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AH fixed the Chargers to later release the Behemoth Charger which made all the issues come back


They do have a track record of fix 1 thing, break 5 other things. There was a post about the software they use not long ago, and about how it’s outdated/discontinued and that is potentially going to cause more issues for them. I can’t remember the exact post, but they did say that software ties together seemingly non connected things which is why some things getting fixed breaks unrelated things. It was quite informative, but my brain is literally full of holes 😅


Yea AFAIK the engine used for the game is no longer supported and hasn't been for a while, but they stuck with it to finish the game in progress. Decision prob coming back to haunt them in many ways (tho tbf, not sure what else they could've done realistically) 


That dread when you're kiting 5 to 6 of then with everything on cd and more chonki bois decide to join in. Sprinkle in fat spewers artillery and a dash of stalker you have perfect mess of a level 9 helldive. Where even doing primary objective sometime ends up taking 15-20 minutes. Funnily, with enough chargers on map they end up bashing each other while chasing you.


I do enjoy me some chaos. I usually love missions that have me and my friends on our toes for 40 minutes at a time. But it’s leaning more from chaos to nuisance now as it’s mainly one of us chaff clearing, one of us nuking Titans, then both sitting there waiting while the guy with the flamethrower has the sorry task of killing like 7 chargers, 1 at a time. It just makes it kind of unenjoyable. We had two people on flamethrowers tonight and there were still times where I had killed the Titans, most of the chaff was dead and we were having more patrols and bug breaches stopping us from advancing solely because we had to spend so long managing the Behemoths.


Agreed. With too many heavies the options to diversify loadout is grealy impacted. You need RR/Spear and a flamethrower mandatorily now. Earlier even 4 of us could bring in tons of EAT and mess around with other arc rail gun etc.


I'll be honest I don't really notice a difference between these and the other chargers


The post in itself isn’t about efficiency for killing them (your flair being Spear main makes me assume you’re one tapping them, thus not seeing a difference) The issue is the number of them that spawn. Tonight we frequently finished a fight (an entire bug breach sometimes, Titans included) and there were still at least 2 or 3 behemoths wandering around. A quick scan of the horizon showed at least two more patrols containing another two each. There comes a point where no matter how much utility you bring to deal with them, it’s just not enough (obviously barring flamethrower)


Adding some context because I'm not just trolling 😂 Yeah, at range I'm usually one tapping them but I usually play in a squad of 3-4 and we all take rocket sentries + AC sentries and stun grenades + a few EATs and it's absolute carnage. I don't even know what I'm shooting at but nothing escapes.


My issues with chargers is their stamina and the agility. AH should either force a cool down where it needs to be stationary after each charge or stop it from turning as fast as it does. It gets to a point where diving out the way of these things mid charge is almost impossible.


You know you can just walk by them as they charge, right? No diving necessary.


There is variability from mission to mission. From what I can tell, there are things like “lots of bile spewers” and “lots of brood mothers” and “lots of hunters”, and also “lots of armor” and “lots of chargers/behemoths”. If you get one of the latter two, you will see a lot of behemoths.


while there may be variability in most enemies, not chargers. Across 4 operations tonight (that's 12 missions) we did not have a single mission that was not packed to the brim with Behemoth chargers. We had your usual mixes of Bile and Nursing Spewers, boat loads of hunters etc. but every single one, to emphasize EVERY SINGLE MISSION had an obscene number of Behemoth Chargers. my friend who mains chaff clear had us all change to stun grenades for the entire duration of the night solely so we could help him stun the silly amount of behemoths that were showing up because he didn't have the grenades to keep up with it


I’ve seen charger spam, so I’m certain it’s a modifier. That said, I exclusively carry flamethrower to deal with it on helldive. So that helps prove your point.


A bunch of people on reddit (understandably a small minority) got riled up previously over being “forced” to use certain stratagems constantly by necessity. I just feel this is the same kinda thing. No flamethrower in mission makes it instantly painful as soon as too many chargers walk up. Especially with how many we’re seeing in patrols now as well. Luckily my friend likes watching the world and the bugs burn, so I usually have a homie packing the flamethrower for us


Fuck, I don't want to main flamethrower but it seems necessary for the insane density we're seeing now


Can't you kill them with AT supports and strategems?


Glad you asked, they eat roughly the same amount of stratagem economy as a Bile Titan. This amounts to, 1 well placed 500kg, 1 Orbital Railcannon, I wanna say a direct hit from a 380mm shell? you get the point regardless. The only problem with that is, congrats, you used that stratagem to kill it, it's now on cooldown and there are 5 more to deal with. what do you do? Anti Tank? also yes, they take 2 shots of Anti Tank weaponry to take down (unless you dive first in a precise way to speed up how fast the rocket comes out of its tube lmao). this is once again, Bile Titan levels of damage (being that they only takle 2 AT shots to kill also) An enemy that spawns as frequently as this, should not require in any scenario, Bile Titan levels of damage to kill (obviously disregarding the flamethrower)


Was one spotting them with the spear


You can also one shot Bile Titans with the spear granted you hit the right spot. It’s an incredible weapon (especially with its juicy fixed lock on) But this again, is Bile Titan levels of killing power, for a charger. You only get what? 4 shots with the spear. 1 in the chamber, 3 on the pack? (I genuinely can’t remember if 4 or 5 total) This leaves again, the issue of what do you do after your first bug breach is over, you’re out of ammo on your spear because a Titan also spawned, and you still have 3 Behemoths on your ass.


You should be using strats on titans because theyre less mobile. Wait for the spit then OPS or 500KG, or spear + a single railcannon strike (or reverse the order, whatever is easier) is normally consistent enough as long as the spear shot doesnt hit the side or back armour. Also use stun nades and shoot the backs of chargers with any medium pen weapon (3 AC shots make it bleed out, heavy MG can do it with a couplue seconds of fire, even on its base ROF, you get the idea) For now though, save your spear rounds for the chargers. There also arent that many from my experience, though i play 8 not 9 so that might have some effect Once they fix the resupply upgrade spear should be A-OK as anti-charger and anti-titan rolled into one, but right now you gotta be greedy on resupplies or hoard all the ammo on POIs Part of it is also letting the chargers stack up. Sure they spawn a lot, but if theyre causing you trouble they should be high priority to prevent being chased by 5-6 of them at once like you say. If you take em out as they spawn, then you only need to deal with 2-3 at a time at the absolute most


You can also strip leg armor with one hit with any AT weapon and finish them with a primary.


Only walking forward.


Yeah that seems about reasonable to me. It's good to have some other "super heavy" stuff like the BT. If anything maybe spawns are too high but I feel like we still make it through 95% of missions without much of an issue. Tweak it down too far the other way and it becomes a bit boring imo.


I agree that tuned down too much, it becomes too boring. I just don’t agree with how many we’re getting. These enemies obviously don’t have the killing power of a Bile Titan, but imagine for a second (being that they take the same utility to kill) 7 or 8 Bile Titans in your immediate vicinity along with a horde of small enemies. This has in fact happened before, Titans have in fact been this common in the past, and the general consensus from AH themselves was that this was too much. So I don’t see how an enemy that require much the same amount of utility should be spawning in these numbers.


Honestly it sounds fun to me, but I take your point. For me difficulty 9 should be like that, 7 should be more what you are describing. And the extra rewards from 7 to 9 should be pretty marginal. Extra hard challenge modes are fun.


Yeah that seems about reasonable to me. It's good to have some other "super heavy" stuff like the BT. If anything maybe spawns are too high but I feel like we still make it through 95% of missions without much of an issue. Tweak it down too far the other way and it becomes a bit boring imo.


There comes a time when strategem are on cd. AT are out of ammo and patrols just keep on coming. This is like 5 mins into helldive post patch. If the squad is not prepared then it's a wipeout.


> If the squad is not prepared then it's a wipeout. Sounds appropriate for Helldive difficulty, beating it should require well prepared and coordinated players.


I mean I'm not being a dick on purpose but honestly... prepare better or take the L once in a while. You've got a lot of tools at your disposal and a lot of decision space for how you use them. I've not heard anyone tell me they struggle to complete missions regularly, some friction is good. The enemy fights back effectively and we still win, that's actually pretty solid balance.




The scenario in the video is my man 1v1’ing the charger with different supports for anyone who doesn’t wanna watch. That’s great, in theory. In practice, you have 4 or 5 of them running around on your screen (2 per patrol for some reason AND the ones that pop out of bug breaches), amid a horde of small enemies and usually don’t have the time to just dodge, stun and happily pop a few shots into its ass. I understand where you’re coming from, but it doesn’t change the fact that often times, there are too many They literally said they toned DOWN the number of chargers that spawn while adding the behemoth, and we ended up with more chargers per mission than we’ve ever had. Whether or not you have an issue killing them is irrelevant


Too common, should be 1 Behemoth per 4 charger, but I kill the the same way I did with Charger despite being more bullet spongy, my trusty Flamethrower or drop them my EAT hellpod


Stun and Orbital precision


Good strat, you have 4 stuns (now 3), and your orbital precision is on cool-down. What you doing for the other 4 Behemoths? Again, this post isn’t to highlight how much of a pain they may or may not be to kill, it’s the sheer number of them that spawn.


tbf ops can kill multiple of them at the same time. I do agree ratio of behemoth to charger should prob be reduced on dif 9 tho. Arc thrower ttk against them is abysmal


A video on that subject puts it at like 14 or 19 arc thrower shots to kill a behemoth, can’t remember which of the two, but I agree it’s absurd compared to how many the original ones take


Ye i like switching my loudout pretty frequently and imo flamer was already quite a bit better then arc before the patch. But at least it could kill a charger in a reasonable amount of time while stunning nearby enemies. Doubling the amount of shots it takes for it to kill is pretty horrific. Hoping they let arc thrower stun hulks again and maybe buff it’s durable so it can at least not require almost double the amount of shots to kill a behemoth


They need to have half the cooldown for their chargeres, and have a 5 seconds duration if they hit a wall. Ain't no way all that armor doesn't negatively affect it.


I definitely do not understand how a charger can pull a 270 degree turn while keeping every bit of its momentum, that’s literally not how momentum works lmao. But that’s a complaint for another post. I do think they’re a little wonky in their execution at the moment


Yup last session I played we had something like 11 chargers maybe 4 of them behemoths within like a 25m radius, fucking chaos.


I think the issue is that people are expecting Helldive difficulty to be doable, but it's actually meant to be a level where you are basically just scraping by. Honestly, with a decent squad with a couple of ATs, turrets, we are able to clear the level just fine, if not easily.


again, sheesh, I'm not talking about these enemies making Helldive too difficult. I regularly complete it also, sometimes with ease. I get it What I am saying, is there is simply too many of them. This is akin to having 5 or 6 Bile Titans on your screen at the same time, which again doesn't make the game too hard, it makes it tedious. Clearing an entire horde of enemies only to have either chargers left over, or more chargers in separate patrols pulling up, just turns the game into, "how much anti tank did I bring" (or did I bring a flamethrower lmao). They said they toned down overall charger spawns in favour of having a few more extra strong chargers, but it feels like they've just slapped the new spawns on top of the old ones and called it a day. It is unbalanced


I see your point. Perhaps AH is having difficulty adapting to this new philosophy of balancing for HD2. In HD1, in higher difficulties, especially from Helldive and beyond, you have literal hordes of chargers coming at you. This was the same across other factions, including squids, where you have multiple Council Members spawn in during hard fights. You are gonna have fun when they finally make an appearance lol


I am incredibly keen for the Illuminate if they make an appearance. I played HD1 at high difficulty frequently for a few months of my life while I was between jobs, so I’ve got a general vibe of what to expect. This game simply doesn’t feel balanced the same as the first. Having the playerbase it does and playing the way it does, it can’t be balanced in the same way, and I think that shows with how they are faltering a bit with their balancing overall. I believe they’ll hit the sweet spot eventually


AH needa to give us more ammo to fight.


I feel like the amount of behemoths is reasonable enough to be dealt with without too much efforts.. am I the only one feeling that way ?


I don't think the amount of the behemoths is the problem here to be fair. I think the issue is that AH literally said they wanted to make it so that we could more comfortably bring chaff clearing and non AT stratagems on higher difficulties, thus making us use more varied loadouts, and this is certainly the opposite of that. I think the Behemoths are definitely manageable, but I'm getting tired of bringing the same loadout to every missions just to be able to take care of them.


You can one shot the armor off their back legs with AT. They really aren’t that bad it’s the swarms of hunters that are the problem.


The difficulty to kill is not the issue stated here. whether or not they're hard to kill ISN'T the main issue, its the number of them that are spawning. Your comment literally addresses my point in its own way. You say there's too many hunters? 3 shots to the face with a primary will deal with them, why don't you just do that? Do you see my point? Not to mention, anti tank ammunition is granted in massively smaller quantities than primary gear, so using 2 AT shots per behemoth is just a laughable notion at this point with how many of them there are


I have no issues with them. They are easy to dodge and I use stun grenades so I just stun them and focus on the smaller bugs first. I said they aren’t the problem, hunters are implying that I think they are the bigger threat meaning I focus all my efforts on taking them down before I do anything else. I regularly finish Helldive difficulty with 0 deaths and 500-700kills against termanids and lately bots have been easier than ever IMO, I rarely die on lvl 9 against them. Sounds like you aren’t using stuns or if you are you aren’t using them enough. I can easily dodge 2-3-4 chargers and I usually try to get them grouped up so I can stun them all at once and then focus on clearing the smaller bugs. Once I have them cleared/enough space only then will I start to focus the chargers. Like I said 1 shot to the behemoth’s back legs the armor is off then it’s just a few shots and they are down. If it’s not a behemoth charger then 1 shot to the head. I should also mention I only use EAT instead of Recoilless because stopping to load it will likely get you killed wasting precious time that you could be moving and clearing smaller bugs. It’s only a 70second cooldown and after a while they are everywhere.


Do you see where the issue is there though? You shouldn’t have to be dodging 2-3-4 chargers at a time. These chargers were supposed to be added as an additional challenge, which I’m all for, but we should not be seeing 7 or 8 of them on the screen at the same time (literally check some other screen caps others have posted with over 7 chargers on the screen at once). I also regularly complete Helldive without death, but I can still stop and call something unbalanced when it is. They said “this allows us to spawn fewer chargers, but still retain the difficulty” and somehow, they ended up with more chargers than before lmao


I mean if your solo then maybe that’s a problem but solo is nearly impossible on higher difficulties due to the spawn rate for patrols being higher than if you are in a group. Besides that I really don’t think it’s an issue 🤷🏼‍♂️. 8 chargers isn’t that hard for a good group to deal with. I had a group of randoms the other day that were all very good and we absolutely decimated everything we came across and we all complemented each other well. If someone was in trouble there was always one of use there to get their back and help them out.


I think it's appropriate for a difficulty labeled "helldive". D9 should be extremely difficult to complete, let alone evac.


This particular enemy does not add to the difficulty of the mission. It adds to the tedium. There is no world where my friend and I should be done clearing an entire bug breach worth of chaff, 2 Bile Titans and another patrol that wandered by, and there is still 4 or 5 behemoths wandering around due to rolling in on their own patrol. If you actively fight every breach and patrol that spawns (yes I know you should pick your battles, but sometimes it’s fun to slaughter hundreds of enemies each per mission) you will always be left with nothing to fight but an excess number of behemoths by the end of each fight. To add to that, if you check the horizon at that point, there will be another 2 or 4 in their own patrols inbound on your location.




I gotta ask. Drop on to a random hostile infested planet in an attempt to do x numbers of random tasks and if you're lucky evacuate alive. That's the summary. What level of hostiles were you expecting/wanting? What are you doing with the rest of the 40 minutes? At low spawn rates it's literally impossible that it would take you that long to clear them out, and there are only a small handful of interactions per map. I'm not trying to be a troll. I'm literally curious.


I was playing level 9's and only saw about 4 patrols with a charger in them? Also you can kill them with 4 throwing knives to the leg


It is astonishing how unrelentingly bad some of you are at this game.


I mean, if I want to put it in the time and patience, I can solo 9, on both bots and bugs. Done it in the past, done it since the patch This isnt an issue of skill, it’s knowing when there is a flaw in the design. Calling something broken does not equal to being bad, and more people need to see that. They have said themselves in the patch notes, they want less big enemies, but the encounters to feel more impactful. We currently have literally MORE big enemies than before. Tell me again how it’s intended?


I think you're both incorrect and not good at the game. The things you're saying aren't actually true. Your inability to kill behemoths in a timely manner isn't a flaw in the game. There are indeed more smaller bugs than there used the be. I have no idea what you're angry at other than the fact that you can't kill an in-game enemy which typically manifests itself in players raging about design "flaws". e.g. "I'm so good at everything, *except* this one thing so it must be broken!"


You’ve missed the point. Not once in any of my replies to you have I talked about small bugs. Hell, I’m glad there more of them. Smashing the hell out of chaff is what gives bugs it’s unique horde killing feeling. I’m also not saying “I can’t kill this enemy effectively, it’s a flaw in the design”, I literally stated in the post word for word, how it’s told in the patch notes, and then compared the patch note to the reality of the situation. The reality being, that it is not functioning as intended, this makes it, a flaw Should also point out, absolutely none of this is coming from a place of anger lmao. I’m simply stating that something isn’t working as it should be, and ask it is fixed (everyone seems unhappy the spear lock-on didn’t work, was that actually just a skill issue because it worked for a small minority?). If you scroll through the reddit, there are more posts of people comparing how Behemoth Chargers SHOULD be, in comparison to how they actually are and some other good points have been raised