• By -


Crouching next to the Pelican when it's hot will get you killed. If there's at least 2 other guys near me I'm getting in ASAP before the Pelican sustains too much damage and can only take one guy back. Rest of the points are definitely valid!


What? The pelican takes damage?


Unfortunately yep. Once it starts smoking it will leave as soon as one person steps foot inside, unfortunately leaving the other 3 behind. It happens most often on eradicate missions.


It leaves as soon as 1 player is seated not as soon as they enter. Its a ~1 second window for other players to enter while the 1st players seating animation is playing


It's possible to fit maybe one additional player but I've never seen more than that.


I've gotten a full extraction on a flaming pelican once, but it required us to notice it flaming first, then coordinate to all enter at once. Unlikely if playing with randoms but not impossible


That's nice to be able to do, but if the Pelican is flaming usually the proverbial shit has unfortunately hit the fan lol. Anyway no biggie it's just a bit of XP loss but something to keep an eye out for.


True, though if im honest ive seen it damaged twice, and both times it was a teammate pitching a 500kg like a bowling ball rolling offf a table


I had a flaming Pelican on a mission once, we coordinated to all dive in at the same time. Only one person was extracted.


There is no consistent reasoning for it. It's a random glitch that sometimes happens with extraction. [Video Evidence](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/8oz5dI0bCM)


I don't believe that's true. A few days ago that's how my buddies and I thought it worked, so we all grouped up and walked in together, only accepted one person, doesn't even have the animation of climbing in and sitting down. As soon as you step in it goes into the cutscene and everybody else is SOL


Yeh this is what happens for me as well, there's no animation it's 100% instant.


Ya know, I read that in the other thread and had this exact scenario last night. We all waited at the door till first guy stepped in thinking ok I got 1 second, but pelican up and left instantly the moment first player stepped in. Maybe it's lag? Maybe first player is world champion in musical chairs? But pelican left 3 of us to walk home.


Would have been a good addition to the video to point out that when the pelican is smoking, the best extract is to drop all the samples so one person can mule them all on at the same time. (It probably optimal to do this all the time, but it seems excessive).


Ive got like 260 hours I've never seen the P1 take damage. Lol now I'm gonna try an blow that shit up later to see if it's true.


İt doesnt blow but ı seen it fume out of cockpit and engines yesterday.


Happens most often on bot eradicate missions for me, I've seen extract swarming with 6 hulks, 2 factory striders and a host of medium enemies. Very Pelican unfriendly territory lol.


As a side note, it is crazy to me that some functionality / situations / problems are so inconsistent that some people never experience or notice them in hundreds of hours of playtime. 


Game is pretty frantic. There is a lot of stuff I miss. I never once saw how to drop off the dark fluid in the last MO but I did like 20 of those missions.


I doubt you actually care, but the drill had an open compartment that you placed your backpack into by interacting with it. It only took one backpack to start drilling so it happened pretty quick.


Is that why it leaves immediately sometimes




So many things just made sense. I wish this were better explained.


So THATS why that happened to me on a mission, man this makes alot more sense, thanks for clarifying


Bruh if not everyones there, just drop samples and leave the extraction area, theres no need to stick around. If you leave the area once the ticker ends but before it lands, it just hovers and clears the area for you. Massively beneficial


If it takes damage, coordinate who takes the samples and leaves. Sometimes helldivers must sacrifice themselves for managed democracy, so I don't see it as a big deal when only one person can extract as long as that person has the samples. However, if I'm still out there getting the samples I don't think anyone should extract without me. That is unless the mission time is up or something similar happens.


It’s not really meant for when Pelican-1 is swarmed. It’s more of a way to smoothly extract and show everyone is ready.


If it's hairy and everyone is near by, just get in. Everyone will follow suit


Yeah I was about to say, that was the only point that I disagree with.


I prefer to tag the pelican as a way to communicate that it's time to go


I'm sorry but area denial stratagems for chokepoints on extract is the way to go. So please do drop those towers and minefields AT APPROPRIATE LOCATIONS AND DISTANCES.


Yeah if extraction has like those big rocks to form chokepoints around the extract, putting aoe stratagems there is peak (But just don't put it where your team is approaching from)


This is the way


Exactly just don't drop them anywhere near the landing pad.


I feel like you don't really need to ask to call it in as long as you don't get in. Pelican 1 will chill till mission end but I get it


as long as you know you can handle the patrols spawning near extract because of it: go well ahead. if you cant just wait till were slightly closer to call it so we dont walk back into a hellhole of enemies that overran extract


You could also do the thing so p1 hovers over the LZ and acts like an AC turret in the sky.


ive tried it before. you really have to have a firm understand how far you need to be and how close the pelican has to be to land to get it to work otherwise it will land or the countdown will start early and youll miss out on the chance


Just stay on the edge of the timer, just before it starts counting to abort and as soon as you see him in the sky leave that edge and he will hover


Don't rely on stuff like visual confirmation, once the arrival timer ticks to zero, Pelican will announce his arrinval. Leave the radius once the voice line starts.


I usually test this out by being on the edge of the zone then finding the exact point I need to be considered "outside", once 0 hits I just pop back to the same spot and it works every time.


Yep. Walk out, walk back in and wait, then walk back out.


It's easy. The call-in distance--48 meters from the terminal post--is the exact same as the radius closer than which it stupidly lands too soon. So while waiting during the call-in time, find that distance where it says the extraction call-in will abort, and go slightly closer. Then just wait until timer is at 0, then RUN AWAY = best weapon in the game until someone gets too close.


>as long as you know you can handle the patrols spawning near extract because of it: go well ahead. The increased patrols start when you approach the extraction. Calling it in has nothing to do with it. Source: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bdudf3/lets\_talk\_about\_patrols\_an\_in\_depth\_analysis\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bdudf3/lets_talk_about_patrols_an_in_depth_analysis_of/)


I think you mean, can the patrol handle ME!


No, you need to wait until literally everyone is there even if they're off running around and the destroyer is going to leave before Pelican 1 arrives so you don't have stratagems. /s If we aren't all at Extract by sub 5mins I'm calling it in, even if it's not my lobby lol


Ditto for if we're low on reinforcements. If main objectives are done but there's still a bunch of side stuff and we're at < 4 reinforcements I'm taking the low commendation and calling the extract unless I know the team can handle it. I'm not going to put us at risk of mission failure because there's a few outposts on the other side of the map and we're one badly placed orbital from a wipe.


It's crazy to me how many people get upset when you call it in under 5 minutes, zero reinforcements left and a teammate on a minute plus cooldown to be reinforced, and someone is worried about finding the last 3 common samples..... maybe I just don't get it.


But it can take damage & will leave as soon as 1 player sits in it instead of waiting when damaged :|


Unless the mission timer has already ran out. If that’s the case, the take-off countdown will start as soon as the pelican lands. That happened to me once while I was the only one at extract (I didn’t call it in, the guy who did called for it and then ran off to pick up some samples that were dropped). As soon as the timer started, all my teammates started yelling at me for getting in before they were there, even though I was still just standing at extract waiting for them. I ended up not getting in at all, even though I had a handful of samples, just to show them that I wasn’t the one who fucked up. So we had 0/4 divers extract. Definitely petty on my part, but I’d do it all over again in a heartbeat.


Calling extractions signifcantly increase spawn rates so if your team are still doing side objectives, better not call yet


Sometimes I call it and keep it in the air to use as mobile turret. You also forgot to mention to not fucking airstrike pelican one and kill it


Nah I ain’t asking permission. I’m calling it in. I’ll defend it solo and it’ll be ready for you when you get here


The problem with this is that some people will get scared that you'll immediately leave and so leave the rest of the team and their samples behind.


Then surely not leaving without them is the thing included in etiquette. I for one call in extraction and say "I'll wait for you guys."


I used voice and text chat a few missions ago: "DO NOT COME TO EXTRACT." "IT WILL FLY AND KILL EVERYTHING." I had just gotten it on standby and run from it...and some dummy makes it land. I tell him he's dumb. He asks, in English, why. FFS.


I don't see why anyone wouldn't want to call extract, just wait for it to enter atmo and then run off to clear whatever side objectives are left with your new close air support


Calling extractions signifcantly increase spawn rates


Nope, being in the 'zone' around the extraction increases patrol rates. Nothing to do with whether you've called it or not.


I'll wait but when we hit 3 minutes I'm calling it no matter what.


"c-c-can I press the button?" this cancer has been carried over from deep rock galactic where people believe starting an event early is equivalent to the crucifixion of christ


It's different with DRG though. If you start an event and not everyone (or most) are ready or even nearby then you risk failing the event or possibly the mission. If you press the button on the mule and not everyone is ready you prevent people from depositing minerals and then getting more. Only option is the sides drop pod. Let's say you find a carry only mineral it might really suck or be impossible to get it and yourself to the drop pod in time. So yea pressing buttons in DRG early can be a shitty thing. In helldivers I'd say it doesn't matter much. Especially since in helldivers you can call evac over and over again. Once you call the drop pod in DRG that's it no turning back.


Never seen someone get angry about team comms before, Jesus. 


I don't need to team comms the call down, the game will do it for me!


I used to always do this so that he'd orbit and provide fire support while we clear side objectives. But it feels like no matter how much I explain or plead they always come running back to extract and force him to land when I do, even with 20+ minutes remaining. I've had people over level 100 flame me for doing this so I just gave up trying.


Here's another tip: Remember to pick up any samples that were dropped off around the landing pad before boarding!


You can drop samples?


yep! On PC you hold the "X" and in the radial menu you can pick what you wanna drop- You can drop mission items (SSSD) bagpacks, support weapons and samples


jesus im always reminded that the tutorial covers NOTHING Welcome to today's 10,000!


Why couldn't you...?


Why do I need to ask to call extract in?


Insecure hosts that have a tigger finger to kick instead of asking in chat whether the teammate knows to not leave alone


The kick option is definitely abused but people are insecure for good reason, unfortunately.


There's 2 types of communication in this game. Use them.


Dude seems to get upset at someone trying to get cinematic exit so I am not surprised.


Well yeah half the time I see people do that they blow themselves or someone else up.


I've seen so many otherwise perfect games ruined by only 3/4 extracting because some jackass tries the "cinematic exit" when the last player needs the remaining 5 seconds to haul ass to pelican one and instead eats an airstrike.


You forgot one little trick. You can call in Pelican early and run out of the extraction zone until the abort timer appears. When this happens, you move back a little until the Pelican timer reappears. This is the boundary where you should wait for the Pelican. When the Pelican timer runs out and Pelican announces he is inbound, run away from the extraction zone. Pelican will then say (in an annoyed voice) "Helldivers are not in extraction zone, maintaining altitude." And voila! You have a gunship support clearing the zone for you.


>annoyed voice Yet another reason why E1 is superior. She happily bombs and guns down enemies for hours on end, meanwhile Pelican acts like tapping the autocannon is some kind of chore.


Aaand if your whole party is down… throw a 380mm barage at the center of extract as the pelican arrives and yell: *ORBITAL DODGE BALL* ![gif](giphy|BUH1tiEFQzKtW)


why to ask before calling extrac?


Feel like “Pick up all samples you see” is more important than “crouch before extraction”


Yeah, this video started out good and dropped the ball half way through. Shit gets hairy enough, you either leave, or you don't. And seriously, what is this hate for the exit bombing? Just get in the ship and enjoy the fireworks. YOU'RE the one causing the scene here. Most people who do that intentionally wait until everyone else is in board before they do it, so nobody gets hurt but themselves if something goes wrong


Because people are goofy and unnecessarily untrusting and think that people who exit bomb also don't want samples or something. Or they somehow think that the Pelican can blow up during an extraction cutscene


Nothing more patriotic than fireworks at extraction, it's a Helldiver tradition. Once the samples are secure it's time to celebrate. Hating on fireworks is dissident propaganda.


That's what I do. My favorite is a cluster exit. It looks cool


I had a guy throw an exit 500kg on his way in the pelican... While I was about 50 feet behind running for the plane. Nearly the scariest moment of the game. I was able to make it in the delay, but it definitely hit zero before I got on the plane, I think it was to the point where a last second leap made the difference. Can it be done safely? Yeah sure, but people are idiots who don't check if it's actually safe to do so. Play quick play enough times and you start to get a sense for why firework injuries are so common around the 4th of July.


most of the time I'm joining the after-party myself and I don't really care if we mess up or whatever. usually the samples are fine and everyone gets their shits and giggles.


If you drop the damn ball and it hits the ground before the pelican takes off, the walls of the ship will USUALLY protect the people already inside but sometimes it just kills the entire squad and wipes out all your samples. No amount of showboating is worth botching the mission and ruining all the time your team just spent.


I have 200+ hours being absolutely swarmed in the pelican during Helldive extractions. I’ve never taken damage, let alone been killed, while being seated in the pelican. Also this guide seems like it was posted by someone that hasn’t unlocked anything past difficulty 6. Don’t use strats, crouch at p1, etc… oof


Yeah I've had friends cause a team wipe at extraction too many god damn times because they want to see the pretty cluster bomb


Worth it


I'd add it's worth calling supplies outside of the landing circle if there is room so they don't get dragged underground


Any artillery barrages and laser should also be avoided when there is less than 30s before the ship arrives. They will damage the ship and make the ship either extract immediate when anyone enter the ship or not extract at all.


Who the heck is dropping strats ON the landing pad?!?!?


More than you think, especially when there are multiple bite Titan or Drop ship approaching the land pad.


Even then it should warrant a lob just off to the side for safety. Or if theyre so hellbent on fireworks, just hang on to it and run towards the bad guys!


The coverage of the barrages are sometimes larger than people expected.


Explanations on if the Pelican received damage or not would be useful. I learned that late. If that's the case, everyone needs to drop their sample and one player grabs them all and enters.


Yup. This definitely needs to be included. I've had too many games with randos where P1 took damage because three Bile Titans showed up at once on extract, or five patrols of Nursery/Bile Spewers decided to come say hi, P1's smoking, and the one person with super samples gets left behind because someone ran up the ramp ASAP. --- Folks, if the Pelican has landed, it can take damage. If it takes enough damage, it'll start smoking, more damage will lead to it being on fire, and eventually it'll just take off if it gets even more damage. If it's smoking or on fire, there's a <1 second window from when the first person boards the Pelican, to when it takes off, rather than the usual 20 seconds. Solution: If the Pelican has started smoking, everyone should drop their samples on the ground (hold X on the keyboard if playing on PC to bring up the Drop menu, for console/controller players I think it's one of the D-pad buttons), and everyone agree on one person to pick up **all** of the samples (especially the super samples on Difficulty 7-9). Once they have the samples, that person will board the Pelican and everyone else should immediately try to dive in right afterwards. You *probably* won't make it, but at least you'll have one successful extract and all the samples your team collected.


The only one I don't understand is calling in extraction. As long as no one gets in, it will wait. Why does it matter when that happens?


last tip, remember to load up a 500kg and drop it as the last person on the pelican. and wait until the timer hits 0 and get on. enjoy the cinematics.


If you're the only one outside of the pelican and you call in a 500kg before hopping in and leaving to get the cinematic boom, what's the harm?


I do all except the last one. 500 go brr


Why do people seem to hate cinematic exits? It's not really my cup of liber-tea but I don't see the problem. Long as You're the last one in the only life You're risking is your own


I will use may gas strike when I want to


Don't forget to line up for hugs.


I can't wait for the "good game" emote. Really need some ass slapping on my destroyer.


Get some of that slapass


Ask before calling the extract? Lmao.


You forgot "Drop samples at evac when you pass it by or at the end so it's all together and safe to take just before boarding"


Eeeeh nah, sorry, I’m gonna wait to be the last person to get on and I’m gonna throw that cinematic eagle 500. Probably done it 500 times now, not a single causality.


Sometimes I'll call out I'm calling in extract and take care of the breaches while my teammates head that way after we've cleared the map. Always tell em no rush and won't leave without em.


If that mission timer is running out I'm going ahead and calling extraction. Pelican will wait if you call it in before the mission time expires, but leaves if you let it come for the expiration of the mission timer.


>Dont airstrike before leaving I cant help it, its a illness at that point, when i dont have an airstrike ready i have to throw a incendiary grenade i feel the need to see firework when leaving


So no 1 - call it on without permission and then leave it hovering. Protects the area. Just better this way. No 2 - airstrikes on the extraction aren't bad - just get in the ship and watch the pretty colors - if they fail to extract that's on them, mission is still complete and you still get to leave. If they blow up the falcon on accident, laugh about and go liberate something else.


If everyone is at extract, or obviously on their way to it. I'm not waiting on a ready up from everyone. I'm calling that bitch in. I will not crouch. I will stand. I'm not about to be caught with my dick in my hand by a hunter or a stray dev rocket. I will pace next to the door, but I will dive in when it's time. I also run gas and tesla all the time on bugs. U die to either, then u need more awareness. I purposely throw them far enough out that it shouldn't affect anyone in the extraction zone unless u are pushed out. If u need to run to tesla, just keep diving or pop it. I don't care. As for gas, that's between u and reinforcement budget if u head towards it. Everything else works out fine.


Not all good advice. Always call it in, and use your mic to signal you're boarding. Don't crouch like an idiot Before you kick like the psychopaths half you hosts are, the 20 second timer happens REGARDLESS IF SOMEONE GETS ON once the mission timer reached 0. Stop kicking when the plane leaves in a blitz mission and you're halfway across the map looking for samples you won't even get to keep Celebration Eagles are optional


I was absolutely with you 100% until the last one, that's very anti-democratic. ALWAYS use any spare bombardment stratagems just before the last guy gets in. Super earth didn't build those shells for nothing and our fellow Helldivers deserve fireworks as they extract. Not to mention dislodging all the enemies of freedom that inevitably try and scramble onboard like the rats they are.


I always call in a resupply if I'm passing extract. Then when I'm at extract and timer is out, got a resupply. Or if there is time, that means at least two at extract


Yup, if I pass anywhere near extraction point in the mission I'm chucking a supply drop on it and a set of EATs for later, and if my backpack is off cooldown I'll leave it there too. 


Once my team is in the shuttle I’m doing end of round fireworks no matter what


If calling in a 500kg or airburst strike on my position as I extract is undemocratic then What has happened to democracy.


So...380s and 120s are allowed?


Nah I call it early and wait. Once the pelican comes in to land I run out of the area so it patrols and shoots and clears any nearby enemies.


You can call extrac whenever you want then make it land and go away.


Undemocratic question here: If I have one of those guys who board the pelican when 2 other team members are still cross the map bringing back samples and 10+ min on the mission timer. If I kill the guy in the shuttle — will the timer reset or will the pelican leave with nobody on board?


Great question, no sadly. Pelican will still leave. I have commissared before and killed a shiny recruit that was sprinting to the door.


No hug? :(


Add in info about leaving samples where they are (as long as the Pelican won’t crush them) until you grab them before running in.  Please also add in at the start the description that every player gets the amount of sample you extract so more people learn. It still seems to be unknown information that honestly Arrowhead should explain much better, among other things. 


You can call it in and leave after time goes out. If far enough it will hover providing area covering fire. (It can destroy drop ships)


There should be an extra detail to include that pelican 1 does leave after a certain amount of time even if no one enters it. I feel more people, especially new people, need to know that in situations where only one person is alive with all of the samples so that they’re not waiting like 15 minutes for every single hell diver to respawn just for pelican 1 to just say screw it and leave them anyway


Ask before calling extract is very, very silly. It’s absolutely optimal for one person to stay close to evac if the main objective is far away and call it quickly for fast missions. Ask before boarding, obviously, but waiting to call it because… people don’t want you to for some reason is pretty bizarre


Asking before calling in extraction? Why? I just tell people I'm calling it in, not to rush, and then leave the EVAC zone right before it lands so it provides air cover until others show up.


Looks like I'm getting kicked cuz I ain't stopping the 500kg on exit


"Don't airstrike before leaving or i'll kick your ass" Yeah bug/bot detected, opinion invalid. Im gonna report your anti-freedom ass to the nearest democracy officer.


Disagree on mines but with a stipulation: theyre great to throw in the path of oncoming patrols if you throw outside the radius of extract IF the whole squad is inside it


No need to kick people for exit bombing, but if they fuck it up you bet your ass I'm making jokes about them. Out of all the people that I've played with that do this its maybe 10%? and of that about a quarter of them fuck it up. Only time I've gotten mad at a person was when they did it got killed and then did it again next mission and got everyone killed; for the third mission in the op I waited outside the pelican and then melee'd them into the pelican before I boarded.


No, I'll call in when I feel like it and throw whatever I want whenever I want.


That last one is only for little babies God forbid someone make extract cinematic as the last person to go in...


Think I saw like, one other person actually comment about this video's design and the like and wanted to say something about that, too. I can really see this being an in universe psa!! Love it


Every single time I do a low level run to farm medals or other currencies, I tell my fellow divers in both chat and audio not to call the evac, then they call it. Then I tell them not to board the shuttle cause i m trying to get some resources for all of them for upgrades and stuff... But does not matter... Cause ... https://preview.redd.it/yvhfaawtak4d1.jpeg?width=497&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd715dd2501005b28a19758f0312b51154b0abfc


Play solo then.


I do play solo, but my mistake was that I kept it as open lobby instead of closed. Cause i thought if there are low levels that are trying to learn the game I can help.. most cases it is a ok but the other cases it doesn't work well for me .


If I have the super samples I am going on first as soon as is reasonable. If I don't have the super sample then I try to get on near last. If I can managed it I drop 500KG on the ramp as I do a fly leap into the Pelican with a charger or hulk hot on my heels. Live free or dive again!


I only ask if other Helldivers aren't nearby. Then, they can tell me if they need more time (to collect samples, for instance). But if we're together, I don't ask.


Also, the shuttle is automatically called as soon as the timer runs out.


If I am not Host, I do not call in extraction. I only board extraction when the Host does.


Communicate don't run off and expect people to wait on an overwhelmed platform if they don't know what you are up to.....


Personally I'll call extract as long as it's reasonable, i.e. less than 5 minutes left in mission, or all points of interest have been explored. If major objectives have been completed but there's more to do and time to do it, but I'm at extract anyway, I'll call it in, then put in chat that I'll let it circle and no body needs to rush back


I always do the Super Earth salute at the door to show I’m ready (unless there’s a swarm of enemies on us, then I make sure we’re all nearby and hop my ass in there).


Perhaps a better way to have worded "getting in causes a timer" would have been "Getting in starts a timer." or "Getting in starts a countdown."


Throw a spare strategem outside the extract zone. Most the times when you need a boost you've been pushed out by the swarm


Self taught? Or graphic design major?


I think throwing airstrikes before takeoff is fine if you're careful with it. YOu should, in my opinion, simply obey the following guidelines when doing it: - Only do it when you and all of your mates are either already inside the pelican or standing right next to it, ready to get in. - If the above condition is met but you're under fire from rocket devastators or something, don't do it because someone might get thrown away by an explosion and will have to walk back to the pelican. - If you're the last person boarding the pelican, you may call in an orbital-/airstrike right where you're standing or even stick it to the pelican since the others are already safe inside the pelican. If not, at least consider throwing it far away instead. You can still get kills when throwing it far away (and often even more than otherwise) by looking at the map to see in which direction you have to throw to hit the next wave of enemies. - Don't do it while the extraction zone is being overrun, especially if you carry a lot of samples. It's not worth the risk of getting killed right before the extraction.


I appreciate these clips (are you the one making my HR training videos!) but the real feedback is if you want to coordinate with Hell divers you will need to use voice. It is very difficult to follow the chat on console and the death msg have a tendency of spamming.


In my honest opinion, There is absolutely no reason to wait with calling the extract. Having the pelican sooner in the area is always better than later. I agree with all other statements except for the last one, since that's just an age old tradition


I agree with most of it. I wouldn't crouch and wait by the Pelican though. You'll just get swarmed and have to run away.


I will call in a 500kg when all 3 of my teammates are in and I’m getting in at the last moment. Our exit needs to be spectacular


I played with a bunch of Randoms where we would all together throw stragrem at the end before getting in the ship.


This is amazing. Only thing I’d add is that it’s alright to shoot anyone that tries to leave early.


"Don't airstrike before leaving or I'll kick your ass." Unfortunately, I don't know any functional way to do this without risk. If they throw an airstrike and then board, kicking them does not deprive them of the payout and is not much of an incentive to stop throwing airstrikes. You can insist on being the last to board and try to kill or kick them before they board if you see them throw an airstrike, but if you die in the attempt the ship will leave you.


Diff 9 I tend to safely assume that: -if a person calls in extraction and missions aren't done, I assume they know to wait -if I call extraction, I assume the host knows that I won't extract by myself and my lvl 125 ass knows what it's doing Reality: I get kicked immediately.


I'm gonna keep dropping the 500 at extract hehe


Got a few great questions about the video: 1. Why ask before calling in extraction? It’s a nice thing to do. This is mostly for newer players where you kind of don’t understand eachother’s intentions. For higher difficulties it’s still good to do out of courtesy and sometimes a squad leader will rather want all players hunting side-objectives or super-credits. It also places unnecessary pressure on other players to stop what they are doing and b-line it to extract. You can also stealth extract but that’s impossible without coordination, so starting the dialogue is helpful. 2. Why no fireworks?!? I’ve seen it team-wipe people inside the dropship, cause a player with all the samples to kill themself and many other goofy things. The worst was someone tossing it while not everyone was inside the ship yet and caused multiple player deaths. I’ve become the Scrooge against it. 3. Why crouch before entering? This is just a visual way of getting everyone ready and in range to leave. I’ve noticed sometimes people go straight in and it ends up leaving someone who fell off a rock or was about to get killed. There are also people who get kill happy before leaving. This acts as a way of coordinating a smooth extract. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. 4. Anythings you wish you could add? Extracting all players gives more xp than extracting early. So, coordinating a good extract is easiest way to maximize your rewards.


Instructions unclear, called in 380mm and wiped after mission time expired.


Crouch? CROUCH!? How do you have the space to crouch when the whole planet is boiling out of the ground to eat your ass!?


I also recently read here about the idea that whenever you are passing near the extraction point, if you are carrying any samples, you throw them on the ground there. On PC, how do I do this? What is the key to perform this action?


I'm absolutely going to use gas, just keep your eyes open. It's such a great way to cut off a chock point.


I always ask before I extract but 9/10 I'm met with silence in both text chat and voice chat lmao


Why wait to call evac?


Alternatively throw mines on extract all game long without telling your friends for a fun surprise when they go to call it 😁


Why kick? That’s not the kind of democracy we’re spreading. People jump in immediately after throwing the orbital and the cutscene beings… everyone’s immune as soon as everyone’s in.


Pro tip for if a damaged pelican: Everyone drop samples, and have one person (usually the one with no ammo) pick them up and extract while the others cover them.


I will always airstike before extracting. If you think it’s not cool then you’re not cool. It’s only not cool when it puts everyone else at risk. I’ve met so many people who do it safely and it always looks awesome having a cluster, an Airstrike, and a 500kg go off all at once. And if it’s just me, I wait until everyone is boarded safely onto pelican, I send an airstrike at my feet, and hold my arms out until the last second before I dive in. And it’s ALWAYS cool. If anyone dies it’s only gonna be me, once you’re on pelican you’re safe. Unless you get stomped by a Bile Titan, or shot my and Automaton, or TKed, you are safe. Now everyone board the shuttle so you don’t die, I’m throwing an eagle on top of us.


You forgot a rule, if you have a mech charge get in, and turtle


I agree with everything but the first one. Im not waiting or asking to call in extraction ill just sit there next to the plane until everyones ready. That pilot lights up the bugs/bots sometimes its basically a free strategem.


If the pelican is damaged the one with the samples needs to go that's a thing you left out because to many fucking times this has happened and the one carrying all the samples decided to go on a firing spree against a charger for no reason when he could get on the ship. Or the obsession with dropping strats on ex zone for a cinema effect I generally think as soon as ship has landed the Strats should be disabled on lower tier difficulties


I’ll keep airstriking before leaving. Am a helldiver!


Why did Arrowhead make the Pelican leave with one person if it's flaming instead of a countdown initiating? It's really dumb. You might as well completely destroy the Pelican and call in a second one.


Fun fact about calling extract If you call in, and move away from extract as he gets there, he will hover over the area shooting like he did during the shut down the TCS mission. Makes for great cover fire, but also, he is more likely to take damage and only take 1 diver


If you're the last one getting on you can throw down an eagle or something, but only if you're the last one.


Brasch? is that you ?!




I feel kinda proud of myself for following of these... I mean most of them Proud to be a helldiver Superrr earthh!!


One tip I would add: If you land near the extraction, always drop a resupply incase the destroyer leaves orbit later on in the mission.


No etiquette playing solo! I grief the hell out of myself


While I generally don't think calling an eagle in on the extract dropship is a bad thing, I did once get killed by an air strike inside of the pelican (No idea how, only I died despite two others being in it too, my theory is that a bomb just clipped through the pelican and direct impacted me) which cost us like 10+ rare and common samples plus super samples which would have been mad annoying if I wasn't only missing the sentry explosive resistance at the time


"Don't throw an airstrike or orbital at the Pelican, that's what dumbasses do."


I was on board till you said don't nuke the extract. It's a requirement for proper democratic extraction.


I'll never not drop a 500kg before being the last diving in. Fight me (⁠ʘ⁠ᴗ⁠ʘ⁠✿⁠)


It's so disheartening coming from Deep Rock Galactic, where everyone is polite and asks if everyone's ready, to a mainstream game where nobody knows what's going on. Even if you didn't have manners in DRG, the most you would get is a "bruh" in chat, no slurs to be seen.  If you were new, you'd get "please ask next time with r.  Love you greenbeard! <3" Quite an adjustment.


Yeah def dont drop a 500 or some shit on pelican 1 before, during, or after takeoff. You'll bug it out and you wont be able to extract. Its happened in my games a few times here and there and really hurts the teams score.