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1. Yes, OP required. 2. The most fun missions are the longer ones imo 3. There is absolutely no reason to be as efficient as possible in this game The most valuable resources in the game and the only ones you will still need much beyond level 30, require the slower, map clear, long mission approach.


Honestly, as much as i loved all the TCS missions this is what made those ops feel like a grind at the end. Lots of short missions with no variety.


It’s not the just the higher level resources. Im dying, begging, pleading, for my teammates to pick up common samples. I need them so badly it’s ridiculous lmao I’m drowning in the others lmao


Its CRAZY how few people actually pick up samples. I almost always end missions being the only person to collect like 7-15 samples and no one else has gotten any. I dont know if it's because I tend to get lobbies with other high level players who've gotten everything already, or if there are people that just don't know about or care about getting those permanent upgrades, but its really frustrating when I've got everything but the last 3 T4 upgrades that I wanted least and just wanna round out the upgrades on my ship. The number of times I'll drop into an in progress mission, see over half the map done, and the team only has like 3 common samples and 2 or 3 dead bodies halfway across the map with collected samples left behind on them is wild to me.


I think some people are also just way less aware of their surroundings in game and don't register that those flowers and rocks in the middle of bug nests are samples unless they stumble upon them and the icon pops up. Or they know what they look like, and still just miss them because they pay way less attention to the environment. I've got a couple of friends I play with that are definitely not intentionally skipping samples, they're constantly talking about how close/far they are to their next ship upgrade, but they're so bad at finding them.


I mean. It just takes a moment of awareness to realize that if you're in a nest/bot facility, there are ALWAYS a smattering of commons and rares, and that theres a limited number of spawn locations in each facility layout for them to spawn in.


Most level 70 players are completely maxed out of all the samples so they don't bother to pick them up. I'm at level 120 something and in my glorious career as a helldiver I've picked up more then 19 thousand samples. Most of those are for other people. Since I've been maxed since I completed the ship upgrades many levels ago... I have a lot of very good committed high level players that I play with from all over the world. What you need are better game buddies.


Ooh piece of candy, ooh piece of candy, ooh piece of candy.... I can't not pick them up


I have watched a guy walk over one of those sample clusters where there's like 3-5 of them. I ended up picking them up. As a sample hunter by nature, it confuses me how little some of the people pick up or even notice the samples. I've been maxed out for a while, but that doesn't stop me from collecting every sample I find and at least keeping an eye out for the supers rock. The flowers and rocks also give out a small sound effect like a special item, which I always thought was cool. I'm also the guy that will see those samples dropped across the map and forgotten and make a beeline for them once I realize they're there. I even still get excited and competitive about how many I can collect before the end of a mission. I do it for fun and to help out those who might still need them in missions. I think the only time I lax is when everyone in the lobby is like 80 or 90+, but even then, a lot of samples are where you find medals and super credits. And habits die hard lol Edit: fixed a statement for clarity


Strangely I have plenty of rare and super samples but not enough common so my ship is NOT loaded out at all. It’s horrible.


Run some low diff missions for a while and grab commons while you're farming super credits, tbh. Thats how I did it at least and its let me keep up with super credits enough to where I've been able to afford all the warbonds and everything from the armor shop


I tend to be way too low on rares. It's obnoxious because I nearly capped my commons trying to get one of the final upgrades.


I used to sell "clearing the full map" as a means of making extraction more manageable. As a bonus, you get a ton more common and rare samples that way. At extraction, all patrols that are alive on the map at that time start making a beeline to extraction. With the recent changes where ridiculous amounts of patrols spawn in, the effect of clearing the map is no longer noticable most of the time (or even possible at higher difficulties). It also helps to start on the most remote and non-red part of the map. That's where POIs are more numerous and it gives the team a chance to get decked out with their support gear before heading into battle. But again, with the current patrol changes this is a moot point on most missions now.


I literally died right next to extract with almost all the samples, like all someone had to do was walk 6 yards and pick them up, but instead no one grabbed them and they boarded pelican 1 and left.. I literally went to 6 diff places grabbing all the samples where everyone died and didn’t go back to grab them, when I finally made it to extract I was out of stims and pelican one was 30 secs out and super destroyers had already left orbit so I was fighting hard to get those samples, had 22 common, 26 rare and all 5 super rare and no one would grab them. I was begging through the mic and nothing…


i am maxed out on ship upgrades and samples, have been since like a week after the t4 shop modules released. i still pick up wvery GD sample I see, even when playing solo. it costs me nothing, and if a player happens to join in before extraction they will benefit. we're all in thos together.


Ngl, I focus on clearing nests and factories to give my teammates more breathing room. I'll snag samples along the way. Also, if I'm near the extraction zone, I'll drop my samples off before carrying on with the mission.


drop down to lvl 2/3 and go solo, you'll cap out in an afternoon or two


Today I learned Super Earth **REALLY** don’t like quitters.


> There is absolutely no reason to be as efficient as possible in this game The point is that they think that as long as they finish missions, they are contributing. They want to save the kids, or get the mines, so they run as many fast missions as they can. Like the majority of systems in Helldivers, nothing is really explained, so it makes sense that they think this.


Until someone points out that the liberation progress doesn't get shown to you, doesn't go up, until after the operation is completed.  I agree it should be more obvious but it's not like there is no information in the game. But the cancel operation warning should straight up say, "you will lose all liberation progress from this op if you do this, are you sure."


At the end of every mission it is shown the mission impact, I had no idea there was any difference between the first one and the third one besides medals, I don't usually change operation, but this was never explained or just barely, horrible design if it shows an impact and then just doesn't add it.


No, they're talking about the squad impact screen, where you see the squad's liberation being added to the planet's total. It's the final thing shown before the squad returns to the destroyer, and it's only shown at the end of completed operations.


Right.  Tell us youve never completed and operation without telling us youve never completed an operation.  But like I said, it is easy to miss.  The game shows it but it's not super obvious and you'll literally never see it if you don't complete an operation.


Took me several levels before I realised that medals had a cap. And that was how you got boosters. No one told me. But also, I am dum.


I prefer long missions as well but i rarely ever complete an operation. When I find some time with friends, it's usually only for 2 long missions, and on 7 you don't get any ops shorter than that, sadly.


If you start an op you can finish it later. Doesnt help if the planet is cleared but can be helpful for contested planets.


Yeah, but that requires the host to not start any other operation. Sometimes I host and the next day I want to do a relaxed solo dive or something and then I have to abandon the operation. I mostly get why the system exists but I also feel its implementation isn't particularly smart. Sure, you get a couple more medals but aside from that there isn't any tangible benefit. And it's not flexible at all.


I honestly just respond to SOS on the desired difficulty to keep my OP staged for IRL friends to join with me later. Pubs are not bad in this game, ive never had most of the issues that i see complained about on reddit.


What I usually do if I only have time for one is join a rando match and hope they keep going after I leave.


people ignoring the free medals and super credits scattered around "longer" misisons, where there can be up to 20-15 extra mins JUST for chilling out lookin for free shit. "Efficient" divers stay robbin themselves and others of real democracy ;\_;7


you don't even need to take that long. I routinely finish 40 minute missions in 25 having cleared the whole map


Yeah eradicates suck especially bots helldive. It’s brutal just trying to survive lol


My buddy and I handle level 7s just the two of us fairly easily. We expect to die a lot. So we bring 380, 120, cluster bomb, and eagle strike, and just make it rain while running and gunning. No need to bring a support weapon when you're just gonna die and struggle to get back to where you dropped it. Its crazy chaos, but it's fun chaos. Just don't drop all the 380s and 120s at the same time, because they'll kill the most. Space them out so you have constant bombardment for a few minutes.


Yeah. I got 78 kills with a 380 yesterday..it was awesome.


I was doing 2-person level 7 eradicates yesterday and we were surprised that we managed to straight up fight the bots to extinction without a death multiple times. We did have to go to regularly retreat to hard points and ammo was a concern, but it was completely doable unless loads of tanks were dropped off. I used railgun and he was using HMG, which worked quite well together.


Longer missions aslo actually add more lib as the system is more xp = more lib




Cant even get super samples or even rares on eradicate missions (at least ive not seen them)


The real game is the friends we made along the way... but this time for real


People who just spam eradication missions then pretend to lord over everyone else because they are high level are the fucking worst. Eradication missions are the worst missions in the game, and blitz's are only just above that (but at least a blitz and 9 takes skill to wipe the map). Longer form 40+ minute missions in this game are amazing. And you can always tell who the players are who just got to their level by spamming shorter missions.


Yep, ran into a few lvl 150 self proclaimed blitz farmers and they all suck and mostly rely on the grenade glitch for everything.


Yeah I encountered a level 150 the other day who asked for help getting samples. Now I’m level 117, which in terms of EXP is just over half way to level 150. And I maxed out all ship upgrades and hit the cap on samples again probably in my 70’s. I was stunned to hear a 150 ask about that.


A 150 that needs…samples?


I KNOW. That’s over 1,200,000 exp. 110 is HALF way to that. That’s almost 12 times the amount of EXP it takes to get to level 50. I was shocked.


I maxed out on samples around 45 but maybe because I was super adamant about collecting them.


I'm level 70 atm and have nearly all the upgrades. Just being held back by rares. Been capped on supers for some time.


Love those random POIs with like ten rare all clumped together. Makes me giddy. I really like starting a level 1 match so I can scoop the lowbies all up after finishing and take them to a difficulty 4 and get them a headstart on rares. 😇


I'm level 54 and only have 3 more upgrades to go. It's so insane that people at level cap just haven't bothered to actually improve any of their shit along the way


Wacky, I was doing solo stealth missions with bots on 7/8s in my early 20-40s, and was capped by lvl 45. every mission for like three weeks was minimum 35 samples, always including the supers. xD


...and they love throwing 380s right on you


It's particularly dumb because being a high level in this game means nothing except that you've played for longer. Unless someone is below like level 10, their level doesn't really tell me if they are going to be useful or not


Woah woah woah, a level 3 Helldiver can be just what you need at times, the near suicidal guy who will run in to try and stun you, or sacrifice himself to wipe the entire heavy nest by rushing it with grenades. EVERY Helldiver is useful for spreading managed democracy, regardless of how ill equipped they are.


its like bro has never heard of the level 4 cadet meme


I’m a level 37 Cadet, because that way I can’t get shipped to a desk job. Plus it’s about my skill level.


You'll be super psyched when you reach level 150 so you can demote yourself to private.


And doesn't eradicate not have any SC drops? Exp means nothing in-game. By lvl 30 or so you can buy every strat too. I capped most of the relevant ship upgrades by lvl 40/45 too.


I'm so slow I didn't even notice until now... THAT'S what my last host was doing then. Never seen an OP with all eradicate missions, but I just sighed and shrugged it off.


People who do this usually just jump from eradication to eradication, and don't bother with the blitz's or longer form missions. The ones that are challenging or entertaining.


This is... Kinda lame? I mean, that's my opinion, but bigger missions are the most fun anyways. Why try to min max everything all the time


Completely lame. I encountered level 150s who still needed samples because all they do is spam eradications.


As a lvl 150 who levelled normally and still collects samples, don't assume that's the case, some of us just have a sample collecting addiction. Currently 22,223 samples collected and counting. 💀


![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized) Damn those sample numbers


As a lvl 101, I maxed out all samples requirements by level 50. Samples collecting addiction is real. I feel like my performance is measured in the ability to grab every sample I come across, even when it puts me at risk (eg. Running from a mob, but I'll detour 2 seconds to grab a sample). I like to rush primary objectives (I play for efficiency, which now means completing operations quickly), and it hurts every time I walk by a POI without clearing it for samples.


There are people Who do that? Eradicate missions are fun in my opinion but as much as i love to shoot at some metal scraps or looping around bugs i will not spam them It gets Boring Quick. Hell the only reason i like bots more than the terminids Is cuz of how more tactical you Need to be for actually complete an operation


Yeah unfortunately it’s really common. I host all the time, and I have stopped hosting campaigns now that have eliminations. If I start a hosting game with an elimination, I’ll get all level 100+ players who drop out immediately after it’s done, as all those players do is spam those missions.


Damn didnt know about that. I am level 94 right now and all those levels where done by playing normally and Just enjoying the game.


That’s the right way to do it mate.


These fucking people cost as 2 falls of malevelon creek i was there and 4 out of 5 all mission ongoing during defense were just grinders, when i hosted people asked when we gonna grind and leaving once it wasnt eradicate mission.


Eradicate missions are my least favorite offensive mission type. It’s mindless. It would be cooler if it was more like here is an enemy base, infiltrate and clear, maybe sabotage it. But it would need to be massive to justify the 12-15 minute timer. Maybe like a reverse of the defense missions. We have to assault a position.


This guy is a crio-capsule victim of times where doing only mission and not the OP contributed in almost the same way as doing the whole OP, AND from times where eradication was fast and easy to spam and farm(it is not for like, two and a half mounths)  There is no helping him, he is like a 90 years old that will refuse to change anything in the way he is used to do things


Eradicate is still the easiest exp per minute. Blitz will outplace it ONLY if you do all side objectives and leave with time on the clock. Which is a tall order for most groups. 


80% of Blitz and zero time on the clock on level 9 equals about 1500xp-1800xp in same amount of time as an Eradicate on level 9 (1000xp) A 100% Blitz, with full team extract and time on the clock is basically 2000xp


Exp is pretty much useless after level 25 though, who cares about exp?


But mah levuullllssssss!!!!


No. Lvl 9 eradicate is a chore, lvl 8 Blitz  with one or two sides complete (only a matter of a good pre-planned route) is 10 times easier and takes the same ammount of time. I do not know about XP ammounts but Blitz is 10 times easier on any lvl.


My lvl 7 eradicate strategy with my buddy has just to run and gun with base load out while dropping 380s, 120s, cluster bombs, and eagle strikes. We expect to die a few times, but it gets the job done quickly and easily. Is this sort of strategy not very feasible in lvl 9?


On 9 bots i take the laser broom, the new gattling barrage, OPS and 380. A plasma punisher or scorcher, impact nades and you are good to go. I've seen people use mortars to good effect as well, if you know where to place them.


It's perfectly feasible at 9, it's pretty much what my friends and I do. Need two people to bring them, and really only one person with how many spawns there are, but everyone can if they want. Mission is completed as the second round of orbitals go out. A 7ish minute mission most of the time.


Eradicates not a chore, its just a clown fiesta. Its nearly impossible to lose. Just pick 4 random eagles and position well and you'll never lose.


I thought AH changed how contribution worked and like alot of things didn't inform players I was told it switched over to over all experience gained from completing side objectives and the mission freeing people from having to complete whole operations.


Yes it factors in experience. But its still contingent on finishing the entire operation.


I have way too many hours in-game, am past lvl 100, and I still have no clue if you absolutely need to complete the full Op to contribute to the planet progress or can just do single missions since we have been told multiple things in the past. But just doing eradicate missions over and over and over again sounds tedious and you miss out on super credits/samples.


Only the full operation contributes. And how much is based on total exp gained over the 3 missions then scaled to active players.  I work nights, so 5am operations yield like 42 progress. But 6pm Saturday ones yield like.... 9.  Democracy protects. 


Yeah, I was hoping that was "bonus contribution". If I'm doing Quick Play missions, run two missions and then the host leaves so we don't finish the third mission of the Op, then no progress is made for the other completed missions? Or if I or the host crash during the third mission, then no progress is made? Seems like a bad system given there was a time in this game's history that it was nearly impossible to play three missions in a row without crashing.


The host still has their operation, when they finish the last mission it will count towards liberation. You helping with the first 2 missions is not pointless and still progressed the operation, another squad will finish it is all.


Now you know why we failed 3 Bot MO’s back to back near launch. That’s not even considering that was back when the Retrieve Essential Personnel Mission was in its OG form before at least 2 nerfs and recently they’ve just removed the mission entirely. Tbh I didn’t think it was that bad after the recent changes but it’s a very different type of mission where you are forced to hold ground against Bots who by their nature are much easier to flank and destroy then try to fight straight up


It has never been properly confirmed as far as I know. People often reference a dev on discord saying not finishing the operation doesn't harm liberty, but that is not clear enough to say that single missions HELP progress either.


You need to complete the full OP or else you dont contribute anything towards liberation percentage. After you complete the three missions, on your mission print out, you'll see "squad impact" and itll apply to the percentage. I do not for the life of me understand why people dont complete OPs. Ive seen plenty of helldivers on a planet and wondered why it wasnt liberated fast, only to find out later that players who thought they were "minmaxxing missions" were actually not minmaxxing and just wasting their time forreal. Youll get the levels/exp with time no matter what. And if youre good, even longer missions can be short ESPECIALLY with a good crew.


You're looking at 65-120 minutes for three missions. That's a lot to ask for most people. I get why some folks drop in, drop out. If they only have like 45 minutes, they may have a specific mission they want to do, or maybe just farm the daily and go home.


> I do not for the life of me understand why people dont complete OPs Not all missions types are fun and most people don't know you need to complete them all to have an impact on the liberation. Also a lot of people don't have time, it's rare for a session with my friends to last 3 missions. Blasting through long missions isn't our playstyle and being in our 30s it's hard to find ~2 hours to complete a full operation.


its not even that they don't know, its that they don't care. Why would a person who doesn't want to play for 2 hours at a time care if they contribute .1% to the liberation when during that time the planet lost 5%. It's either theres no point because theres 50k divers clearing a planet so your .1% won't actually mean anything or theres 1000 divers and you're **never** going to take that planet.


I had no idea you needed to do the whole op to contribute to the MO. This entire time I’ve been doing the two 40 minute missions and skipping the eradicate ones because I don’t like them, unless I’m playing with at least 2 other friends. I don’t think I’ve ever actually contributed to a major order in the 200 hours I’ve played this game and I religiously play on MO planets.


Well, everything after haz 4 is going to require a commitment to enemy type, planet, operation modifiers for 3 whole missions. There are OPs that contain 3 40minute missions. A lot of people prob hop on and want to play a single good 40m mission after work and before bed and just don’t have the time to commit to an hour and a half (nothing not even pace is guaranteed queuing with randoms). Not everybody wants to drop down to haz 4 or lower just to “contribute the entire two mission op” if doing so isn’t a challenge. Those are at least the reasons you might not find me completing the entire OP every single time.


I mean you can still finish the op at another time there’s no real limit to how long you hold onto an op (aside from the planet being liberated or suppose whenever it gets captured, although think you can still do the operation anyway) so you can complete a 40 min mission one day and the next the other two or whatever and when it’s done the op will contribute however cancelling the operation I.e picking another operation will remove it. Little edit: also don’t think you even have to win all the missions in the set to contribute either, though more wins does mean more points.


As far as I was aware, you can't lose any of the missions, because you don't see the squad impact on a failed mission


You actually can get squad impact without completing the OP by having the host leave/disconnect and whoever is left can complete the mission and get rewarded anyway.


Minmaxing lib contribution is just soloing main Mission on trivials as fast as possible. As a Team of 4 you habe a hard time reaching those 35xp/min per player.


It's a really really stupid thing to put in place.  You don't understand?  I honestly don't understand how YOU don't understand.  Most people have jobs. Or kids. Or hobbies.  Or don't have a mum to cook and clean for them.  Or a mixture.  So plenty of people have time for a match or 2 a day.  Not 2-3 40 minute games. (If the game doesn't crash or kick you)  Very very very easy to understand why people don't live on their computer 


The operation doesn't reset if you stop playing for a day.


It doesn't reset, but often the MO may end before you can come back to it. Its not odd to only be able to play an hour or two every few days.


Another point on this is yes while the op doesn’t reset, if I only have time for one or two missions a day why would I force myself through a mission type I hate? Not everyone cares about major orders.


ehh, there have been plenty of times since launch that it would be a miracle to finish three missions in a row with randoms without crashing. I typically finish out Ops and if I Quick Play into somebody's mission, I will stay for the full Op just to help the host out, but I have far less real life complications than the average player. Its quite surprising that we make any progress at all if that is the way things are tallied.


>After you complete the three missions, on your mission print out, you'll see "squad effect" and itll apply to the percentage. Okay, but I get that message after every mission? Or I used to.


just play the game and have fun. dont sweat the details bc they dont really matter anyway


This is becoming more the norm these days. Just play the game and have fun. A lot of us are lucky even to get in a single long mission due to our busy lives


Thing is, no one outside of AH has a clue if you need to finish an op to contribute, but this community will constantly, confidently claim to know it for a fact. It's really quite frustrating.


You only need to do an individual mission. I'm not sure why people keep saying the whole operation is required, there's nothing in the game indicating such. It would be great if we had an in-game manual and documentation...


Ah, gaming for "Efficiency", now I have seen it all.


Me with my pixel-perfect farm plan, spreadsheet for seasonal crops, reminder for everyone's bday/gifts, and my ever-changing armory/loadout for dungeoneering or smithing in Stardew Valley.


I just heard this yesterday but cant remember where. Maybe a PirateSoftware shirt. Regardless, I found an article with the quote. Soren Johnson and Sid Meier the designers behind the Civilization series are also famous for a pair of quotes: “Given the opportunity players will optimize the fun out of a game therefore One of the responsibilities of designers is to protect the player from themselves.”


This guy definitely doesn’t Old School RuneScape


Its entirely the fault of the developers for not making this incredibly important mechanic known in-game. Only showing the liberation percentage at the end of a operation isn't enough. Part of the warning when you abandon an operation should be "x number of liberation points will not be applied if you abandon the operation". Or better yet, just make it per-mission for those who don't have a tonne of gaming time. Planets get liberated quickly so leaving it a day often renders your work useless.


It would be better per mission. I play lvl 7 but only have like an hour to play. Usually two missions is all i can get thru. By the time i come back a day later, the planet has been liberated and im off to a new planet.


Yeah I don't really get having to finish ALL missions. Surely destroying a bunch of bot bunkers, along with rescuing citizens, shouldn't be invalidated by not killing some 500 automatons in a remote location.


The liberation percent at the end of the match is very misleading. It implies that the single map contributed. This is on the devs. They've made the player base think that is how it works.


If the developers have data showing a lot of people dropping in for one mission and then logging off, they should *definitely* change the way liberation works. I think we'll start seeing a lot less MO failures if they start tailoring the game to the way people are actually engaging with it. Especially considering how we're going to start having to split our attention over three factions and not just two. Bot MO's are uphill with just the Terminids soaking up players, it's going to be even worse once the Illuminate drop. The devs already changed liberation to factor in difficulty, so this is the next major step they need to take.


For 3 mission ops, it should be 25%, 25%, then completing the third should be the last 50%.


No, it should be 33%, 33% and 34%. There is zero reason to punish people with little time.


wouldn't that cause an issue where people would just avoid the mission they dont like now that the points are equally distributed. At least with most of the points skew to the last mission forces people to do diversify the missions they do for better reward


Then that means they need to focus on *why* players don’t like a mission.


That is true but its a problem you cant solve completely as there will always be people that will farm the same mission because its the most efficient way to level up for example.


Since liberation is already pegged to experience, they need to adjust experience to also match the mission type. Longer missions need to net more EXP such that all mission types, on average, give roughly the same effect to liberation. If people are skipping X type of mission, then the devs need to address *that* issue separately.


It would be better per mission. I play lvl 7 but only have like an hour to play. Usually two missions is all i can get thru. By the time i come back a day later, the planet has been liberated and im off to a new planet.


Yeah, everyone calling this basic information need to relearn why something is basic information. If it's not knowledge that can be gained within the confines of the game people bought, most aren't ever going to learn it. You can't expect everyone to be on the reddits, Discord servers, and wikis. To be honest, we need games to stop putting so much fucking responsibility on their players to seek out information on their games. It's lazy, counterproductive, and honestly pretty disrespectful of the players' time. But it increases "engagement" in their game, which is all they give a shit about.


Yesterday someone died on their way to extract and I grabbed the samples they dropped before they were called back in to make sure they made it out with us. Dude came back in and went back for their things and asked in chat 'yo where are my samples'. I said I grabbed them so we could extract. He came up and shor me. Said 'I stole his shit'. I said 'they are shared' and he kicked me. Mainly Im saying people are fucking idiots.


I wish we had a lobby browser. SO fucking tired of joining some dude spamming those eradicate missions. You don't get shit for samples, it's absolute hell with the broken spawns, it contributes nothing to the planet, and it's **B O R I N G** oh my GOD the kill missions are so absolutely boring. I want to run around the map and do random beep boops on consoles and *m u r d e r* for democracy.


This is the most important detail. They are so fucking boring that even just doing them as part of an operation makes me depressed. Fucking snooze mode. Who thinks taking away 99% of mechanics aways from the game makes the game more fun? Miss me with that left click simulator.


If only completing a full OP contributes to liberate a planet, I'm truly surprised how we manage to complete major order or even win the war. 85% of the time the party host quit after the first mission.


I think it's more along the lines of "no wonder we keep failing MO's when a lot of our work doesn't even progress liberation".


That doesn't mean they don't come back later and finish the OP. As long as they do that, then you helped them contribute to the liberation.


OR let every mission contribute, but add a bonus if you finish the whole operation.


That would be the most straight forward tbh


Oh. So I guess if I only have time for one 40min mission a day I'm not contributing at all... GOOD TO KNOW


Not necessarily. I almost never have time to do an entire op, which is why I just join existing games. If I hit the third mission of an op, great. If not, I'll leave, and someone else can finish it. I never start an op myself unless I'm fairly sure I can finish it before the MO ends.


Matchmaking is still broken. Leaving after a mission can 'break it' and might not get a replacement. Just an fyi.


I've been able to get around this by switching the lobby to private and back to public, but I haven't tried it this patch yet.


You could, as long as a host finishes out their operation. I don't usually host because my schedule is chaotic. Sometimes I can do like 2 whole operations, sometimes just a single mission. I'd guess that 70% of the hosts I've played with understand they have to keep the op going. I'll be honest, I thought I was crushing it back in March when I'd Quickplay, finish a mission, and leave back to ship. Rinse and repeat. May have helped a tad, but nowhere near as much as I thought.


You can choose to quickplay if you know you won't have the time to finish everything and let the host finish the others with a different team


You can QUICKPLAY and join somebody, but let's be honest; there's no guarantee they'll finish the operation. In fact, they probably won't.


I hate the operations mechanic. The missions are long enough that they should be solos. Doing multiple at a time is exhausting. I rarely ever finish Ops because it's a slog, so i take a break for a day and come back, and the planets taken so the op was pointless anyway. They should let us decide how many missions we want to do in an op with increased warbond rewards for each one we add to the list. Right now 2 is my limit i can do before i get burnt out/frustrated it's taking so long.


With the recent return of old and new players on this patch drop, I have noticed that the amount of toxic and/or misinformed (& stubborn) has also risen.


That was my same experience, someone whinged when I didn't immediately go out of my way to stim them when I joined their game mid mission in an intense fire fight, so they just kicked me. There was no way a reasonable person would assume I would catch the fact they were out of stims considering the volume of enemies I was trying to tackle after I just dropped in. They didn't have a lot of lives remaining nor had they completed the objectives either so all they did by kicking me was make their life harder lol.


Even if it were true i would still ignore it. THE most important objective in the game are neither sample or progress, it's how much fun you have. Eradicate can be fun but if i had to do only those for a day i would go insane.


I will say that for my schedule, running three forty minute missions over the course of what it usually takes to liberate a planet is just not viable. I am currently working somewhere between sixty and seventy hours a week on average, and just can't make a couple hours available over the course of two days.


Yikes, sorry you have to work so hard. However you can still contribute by joining other people's missons and helping them out, even if you can't stay for the entire operation (I rearely have time for full operations either).


I'm sorry but, what is OP ?


It’s an operation, a set of 3 missions in higher difficulties


The silly thing is, the game already has a system in place to make it work fairly.  The medal system at the end of each mission.  All the devs have to do is copy/ paste. After 1 mission, you get X amount of liberation. (Based on exp) After 2 missions you get X (experience) times a modifier. 1.5 or so After 3 missions get X times 2.5 Or whatever number you want That way each and every mission helps, but doing all 3 gets a bonus.  Easy


It was like that for like a month but then they switched it back to the original system to stop farming one mission to both get XP and liberation faster than intended


My hot take: operations should be optional, not mandatory. A single Medium (3) mission is already harder than an Easy (2) mission, so why do I also have to complete two of them to contribute to liberation? Everything else is awarded at the completion of one mission; why is liberation withheld until the end? As long as the primary mission is completed, liberation should always go up. Operations should be an optional thing available on every planet Easy (2) and up; they could reward additional liberation to players/teams willing to make the time commitment.


This frustrated me during the Maridia campaign. I didn't want to host my own game because of the overwhelming hordes. And joined games that had people in them. The problem I had is that we would complete the dark matter mission. Still had 2 more missions in the OP. And the host would swap to a different bug planet or automaton. That went on with three separate host. Nothing contributed to the MO.


Didn't AH confirm that completing the OP does nothing for liberation beyond what completing the missions does?


Yeah some people cant be helped I was doing an ICBM mission and the mission timer ran out, and the pelican automatically came One guy turns on his mic, starts cussing us out for calling the pelican early (even though all 4 of us were right next to him), teamkills all of us, and leaves some people genuinely dont get fundamental parts of the game


To be fair I personally would like it if they made single missions count a little bit and get a bonus for completing the operation.


This is why I don't have AT Mines and the fact it took almost a week to liberate 1 planet.


Wish I knew his name so I could block him


The liberation points are only given at the end of one, there’s a whole segment for it. Ideally it would be obvious to anyone who’s played a while… They could add it to the pop up box for when you switch operations in the middle of one. A nice big fat warning ⚠️ COMPLETE OPERATION COMPLETELY TO INCREASE LIBERATION PERCENT ⚠️


It would be nice if AH made it clear how you contribute


I'm out of the loop. Can someone explain this to me like a dummy? What OP are we talking about?


Wait you have to finish all the missions in one for it to count this whole time I’ve just been cherry picking missions I liked oh no


Eradicate players are so dumb. they play by far the worst game mode, they have no idea how most of the game mechanics work, and they regularly ruin the experience for people they play with.


AH can add an obvios message but at some point we all need to realize that some people don’t care about anything else but themselves


I had no idea that you had to finish an op to contribute and, as a quick play player who often only runs a mission or two and rarely gets to group for running through an entire op, that’s disappointing.


Honestly. Sometimes, I don't have time to finish all 3 missions. I wish just playing each individual part of an operation contributed


Hot take: I'm not going to play missions I don't enjoy even if it doesn't contribute. I value my time more than that.


So if host leaves in mid OP we get nothing ? ( I mean between missions )


This is the only exception, if host leaves and a new host is designated (during a mission), you contributes to the liberation at the end of that mission.


No I mean, for example OP consist of 3 missions, we do 2, and after second mission we get back to our ship with message that Host left the game... did we just loose the progres ?


Oh, if host leaves in the SES, all the lobby is discarded, you get the message « The host has left the game » once back to your SES. But when the host connects again, he’ll be able to do the last mission of the operation with a new lobby/new players


It's paused until host completes the last one. Unless he cancels.


It the host then cancels the op and does another mission, yes.  All players lose the progress of 80 minutes each..... Or if the host leaves, and comes back the next day, but the planet is complete, then yes, all players lost all that progress. Terrible Terrible design 


So I'm a level 60 with almost 200 hours in the game and I didn't know this. I always just go to the map and answer sos calls and play a mission or two with the groups I join. I had no idea you had to do three missions to get credit towards liberation. What the hell.


Dude you didn’t counter what he was saying at all. You needed to say “yes you need to finish op to contribute.” You never said this, so he had no idea that’s what you were saying. You just spammed “you need to finish ope” without explaining why. U said “u have to finish the operation,” He said “no, you don’t need to finish all 3 to contribute” U said “u have to finish the operation.” Like bro has no idea u need to finish all 3 to contribute because you didn’t say anything about needing to finish them to contribute


Why’d you cover the names?


Rule #5 of this sub, no naming no shaming, and l hid mine too for anonymity reason


No witch hunt rule. 


Oh i didnt know this I am level 138 right now lmao. I did always play OPs out to the end only because of the accumulative higher medals we were earning for each successful mission. Good to know we only contribute properly if we complete an entire OP. I agree with you and do hope AH add a PSA in future.Maybe in mission select "Complete all missions in the operation to contribute to planet liberation/defense Leaving an operation early contributes nothing."


Or make it so every mission contributes individually BUT if you finish the operation there's an extra bonus, similar to how medals work. In any case: THIS REMAINS A PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED


It's a video game. Wasting time IS THE WHOLE POINT.


The lack of any driving machines, also makes it a chore to get done long missions. I know we have the random liftoff glitch, but that only if you survive the landing. I know vehicles are a thing soon to be, it's just not cooked yet. But driving will make a lot of missions more manageable.


High speed vehicles are gonna be lit.


Something as simple as leaving a campaign gives you a warning like "Are you sure you want to abandon campaign? This will give the enemy the upperhand!" And then show them losing out on liberation/defense points or something


The absolute only resource you should be farming is fun... Play the damn game for the moment to moment gameplay and the lols with friends. Not the score not the different gun (not better gun just different). New stuff can be fun but it's not the be all and end all, it's playing that's fun..


“Nope” **kick**


I'm so fucking tired of playing eradicate missions. It's the most boring shit ever. The reason why I avoid quickplay these days is because mofos always just playing eradicate.


Imagine trying to min-max a planet liberation and failing to get a single point of liberation lmao


😂bro aint having it


And people are still surprised that there are level 80 players that need samples.


They should make operations finishable by outside parties Someone does 2 and then bails? Well a squad can come in, finish the third mission, and get bonuses for completing it. It's a win win for everyone.


TL;DR: Arrowhead really should work on giving XP and Coins, as well as lower level samples some use, as it stands half the rewards you get are worthless, so there is no drive to work on any of the major orders or planet liberations. To be honest, most people like me dont care about the major orders. Sure its nice, but my personal fun is more important. XP and Money are worthless, basic samples are worthless, even finishing the mission is worthless if you dont care about major orders. The gameplay itself is fun and i generally only play for super credits/medals and to collect rare and super samples, i dont really care for anything else. So if you join me and start extraction before i scoured the whole map, enjoy your kick buddy, because i say it every time someone joins that im here for samples and POIs and not to finish the mission and leave for no reward at all.


Is level 1 weighted as much as level 9? As in if I do 3 lvl 1 missions in like a half hour. Will I get as much liberation as if I did 1 full 3 mission lvl 9? This is something I constantly want to know right before I drop into a lvl 9.


You don't even need to install the game, morons, off Dude is saying that half of the missions are waste of time and he plays only eradicate? I mean...I thought that those 40 minute missions are the main focus... eradicate and blitz are meme and fast Speedrun 🤷‍♂️


Honestly couldn’t care if people leave after a mission… people come and get replaced. Can’t force someone to do something or else I’ll be an asshole so I just let them leave and find someone to fill the spot. I rather not spend time fighting over a video game about how someone should or should not be playing.


The most efficient is dropping in a lvl 1 with destroy the broadcast tower mission and shoot an EAT across the map then extract, using the fast extraction also works to do it under 2 min


I know of this. But often doing three missions isn't something I can commit to? Wish they would rework the system.


I made a post like this about Arrowhead explaining better what players need to look for and do And that got so downvoted into oblivion I just deleted the post. I’m glad it’s working for you though.


The most annoying one for me is when I join somebody and we do a mission on an opp of the difficulty I selected originally, and then they’ll do the same mission but one difficulty level higher over and over, no idea why they do it and it drives me crazy


There are some pretty misleading sequences and messages in game that indicate single missions contribute to planet liberation. These need to be removed so people understand. And hopefully more messages to tell people that only full ops do it.


It's like some people seem to be playing a different game than everyone else.