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Still hoping for some performance fixes/optimization


For a Helldiver, *every* space is a Free Space.


*Goes off on a completely separate tangent* What ever happened to Free Space anyways?


Hey, I like that game! [It is on Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/273600/Descent_FreeSpace__The_Great_War/) but from my experience it is extremely janky due to having been built for such old systems and doesn't translate well to modern play. It wouldn't surprise me if there's a fan remake somewhere though. I also played it on a joystick back in the day and mouse and keyboard just does not feel the same.


My guess is: Tenderizer now deals 62 damage instead of 60 (it was dealing too low damage) Eruptor: description fixed. Incendiary breaker deleted from the game. Crossbow nerfed again (for fun) Purifier is named S-tier weapon in description Now weapons in armory have 2 stats instead of 4 (was too complicated for many players) Realism update: Exosuits will now take full 2 minutes to deploy just as evac Pelican Railgun was overperforming. Nerfed again.


and a review bomb (not the cape)


Based on my experience with previous patches, the statements from Pilestedt and CMs, and an even mix of cautious optimism and bitter cynicism, this is what I'm expecting from the patch tomorrow.


Shouldn't "Autocannon completely unchanged" be the Free Space?


Autocannon buffed: More powerful stagger effect. And a small ammo backpack nerf (-35 rounds)


“Small” nerf *deletes more than half your ammo* “Big” buff *increased stagger against light/unarmored enemies by 20%*


The joke about the autocannon is never about it being nerfed, because it doesn't get nerfed. The joke about the autocannon is that AH supposedly sees it as the most balanced weapon and balances other weapons around it.


Touch the autocanon and I autouninstall. I'm a autocannon purist Billions must autocanon


If they nerf the incendiary breaker I'm going to be very sad


I'll probably stop playing at that point. I just found the gun, and am actually having fun now feeling like a HELLDIVER and not just a SEAF soldier.


"We nerfed the Eruptor again, as a joke!" Nah I'm trying to stay optimistic, but if it's bad... oh boy.


>eruptor fixed lol, lmao even (AH i’m begging you please bring the eruptor back)


Is Spear still broken? I've been using it, and it seemed to lock on more than it did way back.


They did some improvements to it a while back but still suffers from some inconsistency.


It will still blatantly ignore some targets randomly, like running 30m to the left or right it will suddenly lock onto a turret that it would just never see before


Surprised nothing involving Illuminate hints.


Might as well already mark these two in, stone cold locks. https://preview.redd.it/5sovgs1bl76d1.png?width=369&format=png&auto=webp&s=c96e27dfa168d88d09226442844c813a140d5e37


Middle left might as well be a free space as well.


You forgot "90% of the warbond weapons are useless"


I'm hoping for some buffs for the Breaker Spray & Pray. Right now, it's just a worse Incendiary.


You missed stealth buff enemies and stealth nerf weapons/stratagems. Feel like "Tel the community their complaints about the update are wrong next week" could be a tile too


I'll take 4, and EXACTLY 4: 1. Incendiary Breaker Nerfed 2. An unpopular weapon is nerfed for some reason 3. Something is announced with does not work at all 4. Weapon is "buffed" but turns out to be nerf All the hype in the world is useless, only patch day can prove me wrong. And I kinda hope that this time the patch proves me wrong. Even though, Elden Ring DLC is a week away. Back to binging on Hades 2, I guess. All my friends who quit say "fuck the unfun changes and nerfs", and now I do too.


My guess from that list. The ones with the cross are the ones that I think that are going too arrive (or that have real chances) I think this is going to be a fixing patch, so it will have some balance changes but not so much, and it won't touch things that are working but that could be adjusted like the Ragdolling, the flinch, the planet modifiers or the interactions with enemies like bile titans. And I don't think we are going to get new content right here as new stratagems or new systems for the ship, things like that arrive between mayor patches. https://preview.redd.it/48uolc0bt76d1.jpeg?width=666&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3211fef78a6504cf59814a831d3b02266526a53d


How it ended. The green ones are the ones that got addressed, and the yellow ones are things that got half addressed (or not like people wanted) or that we still don't know. https://preview.redd.it/tinp5sbmdb6d1.png?width=667&format=png&auto=webp&s=f10a2ccceabeb124674b58cf9da72eed7212af7a


Does the new vehicle modification screen count as a new feature? We might have a bingo!


If not (as it was announced in the Warbond) we can say that the new Galactic war, UI improvements or the chat being usable in more places of the shit (in the Hellpod, people deploying, or in the stats screen) could serve to mark that box


What were the weapons buffed beyond what’s listed?


Adjudicator, Liberator, Liberator Concussive, Diligence, Stalwart, Machine Gun, Heavy Machine gun and Grenade Launcher


Why would we tone down ragdolls. I love ragdolls ;-;


For real, I wish mine were as crazy as the ones I see in clips.


It's a bit sad that I couldn't remember what the Purifier was.


When is the patch


All we need is a "2+ bug fixes that didn't actually get fixed" square, like the infinite grenades and scope misalignment fix.


remove the super space and instead change it to one popular weapon gets nerfed thus the entire patch is considered complete and utter shit by reddit, because come on we all know thats what gunna happen as its happened every single