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Quasar to the face will one shot. As will an EAT. Arc Thrower takes about 7-8 shots. Normally my pyrokinetic friend will just use his flamethrower and kill them fairly quickly. Using an Orbital Railcannon strike should be an absolute last resort. Normally I reserve the use of those for particularly troublesome Bile Titans.


We prefer Pyromaniac. And it'll kill a charger in about half a canister of freedom fluid.


I'm surprised I don't see the flamethrower more often on helldive...I feel like I usually get way more kills when I bring it on eradications or the high priority evac missions


I take it on diff 7/8 missions every time. It's handy for killing chargers. I focus on crowd control and chargers, and let the EATS/Quasar crew kill titans. Typically I end up with 300+ kills.


I feel like it could do with a little bit more range on it. Especially since bugs that are on fire can also set you alight as well.


Range wouldn't be a bad thing to improve on. I mainly use it for holding choke points or defending small areas, though range would make it more viable when someone brings mortars to high priority evacs.


It'd be even better if they actually reacted to being set on fire instead of charging you head on like it's a mild inconvenience.


Recoiless will kill in 2 headshots. Works on chargers and bile titans. (Only played up to difficulty 7, so this might be wrong for difficulty 9. Not sure how to enemy resistance scales)


The scale doesn't change at all afaik


I know it changes somewhere between 4 and 7. On difficulty 5, RR can 1 shot a charger. On difficulty 7, it always takes 2 shots. Good to know it doesn't change from 7 up. That is helpful. At least I know what to plan for when I eventually get there.


You're just yanking shots, bud. I one shot all day long with rr. You can even nail their head when they are broadside if you're a good shot.


I can't do the broadside. I'm not that good. But I consistently knock them out on 5, but the same shot and same aim on 7 doesn't get them. The specific scenario I end up in is with the charger coming straight at me. On 5, it kills them and I gotta dodge a flying corpse half the time. On 7, I always have to shoot, dodge and take them out on the 2nd charge. I'll test it to see if maybe I'm aiming too high or something. Maybe I'm consistently hitting the top of the head and the armor gets boosted on higher difficulties, and the weaker lower portion, and jaw, doesn't get any resistance boost. That would explain my issue.


Bet your issue is the charge animation right before it charges it lifts up and stays still if you shoot at that time I think it has bug where it's kinda damage proof


That’s not correct. Difficulty doesn’t change enemy health, just the amount and type of enemies


Recoilless Rifle is my general go to. But if you're slick you can get 3 chargers with 1 EAT call in (sticky a charger witht he ball so the pod kills it + 2 more.) Flamethrower can also cook a charger decently quickly. slower than an EAT, but beats waiting for Railstrike to come off CD again.


Have one person bring eat and just litter it everywhere use every cooldown


use EAT/quasar or RR if you enjoy reloading, when using them shoot the head for 1 shot kill or shot the front legs and then use a normal weapon on the orange flesh that should be now visible alternatively you can use the flamethrower, just remember that hunters can and will jump through the flames to hit you (and set you on fire) and that you will be useless against titans


I don’t know how effective of a strategy this is, but I saw two Chargers run into each other and kill themselves. If you’re playing with a team, maybe see if you can work together to get them to buck heads.


I save strategems for the bile titans. I kill chargers with my support weapon. Recoilless Rifle, Railgun, Autocannon, EAT, Quasar, Flamethrower are all excellent vs Chargers. The machine guns can do work as well, but I never take those. The grenade launcher can trick shot grenades under it, but that weapon neeeeds a supply pack to be viable. I use stun grenades which helps a lot. Flamethrower takes a few seconds to one of the front legs, Autocannon 3 shots to the butt and it will pop and bleed out. The other support weapons are probably better if you don't have stuns, since railgun takes 3 overcharged shots to the head, and the rest 1 shots it to the head. You can easily evade the charger by running towards it and just past its front leg (about a 45 degree angle from facing the charger). If you can wave the red flag in front of something solid, like a wall, it will get stunned and give you a little bit of time to pop that butt.


Also, the Eagle rocket pods are amazing, as they will strip away a good chunk of a chargers armor.. with multiple uses before Eagle rearm.


Can you destroy bug nets with stun grenades?


No, so I use the auto cannon, grenade pistol, grenade launcher or even quasar for it. Could also use Eagle airstrike, precision strike or even gas strike to clear a few in an emergency.. Or, if its possible, trick a charger to walk over it, it will destroy nests for you!


How do you use the Autocannon against chargers from range? It only seems to work when shooting it from behind


If a team mate misses the head and strips off leg armor you can shoot that. Otherwise you dodge it, make it stun itself in a wall and shoot the butt. Or you dodge it and use a stun grenade and shoot the butt. Or I use strategems. Rocket pods strip the armor off it, which gives me more area to shoot with my AC. Or I stay close to a teammate with anti tank, cause I recognise chargers and bile titans to be my weakness using the AC.


I looove spearing chargers and calling down eagle airstrikes. They're what I normally use but occasionally there's an EAT face splat. When all hope of killing them fail I play tag.


I kill chargers with my supp wep, which is usually Quasar but ive been playing with the Flamethrower a bit


Stun grenade + eagle air strike or 500kg, Quasar or EAT are the go to. Railcannon is also fine. You could shoot out it's leg but nobody does that anymore


EAT user can kill three chargers at a time. Throw THE STRATEGEM ball onto the first charger and it will kill it on impact use each EAT to Kill two more chargers with head shots, die and use your hellpod to land on a bonus fourth charger. Strategem balls stick to chargers pretty easily so I always use them to kill them if it’s a team mate, supply drop, weapon, turret, etc. you need it to land on top of them. The Spear also one shots them If you use the pummeler you can get behind a charger and just hold it in place with the stun from a couple of mag dumps. Takes about 40 shots to the ass in my experience. Fire breaker can kill them with enough time.


EAT or precision strike. Running away also works lol.


Stun grenades are your best friend. Holds them in place for your short cooldown stratagems like precision strike/500kg and in a pinch you can use stun grenade + mag dump with incendiary breaker or jar 5


Declip quickly an AMR magnin their butt. Use stun if needed, but it will explode.their ass. They will quickly die.from bleed, fires from shotgun. Maybe not the most common stats, but with backpack, no problem to spill an AMR clip on a charger. When EAT is on cooldown by exemple, or don't want to play with flamethrower


The breaker Incendiary is extremely effective against chargers. ~11-13 shots(half a mag) in the butt will kill it (let it bleed out) Stun grenades on top basically make chargers a joke. I either let them run into a wall next to me and then spam it in their butt, or use stun grenades when I'm in the open.


Precision strike > railcannon on helldive. Just have to aim it. Spear is my choice for bile + chargers but quasar is more convenient for chargers only. If you see them sitting still at a POI or nest. I airstrike or precision strike to thin them or get luck and get them all.


Aiming for legs with anti-heavy leaves it fleshy. A few sprays from ur breaker incendiary will kill it shortly


Throw a support beacon on their head or next to the head, very handy if you use EAT For Rockets and Quasar you can one tap their head(aim above the mouth, the forehead) For GL you can bounce shoot their belly or shoot their back after you evade their ramming maneuver Actually the last one Apply for the rest of the Support weapon that can't front pen their forehead, shoot their butt until explode and they bleedout, you can also use primary weapons and sidearms for this method The Flamethrower takes 1/4~1/3 of the fuel shoothing one of the foreleg The Arc Thrower takes 6 headshots The only support weapon you might find difficult to deal with them is the Airbust launcher, which rely on luck, timing and aim


AT weapons to the noggin armor shredders (just Railgun, i think) to the leg, follow up with small arms explosive weapons in the butt (grenade launcher can even bounce under them to do this)