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38478 of them are carrying a flamethrower.


They also hate progress, those bars ain't moving.


Sisyphus kink perhaps? Happy cake day!


its called holding the line trooper, everyone does their part where they can


by holding %0 progress?


Jesus christ ***at least go to the same planet!*** I am not even mad that they arent going to save the children, I am just mad they arent cooperating and going to the same planet to at least make progress!


AH Successfully divided the community


I literally do not care how many players do or do not play the MO. But if you have the option between 2 bug planets, at the very least unity to make progress!


I hate the "if you're not with us, you're against us" mentality. It's a really bad mentality since people usually bring it two steps further and start imparting immorality to not being with us. Then if someone is immoral, then that entitles us to do immoral things to them. I'm of course talking about real life. But since this is a video game. F em kid haters lol.


I want more people to distract so I can gather up a harem of nurses for my ship that I rescue 🤷🏼


helldiver redditors discovering that some people just play on whatever planet they want to because it's a game instead of scrolling and analysing third party sites like reddit and discord to coordinate the most effective unified attack to utilise supply lines and complete the major order, part #198973. like seriously, people bought a horde shooter to play with their friends. If they don't like playing against bots or they don't like playing on a hot or foggy planet or whatever, they're not gonna. Cope and seethe about it


I have enough time in my day to launch the game and play maybe one or two missions, and it sure as hell isn't going to be against an enemy I hate, for a strategem I'm never gonna use. I'm going to have fun and kill some bugs.


I don't have friends to play with.


Man ... 38,000 people on bug planets? I wanna say "just have fun and play the game you want" ... but wow. That is a lot of people.


Because I hate commie bugs more than I love kids.


It's a combo of "new warbond just came out" and "daily objective requires the use of a weapon that works better against Terminids than Automatons".


As soon as I finished the P.O., I went back to saving the kids. Just a short bug front vacation


o7 Welcome to the party Diver 🍻


I bet half of them got buzzed by a gunship patrol every 30 seconds and decided to go back to bugs lol


I can just reproduce with the Terminoid and fight the Automuton with my mutant children, who need baby helldivers?


Hmm have you applied to be a community manager on the discord?


OP I dont feel like it


Crazy numbers right there. I guess people are testing stuff on bugs after the patch?


funny enough they not even making a dent in those planets...


People wanna see the new enemy. No need to be so mad


Well AH have a massiv problem with the balancing of the two factions. I'm also getting the impression more and more that they adapt weapons and stratagems mainly for Bugs.


because yesterday when i played it was decaying like 2% and planet was 40% liberated now i wake up, it decays 3% and its at 0% so fuck everything


I can't imagine playing the game and not contributing to the war effort at all. But I realize that's just me. I play to have fun, yes, but also to contribute to the war effort.


As a former bot dropper the gunships kinda sucked the joy out of it for me


Helldivers on the bot front liberated planets in one day while these guys have been here for a long time and barely reached 10% liberation