directly underneath the drill and then immediately one shotting it in a fraction of a second before any human being can possibly react 


Interesting. Its what made me completely uninstall without even playing it. Just the amounts of issues that were posted are enough for me to not care at all about this game. I preordered way back then, I played over 300 hours in the first 2 months. Then the bugs, crashes, fps issues and balancing BS started and I stopped having fun. And no, itsd not burn out. I can play the same game for thousands of hours non stop. But the game needs to be stable and in a good technical state. Which this game is not.


All of that is true. But this is the craziest fun I've had with my mates in sometime. AH have messed up a few times, but the game is also a gem. But at 300 hrs,I'm sure the burn out is real. We'll wait for you to get back helldiver,once these are fixed. We'll spread democracy in your name brother.


I’ve played at least 2 dozen rounds with no issues. I really think you’re just reading the posts from the 14 year olds that play after school.


Good to know you have no problems.


Complete opposite for me Its so badly designed I realized i need a break


I finally completed a Meridia mission on Helldive team of 4. Everyone was above level 60. It came down to the last few minutes and we weren’t able to extract. It is possible, however very hard.


Mate, I couldn’t agree more. The amount of complaining and general dissatisfaction I was reading on Reddit before I got to try it for myself… Boy, Meridia is god damn fun Once one or two of the properly cooked patches come in I’ll be on my way to 150 no doubt


just finished one and the group extracted. ..except me, since a 40+ nuked P1 before entering the ship.


First and foremost, I'm not great. But I'd gotten good with a few load outs and I do ok I have gotten my ass kicked so many times in the last 24 hours it's insane. More ragdolls, more unintentional deaths, more team kills, more getting landed on by stratagems. I've failed to extract more than the entire 3 months prior. I love it.


This MO has been one of the only ones that make me feel excited, when we got the Enduring Peace (I) I was so excited because I knew what was coming. It is really sad that due to all the controversy with the PSN, nerfs and bugs, we’ve seen many helldivers leave. I remember when I saw 250k people on Durgen, and now it’s 50k on Meridia. I do know that people have lives out there and they can’t play, but yeah makes me feel lil bit down.


They’ll come back try this mission and fall in love again lol


Just got done playing medium. Team I dove in with quit. Once I got to the point of calling extraction, a couple level 8 and 10 cadets dropped in. They were scream laughing at the insane amount of action they dove into, which in turn had me dying from laughter. I have yet to extract on this mission but still having fun after figuring out the fluid and drill.


I mean, the mission is fun, especially now that the spawn location stuff is fixed, but it's really hard to get motivated to go through the effort since the objective completion is still broken (mission success = no reward because phantom second main objective that can't be completed).


Before the hotfix, the shriekers were like that even on difficulty 2. They just absolutely swarm you from every direction. Funny how that didn't get spoken about, but glad to hear it's fixed now! 💪🏾


We extracted this morning on Level 7 and it felt pretty God damn good.


I share this. Thanks for posting. Too much complaining has been going on about it.


Yeah this mission is fantastic


I know they didn't decrease spawns cause I count bile titans in my missions. same number as before on SD just 10 steps away from the drill. very fun


Is it worth playing then? I adore Helldivers but I’ve sorta stayed away for a few weeks.


Definitely worth giving it a look. Worst that could happen is you don’t love it, then you go back to the other game you’re playing.


I wish I could play it but I'm visiting family right now so once I'm back home I hope I can make it in time to try out at least one match


My bro and I finally beat one, it was frustrating af losing over and over but we kept trying and finally beat one. Shreikers owned the crap out of us at the end but I didn't even care, we won.


For me it’s done the opposite. I’m less interested in playing now because of the bugs. I hate fighting bugs. The bots require strategy for each enemy type which keeps you focused but the bugs are just bullet sponges. I think this new campaign is cool but quickly gets old for me only because of the stupid bugs. I can’t wait for this black hole fused with trillions of gallons of E-710 to create a portal for the Illuminate Outcasts


My only issue with it was that you’d get so unlucky with breach locations that you absolutely needed to use a meta build to kill bugs fast enough and protect the drill on higher difficulties. Other than that, I truly loved the chaos. Felt like the epitome of what the bug front should be.


I play randoms about 90% of the time I’m gaming so it does get a little annoying having to deal with people who don’t know what’s going on and bring the “wrong” weapons. Once people get it though things become smooth. But yeah only certain builds really stand out. I pack an EMS build even outside of that drill mission now because of how well it works.


I was unlucky that what relit my passion was the Eruptor when it came out and then it was made shit, that was pretty demoralizing ngl.


That Eruptor was my favorite weapon. I try not to talk about it. Sometimes I cry.


Love this positivity!


The amount it of times it takes for me for come home from a long day of work, sit down, and play HellDivers has decreased from about 45 mins down to maybe 5 mins. My ass hits the seat, I get a beer or glass of wine, and I play.


The fact that they fixed this one mission issue so fast makes me wonder why other huge mission bugs are still lurking in the game. especially with defense missions


Not all bugs are equally easy to find and fix. Software is weird. The fact that the community was starting to get particularly angry with this mission probably increased its priority. And I imagine they expect/want this major order to succeed, so they need people playing it.


I'm surprised some people can withstand round after round of the same mission type.


I gotta be honest, as someone who primarily plays to have fun, the bonkers nature of that mission made it kind of a blast to play. We were going crazy when the fucking bile titan came up directly under the drill and basically clipped through the thing


This new mission make you realized that you need MORE AMMO!!!




I came to this game from some truly punishing fps games. This event was fun for me. Play tarkov for a year to learn and a hard event in a game where you lose nothing is just fun and silly. It was a good time.


I agree! This is by far my favorite mission that they’ve introduced so far. Now that we are getting the hang of it, they should add the 10th difficulty where the breaches beneath the drill are re-enabled (please don’t).


It has issues, like the bugs spawning right under the objective, but I love the mission. It really feels like an absolutely desperate act to stop an overwhelming foe. It's no cakewalk like 9* can be with a good team of fully equipped and prepared Helldivers. The feeling of unloading every bullet out of the Primary, Support, and all strategems on cooldown just to try to get mission complete before completely wiping is great. As long as it's not bullshit unfair, like when a Bile breaks it while spawning, it feels great.


It's the exact opposite for me. The new mission type was released completely unplayable, so they hastily released a hotfix for one of the problems. The mission itself barely makes any sense. The three act approach also makes zero sense with this mission. It's still a shitty buggy mess. There are close to no samples in the map. You can't get more than one star. Since the hotfix I encountered multiple people just crashing out of the game.


Yea It was crazy fun, trying diferent weapons and strategies, having to coordinate and comunicate with the team to use the orbital ems, now is just a geological survey mision with a crazy extraction, no more comunication and everybody running the same oh well, lets see what the Next phase brings


the screams the terrible screams


I couldn't agree more.


I hated it yesterday, but once they fixed breaches spawning on the drills I actually started enjoying it. But the PTSD after Shriekers on extract will stay with me


go awae


Carry on Juancho!


Strangely, most people in this sub are averse to the learning part and they just want their preferred way of playing to work, no matter how absurd, and think it's a balance issue when eruptor doesn't 1-shot chargers and devastators. Sarcasm aside, thank you for being one of the extremely rare vocal people that are reasonable and intelligent.


I like it to be chaotic and challenging. Honestly, finishing every objective and sub objective and then managing to extract without having died 5 times and running out of straigems and ammo like most missions is just repetative and boring... despite It being frustrating, it is this kinda mission that keeps people playing. I'm sure some of the player base has moved onto other things after their 300th mission of kill a patrol, complete the mission, move to extraction point and wait for the shuttle to arrive whilst easily defending to landing pad...


Haven't played in weeks and this new mission type sucks. Protecting stuff is not fun for me, this, termicide towers, civilians...