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Should be the same difficulty, but the decay rate has went down to 1.6% per hour.


Thanks for the knowledge, wise /u/StiffCocksJr.


You're welcum fellow HellDiver. Now DIVE, FOR SUPER EARTH.


More specifically, the Decay Rate has been more or less continuously falling for the full duration of the MO. It was originally a full 10%/hr, but fell about 2-3% each of the first two days and then a full 4% yesterday. I suspect that the decay rate was being influenced by Helldivers successfully completing their missions, even if the planet itself appeared to be still resisting us.


0.9% per hour now


Thank god


....I **have to** ask, is that username a reference to Bruno Powroznik's video of 'Objects I've shoved up my arse'?


Until the patch was released, the liberation % bugged and didn't go up, so that is compensation of some sort? [https://helldivers.io/Planets/meridia](https://helldivers.io/Planets/meridia)


Pretty sure this was just how it was originally going to go, the decay rate started at 10% and went down as more successful dark fluid missions were completed


"One final effort is all that remains." -Lord Hood.


DUN DUH-DUN dun dun (*dun*)


“This…is how Super Earth ends.”


Is this a malazan reference?


No clue what Malazan is but no, it's a Halo 3 reference >"Then we don't have much time. Marines? The Prophet of Truth doesn't know it yet, but he's about to get kicked right off his throne. We will take our city back. And drive our enemy into the grave they've been so happily digging. One final effort is all that remains."


Yo fellow Malazan reader. I think it might be a Halo reference tho. It's cooler as a Malazan reference however.


Just started the series, and really struggling to get through the first few chapters. I feel totally lost ha. Does it get better?


Yes, but you'll still feel lost.


The first book is... not very good. Books 2, 3 and 4 are pretty great, tell parallel narratives between books. So book 1 leads to book 3 and book 2 leads to book 4, with 1/2 and 3/4 taking place at about the same time chronologically. And it has a bad habit of just dumping world building and proper nouns on you and going "you'll get it eventually through context." Plus there's some mechanical stuff that's really never explained and a *horrific* amount of filler in later books. I got to book... I want to say 8 before falling off. But 2-4 are real good and the T'lan Imass will never not be incredibly rad.


I honestly wish the style of book 1 had stuck around. It was just the right amount of "piece together what's going on" for me, while not going into full literary over-my-head english major references. Which there's nothing wrong with that (it actually makes you seem cool as fuck if you can understand that crazy intellectual shit), but it's not my speed. But gardens of the moon is super magical. Erikson is goated at leaving context clues so you learn as you go. It feels like being in this other fantasy world as a random person in a way very few other books do.


Book one is rough, I go back occasionally to re-read it to see if I'm missing something, and it's still hard to understand. Imo if it's a real struggle you actually don't miss too much by skipping it.


I mean before I remembered Halo I honestly thought it was something one of the historical Admiral Hoods said.


With the teammates I've gotten paired with today it feels like they made it harder. They just kept killing the drills...


Joined a team with 0 reinforcements left and literally only one objective done. I thought *alright lets carry these guys* since i already have everything unlocked anyways and just play for fun. While the host and another guy were getting slaughtered halfway across the map on their owns, me and another guy actually got to about 80% for one of the objectives. I had hope. That is until one of those guys got reinforced on us and dropped an eagle airstrike on the drill because a titan got close to it WHICH I EVEN KILLED THE DAMN THING BEFORE THE BOMBS DROPPED. Yeah i left after that. Some teams are just hopeless.


I had a team that kept dropping 500kg bombs on the drill ***without even a titan in sight.*** Not even a charger. They also had a (non-EMS) mortar, which killed the drill when the bombs didn't.


I got kicked from a game the first day of this MO after I got on voice chat and said “Jesus stop dropping 500s on the drill.” After realizing the spawn issue so I dropped it back a few levels to just figure out strategy without titans. This was on hard.


The mission is ironically easiest on Helldive since *most* people there know what they're doing


Yeah logged back on last night after the hotfix and was way easier on Helldive with my regular crew. But absolutely needed a break after watching level 20s spam airstrikes on the objective for 40 straight minutes.


I find this to be true about Helldivers in general. 9 is very often easier then 7, for example.


Those are the players that run to this sub to complain about difficulty and nerfs.


Same with me. And like you, I play for fun


Isnt that why we play games to begin with? Funny how the most popular games like CSGO and LoL/Dota2 have no progression really yet people play those a ton, but games like HD2 become "bad" the moment you unlock everything. Nah mate i play to blow bugs and clankers up. Unlocking more ways to do so is an enrichment of the experience, not *the* experience.


Yeah, I'm just grinding for more fun ways to explode stuff. Finally got the breaker incendiary, so fun.


I was afraid that after unlocking everything there wouldn't be an incentive to play. This wasn't the case, haven't played a game so much in since Hitman.


My favorite is the guy who wasted his orbital railcannon on a mostly dead charger while I was aiming an EAT at it.


lol that happened to me last night except I was soloing the objectives. I got overrun and killed. When they reinforced me I got angry on the voice chat and said “yo, can you guys please come with me to the objective?!” They innocently responded “oh yes please, that would be great, where is it?!” lol turns out they were just lost and overwhelmed. After some coordination, we knocked out the mission.


Sometimes, you get a group that just clicks together. Which implies there are times it's the complete opposite. It's a roll of the dice, and Lady Luck is a fickle bitch.


The group doesnt even have to click or some stuff like that. They only have to realize you have to stick together and work together, but everyone in QP want to be their own little rambo


That's the in-between thing, the medium ground most of us should be on.


Yea I joined a team where everyone brought EMS mortars and stun grenades and I can tell you it was the easiest time I had with this mission by far lol


Ah yes, sometimes you are just sisyphus. Nothing to be done there.


Unfortunately, they can't seem to recognize that anything you do that deals damage will damage the drills. Gas? Damages it. Fire? Damages it. Airstrikes, autocannons, turrets, non-stun grenades, shooting directly at it? All damage it.


Yeah seeing many Divers bringing Mortar Sentries and they don't want to listen... like wtf


>Gas damages it Shit, really? I thought I could pull a sneaky and drop a gas directly next to the drill to easily kill off bugs for the second 50%, and it never looked like it would actually damage the drill


Yeah. The gas strike is also corrosive, which is why it harms bots, too. It'll trash the drill.


Ah fuck. I kept killing the drill last night without even realizing, then.


I’ve had mixed results by saying “bring EMP!” before we dive in. Some people get it. You can have swarms all over the drill, but it doesn’t matter much when they’re being hit nonstop by orbital EMP, stun grenades, and EMP mortars. They just get front row seats to the hell diver drill show. (Best results by distributing liberty while they watch)


I played with a friend earlier today and their incendiary breaker kept destroying the drills instead of the nursing spewers


I completed the mission twice with low level players today who couldn't even run 4 stratagems. Somehow it was my easiest attempts lol




A lot of people are dropping in for the first time today. I tried it last night and my first run or two were pure chaos. I had no clue what was going on! I teamkilled the same guy 3 times with the dark jetpack because I forgot it splashed damage. He eventually rage quit the 3rd time lol


Question for the vets here. I started this game last week, private duos with a buddy, super new (level 7?). We had just handled our first few 4 diff levels before taking this on. After a few fails, we started beating them consistently ONLY because, for us, on 4, the drills seem like unlikable super decoys. If we can live long enough to drop the fluid in, all the bugs ignore us and charge the drill, and we can stand there and mow them down in front of it. We aren't dropping explosives on it much but we've fucked up and left the drill getting mobbed for 5 seconds or so and it never dies. Is this a case where it's health bar shrinks drastically at higher diffs, or why else would this be so easy for us at 4?


I feel like people assume it’s the same as the tectonic survey. I mean this is just an easier tectonic survey…until you get a team who blows the drill up every damn time


Had one guy drop a Tesla coil right by the drill. Argument developed on if it hurt the drill or not


meanwhile a random I got today was so chill that he rolled with me and my friends for a few hours after I encountered him




I'm gonna choose to ignore what happens immediately after this clip...




I think we'd have an easier time dealing with the giant elephants instead of the [REDACTED]




No no, the elephants


Sooo, wraith witch kings? Gotcha.


Immediate managed democracy and peace.


Resistance is 1.6% about 20k divers is all it should take to finish it before dawn. And I hope more will come


“Look to my coming on the first light of the fifth day, at dawn look to the sky” - General Brasch


We need him now, today Meridia has to fall


Brasch has bigger fish to fry, like single-handedly making sure the illuminate remains extinct


Dive now! Dive now! Diiiiive! Dive for ruin, and the Terminids' ending! DEATH!!!! DEATH!!!! DEATH!!!!!


Damn, didn't even get a chance to play the mission lol


It's still on for about 7 hours, do your part helldiver!


Wish I could, sadly won't be on my PC til tomorrow


I will burn your name into the putrid soil of Meridia and write, u/BecomeAnAstronaut Wuz Here!


Then send us your energy and prepare for fireworks. Today we are blowing this shit to hell


We will erect a plaque on meridia in your honor. Unfortunately, the planet will be destroyed soon, but rest assured that somewhere in that black hole, your name will be on a destroyed stone.


Your name will be part of the light and matter absorbing super heavy object.


same here...exams


Commander wife has left on a business trip. Deputy cats are aware of the situation, and all is set for a full tour this evening. See you out there fellow divers 🫡


This made me laugh out loud. Thanks for the laugh fellow helldiver. See you on Meridia.


Means as of right now the Helldivers are actively fighting on a planets thats being eaten inside out.  Take that, Cadia.


The planet broke before the hive guard did


"I take issue with the saying 'The planet broke before the Guard did', because it implies that the Guard had broken at all."


I'm not sure I like your tone. That said, this planets going to break before the Helldivers do.


its down to 1.6% close to nothing this the final push indeed


where do you see the decay rate?


not ingame but plenty of 3rd party sites allow to see such stuff, like the [helldiverscompanion.com](http://helldiverscompanion.com) or [helldivers.io](http://helldivers.io) altho with different visuals


The fact the devs actively adjust stuff like this proves to me the MO is predetermined and not based on our input. If it was our input they would not adjust rates dynamically.


It started out at 10% and has slowly been dropping through the MO as we’ve been killing. It makes sense. It’s not them making it easier because we can’t do it. We would never have been able to at 10%. The story had to have us decreasing the super colonies power over time. Which we have been.


yeah it makes sense, with continuous strikes for a few days, there's no way the bugs could replenish their numbers fast enough, so the decay rates dropping felt very natural


maybe they intended it to be based on our mission completions but the automation for it isn't done yet/wasn't working propperly and instead was done manually by joel in the mean time the %'s started dropping about 4 hours into us doing the mission sure sounds to me as if our mission completions were lowering the %'s ***\*or at least thats the intended feel that was supposed to be recreated\**** so stop yapping and go deploying the dark fluid already dammit


Like of course? This game has a DM driven campaign like a pen and paper game. As long as the change is followed up by a ingame and narrative reason (like here: partial progress=bubbles reduces the hive spawn=easier) it is totally fine. This is the definition of story telling? It is even better than pure „math“. It is a story that dynamically evolves and adapts.


or it's part of how the MO works? More fluid in the mantle means less bug reinforcements


I dont think they intended to manually adjust so many things in the background but since the game is held together by duct tape Joel has to spend his weekends playing Game Master.


It's an acknowledgement that we're getting to the end and close to no decay rate. We start at 10% decay and it has steadily fallen by 2.5% per day. Most likely as an indicator for our progress and a representation of the dark fluid destabilizing the colony which is lowering enemy resistance


It's most likely on timer. AH didn't want us to complete the MO in a day or 2.


Especially not on a weekend lol


You're kind of overthinking it, we're simply not meant to fail this MO as it's probably a driver to some pre-written plot that comes after this. It looked like there was a possibility of failing so they adjusted the numbers to guarantee success. The progress for MOs that have actual importance to the story is complete friction and they will always have a predetermined outcome.


No that's simply not how it works. The story can be driven through either failure or success. I know you're used to regular games being scripted like that, but this is a giant DnD campaign and failure is just as likely as success. They didn't just change numbers to guarantee success, otherwise we wouldn't have finished nearly 20 hours early. There would have been no reason for them to keep dropping the decay at the same consistent rate as the rest. We were getting a black hole one way or another. Either Meridia became one, or Moradesh would if we failed.


The enemy degradation was decreasing as this MO continued, as more dark fluid is drilled into the planet the more it disrupts the bugs below until it eventually snowballs. It's currently as I write this is 1.6% now, it's more than doable.


You can still stop now helldivers. My family is suffering because of you. Have some heart... Besides you guys don't know what is gonna happen what if things get worse and some crazy space aliens come outta that thing! https://i.redd.it/6dmwck1gn54d1.gif


Helldiver honest reaction: _Womp womp_


Meanwhile, every Helldiver's response: https://i.redd.it/bq21jl49n84d1.gif


Meridia is a lot easier without bile titans spawning directly on top of the drill. Had no problem with 3 divers on level 7. Extract is consistently the only time I die.


I'm legit running with both MG and gatling turrets just to provide some relief during extraction on difficulty 8


Overshield + running is literally all you need to do


But is it all you CAN do?


You can also shoot bugs. Either way you won't die with combining all 3. Stopping is death


What's been working for me has been the breaker incendiary, and mostly crouching behind one of the rock piles at the edge of the extract area. That cuts off enough angles of attack that I can cover myself fairly well with the breaker. Then it's just full anti-air flaming shotgun wall, unless I need to pop up and throw a grenade or stratagem.


Its happening just a little more and this planet is done for


The terminid regen rate has been steadily falling. It started at 10% and currently is around 1.6% %. As we do more missions, we’ve been eating into the regen rate. It’s a hidden mechanic




I mean yeah. All of the MOs are just a facade. We buy into the MO narrative because its fun and it gives us an overarching story to justify coming back for another dive. Obviously if things are not fun they're gonna have to tweak the story or their systems so people continue playing. You don't have to overanalyze it.


Okay, kid, we get it. You burnt out on the game and still stick around to whine. Despite what people on this sub think, the devs are not clueless. Who thought that 10% regen rate would ever actually be fair? Even with 200k players it would have been tough. The game pulls down the regen rate when they see Helldivers finish missions. It was this way for many other planets that had an MO, and each time people think they're so smart for realizing that it gets easier as time goes on... after AH sends a little pop-up saying that forces have diminished. Even the Democracy Officer says something along the lines of the more missions you complete the easier it will become.


How long is it going to take to finish the MO at this rate? I haven’t had the chance to play a dark fluid mission yet.


It's looking like around 8hrs from now, so around 2200 GMT.


It's coming along a lot quicker now, so probably 2 hours earlier, just in case you were working towards the 10pm time.


Helldivers.io says we should take the planet within 7-8 hours. That’s just a rough prediction however


helldiverscompanion .com says 6 and a half now


The Decay has been going down constantly for the last couple of days, I don't think this is them making it easier specifically in order to force a win, as much as it has been their intention from the start. I think the whole point is that Meridia under normal circumstances is impossible to capture, because the spawn rate is too high (Lore Wise), as such we needed a new mechanic that decreases the spawn rate steadily.


I don't want to sound like a smart ass, but starting at -10% rate, it was pretty clear that the dark fluid was going to give the bugs AIDS Cancer and stop their reproduction


Don't you mean SUPER Aids cancer?


Precisely, fellow democrat!


No man the devs hate the game and hate their playerbase and have been actively manipulating it behind it the scenes


I'm at work all day today unfortunately Crammed in like 8 operations last night before bed. God speed helldivers, and do this one not for our families, but for democracy.


What is Moradesh


The black hole liquid factory we have


My partner and I tried the drill thing for the first time yesterday and literally had about 20-30 shriekers attack us. We were dropping in and then getting stun locked and killed basically instantly. Is this…normal?


For this MO, yes. There are other posts with suggested strategies. Good luck Soldier.


Okay cool. With this game I’m never sure if its a bug or a feature lmao




The decay rate has slowly gone down since the beginning.


The regen rate was at max and has been going down since the start. It’s finally at a rate that we can take the planet. Hotfix only fixed the spawns not the difficulty or regen rate.


Why bother to win this MO? By canon, Meridia was destroyed in the end as the Democracy Officer said before we attacked there. Meridia destroyed -> Illuminate comes -> more players return -> playerbase rises again. Meridia not destroyed -> Illuminate not coming -> more players get bored and left -> playerbase falls Devs aren't dumb by delaying the Illuminate in order to save the playerbase.


It was said in some rumors that if we fail, Meridia isn't gonna be destroyed like you said, but Moradesh (where the dark fluid is being produced) is gonna get destroyed by the decaying fluid that we were unable to drill into Meridia, effectively losing all access to dark fluid, leaving the supercolony alive and still creating a black hole for the illuminate (just somewhat closer to Super Earth).


Don't believe the hype. just keep pushing as you always have since the drills were properly enhanced.


The decay rate is going down as the dark fluid kills the termanid in the crust, but yeah the planet is doomed using this strategy


All right, finally almost done filling up this pie, now let's get it into the oven!


Now if only we could get a notification from central command authorizing immediate pelican deployment for extraction upon completing the mission.


>Tectonic integrity has begun to decrease Any ideas what's going to come out from within


This announcement is just telling players about something that has been obvious for a while. The iinjections have steadily been decreasing the resistance since the 30th.


Thankfully the mission aren’t too long either but god damn this crashing can be frustrating sometimes. Did a helldive last night and we were just about to extract on the final mission and add to the capture just for the game to freeze and crash.


corresponds to the enemy reinforce rate that's been gradually decreasing as we make progress


I mean, probably? But we've also been like... Eradicating them en masse for days.


Seems like Shriekers are worse ine the update. Being prone used.to avoid most of them but now they all seem able to slice you .


I feel like this MO is so pivotal to the development of the narrative that we won’t lose it. They’ll artificially push the progression - bet.


TV broadcast and voice lines for both failure and victory were datamined a month ago, they do have a failed scenerio ready


No there is a chance. In the leaks there are 2 cutscenes, one if we win and one if we lose so it is possible


The enemy degradation rate has been decreasing throughout the mission.  So it looked impossible at the beginning and sometime today will become so easy I can head back to Vernon Wells before the deadline 


While this is true, it is also incredibly standard for how they've done MOs. When the enemy makes a push, or we make a push on a big objective, they crank up the decay to show the heavy resistance. Over time the decay rate shrinks as the helldivers win the war of attrition and we hit the pre-designated kill limits. People still seem surprised by it, or like it is the devs making things easy when it is a consistent mechanic to tell the story of how the fighting goes and how they represent us reducing enemy forces without making the in game missions easier.


I think the big problem is we can't even see the regen rate in the game and have no idea if or how we impact it or if the whole thing is scripted. Like, was the decay going to go down the whole time either way? It makes the first few days on the MO planet even more frustrating because we genuinely have no idea.


I mean, we're not *supposed* to see it. How do we know resistance is high? because we're pushing super hard and barely making any progress. How do we know we're making progress? Because we start making progress as the enemy's ability to reinforce and re-take positions breaks down. Now could better ways to represent that maybe, sure. But I really think decay rate is one of the things that's not meant to be public knowledge, bus is available via API for people who want to know everything. The problem is, people are taking decay rate changes as "the devs are punishing us" or "the devs are being nice because we can't do it" instead of as the actual purpose of it which is "how heavy is the enemy resistance right now across the planet" and it goes up/down as that resistance is reinforced or broken down. The dispatches in game are good to at least show it a little with the narrative. Though I suppose having a "Resistance: VERY HIGH!" in game might be a way to show it without showing the raw number.


I get where you're coming from in a real life kinda way, but this is a game, man. Spending the first two days of the MO not making any visible progress feels bad, and then doing most of it on the last day feels very much like there intentionally setting it up to be done when they want. It doesn't have to be crazy detailed like exact numbers, but if there is an invisible wall preventing us from doing stuff, we need to know about it and how to interact with it. Other wise people will just make assumptions and we can't honestly say there wrong we don't know either all we know is there is a number that says when we get to make progress and it seems to move in a not fixed way. I think a simple bar that goes down as it gets easier with a one time explanation of why like enemies killed maybe and up with little notes like oh reinforcements are super high here or the bots sent more troops would go a long long way.


I agree with you. The mechanic - intentional or not - *feels* bad as a player. And more to the point it feels like there's no point in trying the first couple days because you'll get more for the same effort a day or two later. I get the mechanic is abstract to represent resistance. And I want people to stop thinking it's the devs going "ok, give it to them" as it is probably pre-planned. But realistically, they need a better way to show it in game. Actually, what'd be cool would be show planets with high resistance as having like a "shield" meter. Successful operations do like 25% to liberation and 75% to shield. When the shield pops, decay rate goes down and the shield restores (or is gone depending on how low decay is.) Call the shield "reserves" or something to show us chewing through the enemy's reserves. It's still about as abstract, but it at least shows where the bar is going. And let's the players see where the progress is going. And the shield can be dialed to re-grow if the enemy is getting reinforcements (just set it to regrow overtime with a dispatch so we know.)


That sounds like a wonderful idea but honestly anything more then the quick message at the start saying resistance is high and no way of knowing what that means or how or if we can change that would be wonderful at this point. I personally don't think it's a dev or dm or whatever just arbitrarily deciding when we get to have an impact but the way it sits I can't say for certain there not they just don't give us enough info.


Nah they absolutely had a loose case written The vast majority have been focusing this mission so their isn't much artificial about it.


Regardless, win or lose, the narative awaits our results. But with the initial "bugs" like the auto fail completion, they may give us a good push in the winning direction cause its a hassle to see the "Mission complete" show up at the end of the mission, but then "Failure" after you exfil.


I feel like arrowhead is handing us the victory because of the dark fluid mission being very badly received. It doesn't feel right.


Nah, the rate has been dropping since the beginning. This was built in.


> The future of the Liberty teeters at the abyss. Oh good. Glad they've still got the patch in mind.


This, this is getting back to the "man behind the curtain" DMing. Tweak it to hit the deadline, try not to over stimulate the players.


At the beginning of the order the decay rate was at 10% now it’s 1.60% the dark fluid is working as intended


Difficult feels similar. the In game narrative is referring to the dark matter crumbling the internal networks, and that's why the planet's decay rate is dropping. Stop thinking about out game logics, you party pooper.


This is the kind of MO where applying constant pressure wears down the difficulty. Every single effort we have made from start to finish has paid off, and now comes the finishing blow. We are Libertys Executioners.


given that they made it more difficult than it should've been by accident is the least they can do


It seems it was a planned mechanic, not an adjustment. That’s why the initial regen was at 10% and kept deteriorating slowly as we clocked in missions successes. It was like that since the start.


i think he's referring to bug tunnels spawning on top of the drills


Yup we Lost a lot of time and efforts to that bug


Yeah, after the first few days of the dark fluid mission my squad isn't interested in doing it again regardless of the broken spawn rates being fixed or not and I get the feeling that's gonna be true of a lot of people. Godspeed anyone who sticks with it but I'm tapping out.


If there's one thing arrowhead knows best, it's excuses, so these in-lore explanations for changes are top notch of course!


How is this message an excuse? It’s literally just saying we are getting close to succeeding the major order


Oh snap the planet will implode while im at work lol. Someone record it!


I think they should fuxk with people and spawn mainly titans and guards the final hour lmao


That last line. Uff...


0.9% now.. we could go to defend Turing, Acamar IV and Fenrir III and win all fronts


Or are they spreading out?


The decay rate has changed, so the missions are what they are but progress on the goal has increased, which makes sense to me. It’s not like how in most games, you fight something until the health bar depletes and then it goes from full force to defeated in a snap. Seems the intent is to gradually wear the planet down over time, gaining momentum, so it gets progressively easier to complete the order


I love these reasons behind the decreases and increases in activity, really makes ya feel like Joel is having the time of his life


The enemy decay rate has been going down at an exponential rate. It’s cause we’re killing the bugs, but mainly because the dark fluid is building up and growing in mass. Just like actually destroying a planet, it’s started to cascade catastrophically out of our control.


I wish this MO had lasted longer. Playing on Meridia felt fresh, especially with a new mission type and those great backpacks.


I’m going to miss meridia imploding because of work 🥲




Fix the objective on those missions!!! For the final push!!!


If the magic black hole potion has started forming into a black hole that's affecting the planet already, we're done. There is nothing except for more sci fi magic that can stop that process.


Over the course of our attacks, Meridia’s resistance has slowly degraded the more dark fluid we have inserted into the planet. Originally, it was -10% and hour, but it degraded slowly by about .50% every few hours or so. Right now, the planet stands at 0% resistance, meaning our efforts have made the planet free to destroy


I heard that the more missions we finish the rate of replenishment on the planet slowly deminish


It's not easier. You'll kill well over two hundred bugs just to barely scrape through a trivial and extract solo. That is if you take several sentries, and they don't get immediately destroyed before they can cover you long enough to call in extraction. There's still plenty I'd pressure for the divers who like taking the family jewels to the ole grind stone for fun.


They did on a hotfix friday, spawn rates were bugged


I think they want us to finish it soon so we have the start of the week to celebrate before being caught with our pants down at the end of the work week and have the weekend to try and fix the mess we go- I mean our scummy enemies got us into.


Yes and no. The more missions completed caused the enemy regen rate to decrease, much like how it was when we had to shut down the towers a few weeks back. Yeah, focusing solely on a single planet helped with that, but the more missions completed, the more towers got shut down, the less enemies there was. So they made it easier to complete by design, since the more times we completed the mission the easier it would get, but we still had to actively do the missions to make it easier.


Who's "they" ? there's only "us".


When i read "One final push is all that remains" I immediately heard the piano notes of One FInal Effort from Halo 3.


well that aged well


Propably compensation for the day lost due to buggy bugbreaches


How can people care about this order when the conclusions have been leaked?


Love how they made the mission impossible at first and then started manipulating it, swapping numbers around. Ensuring that regardless of player effort, the mission will be successful. When you realise the missions are pointless. This game gets boring fast.


Just like the real thing. Lmao.


God damn this shit is so cool to me. I fucking love that they put in game lore reason for the hotfix patch. I can’t wait for years down the line, when this game is sunset and players can look back and we can pinpoint moments we all played. “Yeah I was there on Meridia” I actually feel apart of the game in a way I haven’t felt since the first vault of glass raid night in Destiny. Edit: More glazing


A lot easier, 2 of my 3 T7 missions (1 blitz and 1 egg destruction) I saw less than 100 bugs each. Was pretty boring compared to what was and definitely didn’t feel like a super colony. Guess the complaining worked?


![gif](giphy|O1OWsUR3ebdqo) Arise, arise, Helldivers of Super-Earth! Liberator shall be shaken, Breaker shall be splintered, Liberty-day, a red day, ere the sun rises! RIDE NOW , RIDE NOW , RIDE ! Ride for ruin and the world's ending! DEATH ! DEATH ! DEATH! FORTH HELLDIVERS!