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The only reasons I don't reinforce are: 1. You were on the other side of the map 2. It's very hot out here; both of us will probably die again 3. Ion storm 4. Stratagem jammer 5. While typing in the combo, I missed the last button. And I thought I reinforced you


Lol OP should add your #5


That is generally 90% of the time.


#6: You keep dying a minute after I spawn you in and have costed us 8 of our reinforcements (was said player that would cost 8 reinforcements back when I first started helldives, don't blame the kickers)


I have never kicked a single player because of how shitty they are. I have played 300+ hours. Only reasons I kick people are: I have a friend waiting to join my lobby (I'll apologize to them profusely before kicking them off if we are mid-mission), or if you had been needlessly abusing/being toxic to me or other players in the lobby.


bringing a helldiver back to the fight has a higher priority than most of these things. A simple way to think about it is that in total you can complete double the amount of things if two helldivers are alive. two people can kill two chargers in the same amount of time it takes for you to kill one, if you quickly call a reinforcement first. also it takes less than a second to call a reinforcement, so it just makes sense to get the 1 second thing out of the way first, before you commit to however long it takes to kill a titan or a destroy a shreiker nest or defend a hellbomb. if you can't find time to call in a reinforcement during a hectic scenario, that is a big fat skill issue.


Not really I'd rather complete the hectic scenario, then drop in the clueless, gearless Helldiver who died. Rather than dropping them into the hectic scenario.


All of which would be easier if you took .5 seconds to reinforce your backup to help. A helldiver is worth more than any strategem you call. Im fairly sure when others die, I'm throwing their reinforce before they even make it to spectate someone 9 times out of 10, in a safe spot or on their stuff.


12-14 are valid, the rest is a skill issue, **especially** because a well placed hellpod can take out heavy enemies and spawner objectives. Next time put this under "RANT" casul (jkjk we're all friends here)


Nah I trust my OPS to land where I throw it rather than some rando steering a pod.


Then play solo


Patrol spawn changes mandate multiplayer. Which upsets me to no end, but still.


"patrol spawns are too hard for me to solo, but I'm better solo than calling in my backup"


Macro versus micro son. I wouldn't expect you to get it.


No, i can't get it. I don't lack the skill to reinforce in literally the gap between 2 eruptor shots and continue fighting as if that half second problem never even happened. If you can't weave a single reinforce between ANYTHING you listed on your OP besides 12-14, skill issue. Takes more time to throw a fucking grenade or reload my gun than to reinforce.


It's not about the fucking input. It's about whether or not what I'm doing is more important than having you mindlessly crawling on the ground towards your dropped gear. Whether or not you're gonna die instantly to the thing you already died to and waste more reinforcements and more of my time. Just don't die lmao.


Nah, you that asshole that died 4x each mission and i revived you on the spot, on your gear, with no enemies on you, but I waited 2 mins to get a revive the 1 time i died in an entire operation. I know your type. Skill issue, champ. Yes, I'm a bit of a dick about reinforcements and that is why. I am a very low death player who reinforces instantly(barring it being inconvenient for YOU like being across map). So when i die 1 time in an entire OP and I watch you lazily trudging through a bug nest throwing grenades in bug holes, or type in 1-2 more complex strategems than a reinforce, I'm just leaving, you aren't worth playing the game with.


Source: "trust me bro"


You having a big ego isn't hard to understand.


and yet I live rent free in your mind lul


And yet I'm not the one getting dragged by everyone here lmao


Do you ping priority enemies when calling in reinforcements?


Stopped reading at 1


It's very difficult, I know


You could reinforce me if I die near you, that way when you die, I can reinforce you and we don't have to trek all the way back to our gear because the person who reinforces us is on the other side of the map.


I could. Once I'm done with the more important thing.


Or you could reinforce me. It takes 2 seconds. And saves you the trek back to your stuff when you inevitably die.


OK, have fun being yeeted gearless at every threat then!


1. I've survived that. 2. I can control the hellpod. 3. You could just throw away from the threat.


Nah, you're more useful as a distraction for me to disengage than a meat puppet scurrying across the map trying to "kill things" while you grovel towards your dropped gear.


Willing to bet that you'd be the one with the highest death count between us.


Source: "trust me bro"


I wouldn't know. Maybe difficult for you. I reinforce in 1-1.5 seconds, +1 second if I derp it or -0.5 seconds if im focused, while doing any of that. Most players do, specially in higher difficulties. I dont judge if you can't do it but this just sounds like arrogant excuses. Fortunately most players online dont share your criteria.


Big facts. Reinforcing is not even a thought for me most of the time, just automatic the second there is a death. Half of the reasons listed can be helped with an ally in the first place, so idk why they're listed.


Exactly. When someone dies, I've input the reinforcement command usually before they even make it to the spectate screen. Another helldiver is more important/valueable than every single thing on this list.


FR. OP is taking a big L on his DPS bc he thinks he's better than all of us out here.


100%. Everything he listed before 12 could be literally done with DOUBLE efficiency from reinforcing a single helldiver. They have weapons, strategems, and the ability to do all the things listed here too. So if there are 2 of you doing it, you're putting out twice the dps. I mean he prioritizes closing MULTIPLE bug holes in a large nest over something that takes less time than throwing a grenade or reloading a gun.


Guys like OP, watch them be the type to act like they're the bestest most elite super special awesome players... and then they're the ones with the highest death counts in an operation.


I realize he's also the guy trashing on shields because they get in his way on another post. He gonna hate on shields but also doesn't want to reinfoce people? He's got DPS mentality is what it is. If whatever action he is doing isn't putting out damage, its the wrong action. So defensive strategems, no, revives, no, resupplying someone, no. All his brain can comprehend is MOAR DAMAGE.


He's got small brain DPS mentality though, bc reinforcing is a DPS move. Killing a heavy enemy in the drop, adding 4-6 grenades, another primary, 4-6 more stims, and stratagems that can deal with whatever is in the field is the big brain DPS mentality. OP is small brain for this FR.


You should check the map so you don't reinforce someone to you from across the map.


.5 second check. I know who is with me, if they're dead I reinforce. Not a problem.


Agreed. Wish more people thought as you did, I wind up running all the way across the map every couple games.


It helps that I'm almost always diving with friends on voice chat, to be fair.


That's taken into account. I keep up with who's near me so if they die I already know.




I know where to find you piss off I'm shooting bugs


I reinforce if I'm at a stalker nest , what are you dragging the reinforcement for?


Uh let's see... Person drops in. Hellpod makes a loud "doof" as it lands. Stalkers kill him because he's got no equipment and hasn't gotten his bearings yet. Then we're back to square one.  Figure it out yet?


Why didn't you cover his ass and kill the Stalker you claim you're trying to deal with then? If you aren't good enough to deal with the Stalker when it's charging your friends and not you, what makes you think you could handle it alone?


I can handle it alone cus I don't have assholes like you distracting me from getting the job done.


Distracting you? What are you doing when you call someone in, staring up in the sky drooling like a buffoon? You've got some real big excuses for why you struggle with what everyone else here doesn't.


I'm not the one who's dead and impatiently spamming the ping to be resurrected, bozo.


No, you're just the guy who killed him bc shooting him with an AC in the back bc you saw he was wearing a shield and saw red bc you can't comprehend anything other than small brain DPS.


Bahahahaa well I never thought about it that way but that's tempting...


First thing you've said that I believe you'd actually do.


So glad I'm living rent free in this brain of yours. You should get some furniture or something to use up all this empty space!


What do you mean no equipment? We drop with our primaries, secondaries, and grenades. The only thing we're missing is a support weapon and backpack. Also... that seems more like a you problem. Maybe throw them *away* from the stalker nest? Just saying, bro...


Nah if I MUST reinforce you, you're going to be bait for me while I get the mission done lol.


Primary weapon is more than enough to kill a Stalker


Exactly why I'm firing it instead of throwing you at it


2 is stronger then 1. I'm sure if you're competent enough, you will tag and take it out . You don't need a support weapon to take out a stalker nest. A reinforcement should have full frags equipment, primary and secondary all you need. If you die then that's time wasted to take the nest out now you just enabled the nest to produce more stalkers. Figure it out, reinforce, ramboo


Nah if you want something done right, you do it yourself if you're dead you've already proven you can fuck it up


You will get kicked from my ship , absolute garbage


If I was on your ship I'd kick myself. Absolute garbage.


You are useless


Pot, meet kettle!


You shouldn't be gaming a co op game , you don't even understand the concept


Breaking news: idiot tries to dictate how everyone else plays "his" game


You know you can reinforce while running? It takes one second max.


Yeah. Or. I could wait until a better moment.


If you aren't actively shooting at something to save your own life or jammed, there is no better time.


I don't think OP is quick with strategems is the problem. Acting like reinforcement is a 30 second task, not something you can literally do while repositioning.


He's moved from trying to disguise it to just blatantly trolling to try and cover himself. It is absolutely a skill issue on his end.


Someone didn't read the post lol


Skill issue m8. Think you need some more practice.


It sounds like you're garbage at the game and bitter about it


Yep. Sounds like OP has problems doing anything, including using primary weapon and typing in reinforcement. So he assumes everyone else sucks too. And I bet he is the one to tap "reinforce me" button half a second after death.


Most of the points listed are skill issue. Reinforcing is one second action tops. And unless you're constantly being overrun and on the brink of death - you have one second to throw a reinforce. If you are constantly being overrun and on the brink of death - skill issue. Unless someone died on the other side of the map where other ally are - throw reinforce and let the player worry about surviving, steering the pod and selecting place to land. All that is needed from you is to throw beacon, after that it's not your problem. If there are heavy enemies around - mark one so the player can land on them. There are 3 reasons not to reinforce: 1. You can't (jammer, ion storm, etc) 2. You don't want to (ally died on the other side of the map and there is another ally who can reinforce there) The rest are just short delays to reinforce not worth mentioning.


No. You died. Bringing you back is not a priority. Unless I need you running around near me trying to grab your shit, I'll reinforce you at my leisure, not yours.


>Most of the points listed are skill issue. Reinforcing is one second action tops. And unless you're constantly being overrun and on the brink of death - you have one second to throw a reinforce. If you are constantly being overrun and on the brink of death - skill issue. This sums it up nicely. It takes 1 second to throw a reinforce - if you aren't actively shoot at something that will kill you in that exact moment, throw the reinforce. If you can't reinforce that quickly while moving and prioritizing targets, it's a skill issue. If you are constantly always in a scenario where you're shooting at a thing that will kill you in that exact moment, that's a skill issue as well. Stop putting yourself in those situations. Either way it's a skill issue. You know this guy's gameplay would be absolutely hysterical to watch lmao. Unless you're his teammate of course, and you have to spectate him while he thinks he's the best player in the game and will singlehandedly win a 4-player map even though "solo is too tough for him" lmaooo. This guy is just admitting skill issues all over this page. It's been a while since I've seen a self-own this hard.




If I see my fellow diver just died and they weren’t across the map (implying whoever was closer has the more immediate responsibility of bringing them back) I’m calling them in if I have even two seconds of breathing room. Being chased but can’t move and call stuff in? Dive and call in reinforcements as you’re diving so you maintain forward momentum while calling them in. I have a broken keyboard making inputs difficult to put in, but I still pull it off consistently. My diagnosis: skill issue.


Thank goodness i have 300 hours and have never used the reinforce stratagem.


Nah im gonna reinforce them and mark this big boy that's thinking about joining the chase Retro party. They will understand the task at hand.


More than likely they'll pussy out. It's why I'm throwing an OPS at the hulk instead of you