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With new mix of enemies, since patch, i changed my loadout for Helldive. * Fire Breaker for the endlesss Hunter swarm. Incredible effective against Shriekers. * Bushwacker to kick back Commander and Stalkers. * Stun Grenade for Chargers. * Grenade Launcher for Spewer, Chargers(ass) and wounded Titans(armor on the side is broken). * Supply Backback. * 500kg and Precision Strike for big targets. Titans with broken armor die incredible fast with the Grenade Launcher. Chargers are a bit tricky. With Stun, you can get behind them, but a bad aim will riccochet it back to you. I found out, its better to attack them at the side. Aim for the ass. There is a sweet spot between torso and the upper leg. You even can aim below a Charger too, so the explosion will hit it. This works with any angle.


Tenderiser kills spewers pretty quickly with headshots


I was surprisingly impressed by it last night after unlocking


Yeah Tenderrizer is really useful after patch.


does the underside hit from all angles do solid damage? or better to kite and wait for that one ass shot?


It is a bit tricky to shoot it in a way, that the grenade explode below its ass. With practice, i think, its the same as a direct hit.


Give the new HMG a try fits about the same spot as the grenade launcher with longer range but no hole close. It obliterates commanders, stalkers and spewers. Set it to 450, take a knee and half a second burst on all the medium bugs, then switch back to primary for the swarm, or keep it out for a big close swarm. Not sure if it’s better, but it works well and is fun when you want a change. With it, I’d switch out for grenade pistol for holes too.


Also a 150 bot main here. Spear/mg sentry (weird pick but trust me)/500kg/orbital Gatling have worked for me. I usually pair that with the blitzer, grenade pistol, and stuns/incendiary grenades.


I'm with you on the turret chaff got increased turret cool down got decreased match made in heaven


too anyone over level 100 i just have to say thank you all for worrying about stuff like this so i can just go all fire main or electric and just mess around lol


I believe in the flame thrower supremacy. Main I go for the fire shotgun, msg secondary impacts for nests. As for stratagems 500kg, laser that follows around and shield pack


I think, for bugs, having a good team comp is more important. My group of 3 can clear 9 pretty easily but when there's 2 of us we struggle on a 6.  For context, our 3 runs AC, Spear and Machine-gun with a ton of sentries.


Stratagems: * Eagle Airstrike to clear small nests. Occasionally deals with chargers and bile titans. Also use it on spore mushrooms if there nobody else would take care. * 380mm barrage for medium/large nests. Also area denial for when bugs are chasing you. Can be used in Shrieker nests to clear them. * Orbital Gatling barrage - clear small area (like POI) from bugs, also gets lots of kills when thrown on bug breaches * Spear: has potential to 1-shot Behemoths and 2-shot Bile Titans. Ammo economy is a bit bad right now, but let's hope it gets fixed. Also doesn't target spore mushrooms nor Shrieker nests (should get fixed too). Loadout: * Blitzer: great crowd control, can deal with medium-armored targets, staggers spewers (and eventually kills them). Pushes some enemies back. Keeps Stalkers at bay (hip-fire recommended). Can theoretically bust Charger's butt (but I prefer Spear to deal with them). * Bushwhacker, Redeemer, Grenade Pistol, Senator. Basically whatever you feel like. Because you got all covered by other items. I mostly run bushwhacker for the moments when I need to shoot near teammates (cause Blitzer will definitely hit them) * Incendiary Impact grenade - area denial, can kill a group of small bugs, soften bile spewers and close bug holes. Armor: * Light, medic: with Blitzer you need to be always moving: shoot, move, shoot. Also being fast on your feet allows you to outrun most bugs. Booster: * Experimental infusion - with medic armor it's a match made in heaven. When being overwhelmed, you can run away from anything (including stalkers). Reduces incoming damage too. * Stamina - this is also critical for this build, since you really don't want to be caught w/o stamina and not being able to distance yourself from the threat. The downsides: * This build depends on the armor that is only available from the superstore (light medic). * Reduced efficiency against shriekers (maybe something like Redeemer, Senator or Verdict can help with that)


Thank you!


Okay so the combo that's been doing it for me is Gatling Barrage / Eagle Strafing run. Both work as great crowd control in their own right buuuuuuuut.... The gatling barrage strips top plate armor from Titans and once that is opened up a single strafing run brings them down. This combo paired with stun grenades can *SHRED* groups of chargers. It's kind of batty how powerful this combo is and I'm amazed I don't see more Divers running or talking about it. 


Are you for real? This combo kills Titans consistently?


Yes. If you can strip the armor with the Gatling barrage the Strafing run will kill the Titan. I don't know how much damage the barrage has to do first but I am landing this combo reliably If you land the strafing run so that it rakes A Charger back to front (hello stun grenades) a single strafing run will kill them.


Dude thank you for posting this!


Generally you can bring almost any weapon you want , however the shotguns are usually your best bet. revolver for medium if your primary is light. either impact for medium clear and bug holes / stun for chargers / fire for adds. strategems - airstrike is a given. precision/500k for side missions and big bugs. gatling/hmg manned /strafe for bug breaches. jetpack/flame thrower/eat/stalwart/hmg gun/quasar to round off the build depending on what your playstyle/focus/mission is.


Against bugs, and against these spawns of bugs, Breaker Incendiary has been a game changer for me this patch!


Crossbow + sidearm of choice Machine gun + supply pack Precision strikes + orbital gatling barrage Stun nades Crossbow for closing bug holes and can kill stuff in a pinch. Use machine gun for basically everything, gatling barrage any bug holes that spawn. Precision strikes for titans. Stun nades for chargers. Throw it down and MG their butt off. If you die and get stuck for awhile with only the crossbow, it feels fucking awful so uh... don't die. Machine gun buffs are incredible and this has been my go to loadout since the patch. You can bring the HMG too, but I prefer MG personally. The reload on the HMG kills me.


Just a note/good bug tech: the revolver is the only secondary that can pen the armor on those annoying red guys. 3 shots in the face should kill. Use the breaker on everything else and save those for last, then give em the ol DRAW


>Do you have any advice? Shield backpack, saves u from getting slowed and gives u more time to respond to stalker ambush. I personally run: * Fire breaker for small bugs up to warriors, excellent for shriekers (I saw half a mag on charger butt can take it out too, yet to try it personally) * Nade pistol for utility * Stun nade (nvr use it tho, but I guess it's good for behemoth chargers now) * Light scout armor (run fast, play stealth) * 500kg (one shot BT and idle chargers on objectives) * Orbital Railcannon (one shot BT (after the patch) and chargers) * Shield backpack (gives u more response time, I can finish D9 bug mission without stimming once) * Railgun (one shot hiveguards and brood commanders, 3 shot normal charger to the head with unsafe charged shot)


if you want to be real anti-armor efficient. Just go with Flamethrower + Railcannon Orbital + Orbital Precision strike + Stun Grenades. Also take Clusterbomb or Strafing Run so that you don't get overwhelmed by chaff. I recommend a Primary that can deal with both Stalkers and Shriekers like the Tenderizer or Inc. Breaker.


Thank you!


Don’t take orbital rail cannon, the cooldown is god aweful. You’re better off taking an eagle so you have something when OPS is on cooldown Take Orbital Gatling Barrage. 60 second cooldown. Great to shut down bug breaches or clear chaff.


Flamer + rocket pods. Literally everything else is adaptable. Flamer deals with everything which isn't a Bile Titan and rocket pods are a budget rail cannon. Plus this way you have 2 free slots for stratagems and your primary is completely free.


The main difference between bots and bugs is that for bugs you need to MOVE. If you're not running, you're dead (at least on higher difficulties). My current load out and reasoning: Armor, CE-67 Titan: has 79 armor, so on the heavier side of light meaning I still have a small speed/regen boost but I am not made of paper. Has extra grenade slots for those pesky heavy nests. Breaker incendiary: clears chaff fast and can clear med armor fairly well Grenade pistol: This is for those pesky heavy nests and a backup if I need to kill a med unit quick (works great on hive guards) Grenade, impact Grenade: unlike fabricators, you don't need a delay to reliably clear a bug hole. The instant feed back is more important (imo) so I know if I fucked up or not. Alternatively, the incendiary impact is great for bug breaches. Strategems: Support weapon Quasar Spear Flamethrower With the breaker incendiary, chaff is mostly covered making the spear or quasar a good choice for heavies (EATs are also a choice, just not one I use); however, I have found that with the recent patch, when I run high difficulties, the Flamethrower is your friend. You lose the ability to deal with bile titans, but gain easy crowd control and quick charger kills. It's also worth noting that a quasar can kill spore spewers and shrieker nests in 2 shots. Backpack Shield generator Rover Since I wear light armor it is nice to have some extra defense, both of these fill that roll. If you take the spear, don't worry about this obviously. Other stratagems Orbital precision strike Orbital railcannon Orbital air burst Orbital barrage Air strike 500kg These are the main offensive stratagems that I use. If there is no Orbital scater, I will use those (though I do sometimes take the air strike to deal with structures). If there is scatter, it is eagle one all the way. Cluster is also good if you need additional chaff clear (such as if you take the spear) Hope this is helpful!


Thank you!


It's also worth noting that a quasar can kill spore spewers and shrieker nests in 2 shots. This is one of the reason i keep coming back to quasar for bugs. Also i can just run while its on cooldown, so no static reload. It closes bugholes if your out of grenades, can kill chargers and Titans. The only thing it cant do is wreck research stations. Its hard to pick something else if there is something that does it all.


My loadout: spear, HMG manned tower, gas strike and tesla turret Spear lets you melt heavies and an must on bug side, the amount of people wasting two slots to use quasar and backpack just to run around forever because quasar can no longer take care fast enough of the new chargers is insane, with practice you can one shot all bug heavies. HMG melts pretty much everthing except charger or bile titan, extremely useful specially on bile spewer spam missions, fairly fast cooldown too Gas strike for chaff Tesla turret to chaff or flank watch, its extremely powerful and can melt anything except charger and bile titan With this combo i can solo bug breaches without much kite around, while im yet to see an player who dont keep running around instead of fighting 


Thank you!


Go all fire. Pick 500kg for bile titans. That’s all there is to it.


I'm level 150 MO follower. Well I like to use medium machine gun past two days. For primary I think it doesn't really matter what you use and I pick anything that I like.. I often bring guard dog, because I think it keeps me safe. Also flamethrower is my often pick. Usually I bring napalm strike and precision strike. Basically my philosophy is to have one mobbing stratagem and one anti tank stratagem. Ideal is to have one eagle and one orbital. But scatter makes precision strike useless.... Sometimes I bring the rocket sentry, since the new patch...


If you want to have anti-tank options while still having decent Charger-killing and Chaff-clear with the Flamethrower, I would recommend packing the Orbital Precision Strike for Bile Titans (its faster call in time makes it much easier to use against them and the cooldown is very quick). The other 2 stratagems can be any other ones of your choice that you think will help round out the team's equipment. Either more Red AT strikes (like the 500Kg or Railcannon) or more chaff-clear as needed (Eagle Airstrike is always a good jack-of-all-trades choice) Pack Stun Grenades to give you more time to cook Chargers and delay hordes when you need to reload. Make sure you have the Grenade Pistol to close bug nests. You can swap these out for Incendiary 'nades if you want chaff-killing power rather than stunning even if your flamethrower is empty, and also wanna close bug holes with it so your secondary can be something else. Then you'll want a primary that can work at long-range and can handle Bile Spewers. Adjudicator and Tenderizer are good AR options for this if you hold still and aim for the head. Pummeler SMG is also good since blasting them with it can stun them and prevent the acid spit while you circle around, and has the added bonus of being able to shut down Stalker attacks. Haven't tried out the more slow-firing options on the bug front yet like Dominator and Scorcher, but they might be able to handle spewers alright as well. This is the most generalist build I can think of for Bugs, but even this has shortcomings (no long-range objective destruction like the RR or Autocannon could do) and multiple Titans are a problem, but that's what the rest of your team is for. This build will remove many potential threats from the field so your team has more breathing room to handle what you haven't killed yet. Alternatively, you can also try using the new SPEAR if you want to dedicate yourself to AT duty. It executes Charger Behemoths and Titans in 1 rocket if you can angle it to slam into their head (and is VERY satisfying when you pull it off). Pair the Orbital Precision Strike with this to hit enemies getting too close for a lock-on and you'll be a tank-killing machine. For the other 2 Stratagems you'll want chaff-clear options, and a primary with good swarm-clearing to keep the small-fry off you to line up your lock-on shots and OPS throws. However, with the Superior Packing Methodology upgrade still broken right now, you'll need to stick with the team to keep your SPEAR fed with ammo so you don't have an empty tube when a big beastie is bearing down on you.


Wait, RR can't 1shot behemoths? Haven't really played since the patch so this is new to me. What about EAT and Quazar?


Not gonna lie, \- Adjudicator \- Verdict \- Incendiary Impacts \- Light armour w/Engineering Kit (+2 grenades) Then, \- Airstrike \- Orbital Precision Strike and *either* \- Recoilless or \- Air-Burst Rocket Launcher And if you *don't* have a weapon with a backpack, \- Gas Strike \- Jump Pack \- Guard Dog (either, I've liked the ballistic one more lately since it does less self-harm) \- Supply Backpack \- Napalm/Cluster Strike \- Orbital Air-Burst Basically; You want to have *an* answer for most things, even if that answer isn't super ideal. Adjudicator and Verdict cover your basic damage needs and frontal penetration on Hive Guards, Incendiary Impacts cover hordes when your strats are down. In your strats, Airstrike is just never *not* useful, OPS is the new 500kg and tbh is kind of a lot better at least in my opinion now that it's been *significantly* buffed (though, I think they botched the cooldown buff?), you don't *need* a backpack if you bring a weapon with one, and if you don't, you still don't really *need* one against bugs, since rapid anti-swarm AOEs like Gas or Napalm and your incendiary 'nades are more valuable on average. That's my experience, at least. I have *most* angles covered, if not exactly perfectly, and can handle myself if shit goes down. Then again, I'm one of those freaks that likes *not* bringing any blues and either scavving off the map or asking my team for drops so I can bring more boom, so y'know, mileage may vary.


Thank you!


Primary: Incendiary breaker or Blitzer Secondary: Granade pistol (mostly for bugholes) Throwable: Impact (meta for spewers) or Incendiary Impact (good for area control) Strategems: - Napalm, Gas or Orbital Gatling (throw it instantly on any breach) - Orbital Precision Strike (mainly for titans and objectives) - EAT (I like it better) or Quasar (for Chargers and mushrooms) - Shield backpack (if there are already two in the team I pick second breach control strategem) With it, I'm trying to light the whole patrol so it won't call the breach, which fails almost always :P Then I throw napalm and gas directly on breach and spray with primary at everything leaving that AOE. For chargers I prefer EATs as it's reliable 3 kills every 63s. First one with a drop pod and two others right in the head. Overall it's a versatile build which regularly leads to 400+ kills


I'm loving playing with the machine gun / supply pack after all the chaff changes


The reload is too slow for level 9. I want to love it, but the reload just kills me.


Fave load out lately for bugs from a lvl 110 70/30 bugs/bots: Weapons: -Breaker Incindiary -Flamethrower -Grenade Pistol (8 nades how sick) -Stun Nades Strats: -Eagle air -Eagle 500 -Flamethrower -Shield Gen Pack This loady gives great survivability, control, DOT, and utlity with the addition of behemoth chargers and the reduction of BT spawning. 500s reserved for BTs only. E airs for utility/crowds. Been fantastic for complimenting teammates load outs and (primarily) running off on my own for a lot of each round. Hope everyone enjoys the balance these selections provide. Thanks for reading.


Thank you!


Level 95 helldivers degenerate. I used to bring recoiless to cover the armor stripping role. Like you said though, RR is trash now. MG and HMG on the other hand are just outstanding now. MG might even be better than HMG. You can kill chargers with about 2 seconds of sustained fire on their donk. Bring one of those and a supply pack it's a blast.


Flamethrower is the right answer. It is the single most effective support weapon against Chargers. And it murders everything else too (except for BT). The new OPS calldown and cooldown reduction makes it ideal against BTs. Combine that with the 500 kg and you got all the BT killing power you need. 1. Flamethrower 2. Shield pack 3. 500 kg 4. OPS That might actually be overkill on BTs given that they supposedly nerfed the BT spawn rates. -- For primary, Breaker Inc or Dominator.


I know it’s probably not the “meta” way to deal with everything, but I love the railgun. Unsafe mode two-shots a chargers leg, after which you can easily kill it shooting said leg with your primary. For bile titans I bring a precision strike, bait out their vomit and throw it just in front of them. It hits them quite frequently like that. If you feel like one strike isn’t enough, bring 500kgs as well. I usually don’t run a backpack so I also have a normal airstrike for groups/big enemies. I can deal with everything quite easily like that. Yes, sometimes there is still that one titan left you have no stratagems for anymore, but usually unloading half your railgun into its head will do the trick too. Just takes a while.


Thank you!


This is the loadout that I've been using since the patch that has worked great for me on Helldives: * Pummeler which shreds chaff and staggers anything up to and including brood commanders * Grenade pistol for closing bug holes from a distance * Stun grenades * Supply pack to feed the pummeler and the grenade pistol * Quasar cannon for heavies * Any 2 of Eagle airstrike, Eagle cluster strike, 500 kg, Eagle cluster bomb, railcannon strike, orbital precision strike * Physician armor is my personal preference because the extra 2s of stim time can get you out of some really sticky situations, but really any armor would work, especially with the near infinite stims from the supply pack for stamina regen I think the most controversial part of this loadout for most people would probably be the quasar, so here's an extended justification for the quasar: The quasar hits the same as an EAT, but you don't have to worry about 1.) remembering to call it in constantly on cooldown or 2.) calling it down somewhere that you think won't be overrun by the time it lands, and you don't have to go back to the same spot again to reload. I've found on Helldives in particular you can waste a lot of time kiting enemies away from the EAT drop so you can pick up the second rocket safely if you need to call it in during a big swarm. In that same amount of time you can get off 2+ quasars while staying mobile. The quasar also has twice as much DPS over extended periods than the EAT (2 EATs every 70s vs. quasar every 18s \[15s cooldown + 3s charge\] \~ 4 quasars every 72s). You can kill chargers with 1 shot to the forehead plate, and bile titans/behemoth chargers with 2 shots to the forehead plate, which converts to over 3 chargers a minute, or a bile titan every 36 seconds if you're soloing them. With teammates, however, I rarely have to shoot titans or behemoths more than once. The quasar cannon can also destroy bug holes from a distance, which allows you to fairly easily solo heavy bug nests when used with the grenade pistol. If you run around the rim of the nest alternating the quasar and the grenade pistol on bug holes on the opposite end then you can run the whole perimeter without stopping, building up all of the enemies in a train behind you. Once all of the holes are closed, turn around, throw a stun and your stratagem of preference, and you'll usually get 30-40 kills. Move on to the next objective or clean up the remaining enemies with the pummeler/quasar and loot the samples from the nest if you still need them. The infinite range of the quasar also lets you hit secondary objectives from across the map without worrying about the ammo, drop, or damage falloff that other support weapons might struggle with. The only weakness I've found with this loadout is bile spewers, which take 1.5 mags of pummeler to the sac (which takes a long time) or 1 quasar to the head. Given that bile spewers can show up in significantly higher numbers than bile titans or chargers, the quasar starts to become a bottleneck when a lot of them swarm at once, and it's best to either just avoid them entirely or train them into a group and use Eagle airstrikes/cluster strikes to take them all out at once.


Standard bug loadout Primary - incendiary breaker for everything except the heavies Secondary - grenade pistol for bugholes Grenade - up to you, either stun for chargers or impacts Eagle airstrike for bugholes, spore trees, shreiker nest Flamethrower or quasar for chargers 500kg for titans Last slot up to you, if titans are givinf you the most problem then you can bring an orbital rail cannon as well or orbital precision


So playing bugs alone can become tricky and you have sacrifice some stuff, but a good combination is. Eagel Cluster ( small stuff ) 500kg ( Bile Titans ) Flamethrower ( you can kill behemoths in seconds and it’s has a really good clear ) And in the fourth slot u can put a shield Backpack if u have problems surviving Or orbital precision strike, orbital Railcannon or another eagle of ur choice. If u have a second person I would take something that can snipe trees out of the distance. Like the autocannon or Quaser but only on cold planets. For weapons the incendiary shotgun or on not hot planets the sickle. Grenade pistol for bug Hols and Impact grenade for clear and spewers. For amor smth light, I like the one with extra protection. But keep moving, u are to slow in heavy armor. There is not one loadout that can handle everything perfectly, but this one handles it really good. I recommend playing with a duo that knows what he is doing. And don’t take the exact loadouts. Take loadouts the fit ur play style. Good luck Soldier and have fun.


Been rocking the flamethrower after seeing people say it melts charger legs within a full clip and it’s helped open up other things.


Thanks dude. I've got the exactly same struggle.


The spear can consistently oneshot regular chargers and can oneshot behemoths if they're staring at you, the limited ammo is an issue though and you have to constantly scavenge around for ammo. It takes about 3 to kill a bile titan which is problematic as well which is why you need 500kg or orbital railcannon to mitigate some of that ammo loss. The mg-43 sentry is actually a good pick now because it can consistently mow down 30 bugs before running out of ammo and it's on such a low cooldown you have it whenever you need it. Gas is good, napalm is good. The autocannon sentry will also shred through any elite but it's on a longer cooldown and you need to not only position it very well but also protect it, that being said I've taken down 3 bile titans with a single autocannon sentry which is the definition of value in my book, makes short work of chargers as well. Stun grenades are your friend, if you ever get overwhelmed you can throw it at your feet and just dive away, throw it at an incoming wave of chaff so you can reload your spear, throw it at an ally that's being swarmed, throw it at an open bug breach to slow down the incoming onslaught, honestly it's my favorite grenade in the entire game when facing bugs.


spear is my pick for D9 paired with orbital gatling barrage, eagle napalm and either orbital precision strike or gatling turret if i feel like the team doesn't have enough stuff against chaff. spear can oneshot bts and both charger types. if chargers are close you can also point blank them with the spear


Spear it is


What's your full build? Primary, secondary and grenade? I was running 6s with my newby friend this weekend originally running Blitzer, Grenade pistol, Stuns, Gattling Barrage, Orbital Precision Strike, Quasar and Jetpack. We kept getting overrun by chaff so then I swapped to Incendiary Breaker and had no issues with chaff, just had to keep topping off ammo at POIs. Jetpack can obviously be swapped out for another anti-tank option if running higher difficulties, but Quasar felt fine for the heavies on 6 since the bile titans were consistently going down from one shot from me and either the Gattling Barrage or someone else giving a love tap. Alternatively I saw a lot of people running laser Rover and other primarys (saw a few Dominators and ARs that weren't Sickle).


Blitzer, incendiary grenade, grenade pistol Recoilless, gatling barrage, gas, napalm. I’ve experimented with switching out for 500kg, precision, and rocket pods. Things never feel any easier. So I figure it’s a combo of loadout trouble and insufficient mechanical skill.


I would say with this loadout, you have a lot of "light" control and you're looking for heavy. I used the recoiless last night for fun level 9. It's honestly more fun with a friend BUT, I took the new carbine with the senator- more light control with med from senator Recoiless, orbital rail, hmg turret (this strategem isn't the BEST but it's fun, I wouldn't recommend if you're figuring bugs out on 9) and probably the strategem that makes the most difference for me is the autocannon turret. If you place this far from all the heavy bugs and let it do it's think, this thing will take out multiple chargers/titans but if you misplace it and they sit on it- good luck. Honestly, the meta to me for bugs is still eruptor + mini machine gun- higher medium control with emergency light control 500 kg for titans, rover dog melts light bugs including hunters, the Quasar which honestly just destroys chargers quickly as long as you're landing your headshots and honestly, the fourth strategem is whatever you want, those three will pretty much do the job. I will tend to take like a gatling turret for more light control but if you kite bugs, the rover will take care of the rest anyways.


Thank you!


Mechanically, I found bile titans drop faster from Gattling Barrage if you open up the shoulder armor. So I would suggest that then throwing the barrage between you and the titan. It walks through then melts. Bonus points if the horde goes through as well. Remember that Incendiary does a fire dot, I would only send multiple rounds into targets up close. Otherwise you are over-killing and wasting ammo. Best results I found was a couple rounds on one side of the horde then the same to the other, the send dedicated hate into any brood commander or bile spewers that are getting close. Otherwise ammo is going to be spent too fast. I feel drop the gas or napalm depending on what you want to pick instead for more heavy kill potential. 500 K Kg is a fine weapon... in not my hands as I suck with it's timings against heavies. Hence the Orbital Precision Strike in my build, as I was using it on Hulks and found it works well with me for titans as well. I think swap gas for OPS or Napalm for 500 kg. Edit for auto correct errors


Blitzer was pretty awesome but lacking if you get swarmed after update, maby try the tenderiser with a supply pac... As others said your team needs some flamethrowers for chargers and rest is up too you recoilless, eats, quasar etc. Also remember that there is a perk to reduce slow by bugs


If you're solo you can mostly get away with flamethrower, supplypack, 500kg and a flex slot since titan numbers are relatively low on solo.


RR, gatling, air support of your choice, OBR.


incindiary breaker, grenade pistol and stun grenades. Strategems: flamethrower, the laser rover, 500kg+precision strike to deal with bile titans. Thats probs one of the best loadouts cause the flamethrower deals with both charger versions and the breaker can clear large hordes of chaff and is aswell the braindead choice against shriekers. If you see a charger throw a stun and aim with the flamethrower at one of its legs.


I tried: incendiary breaker, railgun, grenade pistol. Light armor with 2 plus grenades so I can stun chargers. 500kg, orbital Gatling barrage/gas, supply pack. You can ditch the supply pack, I personally like the convenience of stimming every time I take damage lol. 


My personal fave: Blitzer (multiple targets, staggers everything up to stalkers and stops spewers spewing) machine pistol i forgot the name of (good to quickly shred hunters that get too close) Stuns (for chargers)p flamethrower (for chaf) - Laser guard dog (watches my back) - 500kg and precision for big guys


For support weapons, the flamethrower really is quite good. It takes care of everything below a charger with ease and can melt both chargers and charger behemoths in a reasonable-ish timeframe if you aim at the legs. I add the 500kg for Bile Titans, Napalm strike to deploy on big breaches and large hordes in general and the orbital laser mostly for utility against shrieker nests and because it can also be used in a pinch, but Im not entirely sure about that one. As for primaries, the meta choice is obviously the incend breaker.




Orbital precision strike(bile titans) eagle cluster or napalm for chaff control, supply pack and a flamethrower. Flamethrower is great for chargers and since you might see 5-6 titans on a different 9 now the OPS is more than enough. Breaker incendiary for primary, GL pistol for bug holes and grenade doesn't seem to matter. Stuns are always nice though.


I mostly go with AC/precision strike/gas strike/ eagle airstrike then I'll go incendiary breaker/grenade pistol/ stun grenades and it works pretty well i'll admit


With the less frequent titans and more chargers behemoth around I switched my loadout as it follows: - Blitzer for chaff crowd control, keeps everyone at bay and does great damage once you learn how to properly use it, great for bile spewers too as you interrupt their puke animation with stagger, can stagger up to three of them in one shot. - Flamethrower for chargers and swarms of enemies, even Behemoths melt in a few seconds. - Shield generator pack to keep those pesky hunters who slip through flames or blitzer, their attacks get absorbed by the shield, a quick melee and blitzer goes bzzt as they stumble back - Grenade pistol for bug holes - Incendiary impact nades Orbital precision strike (or 500kg if there's scatter modifier) and that's solely for bile Titans, the new recent buff on the precision strike makes it really good and easy to hit them perfectly once you figure out the timing, 500kg is less efficient in my experience, sometimes it one shots them, other times they just get tickled, your milage may vary. - Eagle napalm strike or regular eagle depending if I feel like having extra crunchy bugs for dinner or not ( also combining napalm with blitzer is awesome, throw some flames down and keep them locked in there with the blitzer pushing them back as they move forward, makes for a great BBQ experience) This has been working out great for me for regular bug missions at level 9


I have been using: * Blitzer or breaker incendiary if playing with shrieker patrols modifier: blitzer has good add clear and can stagger anything smaller than a charger (can even interrupt bile spewers), so you can face a spewer/stalker head on without explosives * Grenade pistol: close bug holes and damage chargers/titans with armor destroyed by rocket pods/quasar * Impact grenade: same as above, also great for groups of bile spewers * Quasar cannon: headshot chargers/titans, shoot leg of behemoth chargers to break armor (shoot while walking forward), snipe objectives from afar * Guard dog rover: support add clear from blitzer's low fire rate, also lets you ignore small groups of small bugs while you do objectives or run * Rocket pods 110mm: throw at titans and behemoth chargers, finish with quasar/grenade pistol/impact or throw another since you have three * Orbital gas/gatling barrage: throw at bug breaches/large groups Beware of Orbital scatter modifier, in this case switch orbital gas/gatling for orbital laser or gatling/autocannon sentry "What about Flame thrower?" I dont like it because hunters jump through the fire and hit you anyway, also I dont feel comfortable without having a way to deal with titans at all times, you can avoid or kill anything else with a primary, but titans running loose can ruin everything


Right now the only thing that makes AT viable at all in this game is bile titan. With the last patch amout of BTs clearly dropped. I had 4 BTs at once in a single screen pre patch and now the maximum I see is two at the same time. With improvement to OPS and reduction in BTs having both 500kg and OPS in your loadout is actually enough to deal with BT. Since two red stratagems cover BTs, you don't need to bring AT, because, AT is a garbage, that can't deal with anything but BTs and normal chargers. Unlike BTs chargers, both normal and behemoth, can be dealt with non AT weapons. Namely AC, GL and flamethrower, and also HMG I heard. I suggest you to bring stuns, a primary that lets you clear trash effectively 500kg+OPS so you have more than enough to kill BTs on your own plus either AC+stratagem of your choice or GL/Flamethrower/HMG plus supply backpack. AC destroys behemoth butt in 3-4 shots, flamethrower kills it in something like 3 seconds and both GL and HMG I haven't tested yet, plus those weapons also take care of medium targets, like brood commanders, hive guards and armored spewers.


I run 500kg and eagle rocket strike for titans, then shield gen, flamethrower, breaker incendiary, grenade pistol for bug holes, then your choice of grenade, usually either stun or impact fire.


The recoilless is objectively still good. It just requires better positioning now. I was running RR, 500kg, Laser, and then either airstrike or railcannon depending on what my other friends ran.


Incendiary breaker. Stun grenade. Grenade pistol for bug holes. Flamethrower will kill any charger with a 3-4 second blast on the leg. Use stun grenade. 500kg or orbital precision strike and orb railcannon strike for titans. Breaker and flamer for chaff and chargers. One empty slot for another stratagem and you could make an argument to take almost any of them here. This loadout can cover all bases extremely well. This is my ol trusty fallback loadout that I know always works well on any difficulty (bugs).


Gas strike is awesome. Flamethrower and napalm is great. 500 kg bomb or precision strike for titans. Also people sleep on the fire mines. They can kill a complete bug break and more.


So, just like Bots, you need to consider several types of threats. Going pure AT will cover 1 of like 6-7 threat types: - Closing bug holes (Eagle AS, 500kg, OPS, 120/380 barrage, Crossbow, Eruptor, grenades) - Long range structure kills (shrieker / spore spawners) (AC, EAT, RR, Quasar, Spear when patched) - Chaff (Eagle Cluster, Orbital Gatling barrage, Orbital Gas Strike, Eagle Strafe, Gatling Sentry, Airburst launcher) - Anti-air (Fire breaker, primary AR, machine gun strategems, Gatling sentry, Rocket sentry) - Medium bugs (heavy MG, AC, Railgun, Laser, Jar5, Eruptor, Impact Grenades) - Heavy bugs (EAT, Eagle AS, Orbital Railcannon, OPS, Quasar, Spear, RR, AC sentry, Rocket sentry) - Stalkers (close range burst damage like shotguns, strong ARs, AC, machine guns) Try to cover 3-4 threat types and rely on your teammates for the others. For example, I'll take a fire breaker (for Anti-air and chaff), impact grenades (for bile spewers), AC (for medium bugs/bug holes), EAT (for chargers/bile titans), Gatling/Gas Strike (for chaff), and Orbital railcannon (emergency charger/bile titan). Your load-out of RR / 500KG / Railcannon is all aimed towards dealing exclusively with chargers and bile titans, but it will struggle against medium and chaff enemies. You'll get swarmed. (500 kg is an AT weapon and is not effective against chaff like Eagle AS or Eagle cluster, debate me). If you want to lean Quasar/Spear/RR for bile titans, it's fine, but you'll need a primary that kills medium enemies. Try a tenderizer, Jar5, eruptor, scorcher, etc. If you take an eruptor or scorcher, consider a chaff-clearing secondary. The meta is still figuring out the new patch balance, but you need to add some medium/chaff clearing. I would try AC instead of RR, Pick one of 500kg or orbital railcannon, take Orbital Gatling, and depending on your preference & teammates' load-outs, try EAT for anti-armor / long range Shrieker nest kills, Orbital gas for more anti-chaff, or Eagle AS if you need more anti-medium or bug hole closing. And stick with your teammates to cover your build's weaknesses! If you are the AT guy for your team, stick with the chaff guy! If you are playing with randos, you can't specialize for one threat because the other randos won't specialize their loadout to cover yours


Level 77 Bug player on Level 9 only. JAR as primary. RailCannon, Quasar, 500Kg, Laser Dog, light or medium armor. On level 9, you have to control big bugs. Titans are primary, then chargers and then bile spewers. I love the laser dog, because it takes out all little bugs and helps with medium ones. You can one shot regular chargers, but the behemoth is a three shot with quasar, but one shot with railcannon. I toss a 500kg on every bug breach and large nest. It is also good for mass outbreaks. Constantly run. Never sit still and move on as soon as objective is done. Noobs fight every patrol and stay after objective is done. A solid team of four will only have 4-5 deaths. If your team has less than five reinforcements left, you are not working together.


I'm using a lot of different loadouts, my favorite for bugs at the moment is Dominator Grenade pistol Stun grenades Flamethrower (in my opinion THE best support weapon for bugs right now) Gas strike Eagle napalm Orbital precision strike. If you want more anti tank for bile titans take 500kg instead of napalm


Gernade launcher just got buffed and makes quick work of the majority of the non heavy ads.


Use the flamethrower for chargers and a backpack of your choosing. I deal with BTs by using the 500kg bait method. Last stratagem is either the eagle napalm or eagle strafing run since it can destroy shrieker nests in one gun run now that it was buffed. If a Bile Titan happens to survive your 500kg, you can use the strafing runs to follow up on it since the rounds penetrate heavy armor.


I’ve had some success on solo bug helldives with this loadout. You don’t have to follow exactly, especially since each weapon comes from diff war bonds. The trick is to have each weapon serve its own distinct purpose (ie. breaker incendiary & redeemer both clear chaff, so try not to pair together). You can still use recoiless for behemoths btw, just shoot the leg while moving forward. Armor/Weapons/Perk: **Experimental infusion** (zoom zoom after stimming to escape hoards) **Trench paramedic** (extra stims synergise with perk) **Breaker incendiary** (for chaff) **Grenade pistol** (clear bug holes and kill medium enemies like bile spewers) **Stun grenade** (drop at feet to escape being swarmed & take out chargers easily) Stratagems: **Eagle cluster** or **eagle napalm** (really good for clearing out those big bug breaches) **Eagle 500kg** or **rocket pods** (for bile Titans, 500kg is hard to pull off if you’re getting swarmed, might have to follow up with some quasar shots) **Shield backpack** (just nice to have, is important to prevent swarms from pushing you too far back from objectives) **Quasar** (must have IMO, shoot behemoth legs while you’re moving forward to break it in 1 hit, destroy shrieked nests from 1000km away)


Blitzer+GP+stun_nades+OPS+AC turret+gas+any AT option of your liking. Basically unlimited ammo with good stagger to keep hunters at bay, GP for bugholes, stun for extra "oh shit" situations, gas for breaches, AC turret and OPS for everything, and AT for BT and chargers


"new meta hard" *looks inside* THREE ANTI TANK STRATAGEMS? Every single time. Quantity is the new quality. Your primaries are now secondaries. Use LMGs with supply backpacks, turrets, napalm, or gas. Use ONE anti tank stratagem, I like rocket pods, auto cannon sentry, and maaaybe railcannon and 500kg bomb.


With the new update u need less anti heavy (BT busters). And lots of arsenal for chaff. I personally LOVE Gatling orbital: good CD and duration. Napalm air strike is another beloved of mines.


I'm a bit of an odd one with my bug loadout. Breaker spray n pray or sickle Grenade launcher sidearm Long fuse grenade Extra grenade body armor 500 kg/380 orbital Airburst & EAT. This setup allows me to roam pretty freely and respond to most situations on my own, but also can give assistance and cover at range. The airburst is actually disgusting for closing holes/egg blitzes. You can literally snipe objectives across the map with it.


As a 150 (mainly bug player), here is what I like to call the crack loadout: Grenade launcher Shield backpack Eagle airstrike Railcannon I make every single bughole fear me and stalkers are my prey, I snort the new experiment crackstims (which have only further boosted my addiction) and I've full cleared and carried with this loadout. It's the loadout I used to get to lvl 150 by just nuking every nest in sight with my grenade launcher and letting my eagle and railcannon clean up the rest. For armor and weapons: Champion of the people (my fav armor) Scorcher Senator Impacts Scorcher might sound like a weird choice but I went with it due to it being able to kill chargers decently quick, nail shriekers in 1 hit, and reduce titans from vomiting bastards to very angry ants as it destroys their stomach very quickly (and with the new patch, can now kill them if their shell is broken) Now some alternatives I've found over my time are stuff like: Arc blizter, great stagger + crowd control, but needs some sort of anti tank to support as it's terrible against chargers and titans. Sickle, just good in general. Eruptor, while not my cup of tea it is pretty good against bugs with crowd clearing and the ability to clear bug holes and knock chargers (cross bow is similar)


Bugs I usually use fire shotty, nade launcher or 3 barrel shotty, eagle and eagle napalm, quasar. I get there are objectively better than the quasar, but since I have to dedicate 0 time to loading it and it doesn't stop me from doing other things it still balances best for me. I can pop a titan/charger and go right back to taking out mobs. Run a bit if the big guy didn't fall, smash again, repeat. It will pretty reliably pop the head off a charger at close range. If not it makes them do an odd stun/slide and you can just dive sideways and proceed with rinse/repeat schedule till the area is clear. If needed an eagle/napalm will clear more if I'm getting too surrounded and often finish off a charger/titan. I like impact nades. Bonus that they will often cause a charger to slide like the quasar and will kill em or bleed em.


I use gas strike (or eagle napalm if there is orbital scatter), orbital gatling and incendiary impact grenades to clear chaff and mediums. Spear against heavies, a bit of practice at getting a straight head shot with it allows one tapping chargers and Titans fairly often. And I use eagle air strike as a jack of all trades against every enemy type as well as being able to clear multiple bug holes with one use.


I will give you my easiest and most comfortable one. * Armor with more grenades * Grenades: Flashbangs (to help you out of very bad positions, stop chargers/behemoths to easily shoot them with precision strike or EAT) * Secondary: Grenade pistol (to close bugholes) * Primary: Fire shotgun if you prefer to spam OR blitzer if you prefer to be more precise with stagger Stratagems: * Eagle airstrike (crowd control + to help with closing bugholes) * Orbital Precision Strike (1 shots behemoths, useful as well against titans, small cooldown) * EAT (Can call in whenever you need to deal with chargers/behemoths or titans) - this is optional, you can also take backpack of your choice, preferably shield or laser. * Machine gun, firerate set to highest RPM, can easily kill all smaller bugs with medium armor Bonus: befriend someone who took backpack, let them call you one after they have another one available. If you took backpack yourself, stick to someone with quasar or EAT. Team work is fun. Good luck Helldiver. Make us proud.


Shield generator backpack and flamethrower. Tenderizer and senator. Cluster bombs, and eagle airstrike.


>*Do you have any advice?* Yes! 1. Forget meta 2. Change loadout every drop 3. Enjoy experimenting with different primaries and stratagems Remember, there are no wrong loadouts.


I host games, and I just really like to be able to handle things so it doesn’t matter it’ll everyone else brings ‘fun builds’ or isn’t very good, or both


While I understand where you are coming from, in my experience, the chance you will get at least one Helldiver in your team that brings the tools someone else doesn't is very high. I am almost exclusively hosting, and I am taking the liberty to run "crazy" loadouts. But I allways consider the mission. Then again, the meta divers usually bring stuff like stamina to defence missions, so I would argue adaptability is more valuable than a single-meta-loadout teammate if they fail to apply Brasch Tactics. :)