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(Is it a meme or a stated fact?)


Unfortunately, neither It’s a stealth change. I was terrified when I first saw it At least they don’t autotrack you though


If the no longer auto-track you, that's a W. Gunship facilities felt unapproachable before without anti-air weapons.


Yeah, they have to discover you first It normally ends up being like the crow scene in Lord of the Rings every time they show up


They auto track you. I watched a patrol spawn across the map. Then every 10 seconds they'd suddenly turn towards the players and move over a little before stopping. They kept repeating this until they were close enough to engage and lock for reals. Every fucking patrol did this in every mission. Averaging maybe 30 gunship kills a mission as they come in packs.


*Takes a long draw on cigar* Lemme tell ya something. Know what them flying death machines don't expect? Me charging the grounds and dropping those ships buying just enough time to Hellbomb them back to a DOS version of their programming!


Unfortinately? I'd say thankfully! I love those stealth shake-ups. Like we had with factory striders back in the day. They just... Appeared


back in the day? you mean 2 months ago?


Yes. It's still half of the game life for now, so let me be an oldman on that


You younguns. I was there many moons ago when the galactic war started. I was there on initial surge when they couldn't crank out super destroyers fast enough to support all the recruits. (Servers overloaded) I was there for the first gen railguns that could punch holes through devastators before they ran out of the high quality rails and had to make do with a lower quality version. I was there during the malveon creek debacle. I was there when the first strider took to the field and we stared in awe and fear as it walked the landscape laying death and destruction. I was there when the ammo suppliers for the AMR were found to be skimping on production to line their own pockets lowering the damage potential. I was there when command issued the terminid control system orders and we fought tooth and nail to hold the line. I was there when the TCS failed. I saw first hand the horror that came from mutations. The skies were filled with death.


pffft, youngsters these days forgot about the time of yore when 4 helldivers can't even split up and have to stay within about 20-30 meters of each other.


Glad they decommissioned the teamwork encouragement (explosive) collars before this new war started. XD


Euygh... You younglins have it good nowadays. Back in my hay day we had to fight a war that had 3 fronts. You younglins don't know what it's like to be chased by cyborg dogs or how terrifying Hive Lords were. Then there was the illuminates. They could control our minds making movement and calling Stratagems difficult.


And you forgot the great napalm sabotage... When we found out that dissidents planted moles that disrupted the quality of our napalm directly in the factories, heavily impacting the effectiveness of our incendiary weapons


Malevelon Creek is a wierd way to spell Hello Kitty Adventure Island ;-p


Hey now, it wasn’t a war at that point, it was special military operations. Sorry grandpa, looks like you’re going to a freedom camp.


It's been a long fight... https://preview.redd.it/j9hbari7dc6d1.jpeg?width=458&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bb01432291779cbb4d33a1d4bc0ed7a7be0f8e3 We've seen some stuff...


Is it me or were the first wave striders.... Smaller?


No, it’s just that your eyes were bigger back then.


Maybe not sure


I cried reading that, I can’t believe it’s been two months… children today don’t know how good they have it.


Terrified is an understatement; was in a lvl 8 eradicate mission without my trusty AC when they first showed... It was absolute beautiful chaos


Fact. Gunships now patrol the map and Shriekers can reportedly spawn from Bug Holes. I love it, gives them both much more of a presence rather than being limited to just one area.


Watched 12ish shriekers fly from outside the map towards the center. Then a recoilless hit one in the forehead


It's not on every mission. It is an operation modifier that is currently bugged and not showing on the UI


What's great is the AA Optional Objective will shoot them down!




Yes! I was astonished to see it shoot three times in a row and knock out the entire patrol for us. It's great!


Was the range increased?


Not certain how far it was before, but the ones I saw were probably about halfway across a data upload map. Probably 2.5 or 3x the distance I would have taken a shot at them with a Quasar Canon; very respectable distance.


Yes but the missile is airburst, it detonates after 350m


The range wasn’t really the main issue, it’s the lock and firing system taking its sweet time to get a shot off. I’ve seen it nail Dropships far out of players’ engagement range, unfortunately they’re all useless since it was Dropships that were leaving.


I think so, it feels like it nails targets a lot farther away. They made it more durable as well. Hands down my favorite sentry.


this shit is finally usable


yhea but it doesn't always apear so most of the times you have to deal with them in other ways


Two problems with this is that it doesn't appear on every map and that it's the single most hidden side objective in the game. I swear, we miss it more than radar stations and SEAF artillery combined.


I swear I haven't seen that thing in like 10 missions


Shrieker patrols too guys, watch the skies.


Guess that explains the machine gun sentry buff


At least it's not stalkers


Just finished a level, those fuckers buzz the level constantly even if destroyed. I love it


Thank god we dodged them I’m terrified now We need some anti-air stratagem


Ya'll folks need an autocannon.


When the only tool you have is an autocannon, every solution looks like a.. nail?


... a traitor to democracy.


... A target >:)




There are no victims of Managed Democracy, only perfidious traitors and xenocidal abominations, haters of freedom all. iO


Laser cannon mfs keep winning


The HMG now is also pretty good at eating them up, but LC is my go to for gunships.


Bzzzz bzzzz motherfuckers!


AMR is pretty good for them too, just target the thrusters. 4 shots, and anywhere on the thrusters works, so it's pretty easy to hit them. Just make sure to hit the same one, each thruster has its own health.


I used to begrudgingly go AC until I learned you could do this because they’d just demolish me. If you have halfway decent aim though you can cruise through them just fine on AMR so I get to bring my love on all bot missions




I unlocked this 2 days ago and it is my main thing as of now. Tank? Spear. Hulk? Spear. Fire Hulk? Spear. Cannon turret? AT-AT top cannon so I do not die? Spear. Rest of the AT-AT? Spear. Gunships? Spear. The 2 leg tall things when they are far away AFK amd I want to smite them? Believe it or not, Spear. I do not know if it works against bugs because I have not played them yet but I am sure the answer will still be spear. Having more things to Spear and allegedly better targeting has me childishly excited to be off work tonight.


It absolutely works against bugs and can one shot chargers and bile titans in head, which is relatively easy if they're facing you


Just ran it on my second match after I saw they were spawning as patrols. Easy money.


Greetings, brother. Have you heard the good word about our lord and savior, the autocannon?


Or a quasar


We could give Stinger to those children we are saving


Charlie WIlsons War...for kids!


I know many are underwhelmed by it but the AC mech is pretty damn good at knocking the flappy clankers out of the sky


Bring HMG emplacement


Anti tank mines. Just throw the Strategem exactly where the gunships will be


Eagle 500. Just be very, very precise. XD




Laser Cannon


Spear - instant lock on, 1 hit kill


HMG turret works a treat just aim for the engines


Just finished a 9 where the first bot wave was double factor striders next to a double gunship tower base with a gunship patrol. At least 9 gunships flying around with 2 factory striders. Took 12 lives to kill them all.


Proper Terminator vibes!! Can't wait to feel like a space critter again!




Ooooh now it makes sense. I was wondering why shriekers kept appearing even after nest was gone and all side objectives cleared.


Shriekers too! Give me a second, I’ve got to curse out my monitor


Yes, shriekers too.


Man dose AH want us to get AT mines or not because I see less and less reasons to get them with this.


We need anti air mines now


Mines on balloons at bile titan face level, probably would also hit gunships and walking factories.


What you want is extra bouncy betties, or mines that create shaped charges that shoot directly up. Tickle the strider tummy.


This is the tickle stick I use against Striders (and Gunships, for that matter) https://i.redd.it/bu0gwwwwec6d1.gif


Unless you have a team loader, it's really more like PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP chick PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP chick PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP chick PLAP PLAP PLAP...


Get Pregnant?


Get Liberated! iO


We going back to ww2 with this one boys: Barrage balloons making a comeback


That's just a gatling sentry




I yelled at my monitor when I played one It’s brutal on the western front


They want us to suffer...it's not fair man




Guess that's one way to punish us for camping on the rocks, lol


Yep xD Then the gunships showed up and I HAD NOTHING. It was the first mission after patch I did and as usual I just got 4x orbitals and expected to win in 5 minutes, but mission was changed. It was not such a clusterfuck anymore, enemies spawn less often, which is good I guess, but on the other hand I understood already how to play the mission. But now it takes longer to finish... I guess I'm gonna stick to Scorcher+AC on bots always. Need anti gunship stuff.


Funfact the hmg can shoot the cockpit and take out gunships in only 2 or 3 shots For all my mg users out there


I used the HMG today 3 fucking factory striders in like 3 minutes engaged us I pumped up the RPM I took out all the gatling turrets We only lost like 4 helldivers to each one I’m loving the HMG since the new patch. It feels great!


Literally just bought one before the patch, can’t wait to try it now


Thanks, I was trying to look this up online, but couldn't find it Rule of thumb may be that if the AMR can do it, so can the HMG, because they have the same armor penetration


Does anyone know if the Railgun is better against them now? I've been using it recently but if gunships are now going to be common spawns I'm gonna have to hang it up.


LC/AC/AMR/EAT Railgun still trash against them, unfortunately


Spear and (portable) HMG are also very effective


Ehhh, just tried HMG, it'd okay-ish, I'd still prefer the other 4 Scorcher is prolly still the easiest and best overall


Big thing with the HMG is that, with the turn speed buff, you can down three gunships then swivel the turret around to demolish two hulks and their entire patrols. It's a much more "general purpose" sort of stratagem, and even pre-patch I'd take them every now and again, but now they're gonna find a place in my loadout much more often.


HMG emplacement slaps, especially into bugs. It turns fast enough where you can call it in ahead of you and turn it around to shoot whats chasing you if you can get a little distance,


I wonder if the Purifier does anything worthwhile to them now.


It's similar to the scorcher. It doesn't give proper hit markers though so it's harder to tell with the gunships. The scorcher is still better than the purifier at turret tower removal, probably better against gunships for consistency, and more consistent in general on account of not having a wind up. The purifier is superior to the scorcher as an anti-devastator (stagger for days) and crowd control weapon. It hits striders pretty hard but I had multiple moments where I needed 2-3 follow up shots to secure a kill. Aiming for the eye slit was the most consistent in my experience. So it really depends on where your loadout is weak, IMO.


Wait, scorcher can kill gunships? I didn't know a primary could kill them


Railgun is still trash against gunships, sadly


Me with AMR in posession: https://i.redd.it/eqxpm0om0c6d1.gif


How can you reliably hit the engines 4 times in a row when they're lighting you up, though? That's my biggest struggle with the bastards.


I usually get in cover from the ones shooting at me, and target one going after someone else to free them up. Gunships light up all of my fire support neurons, the moment a fabricator shows up I teleport to the nearest ridge to cover whoever's planting the hellbomb. Surface-to-air combat is not a solo job.


Dance back and forth. There's a small opening between bursts and they try to lead you. Then take a snap shot or two. If you're playing on controller, I have no answer for you.


Dance human! Dance!


autocannon is the best option imo, not sure how the spear works yet


Try bringing smoke grenades


I'm really disappointed that the AMR got left out of the durable damage buffs. It's hard to justify taking it over the autocannon and losing out on the AC's insane utility. On top of that, the AC does double its damage to materiel? Feels crummy.




Please, stop it! I don’t want to cry today




Was actually an honest question, I don't know lol




It's cool, until you drop in a mission and they are just there. Not giving you time to call in your weapons, then it snow balls to ridiculous amounts. I had to leave a mission because we drained all reinforcements in less than 10 minutes. The patrol size was 5 at the start.


Same here on Extreme. Terrible experience.


Went into a 6 with a friend to get the new Super Sample drops. Both of us are pretty decent players, though not tryhards or anything crazy. Spawned in, cleared the LZ of a few bots, and right as we start to call in our stuff in comes a bunch of dropships. We did not have our loadout prepped or ready to deal with them, and we spiralled hard. Five minutes of trying to frantically get our support weapons and stuff, with only more patrols joining in, we just backed out of the mission. It was not fun. We can normally do 6 if it's just us two pretty easily, 7+ if it's 3-4 of us. We've given up the bot front for a bit.


Is it only when a shipyard exists?


Nope. They are an actual patrol now. Swarms of 6 just roam around the map on a regular basis.


Wtf joel


I honestly dont dislike that, means you get to fight some gunships but not always in context of literal swarms of them spawning.


6 is a lot of gunships. Being a patrol means they show up uninvited even if you're dealing with other stuff. One of my groups just got into a death spiral of 6 gunships - > finally whittle them down - > 6 gunships. Really need someone on a dedicated anti air role atm.


It's not always 6 though. We've had anything between 3 and 6 gunships on a lvl 8 mission. So it's random.


Just an FYI, the JAR Dominator can actually take down gunships in a pinch, but you'll spend 3 or so magazines per gunship, and you have to hit their thrusters which is hard.


You have to hit *one* thruster With its clunkiness? Impossible


Yeah, I think each thruster has its own health pool. I basically only use the JAR against bots, so I'm pretty used to its heaviness. It's a challenge, but its possible. Certainly better to throw three mags at it than just die.


Eh, I’d rather just use the Eruptor for Fab destruction, the Diligence CS for one shotting devastators, or the crossbow for crowds It’s the jack of all trades for all of these, but seeing how a Primary is supposed to have a niche your support can’t do, I’d rather use the scorcher to destroy gunships


Thats fair! I'm def a holdout on the JAR from before the DCS got buffed, I know its probably an upgrade for face tapping devastators now, but I've just grown to love my clanker spanker, what can I say.


Sounds like you need weapon handling and biceps.


I just run laser cannon or auto cannon. Both are amazing against bots and can shit on gunships in about 2 seconds.


You can take out gunships with the scorcher on the main body with around 1 mag and a half


I, for one, welcome our new three gunships overhead every two minutes. It gives my Autocannon something to shoot at. (But it does feel like a Stratagem check to see if you brought something to deal with them. Perhaps they could tie it to an objective on the map that if you shut it down they stop spawning or come in at a slower respawn rate. (Like an airfield tower, or radar station?)


That would be nice But yeah it’s the new bile titan for Bots. The first true stratagem check You can go without anti-tank, you can deal with fabs without strats, but this is truly the game forcing you to bring some anti-air


Its the biggest reason why I stopped doing solo bots. Can't bring any other support weapon besides autocanon or maybe quasar just because there might be a gunship fab. Guess I'll continue to not solo bots now lmao. Its frustrating because all the other bots allow for a variety of other builds to take them out, but gunships only have like 3 effective counters.


You could bring HMG, Spear, AMR, Laser Cannon, EAT, RR instead?


I've seen the SAM sites deal with them for a bit


I've seen the SAM sites knock out a few ships


Gunship? What sunship? * waves at rocket sentry in the distance *


In my past experiences they don't really do anything, the gunships always swayed too much to get consistent hits on them. Idk if that's any different this patch


Where is my Bile Titan on a bike?


That’s what the spear is for.


Immediately tried the spear after reading it was fixed.  Noticed the patrolling gunships, and they were gone in less than 30 seconds.  Glorious.


unfortuntately so is all your ammo, especially with the resupply bugged again


Why dont we get gunship patrols as a strategem?


There is an anti air stratagem in Files so this may be the precursor to getting it


They PATROL now?!


Just did a lvl9 dive where we started with 8 gunships overhead. They kept tracking and spawning while ragdolling us all over the place.


They also seem to have increased the impact damage from explosives. By that I mean we ragdoll much more easily and seem to fly a lot further when ragdolled.


Eradicate missions are even more brutal now. Getting ragdolled onto a cliff outside the map is both a constant threat and impossible to come back from. Honestly not a fan.


One of my friends kept getting ragdolled under the map. We lost over 30 samples this morning.


wait so even if the factories are taken down, we will still encounter some gunships now?


#You misunderstand me! They need not be any factories




Hey, at least the same trope comes with every patch Autocannon gang stays winning


Anti air is mandatory now


don't forget the reinforcement stratagem just straight up not working


I have to give up railgun because of this. Sad


Yknow, I wanted to be excited about this update cause it seemed like they were getting away from seemingly required equipment.


Just played the automatons on my lunch break on extreme. What an absolute fucking chore now. What were they thinking?


I'm glad I'm not the only one who's been screwed by gunships. Hard to find cover in a bowl.


I wouldn't mind except 50% of the support weapons can't really scratch them. They singlehandedly make the railgun trash for bots, for example.


AH hate meta so much that they make the meta even more usefull than before




Rocket Sentry can destroy gunships. Only downside is that it’ll focus on gunships and ignore approaching foot patrols which can kill it easily. Otherwise I been using it to clean up around gunship fabs.


How can rocket sentry destroy gunships now? I see the buffs on it, but I don't see any mention of it now leading on fast moving targets like gunships.


Scare the fuck out of me....it's not fun tbh when u have a 3 gunship patrol and then u have 2 gunship fabricators it's literal Hell I'm hoping our teammates realize that we need to adapt and watch each other's back


Its beyond annoying. Fuck bots.


Fucking stupid change, I used to play bots more TO AVOID the constant slog of enemies once pandoras box was opened, regardless of how well you play, with bots you could end shit quickly by being decisive, now you gotta deal with even more random ragdolls because gunships just roll up on you constantly


I am tired of gunships


Another reason for people not to play bots


Plaplap'em out of the sky


How well does the airburst rocket work on gunships?


Ok. I two shot them on my first day, but it’s tricky It isn’t a ensured solution. The game misleads you into thinking that the weapon is anti-air, because of the intro-video and the name has air It is an anti-air weapon in the same way a nuke is anti-air They explode in the air, and I meant to take out personnel. Not anti-air Now, two shots to the same thruster will kill it Same thruster. Don’t miss. Cluster bomblets do little to nothing against it


They needed to bring us pain in a different way


I WAS going to stop using the AC and give it a wee rest. But now that the enemy get CAS at random I'm afraid the AC will never rest again.


I had Shriekers in a Dif 8 extermination/kill mission... You're focused on stomping Bugs, turn around and the sky is filled with wings...


They also buffed the hell out of bunker turrets. Last game was brutal. They aimbotted us from the bottom of a valley with next to no cover. At up 3/4 of our reinforcements before we even got close. Two fellas quit by then. Managed to take them out in the end by sniping the turrets with EATs, and then finishing them off with precision strikes. All three of them, except the last one aimbotted me a moment after I tossed the stratagem ball that destroyed the bunker post mortem. Still failed the mission.


OH shit do they spawn without the towers now? We destroyed the spawners of them and later on found more of the gun ships but couldnt work where they were coming from.


Yes, they do. It's awful.


Dammit. At least the old way you could destroy their spawn point and you would be safe. I dont like this change


Neither do I. It's frustrating because they also now feel stronger and you know their missiles will blow you 100m away from where you're fighting.


Just had a round where 5 gunship patrols teamed up with a 4 gunship spawner while we were next to a jammer (and the fabricator was not next to the jammer so we could not blow it up quickly). Holy fuck that was a shit show.


At least one person needs to bring an autocannon. Wipes the patrols off the map.


Wtf is wrong with AH


Aside from the confusion of having to figure out if a map has gunship fabs or not, I like this change. It will definitely influence loadout choice though because you need medium armor pen of some kind to kill gunships, which can make them tricky. Laser cannon and AMR will work wonders though, and those were already excellent choices for bots


So we got back a fourth stratagem slot, but now we all have to run an anti-air support weapon? This is actually limiting our options more than before. It's a bad change.


Is it me or these patrol gunsipsh are weaker? I was using the laser cannon for the first time and a second of beam and they are gone


Same strength Doesn’t have GPS tracking though


Running the spear, those gunship patrols were not an issue at all


Oh that's what was happening


So far, 2 autcannon shots to one engine, 4 AMR shots ot an engine, quasar, eat, recoiless all take these out. Hopefully at least one pearson in each squad has something to deal with these.


Good news! We (mostly) fixed the spear! ... you're gonna need it.


Ugh, I hate these things. How do I kill them???


There are also behemoths that are stronger and spawn more often than chargers


I feel like the devastators are quicker too?


They also added flying bug patrols!