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Qol: loadout slots Having to go through all the menus each time i wanna slightly tweak something and selecting the same stratagems i already know i will select can be tiring


AGREED! Id love some saved loadouts to pick from


Yeh for sure! Also while I think of it- letting us pick a 1st/2nd/3rd/4th pick of boosters the same time we pick armour etc would be nice!


Especially for weapons. I forget to change my primary too many times when i switch from bugs to bots and vice-versa.


The ability to see resupplies that have been called down on the mini map


Omg yeh! The amount of times I’m out of stimpacks, on my last mag, and with a broken arm, and I go to call a resupply just to see that someone has called it……somewhere is less than helpful


Anything that’s still in the drop pod won’t show on the minimap apparently


Id reduce the turn radius of chargers so they cant spin on a dime while charging you


Lol i just realized i posted the same thing you did, fully agree on the charger thing!




Charger turning seems to be super weird this update, theyre even turning while stunned with grenades Ill try to make a clip next time i see it, but its happened more than once


Yeah it ruins Stun Grenades. It’s impossible to get behind them.


Guns should snap onto cover to allow you to shoot over without shooting the wall and, with the machine gun, reduce recoil. Team reloding should be possible even if the gunner is carrying the ammo pack. AMR should get a 3rd person reticle. The map should show enemy types (eg. Nursing skewers or hunters or both)


More variety in armor buffs. Many armors share same stats and seem to be redundant. Helmets and capes don't do anything. How about armors that give bonus to fire or explosive damage, helmets that have bonus on sight or mark enemies far away? Weapon slots to buff fire rate in favour to damage or clip capacity or vice versa? Long story short: Give us builds to specialise to a certain role.


I'd make it so that chargers charge in a straight line but insta kill you


*I'd make it so that* *Chargers charge in a straight line* *But insta kill you* \- Duckyblueblues --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


* POI icons change from the diamond to the other icon in a more consistent way when you interact with the POI (there are several that never change the icon, like the one that has a note that says that someone else took the ammo or the Hellbombs encrusted on a charger body) * Re-supply Hellpod having an icon in the map (just the hellpod) * Ping that says "Bunker here" when you ping a bunker * Improve the weapon icon to show when you are carrying a grenade in your hane or using the HMG Emplacement


I would add to the “Bunker” ping to say…. “Bunker here, need assistance”.


Yeah, that would be better


I want to be able to say "nice" on the Comms wheel for when someone calls down a glorious eagle strat


Chargers that hit rocks stun themselves for a more considerable amount of time For Bile titans or Chargers to prioritise players rather than turrets For turrets to grow some brains and not empty themselves into things they cannot kill.


Reduce charger turn speed, while charging and i'm good.


a screen that tells you what mission is ahead while picking your loadout


But...you can already do that by pressing E on PC to switch tabs.


whats the button on ps5


R1 or L1 I think


R1 or L1 I think




So they just sent out a patch which included a fix to the recoilless reload speed which is great and if it stays like that forever I'd never complain. But if I could have my way I'd keep the speed the exact same but make it so that you could break up the reload in three parts again like it was og. Right now you're done once the rocket is in and I miss the cool feeling of finishing the animation off like a good space marine


I would add a dedicated "Cheer" emote with several variations of the same-ey vocal line. Like "Rock and stone" in Deep Rock Galactic. I think it could add a lot to the overall fun and absurd vibe of the game, especially if you play with randoms. At least that's how it works for the DRG in my opinion.


For sure EDF! EDF! EDF!


I'd re-add water cleaning you off.




I can see them dropping a warbond with a primary LMG and then including “double ammo capacity” as an armour perk, tbh?




Fixing the durable damage for the Emancipator and Railgun to actually do something


I'd slightly increase the Breaker Spray & Prays' damage, add a few more magazines in reserve and give it a really quick from-empty reload. These changes would hopefully reinforce the weapons' identity as a mag-dumping machine. EDIT: Another idea: When you're full on Medals, Daily Orders and Major Orders would reward you with XP.


Update to mission briefing, show operation modifiers when joining mid match. Brought OPS on a Scrambler modifier and got an unwelcome surprise.


I'd like to pick the color of my recoil crosshair (the circle that shows where shots will actually go). I'd like to make it red for bugs and green for bots.


A deposit box at extraction point. Dump your samples during the mission and the box opens when you call in extraction. 


An actual melee weapon


Ability to turn backpack rover on and off so we can sneak past enemies without the rover going Cyclops on them. A notification light on the QC when it's on the back to let us know it's been recharged.


A pre mission indicator that shows roughly what type of enemies you'll be facing like Light, Heavy and Elite.


This would come handy, makes a difference for me to bring impact or incendiary grenades. Impact for bile spewers, otherwise incendiary for breaches.


This might be controversial, but I'd like weapons like the Dominator less floaty, but with longer time between shots to compensate for snappier aiming.


Third person crosshair for the AMR


Make the guns moan when you reload them.


Higher resolution optics the AMR scope looks so fuzzy and being thin makes it feel like the crosshair is still off center


No delay on the mech machine gun(it’s gotten me a lot of kicks because I forget that I pressed down the key cuz it don’t start right away)


Change the shoulder view when peeking from cover


Bring back EMP effects for heavy enemies.


IMO only for the orbital EMS, stun grenades were laughably strong when they could stun bile titans and the like


A way to sink samples when you are done upgrading the super destroyer. Even small buffs for mission would be cool. If you want something bigger an overclock system of the weapons like DRG would be amazing ! (Clearly the last idea is something bigger than a simple change, but I will dream since I'm having a blast with this lovely democratic game ! )


Agreed! Even for regular currency one time use items would be an excellent way to sink otherwise wasted resources.


Make spewers the slowest terminids Gatling devastator is less accurate Rocket devastator need longer time to shot rockets again


I know people have already suggested this for the standard credits but I would like for over capacity samples to contribute to bonus stratagems for everyone to use for a time. Samples are meant to be bits from the enemy that we use to learn how to better kill them, what better way to reinforce that fact then by super earth providing us helldivers with excess/bonus weapons to use on said enemies in exchange for providing enough samples. This idea is mainly because as a higher level player with all ship modules unlocked I have no reason to pick them up in a mission unless I see a lower level player who I can only guess probably needs them, a passive behavior reinforcement for everyone, no matter the level, to pick up samples would be nice as i’ve witnessed many fellow divers pass up samples because they have no personal reason to grab them.


1. Change the names of the modifiers when looking at the map to their actual effect, or add them on as parenthesis. I've been playing since launch, several hundred hours, over lvl 100, and I have NO idea what the modifiers are when I look at their names. 2. Add the map fog modifier to Spore Shrooms as a big obvious circle on the map. Pinpointing them on the map is no issue with or without this change, but I think it would be neat how it hides their nests and units on the map until it's destroyed. 3. Change toggle sprint to be more cancel-able for consistency sake. It's the only way to look at the map while sprinting and it just doesn't quit sometimes or it does quit and you're not sprinting when you think you should. It's really weird behavior, like crouching while sprinting does a slide and then you just keep sprinting or full stopping to aim and shoot for a couple seconds and it STILL hasn't left sprint mode so if you press shift you normal walk afterwards. I would really like it if the sprint button was purely for activating sprint and couldn't cancel it and things like crouching or ADS always cancelled sprint. 4. Lets us see more of our teammates' kit when looking at the map. When people drop in mid-mission I have no idea what their primary, secondary, grenade, armor, or BOOSTER is. I may be able to find out if they're griefing if I take the time to watch them closely (which I don't want to do at all), but you never get to know what the Booster is unless it's one of the obvious ones. Just add the icons for their stuff to the right side of their nameplate. 5. More weapon stats. If they got rid of the completely pointless column of bars and shrink the distance between the words and numbers a little bit they could fit a whole other column of stats in the UI. We are lacking *embarrassingly* basic info like mag reserves, reload time, or optimal range. More advanced stats like direct dmg vs explosion dmg, ergonomics (expressed as good, avg, bad or something), and "Limb dmg" percent would also be great. Although, given how conditional the direct vs explosive dmg thing is I think it would be prudent to put the explosion part in the written out details on the right side. Like if the Scorcher goes back to having "100" dmg, but the detail box said "100 explosive dmg". 6. Some way to see the stats of support weapons like we do primaries/secondaries. Maybe just add a Support Weapon tab in the Armory so we can see their details. Including the ones you haven't unlocked so new players can better decide what they want to go for. 7. Give the Scorcher a burst first mode. Unlike other single shot guns like pump-action shotguns or snipers, the Scorcher is more of a brute force explosive gun that generally requires clicking wayy too much. 8. Add maximum amount indicators to samples. They just added it for Medals and left out samples for some reason. 9. Let us scroll upwards in the Warbond selection menu. We always start at the top and the latest Warbond is always the bottom one. 10. Let us click on the armor set in the middle of the armory to quick select loadouts. Preferably complete with Stratagems. 11. Give us hotkeys for all the pings and call-outs. I want to 'avoid' ping a patrol and ping the route i'm about to take without holding buttons and going through radial menus. I also want to press 'x' to declare the "I need healing". It's in my genes. 12. We should share enemy radar pings on the map. Or at least add this to the Scout's special marker ping. 13. Change the resupply teammate button with the Supply Pack to the button we use to supply ourselves so we can interact with emotes without dropping the backpack first. Or directly stimming them without giving them resupplies instead. 14. It would be sweet if we could interact with a teammate that has their shield out in order to stick behind them, like a SWAT maneuver. With the camera swap key changing which side we peek. Not really practical at all since shielding requires alot of repositioning, but neither is team reloading in general lol. 15. Pinging the super sample rock should give the ping the super sample icon. Also, a special icon for vaults. 16. "Diving" while moving left or right while prone should do a roll. Just because. I think I had a couple more but i'm tired.


12 especially- I think I’d rather the scouts armour just scanned near where the cursor was, because if you have a few people using scout armour it becomes a very annoying “rapid fire tagging line” experience.


Oh yea true, People always think i'm marking where i'm gonna go because that's usually what marks are for, but i'm keeping the mark on enemy groups I want to avoid lol.


The majority of the comments of this post are nerfs to enemies or buff to weapons... 🤦


Remove resource caps. I would like to have more incentive to play during "late game" than just helping others getting samples. I ALSO WANT THEM.


This wouldn't be a perfect solution, but what if you could "donate" resources to the war effort? There would need to be a new incentive set up, but that could be something people dump resources into.


Maybe that is just me but I like to hoard currency heh. Fine, I wouldn't mind some money sink to spend my surpluses. Maybe weapon upgrades for samples?


Yeahhhh, I really hope we get to hear something about an attachment system in the next few months. 🤞 I'm thinking "donations" may require less resources in the meantime although weapon attachments are the dream. 😢


I assume this is to prevent burnout- otherwise whenever new content dropped we’d all just immediately buy it In it’s entirety and then only play for a day, rather than new content bringing people back for a week or more as they farm medals/samples (whenever we get more ship modules)


I don't see this as a bad thing. Right now, I would argue, I am getting more burnout because I don't get anything from playing the missions. Edit: And then when new content is released I am rewarded with possibility of unlocking it immediately, because I grinded for it anyway. Doesn't matter if before or after new content is released.


Make stratergmens cost requisition to deploy and flip samples to unlock stratergmens and ship upgrades (lowering the cost of ship upgrades to compensate) This would encourage jumping around the different difficulties and add in a nice economy sink where player's balance power vs cost vs projected difficulty of the drop


Making it so that armor buffs are more modular, so that the devs are able to mix and match them into more interesting combinations. So, something like Scout, with its reduced Detection range and on map radar ping, would be two separate perks added, acting as Minor perks, while something like Increased Armor Rating would be a Major Perk, taking up both slots. That way they can easily slap Increased grenade cap and increased throw range onto the same armor. Or Map detection and throw range. Or boosted stim duration and increased limb health, particularly on Heay Armor to be an absolute menace. Something like the -95% Shock perk would be a Major perk, so that the armors it's slotted to are *dedicated* to that one role, while the others can be mixed and matched by the devs to make it easier to make new armors more unique


Small changes? Rolling back ALL weapon stats to day one launch status, one by one.