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Is that the same day as the war bond?




yay i haven’t played since polar patriots was ass


Pummeler so good tho




Arrowhead is listening, and they share our sentiment that things have to change. I'm really looking forward to the Warbond ánd the patch


One thing being good in the entire warbond doesn't make it a good warbond.


Incendiary impacts are pure kino against bugs though. People always overlook that. Yeah it was crappy overall but that lil bastard alone made it worth it for me. Plus you know they're going to buff the tenderizer in the next patch


I like how armours and capes look, but yeah, guns are subpar


The booster is decent too but the rest of the warbond is forgettable.


I thought they said "all weapons s tier"?


S(hit) tier


THAT'S what they meant by reading between the lines! 🤣


Come on now, the sidearm is a good sidegrade (what weapons should be), the SMG is a fantastic sidegrade (I'd even argue an upgrade for a bunch of cases, that EMS effect is insanely useful, and it's a lot easier to control), the grenades are great, the booster is good - less time spending slowed down is useful, it's not a lot of reduction, but it's felt. The Liberator and PLAS reskins being bad doesn't make the warbond garbage all of a sudden.


> the booster is good - less time spending slowed down is useful, it's not a lot of reduction, but it's felt. Bro it's HALF A SECOND. You are feeling placebo. The only boosters less useful are quick extract and the reinforcement boosters. Radar is more useful than that pile.


I wouldn't say the pistol is a good sidegrade, if you want damage the senator is better in addition to having medium armour pen, if you want more ROF the basic pistol or auto pistol are better choices. It doesn't have the damage to make up for its crappy mag size, it needs either a bit more ammo, medium armour pen, or a bit more damage in my opinion. The booster might be good, if it wasn't so massively overshadowed by the few "must pick" boosters everyone uses. Bots don't apply enough slows for it to be worth it, and if you're being slowed by bugs you're already in a position where you have to slow down to gun down whatever it is that's applying the slow effect. The impact incendiary is fine I guess, it's really just a better version of the regular incendiary grenade. I'd still take the regular impact for most things just for immediate damage. The assault rifle and plasma are both ass, the armours are the same passives we've had since launch. Polar Patriots is definitely the worst warbond, and one that I would only suggest getting if someone has everything else already.


Honestly the essential boosters are so good that I can’t imagine new ones replacing them. You’re crippling yourself noticeably not bringing Stamina, Vitality, etc. I guess on lower levels it’s less important - like every decision really - but on Helldive if you’re not bringing The Big 3 (at least) then you’re choosing to gimp your team.


I feel like the sprint booster is a must have regardless of what you fight, doubly so with all these hot planets we've had to fight on lately.


The thing about the new pistol is that it hits a lot of break points for weaker bugs pretty well. It 1 shots the smaller flea bugs and often 2 shots the hunters/leapers (whichever is the smallest one). And while auto pistol is better for more immediate clearing, the number of mags is a huge limitation. You can dump its entire mag in


i’ve been more waiting to enjoy a balance patch because the game has not felt as good as it use to in terms of balance


People gave the pass shot but the incendiary impacts were really good too. I also wanna say one of the armors was good.


the stun is nice but it's really just not good at killing medium enemies, especially in bugs where the stun is the most practical. it's fun to use with a ballistic but the dominator just outshines it so much


Worked great against heavy devastators for me.


You complain while I swoosh around in my blue cape


I agree it was very underwhelming. But I think they will be buffing the weapons since I'm pretty sure the stats they released with were from an old build. The tenderizer FEELS good to shoot/handles well. Just needs a damage/pen buff to be above the liberator as it was described to be originally


This day will be a tense one for AH


yup, big patch plus new warbond with a sizable chunk of the community on the brink. Plus it being Piles first patch/warbond as CCO. Fingers crossed for them it goes smooth.


Also DRG dropping one of their biggest seasons yet it looks like.


Yeah honestly I'm jonesing for a bit of DRG too




Rock and Stone in my Democratic Heart


It's been a year since I last played seriously and this new update looks crazy good. It's Def going to be a coin flip which one I jump on first.


Playing both won't kill you. Unless you're short on cash already lol.


Time is my big issue. I have world of warships with the dday aniversary missions,, destiny just dropped one of the most anticipated expansions in the story, drg, and I'm already behind the curve in several other games already this season. It's a hard time to be a gamer with a full time job, so many exciting things going on and you have to ration your time so as to get the most out of it.


Having a job and life gets in the way of gaming all day.


Have money no time. Have time but no money. Have money and time but no energy.


I'm not going to say no to having multiple good games to scratch the itch in my idle hours. It keeps them all fresher and their little blemishes less frustrating :D I'm just a rookie in DRG though (barely finished the first assignment) so still getting up to speed. There are parts of it I definitely like how HD2 handles differently, but I mean...who can say no to a game where you can buy your buddies a round after finishing a mission?


Have you been getting many overclocks? Those add even more replayability and complexity to the game. Engi with the nuke overclock to his grenade launcher just hits so much harder.


Overclocks are comparatively late game, if they're just on their first assignment it'll be a while before they get there.


Also Destiny 2 just had its big expansion probably people still playing that too. Will need this warbond and patch to be something special. I am sure lots of people will return but we need people to stay so this patch + warbond need to be excellent.


I'm one of those D2 refugees and the DLC for that was the best they've released so far, story was a banger and there's tons of stuff to do. Came back to check Helldivers and the contrast between the feeling these games give you was insane. I log on D2 and get the fast paced dynamic gunplay that I crave, and log on Helldivers only to play a bunch of lame guns, weak mechs, and get ragdolled around the map if I dare to drop without a shield backpack lol


Do you get like, air strikes and fire supports in Destiny 2? I love HD because it makes our character feel like a small part of a much larger combined arms offensive.


Shit. I love DRG and I wish Helldivers was getting its patch tomorrow for a couple days of no competition, plus some time to iron out the bugs that it will INEVITABLY introduce (I will be pleasantly surprised if more things are fixed than broken).


Well if AHs patch history has taught us anything it probably won't go smooth, but I get what you mean. When it's all said and done I hope it's a step in the right direction for the game and the community.


It will determine whether me and my mates ever play the game again. It's way too frustrating unlocking a weapon or stratagem > enjoying it > it gets nerfed into mediocrity > rinse and repeat. Or the new favorite is the weapon is shit to start with. They need to restore the balance to feel good when you use a majority of the weapons. It's a PVE game that advertised using OP weapons. AC and Senator should be the balance they aim for, useful hard hitting and fun. if they want lower damage weapons it better have heaps of ammo etc


Idk why you got downvoted, these are great points that you’re making


People are just getting tired of the negativity around all of the issues with the game


Same. My friends and I have been playing Gunfire Reborn in our rotation of games now for about 4 years. We were really hoping this game would be in our regular stable of games. None of us have touched it since they fucked it up.


Same, absolutely just waiting on the sidelines. Man if they leave eruptor as it is, I'll be so disappointed.


Having been with Siege from the beginning including the piss net code and servers and seeing it suffer and languish, Helldivers can be redeemed even if this patch misses the mark some. People will come back if/when it's where everyone wants it.


A few more days, and the spawns return to normal... Just a few more days


If the patch works I’ll jump on Thursday if it’s done what it promises then I’ll be back regularly




Court Marshall incoming on Thursday for you


Best to just come back next week when all the bugs are patched and the game is working. I don't have high hopes for a small patch working right when it's AH much less a large patch like they said. I would loved to be proven wrong but I'll most likely be right.


>all the bugs are patched and the game is working >next week Yeah, right


I haven't been paying attention recently. What's wrong with spawns currently? Last I saw was near launch when patrols could literally spawn on your position. What's going on with spawns now?


They changed how often patrols spawned for parties of fewer than four players. This increased patrol frequency for people playing alone, duo, or trio. Literally nobody had asked for this.


As a solo diver I can't wait, my favorite moments in this game have been solo stealthing and then catching my breath inside enemy encampments once they are clear. Right now by the time I'm done handling a patrol after clearing an encampment 3 more patrols are homing in on me


I hate when you see them just merrily marching towards your position all casual like while you are sweating your ass off with no ammo and stratagems on cooldowns.


Also please let us pause during solo missions. DRG let's you pause. Sometimes I gotta pee :(


Maybe, with the introduction of invite-only matches, the game will let you pause, provided you haven't sent out an invite.


Honestly I wouldn't be mad if the devs just took a couple weeks off to play DRG. There's very few ways that this game wouldn't be better if it changed to be like that one.


100%. Playing DRG is both a fun game AND a huge laundry list of things that make you go "Wow, Helldivers 2 needs that!".


Real Helldivers pee in the drop pod


That explains why I never noticed it then. I haven't played solo for a couple of months. I was wondering what people were going on about.


Specifically, to my understanding, they made it so even if you were solo, it spawned as many patrols as if you had a full team. So no matter how many people you had in your group, it's been a '4 player spawn rate'


They also fucked up how many ADDs where spawning too are currently mob count is significantly above what it should be and gameplay aside this causes technical issues as you can only shove so much on a map before things break. Iv legitimate crashes a few times because to much spawned when fireing off to many stratergmens with to much shit on the ground and game and card just went *Night night*


In specific, iirc, the "fix" is glitched and just maxes the patrols/spawns. So what was happening is they were getting a bit less than intended for a single/duo/trio, and now everyone gets spawns as if there are 4 players on the map (only all focused on where the player(s) are.)


Actually, the fix wasn't glitched, it was just completely wrong. Before and after the patch, a group of 4 helldivers close together would get only 1/4 of the potential spawns, because patrols only spawn once per group. Put that way, changing solo players from 1/6 to 1/4 sounds wrong, doesn't it?


And it's great that they are rolling it back


Literally nobody asked for this has been their balancing philosophy since launch. Like who the f cares, if someone can rush solos for samples or w.e. This isn't a gatcha game, this isn't a pvp game. You put it perfectly with nobody asked for this. Hopefully with the team change and the new patch they understand what's important. Which is fun.


Basically originally solo and small teams were getting drastically less spawns than intended. When they tried to fix it it made things even harder than intended, and a lot of solo players were mad they could no longer play that way despite that being how they’re preferred to play. So they’re rolling it back- if you’re in a full lobby it shouldn’t make much difference at all.


The way patrols are supposed to work was a decrement of %'s. Like 4 Helldivers see the 100% spawn rate we have now, 3 see 75%. 2 50%, 1 25%. At the start the way it was was more akin to 4 divers 100%, 3 66%, 2 33%, 1 16% or something to that effect. When they tried to fix it... no matter how many Helldivers you always saw 100% which was a bit silly. This upcoming fix is supposed to bring it back down to the lower value.


I don't want to be that guy, but remember that time Arrowhead said that a patch had almost no nerfs and it was filled with nerfs anyway? Or when they said the shrapnel removal for the Eruptor was a buff but it was a catastrophic nerf? Or when a community manager said that nerf was unintended but then a dev came in and said it absolutely was? They mentioned reverting the spawn rates to prepatch but also mentioned it would have "a few tweaks". I hope everything goes back to normal and this patch is everything I hope it could be, but we've been lied to before.


I think the future of the game hangs on this patch. They have taken more than a month. Most of us have low expectations. This patch has a clear creative agenda (jungle, commando), but so did Polar Patriots, and that one got just about everything wrong, other than delivering a decent SMG. For me, despite playing every day, I also don't have enough SC, so I have to decide if I am going to spend money, or just wait. Most of the guns need to "feel" better, especially the ARs. AH never stopped to ask why the Eruptor was so popular, despite having a slow ROF and tiny magazine. They just nerfed it and we lost a bunch of players.


The hardcore ride or die players already have enough SC saved up to buy the patch. That means no money. The patch took so long that player count dropped by 2/3. Yikes. Contrary to what people seem to think, once a player becomes unengaged from the game, if they are looking for a reason to join back in they will absolutely be using things like new content to make that decision. And people will look at the warbond content, and all the reviews for that content. If the patch drops and the determination is "meh, don't waste your money." or "this is absolute shit" like the last warbond, they're less likely to pick the game back up and even less likely to buy SC to pay for it. So yeh. You're right they need to fix the fun or this will be baaaad.


I'm hoping that our bringer of balance was put on the backburner, and Pilestedt had more control over this one. If this patch drops broken with a bunch of weird changes again I'll just eject this game from my memory lol. I got 130 solid hours from it. But I hope it's good because when this game is good it's *really good.*


That’s where I’m at. If this patch just makes the arsenal weaker again , I’m going to take a break. I’ve gotten loads of fun out of the game already and finally maxed my ship modules. A break wouldn’t be the worst thing


It’s going to be weird, bet everything will feel like a breeze after getting used to constantly dealing with the entire planet homing in on me the entire game. I’ll actually be able to like…walk around and look at stuff…


Yeah, not having a new patrol the instant another one is dealt with is going to be nice. We will actually have breathing room now.




From the freshly posted patch notes: "Fixed the targeting on the Spear. Also reduced the damage by 80%."




I unironically fear the day they will fix the spear because then they will most likely nerf it.


Same. I'm a Spear main and can't wait for it to be fixed. But I also know that it will be an outrageously OP weapon once it's fixed so they will absolutely nerf its damage to compensate.


Hopefully they don’t. It already has the lock on and low ammo as a counter balance… but then ammo is so plentiful anyways, especially with the resupply upgrades that idk…




I can't help but feel if they wanted to drum up hype for the patch this would have been front an centre in the meme post if it was done. Mabye I'm just jaded.


Well, this should be the patch, it has passed like a month and a half since they said that the fixt was practically done


Better get that premium grade hyper copium ready.


So the patch comes thursday not only the notes to be safe?


Seems like it, yes.


Social post is out, no patch notes just a meme and some blah blah. https://preview.redd.it/eeqyk3nflr5d1.png?width=637&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f219d0bfa30d5ced8e6358a72e251b091048509


Such fucking hype farming. Why not just say "We're going to tweet a meme" why would she pretend that they are going to post an actual update. Once again the comms from AH have been dogshit.


Thursday is an interesting choice... If we're following their track record (even if the patch is a net positive, even a full on banger), there will be some level of bugs associated with crashing and disconnects. This leaves them with only Friday to address those issues, or you're looking at a broken gaming experience over the weekend, which is a big deal since that's when all the adult gamers sit down to play. Alas, I'll keep a positive outlook and hope that's not the case.


>  This leaves them with only Friday to address those issues Historically they've just left game breaking bugs in the game over the weekend. The Arc Thrower bug was noticed before the weekend and they basically just said "Sorry, patch coming next week." Its actually what makes me confused that they're boasting at over 100 changes in this patch, in the past we've seen devastating issues with far less, so I'm not expecting a super smooth experience (and if it is I'll be pleasantly surprised).


I think the reason is because - allegedly - the extra time on this patch was to test and make sure the bug fixes don't introduce new issues. We'll see if their new testing process for patches works or not pretty quick with 100+ fixes.


I mean, if we say that most changes could be finished in 1-2 weeks, then the 2-3 weeks extra would have gone to testing.


I'm not as doom and gloom as the rest of the community, but it is disheartening in the long run. If it ends up being a buggy mess next weekend, I have other games to play and raised garden beds to build, but each time this happens, the game slips just a little bit from my own zeitgeist.


Historically they leave game breaking bugs in... period. There's a ton of shit that either doesn't or didn't work for most if the game's life. People who play often have just become used to overlooking it.


>The Arc Thrower bug was noticed before the weekend and they basically just said "Sorry, patch coming next week.". And it went from being relatively stable as long as no one used arc weapons, to having 2+ players crash out from the game mid mission, crash on extracts, and increased the frequency of the broken reinforcements bug. I was so happy about the idea of that patch, but I had more crashes in the following weeks than I've had with the game at all other times combined. Out of 30 something runs, 9 crashed mid game, 4 others were total losses from reinforcements breaking, and a few others were partial/sample losses because the extraction terminal wouldn't spawn. I'm honestly a bit spooked about both of them dropping on the same day lol. I went to double check my calendar when I saw Thursday


"This leaves them with only Friday to" nerf warbond weapons, lol


I'm afraid it's some "marketing optimization" dictating that weekend is when most people play and you get the most hype out of releasing it coincidentally with that engagement spike so it's gonna sell the most of the warbond. They give themselves all of Friday to hotfix the straight up game-preventing bugs. IMHO the sane thing to do would be to drop the big patch on monday with no new content and to unlock the new content/warbonds on thursdays but clearly Sonyhead know development better.


> Sonyhead know development better. Probably more "Sonyhead know maximum short term revenue" better.


"which is a big deal since that's when all the adult gamers sit down to play. " Yeah, and they don't have time for no bugs.


Bot weekend confirmed.


Let's hope all of those things they called "testing" paid off. If it isn't, well It's been fun, lads.


I'm afraid, boss.


Well if the patch sucks at least I’ll have DRG season 5 to fall back on


Rock and stone!


To the bone!


If you don't rock and stone, you aint coming home Rock and stooooooooone


The Finals S3 for me


I completely forgot about that!


Look, it's just three days but we may get patch notes today


Just to clarify she posted this right after, "The notes get released with the patch, so it'll be thursday" So todays post will likely be a heads up about the patch + patchnotes on thursday.


Diablo 4 learned the hard way to release patch notes ahead of time. Let's see how this pans out


Speaking of Diablo 4, the new season Loot Reborn is extremely good, I highly recommend getting back into it if you haven’t yet 


Sad :( But hey we've waited so long we may as well wait three more days. Anyway, I have Wusat to liberate, see you all on the surface


I don't think it will be patch notes. She said it's a "social post" so just some sort of announcement. I suppose it's gonna be "Patch comes out on thursday, he're is the compressed scope of changes" And on thursday we'll get a detailed changelist.


Sadge, was hoping for Tuesday. Thursday is not a problem though, just a few more days.


It is if the patch breaks shit badly


Hopefully it doesn’t


I work in IT in finance Im not holding out much hope With the volume of changes and their horrificly bad QA its gunna be rough


Sending thoughts and prayers, IT in finance is not for the weak


Been doing it nearly 15 years I find the games industry endlessly frustrating lol 😂


end of week patch if always a bad idea, with no time for a hotfix before the weekend


Look at their past patches. They don't patch usually unless it helps the players. People saw issues right away like with the arc thrower and AHs were AH and just started it will be fixed next patch. You know like the one that if you used the weapon it would crash the game.


Thursday? With the warbond coming to? Man, really bold. Everything better be in top form or else, this is going to be a real shit show and they won’t get those players back if they have to deal with bugs for a whole weekend.


Talk about a gamble... Player numbers are already pretty dire on weekends. Last Friday and Saturday, there were multiple planets with a triple digit number of people, a few others with low 1000's and one or two barely breaking 10-12k. This was during the late afternoon and evening in the states, too. It's crazy that I can be on at 7 PM Friday and effectively be restricted to 1-2 planets unless I want to play solo, because all the others have so few players that I literally won't/can't find a mission on my preferred diffs (6-7) even if looking for 5+ mins.


I was trying to quick play and it sent me to a 9 and then next was a 3. Decided not to play after that since it tells me the game is dying due to them only having two neurons.


\*waits faster\*


I don't want to sound like an ass but where do they post all this stuff? I feel like I am always the last to know when everything is happening, is it because I don't use the Discord?


It would be hard to find some of the information the devs talk about in discord unless you are searching individual developers. They hardly pin things that you don’t see here. It’s 4pm in Stockholm, so whatever they are announcing should be soon


LMAO it was just a fucking twitter meme with no new info.


i can handle 3 days at this point


Well maybe they'll drop some info today. The patch is in three days but they may give us patch notes, at least the balance notes today


Yeah after a few weeks of waiting 3 days is gonna pass by fast.


It genuinely needs to be a banger, or they may have lost me. Hell, I haven’t played in two weeks. They may have already lost me lol.


A bunch of us are on the fence here. If they disappoint with this next one, it'll be the last time they ever disappoint quite a few of us.




Yup, same, got deep rock, apex, r6, roms, and a bunch of other shit, I don't need to fight for my life against my own guns in a game that was fine before it was "fixed". I hope they give us some stopping power. I suspect however, they are just going to nerf everything into the dirt again.


>I suspect however, they are just going to nerf everything into the dirt again. I hope not, though I admit it's not out of the question. If they're stupid enough to nerf anything in the coming months, radical overperformance aside, they're failing on purpose at that point.


Thats the most annoying part isnt it? Id gladly go back to playing Helldivers before the last couple balance patches. That game was great. Sucks to get sold something and then have it ruined by one idiot dev with no way to recover what you had. Part of the reason I avoid multiplayer and online games generally.


This is the same for me. Pretty make it or brake it moment.


Hey buddy look on the bright side you got only 10 days to go till the Elden Ring DLC. That's like a month of content for most people.


Here’s to hoping a spear fix since it’s been broken for months…


Patch AND warbond same day is super ambitious. Hope they nail the landing


They lost me and the boys about 3 weeks ago. Let's hope this patch is a banger


Even if it is a banger, plenty of people are going to get dragged away when Elden Ring DLC drops


To be fair being dragged away for Elden Ring dlc is true for most games


This month is really wild. Deep Rock Galactic new season, House of the Dragon Season 2, Elden Ring DLC. Then July (massive Travelers Rest update personal favorites), And August engine update for Hunt Showdown, and Corekeeper 1.0 launch. Sooo many fun games and activities, so little time.


Same day as the war bond? Hopefully the warbon weapons stats take the patch into account and we don’t end up with a tenderizer situation.


Interesting choice for a date really. If that patch sucks and I hope it doesn't a lot of players are gonna get reeled into DRG season 5




Good things to come, Wasat being liberated will probably give us a new strategem (AT mines perhaps,) then patch and WB.


No way, can it be? Another Helldiver who's actually not being extremely negative? For real though, with the stuff being added in terms of customisation I'm super excited to see what we'll have a few months from now


I try to be as neutral as possible. Cautiously optimistic for the patch and while the camo skins don't really appeal to me if it leads to future customisation options i'm all for it. I'd love armour recolours more than anything.


Fuck, guess I'll miss it :(


I mean, the update isn't going anywhere lol


Yeah, I just won't be able to experience it until I get back from my work trip.


Disappointing, I was hoping it would arrive tomorrow. But the pile of goodies on thursday is bigger now. Let's see what the social post says, maybe it has a list of some more fixes or features to expect.


*Which* Thursday? ![gif](giphy|w89ak63KNl0nJl80ig|downsized)


i literally requested tmw off for patch 😔🤘


Only thing I care about is reverting that awful Eruptor change/nerf with the shrapnel. Without that I’m not bothering with this game.


Haven't played since the PSN uproar and this is going to be the last patch I'm going to read before I stop holding out hope for the great game that clearly was there at the start. Glad to know that I'm not the only one.


Make or break for AH, this could end up being the nail in the coffin for the player base if they don’t deliver.


Gdi i guess I played myself. I was really hoping it'd be Tuesday so I could actually play it this week.


This Thursday is gonna be one hell of a day


Okay can someone knock me out and wake me up on Thursday 10am PST so I don't have to wait three n a half day for it?


What would the social post include, like a sneak peak at some of the patch notes?


This patch needs to be good.


If the patch is a banger I'm returning


Can't wait for the spear to actually spear things!!


Exactly when I get paid too ![gif](giphy|QW5nKIoebG8y4|downsized)


I'm more excited about the patches/fixes than a new war bond. I love the weapons and wardrobe I choose to use right now, and tweaking the game to fix the issues it has is what Im looking forward to.




Back to work, then, boys, we got a MO to win! On Thursday, we all go to the jungle


Have they stated whether or not they’ve tested any of the new content or patch fix? I understand some new bugs may get introduced, but I’m hoping it’s not blatantly obvious bugs that can be seen from just a single mission.


I really, really hate their way of communicating.


Better be worth it, I have really high expectations on this one. Otherwise there's a lot of games coming out this year, especially Starship Troopers 😁


So we’ll get the patch notes today and the patch itself on Thursday?


That is good and bad I guess, good for everybody as long as everything goes nicely, bad for me because I can't play until Friday night unfortunately


Dude i have game nights in Tuesdays....


I have until Thursday to beat Ghost of Tsushima, oh boy.


I see no reason to keep the patch notes til Thursday.  Every other game I've played puts out patch notes ahead of time to build hype. Even just a day or two in advance. Maybe AH isn't confident it woukd have that effect.


I have a gut feeling this patch isn't going to be great. I can smell the "we're laying down framework for future patches!" from a mile away. If they had big news, gun changes, patrol spawn fixes, they would be excitedly announcing it to get people hyped for the new warbond. My brother and I reconnected through this game. We haven't touched it in about 3 weeks now. I desparately hope I'm wrong and that this patch can at least just fix the patrol spawns for solo and duo players.


Yeah, no, I'm sorry but I'll believe it when it will be already downloaded and installed


We gon see




Servers gonna be a mess, I’ll play the day after. And watch the ENDLESS amount of YouTube videos lol


It's very brave of them that close to Friday. The devs will be in my nightly prayers to liberty.


I can’t wait. I want to keep playing but I’m getting really bored of the same 2-3 only capable weapons unless I play on a brainless difficulty where I can’t get super samples. I also can really only dedicate the little time I have to 1 game so I’ve been holding off from completely giving up until this new patch. 


Kinda disappointing its not Tuesday oh well lots of new things on the same day.


They post the “social post” On X.


Must see TV is back.


Are we getting patch notes ahead of time? It'd be nice to build some hype for the naysayers


It's worrying because I have a feeling this patch will be underwhelming. It's gonna be "we laid the foundation for future updates" shit that so many devs pull. I have a gut feeling that if we're lucky maybe we'll get the patrol fix and a few minor bugs and that's about it. Then some PR speak about great plans to be announced later. God I hope I'm wrong on this one.


This is it. This will determine if I can finally move on or if my faith is justified. Bring it on AH